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Microbacterium thermosphactum was grown at 5°C and 9°C in glucose-limited continuous cultures. The end products of glucose metabolism were L-lactate and ethanol, and these compounds accounted for 86–92% of the glucose utilized. With input glucose concentrations less than 3 mM Y glu Max was found to be 40–43, Y ATP Max 20–21 and m s 0.1–0.2. These values are almost identical to those found previously for cultures at 25°C and show that this psychrotroph grows with a very high energetic efficiency over a wide range of temperatures. With a higher (but still limiting) input glucose concentration of 5.6 mM at 9°C, cellular efficiency declined as there was a marked reduction in Y glu. This decrease was accounted for in mathematical terms by an increase in m s to 0.7, whilst Y glu Max and Y ATP Max remained high at 38 and 19 respectively.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid in plant growth and development   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Within the last ten years it has been established by GC-MS thatindole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is an endogenous compound in a variety ofplant species. When applied exogenously, IBA has a variety of differenteffects on plant growth and development, but the compound is stillmainly used for the induction of adventitious roots. Using moleculartechniques, several genes have been isolated that are induced duringadventitious root formation by IBA. The biosynthesis of IBA in maize(Zea mays L.) involves IAA as the direct precursor. Microsomalmembranes from maize are able to convert IAA to IBA using ATP andacetyl-CoA as cofactors. The enzyme catalyzing this reaction wascharacterized from maize seedlings and partially purified. The invitro biosynthesis of IBA seems to be regulated by several externaland internal factors: i) Microsomal membranes from light-grownmaize seedlings directly synthesize IBA, whereas microsomal membranesfrom dark-grown maize plants release an as yet unknown reaction product,which is converted to IBA in a second step. ii) Drought and osmoticstress increase the biosynthesis of IBA maybe via the increaseof endogenous ABA, because application of ABA also results in elevatedlevels of IBA. iii) IBA synthesis is specifically increased byherbicides of the sethoxydim group. iv) IBA and IBA synthesizingactivity are enhanced during the colonization of maize roots with themycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. The role of IBA forcertain developmental processes in plants is discussed and somearguments presented that IBA is per se an auxin and does notact via the conversion to IAA.  相似文献   

Although cytokinin plays a central role in plant development, our knowledge about the signal transduction pathway initiated by this plant hormone is fragmentary. By randomly introducing enhancer elements into theArabidopsis genome throughAgrobacterium-mediated transformation, 5 cytokinin independent mutant calli (cki1-1, −2, −3, −4 andcki2) were obtained. These mutants exhibit typical cytokinin responses, including rapid proliferation, chloroplast differentiation, shoot induction and inhibition of root formation, in the absence of cytokinin. TheCKl1 gene encodes a product similar to the sensor histidine kinases of two-component systems, and its overexpression in plants induces typical cytokinin responses (Kakimoto 1996). Here I report that overexpression of this gene did not alter the auxin reqirement ofArabidopsis. Another mutant,many shoots, which was also identified on the same screening, produced many adventitious shoots on cotyledons, petioles and true leaves. The extended abstract of a paper presented at the 13th International Symposium in Conjugation with Award of the International Prize for Biology “Frontier of Plant Biology”  相似文献   

Summary North Carolina Design III and generation means analyses were used to study the inheritance of seedling emergence time and a related seedling growth parameter in crosses between 5–154, a line from CIMMYT Pool 5 with rapid seedling emergence under cool conditions, and two Corn Belt Dent lines of maize (Zea mays L.). The crosses were evaluated at low temperatures in controlled environment rooms. Additive genetic variances were larger than dominance variances in both crosses and estimates of the average levels of dominance were in the partial dominance range. Dominance was in the direction of rapid seedling emergence and rapid utilization of seed reserve. Estimates of minimum numbers of effective factors provided evidence for polygenic inheritance.  相似文献   

Summary The improvement of rate of seedling emergence and early seedling growth of maize (Zea mays L.) under cool conditions has been an objective of breeding programs in cool regions for many years. To study inheritance of emergence time, and to determine if differences in emergence time were due to differences in seedling growth, F1, F2 and backcross generations of a diallel cross of two rapidly emerging lines from CIMMYT Pool 5, 5-113 and 5-154, and two elite Corn Belt Dent lines, A619 and A632, were grown in controlled environment rooms at low temperatures.The lines from Pool 5 emerged significantly faster than A619 and A632 over a range of low temperature conditions. This difference occurred both when the lines themselves were tested and when the lines were tested as male and female parents in crosses. The Pool 5 lines converted a higher proportion of their original seed to new root and shoot tissue than did A619 and A632, indicating that they had a faster seedling growth rate. Primarily this was due to a faster loss of seed reserve, rather than a more efficient conversion process.A significant difference occurred between A619 and A632 for emergence time, but this was not due to a difference in seedling growth rate.Reciprocal differences occurred only in the F1 generation in crosses involving A619, and then marked effects could be attributed to the male parent. Reciprocal differences tended to disappear in the F2. This suggested that the genotype of the embryo and endosperm was of much greater importance than the genotype of the maternal parent in determining differences of time to emergence and seedling growth.Mid-parent heterosis occurred for time to emergence and seed loss, a measure of mean rate of utilization of seed reserve, in all crosses. High parent heterosis occurred in several crosses for these traits. High parent heterosis occurred in all crosses for efficiency of utilization of seed reserve.A generation means analysis indicated that both additive and dominance effects were present for rate of seedling growth in crosses between A632 and the Pool 5 lines.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis genome encodes 10 D-type cyclins (CYCD); however, their differential role in cell cycle control is not well known. Among them, CYCD4;2 is unique in the amino acid sequence; namely, it lacks the Rb-binding motif and the PEST sequence that are conserved in CYCDs. Here, we have shown that CYCD4;2 suppressed G1 cyclin mutations in yeast and formed a kinase complex with CDKA;1, an ortholog of yeast Cdc28, in insect cells. Hypocotyl explants of CYCD4;2 over-expressing plants showed faster induction of calli than wild-type explants on a medium containing lower concentration of auxin. These results suggest that CYCD4;2 has a promotive function in cell division by interacting with CDKA;1 regardless of the unusual primary sequence.  相似文献   

ARR5-gene expression was studied in the course of natural leaf senescence and detached leaf senescence in the dark using Arabidopsis thaliana plants transformed with the P ARR5 -GUS gene construct. GUS-activity was measured as a marker of ARR5-gene expression. Chlorophyll and total protein amounts were also estimated to evaluate leaf senescence. Natural leaf senescence was accompanied by the progressive decline in the GUS-activity in leaves of the 2nd and 3rd nodes studied, and this shift of GUS-activity was more pronounced than the loss of chlorophyll content. The ability of the ARR5-gene promoter to respond to cytokinin was not eliminated during natural leaf senescence, as was demonstrated by a cytokinin-induced increase in GUS activity in leaves after their detachment and incubation on benzyladenine (BA, 5 × 10−6 M) in the dark. Leaf senescence in the dark was associated with the further decrease in the GUS-activity. The ARR5-gene promoter response to cytokinin was enhanced with the increase of the age of plants, taken as a source of leaves for cytokinin treatments. Hence, although the expression of the ARR5 gene reduces during natural and dark/detached leaf senescence, the ARR5-gene sensitivity to cytokinin was maintained in both cases and even increased with the leaf age. This data suggest that the ARR5 gene, which belongs to the type-A negative regulators of plant response to cytokinin, could be a feedback regulator able to prevent retardation by cytokinin of leaf senescence when it is important for plant life. Growth regulators either reduced ARR5 gene response to cytokinin during senescence of mature detached leaves in the dark (SA, meJA, ABA, SP) or increased it (IAA), thus modifying the resulting rate of its expression.  相似文献   

GCR1 has been tentatively identified inArabidopsis thaliana as the first plant G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) (Josefsson and Rask 1997) implicated in the cytokinin sensory pathway (Plakidou-Dymock et al. 1998). A protein fusion of GCR1 and green fluorescent protein has been expressed inArabidopsis and shown GCR1 to be located on the plasma membrane. Studies of plants with altered GCR1 expression have led us to question GCR1's involvement in cytokinin signaling. TransgenicArabidopsis plants containing sense and antisense constructs for GCR1 have been produced and over- and under-expression confirmed. The analysis of 12 antisense and 17 sense lines has failed to reveal the previously reported »Dainty« phenotype or altered cytokinin sensitivity. We have used the »Gauntlet« approach to test the plants' response to various plant hormones although this has not yet identified a mutant phenotype. The yeast-two hybrid system has been used and so far there is no evidence to suggest GCR1 interacts with heterotrimeric G proteins. Before GCR1 can be identified as genuine G-protein coupled receptor, the identification of a ligand and a proof of association with heterotrimeric G-proteins should be obtained.  相似文献   

Sexual plant reproduction necessitates proper development of pollen, pollen germination and tube growth through various tissues of the pistil, the female organ of the flower. Finally, sperm cells are released to fertilize the female gametophyte. These processes require high metabolic activities of all tissues involved and rely on the delivery of nitrogen assimilates for success. However, transporters mediating nitrogen fluxes are mostly unknown. The presented work provides an expression analysis of members of the LHT amino acid transporter family in relation to pollen development and pollen–pistil interaction. Expression of Arabidopsis LHTs was analyzed during flower development and the location of LHT function resolved by transporter-GFP and promoter-GUS studies. GFP-LHT localization in onion cells indicates that all LHTs analyzed are targeted to the plasma membrane. We further showed that LHTs are expressed in anthers and male gametophytes where they are proposed to function in transport of amino acids for pollen development and maturation. Expression in germinating pollen, pollen tubes and transmitting tissue of the pistil points to a role of LHTs in support of the fertilization process. Overall, our study suggests that LHT function in flowers is cell or tissue specific, developmentally regulated and highly coordinated between male and female tissue.  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the effect of temperature treatment on the endogenous polyamine content in wild type and the ethylene insensitive mutant eti5 of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh were performed. The levels of free and conjugated putrescine, spermidine and spermine were measured in rosette leaves of 38-day-old plants subjected to low and high temperature for 24 h in darkness. Data for fractions measured in treated wild type plants during recovery suggest that alterations in polyamine levels may be a consequence of the conversion of the supernatant-bound into free form and vice versa, while in treated eti5 plants de novo synthesis of spermidine and spermine could not be excluded. It was found that high temperature provoked more significant changes in polyamine levels than low temperature. The results suggest that the eti5 mutant showed a better ability to recover after the temperature treatments than wild type partly as a consequence of changes in polyamine content.  相似文献   

Flooding is one of the most serious environmental stresses that affect plant growth and productivity. Flooding causes premature senescence which results in leaf chlorosis, necrosis, defoliation, cessation of growth and reduced yield. This study was conducted to determine the effects of autoregulated cytokinin production on the flooding tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana plants. A chimeric gene containing the senescence-specific SAG12 promoter and the ipt gene coding for isopentenyl transferase, a rate-limiting enzyme in the cytokinin biosynthesis pathway, was constructed. The chimeric gene was introduced into Arabidopsis plants by Agrobacterium-mediated vacuum infiltration. Four transgenic lines were chosen for flooding tolerance determinations. DNA hybridization analysis and PCR confirmed that all four of the transgenic lines carried the ipt gene. The segregation of kanamycin resistance in the T2 generation indicated 1 to 3 integration events. GUS expression and RT-PCR of the ipt gene confirmed the senescence-specificity of the SAG12 promoter. Morphologically, the transgenic lines appeared healthy and normal. Transgenic plants began to flower at the same time as wild-type plants, but the period from flowering to senescence was lengthened by 7 to 12 days. Tolerance of the transgenic plants to waterlogging and complete submergence was assayed in three independent experiments. All four transgenic lines were consistently more tolerant to flooding than wild-type plants. The results indicated that endogenously produced cytokinin can regulate senescence caused by flooding stress, thereby, increasing plant tolerance to flooding. This study provides a novel mechanism to improve flooding tolerance in plants.  相似文献   

Legionella (Fluoribacter) dumoffii is a resident of various aquatic environments and occasionally causes pneumonia in humans. We found that L. dumoffii strain TEX-KL carries a 66-kb circular plasmid. As predicted by the presence of tra genes similar to those of other transferable plasmids, we showed that pLD-TEX-KL was actually capable of transferring itself to a plasmid-cured derivative of the original strain. Unexpectedly, this plasmid-free derivative turned out to be partially defective in terms of growth at temperatures 30°C or lower. Subsequent works revealed that the growth defect was attributable to the loss of the plasmid gene traA(Ti) homologous to the traA gene of Ti plasmid from Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and that the growth was restored by the introduction of the mobA/repB gene of plasmid pMMB207. Since the existence of a DNA nickase domain is the only feature common to the traA(Ti) and mobA/repB gene products, we hypothesized that this growth defect at low temperature is related to insufficient DNA transactions, which can somehow be alleviated by the nickase activity of those plasmid-encoded proteins. It was also noted that the above features of growth defect at low temperatures were seen in L. dumoffii cells parasitizing the amebic host Acanthamoeba culbertsoni.  相似文献   

The ability of 17 strains of genus Epidermophyton (15 strains belonging to Epidermophyton floccosum, one to E. floccosum var. nigricans and one to E. stockdaleae) to grow at different temperatures (4 °C, 25 °C, 28 °C, 31 °C, 34 °C, 37 °C and 40 °C) was stated.The strains were inoculated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar and regularly controled over a period of 14 days when the plates were incubated at 25 °C, 28 °C, 31 °C, 34 °C, 37 °C and 40 °C, and over a period of 70 days when the temperature was 4 °C. The optimal growth of E. floccosum was observed at 28 °C and 31 °C, and no signs of growth were recorded neither at 4 °C nor at 40 °C. The optimal development of E. stockdaleae was observed at 25 °C and 28 °C. This species grew from 4 °C to 31 °C.  相似文献   

Although IBA is a naturally occurring auxin, its role in plant development is still under debate. In this study a set of Arabidopsis mutants was used to analyze the biosynthesis of IBA in vitro. The mutants chosen for this study can be classified as: (1) involvement in auxin metabolism, transport or synthesis (amt1, aux1, ilr1, nit1, rib1, sur1, trp1-100); (2) other hormones possibly involved in the regulation of IBA synthesis (aba1, aba3, eto2, fae1, hls1, jar1); (3) photomorphogenesis (det1, det2, det3); and (4) root architecture (cob1, cob2, scr1). In addition, two transgenic lines overexpressing the IAA glucose synthase (iaglu) gene from maize were analyzed. The ecotypes No-0 and Wassilewskija showed the highest IBA synthetase activity under control conditions, followed by Columbia, Enkheim and Landsberg erecta. In the mutant lines IBA synthetase activity differed in most cases from the wild type, however no particular pattern of up- or down-regulation, which could be correlated to their possible function, was found. For rib1 mutant seedlings it was tested whether reduced IBA synthetase activity correlates with the endogenous IBA levels. Free IBA differed only depending on the culture conditions, but gave no clear correlation with IBA synthetase activity compared to the wild type. Since drought and osmotic stress as well as abscisic acid (ABA) application enhanced IBA synthesis in maize, it was tested whether IBA synthetase from Arabidopsis is also inducible by drought stress conditions. This was confirmed for the two ecotypes Col and Ler which showed different IBA synthetase activity when cultivated with various degrees of drought stress. IBA synthetase was also determined in photomorphogenic mutants under different light regimes. Induction of IBA synthetase in det1 and det3 plants was found under short day plus a red light pulse or in the dark, respectively. The results are discussed with respect to the functions of the mutated genes.  相似文献   

Thomas  S. M.  Long  S. P. 《Planta》1978,142(2):171-174
The metabolism of 14CO2 in the cool temperate saltmarsh grass Spartina townsendii was investigated in plants grown in their natural habitats at two temperatures. Both in the spring at 10°C and in the late summer at 25°C radioactivity was initially incorporated into the organic acids malate and aspartate and then transferred to 3-phosphoglycerate in the manner characteristic of the C4 pathway of photosynthesis. Metabolism was not disrupted at the lower temperature as in some C4 plants. Radioactivity was transferred more slowly from malate into alanine, glycine and serine at 10°C, but sugars were labelled equally at both temperatures.  相似文献   

The levels of three endogenous cytokinin equivalents: zeatin (Z), iso-pentenyladenine (iP) and dihydrozeatin (dZ) in two Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh genotypes — wild type (wt) and ethylene-insensitive mutant (eti5), were compared using enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Cytokinin content was measured after exposure to low (4 °C for 24 h in darkness) or high temperature (38 °C for 24 h in darkness). Measurements were performed immediately and 24, 48 and 120 h after treatments. It was found that at normal growth conditions eti5 plants contained more endogenous cytokinins compared to the wild type. At both temperature treatments mutant plants had decreased total cytokinin levels. Wild-type plants treated with high temperature (HT) exhibited reduced total cytokinins (with the exception of rates at 48 h), while low temperature (LT) treatment resulted in elevated total amount of the studied equivalents (except at 24 h). The obtained results suggested that HT had greater effect on cytokinin levels than LT since it caused more profound changes in the total content. We assume that this was due to the natural chilling tolerance of Arabidopsis plants.  相似文献   

Summary Red clover Rhizobium strains, isolated from different locations between latitudes 60° and 63°30′ N in Finland, were tested for their adaptation to low temperatures. 31 strains were tested for growth at 5°C, 10°C, 15°C and 18°C in pure culture. No strain grew at 5°C. At the other temperatures there were differences between the strains, but the same strains grew fast at all temperatures. Ten strains were investigated for nodulation and acetylene reduction in phytotrons in two different climates, one simulating the growing season in southern and the other in northern Finland. There were differences between the strains in their ability to nodulate their host plant, and northern strains showed higher nitrogenase activity than southern strains in the cold climate.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of low temperature (2 °C) on cell shape and microtubules in zoospores of the green algaChlorosarcinopsis gelatinosa has been investigated. The zoospores are 4–6 times longer than wide with a mean length of 12,5 m and can be kept in the dark for several hours without changes in cell shape. Cell shape changes have been evaluated quantitatively by measuring changes in cell length. Low temperature induces a decrease in cell length which exhibits a two-step kinetic: during the first 30 minutes a rapid rate of decrease in cell length was measured, while during the next 4 hours a slow rate of decrease in cell length was observed. Complete regeneration of zoospore length occurs when cold-treated cells are subjected to the original zoospore induction temperature (30 °C) for two hours. Observation of numbers, disposition and types of microtubules in the zoospore during decrease in cell length has shown that within 30 minutes after cold application the secondary cytoskeletal microtubules (scmt) disappear, while flagellar root microtubules are unaffected. During this period most cells develop a prominent posterior appendage (tail). Sections demonstrate the presence of several microtubules in these tails. Flagellar root microtubules probably extend into the tails and disappearance of scmt starts at the posterior pole of the cell. Regeneration of zoospores to original cell length is coupled with reappearance of scmt starting at the anterior pole of the cell. It is concluded that secondary cytoskeletal microtubules constitute the main cytoskeleton inChlorosarcinopsis zoospores and that flagellar root microtubules contribute to only a minor extent to the cytoskeleton, because they cannot retain the cell shape. The results are discussed with respect to the functional significance of flagellar root microtubules in green algae.  相似文献   

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