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Transcriptive expression during sea urchin embryogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We have analyzed the patterns of protein synthesis in developing embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. There was an increase in the number of proteins detectably synthesized during development, as well as significant changes in relative rates of synthesis involving approximately 20% of the nearly 900 newly synthesized polypeptides. The majority of these changes were increases rather than decreases in synthesis; about half were of at least 10-fold, while a few were of more than 100-fold. Very few changes were detected upon fertilization and during the first several hours of development, while about 60% of the changes detected occurred between the hatching and the beginning of invagination. An analysis of proteins detected by silver staining indicated that most remained nearly constant in mass during embryonic development, but several increased or declined substantially. Many proteins present in eggs were not detectably synthesized in either eggs or embryos.  相似文献   

A rapid, gentle technique is described for the isolation of nuclei from sea urchin embryos. Using this technique, we have analyzed the synthesis and accumulation of nonhistone nuclear proteins during sea urchin development by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Most nuclear proteins fall into one of three patterns of synthesis, which are distinguished by maximal rates of accumulation at early (prior to hatching blastula), middle (hatching blastula/gastrula), or late (prism/pluteus) stages of development. Over 60% of observed nuclear proteins undergo apparent qualitative changes in synthesis and accumulation between the 64-cell and pluteus stages. Most of these changes represent appearances of new proteins. A large number of qualitative changes occur very early in development; the period of greatest change is between the 64-cell and 200-cell stages. Over half of the proteins which first appear in the nucleus subsequent to the 64-cell stage are synthesized at stages prior to the time of their initial appearance in nuclei, but are excluded from nuclei for some time.  相似文献   

Nuclei isolated from sea urchin embryos incubated in vitro in the presence of S-adenosyl-[methyl-3H]methionine, methylate their own basic proteins. The protein methylase activity varies during the embryonic development with two peaks of activity at mesenchymal blastula and at young gastrula. Histones H3 and H4 are the main substrates of the reaction. The extent of methylation of the two histones depends on the S-adenosylmethionine concentration. At low S-adenosylmethionine concentrations, the in vitro methyl-accepting ability of H3 is 10-times that of H4, while at high concentrations it is 3-times that of H4. This finding is clearly evident in the equilibrium saturation experiments with blastula and gastrula nuclei, which both show two distinct Km values for S-adenosylmethionine. The major and perhaps only product of methylation is epsilon-N-methyl-lysine. Enzyme activity is clearly correlated with specific embryonic stages, while no correlation is apparent between enzyme activity and the amount of DNA in the embryos.  相似文献   

Ganglioside M5 (NeuGcalpha2-6Glcbeta1-1'Cer), the main ganglioside in sea urchin and sand dollar eggs, exists mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum and yolk granules in unfertilized eggs. To study the localization of ganglioside M5 after fertilization, early embryos were stained with an anti-ganglioside M5 monoclonal antibody. Using immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopy, intense label was observed in the outer surface and cytoplasm of embryos. These results indicate that ganglioside M5 was secreted during embryogenesis and localized in the extracellular matrix (ECM). When living embryos were incubated in sea water containing 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole labeled-ganglioside M5 (NBD-M5), the ECM and plasma membrane were strongly stained. Since the localization of NBD-M5 in the ECM was similar to that of extracellular M5, NBD-M5 was likely to be useful to examine the fate of extracellular ganglioside M5. Interestingly, NBD-M5 was incorporated in subcortical vesicles during embryogenesis, suggesting that the extracellular ganglioside M5 is transported into the cytoplasm. When fertilized eggs were incubated with NBD-M5 and tetramethylrhodamine dextran (a marker dye for endocytotic vesicles), colocalization of the dyes was observed in the vesicles. Thus, it was concluded that NBD-M5 in the ECM and/or plasma membrane was internalized in the cells by endocytosis, suggesting that extracellular M5 is transported from the ECM to endocytotic vesicles.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of nonhistone chromatin proteins during development was studied in the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The rate of phosphorylation was found to be maximal during gastrula, slightly lower during prism and almost 70% lower in pluteus stage embryos. Analysis of the phosphorylated nonhistone chromatin proteins by SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis showed significant variations in the labeling pattern during different stages of development. A specific protein which is actively phosphorylated during gastrula and prism stages is nearly absent from the pluteus stage.  相似文献   

We have determined spatial patterns of expression of individual actin genes in embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Radioactively labeled probes specific for each of five cytoplasmic-type (Cy) and the single muscle-type (M) mRNAs were hybridized in situ to sections of fixed embryos. M actin mRNA appears only late in development and is confined to a few cells associated with the coelomic rudiments. The five Cy mRNAs fall into three sets, whose times and sites of expression during development are highly distinctive. Different cell lineages express messages of one or more of these sets, but never all three. Although all Cy actin mRNAs exhibit monophasic accumulation in the RNA of whole embryos during the course of development, such accumulation in many cases results from the summation of both increases and decreases in abundance within individual sets of cells. Within the genomic linkage group CyI-CyIIa-CyIIb, expression of CyI and CyIIb appears to be co-ordinate, and quite distinct from that of CyIIa. CyI and CyIIb are expressed in all lineages at some point in embryogenesis, but confined mainly to oral ectoderm and portions of the gut of the pluteus larva. CyIIa mRNAs are restricted to mesenchyme lineages throughout late gastrula stage, and subsequently accumulate in parts of the gut. The CyIIIa and CyIIIb genes, which form a separate linkage group, are expressed only in aboral ectoderm and its precursors. Furthermore, CyIII messages are the only detectable actin mRNAs in this cell lineage after late blastula stage.  相似文献   

SNARE and rab protein family members were originally identified in terminally differentiated cell types. These proteins are phylogenetically conserved and while compelling evidence demonstrates their involvement in the secretory pathway, their exact function is debated. We recently identified SNARE protein family members in the sea urchin egg and provided evidence that rab3 functions in the exocytosis of cortical granules. Here we tested the hypothesis that these same proteins might also be present throughout embryogenesis to mediate membrane fusion events. We provide evidence that the sea urchin possesses a low complexity of gene family members of syntaxin, VAMP, and rab3 and that these proteins are not only present during development, but are enriched in regions of the embryo with active secretory roles. We found accumulation of each family member in the apical and basal aspects of cleaving blastomeres, indicative of bidirectional secretion into the extraembryonic environment and blastocoel. Elevated levels of syntaxin, VAMP, and rab3 were also found in the mesodermally derived pigment cells that invade and move within the ectoderm. These cells likely rely on SNARE and rab proteins to enable mobility by mediating the secretion of enzymes that break adhesion to neighboring cells and the extracellular matrix. In addition, these secretory proteins are enriched in the gut following gastrulation. Thus, we conclude that VAMP, syntaxin, and rab3 mediate a variety of secretory events that is important for development.  相似文献   

In sea urchin, unfertilized eggs have a very high level of dCMP-aminohydrolase (dCMPase) activity, which decreases gradually and at the pluteus stage it is only about a quarter of that found in the unfertilized egg. But in abnormal embryos and in disaggregated cells from embryos, no decrease in the dCMPase activity takes place. To understand the control mechanism involved in this enzyme activity during development, we have analyzed the effect of various drugs which interfere with information transfer, such as actinomycin C, puromycin, 5-azacytidine, 2-thio-uracil and p-fluoro-DL-phenylalanine on dCMPase activity in embryos of Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis. Among these drugs only actinomycin induces a remarkable increase of the dCMPase activity in embryos with respect to unfertilized eggs. Puromycin has a differential and dose-dependent effect. Other drugs, although they affect normal development and macromolecular synthesis, do not significantly alter the dCMPase activity. On the basis of these results we suggest the presence of a repressor mechanism in the control of dCMP-aminohydrolase level during early embryogenesis of sea urchin.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosomal proteins from unfertilized eggs of three sea urchin species, Pseudocentrotus depressus, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, and Anthocidaris crassispina, were analyzed. Species-specific differences were observed in the profiles of large subunit proteins on two-dimensional slab gels, though the number of ribosomal proteins and the molecular weights of their counterparts were the same. The small subunit proteins revealed similarities in the electrophoretic profiles and in the phosphorylation patterns among these three species.  相似文献   

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