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Deletions in the region located between the STS markers D13S1168 and D13S25 on chromosome 13 are the most frequent genomic changes in patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). After sequencing of this region, two novel candidate genes were identified: C13orf1(chromosome 13 open reading frame 1) and PLCC (putative large CLL candidate). Analysis of the repeat distribution revealed two subregions differing in composition of repetitious DNA and gene organization. The interval D13S1168–D13S319 contains 131 Alu repeats accounting for 24.8% of its length, whereas the interval GCT16C05–D13S25, which is no more than 180 kb away from the former one is extremely poor in Alu repeats (4.1% of the total length). Both intervals contain almost the same amount of the LINE-type repeats L1 and L2 (20.3 and 21.24%, respectively). In the chromosomal region studied, 29 Alu repeats were found to belong to the evolutionary young subfamily Y, which is still capable of amplifying. A considerable proportion of repeats of this type with similar nucleotide sequences may contribute to the recombinational activity of the chromosomal region 13q14.3, which is responsible for its rearrangements in some tumors in humans.  相似文献   

Frequent deletions and loss of heterozygosity in a segment of chromosome 13 (13q14) in cases of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have suggested that this malignancy is caused by inactivation of an unknown tumor suppressor gene located in this region. Toward the identification of the putative CLL tumor suppressor, we have constructed a high-resolution physical map of YAC, PAC, and cosmid contigs covering 600 kb of the 13q14 genomic region. In addition to densely positioned genetic markers and STSs, this map was further annotated by localization of 32 transcribed sequences (ESTs) using a combination of exon trapping, direct cDNA selection, sample sequencing of cosmids and PACs, and homology searches. On the basis of these mapping data, allelic loss analyses at 13q14 using CLL tumor samples allowed narrowing of the genomic segment encompassing the putative CLL gene to <300 kb. Twenty-three ESTs located within this minimally deleted region are candidate exons for the CLL-associated tumor suppressor gene.  相似文献   

By analysis of crossovers in key recombinant families and by homozygosity analysis of inbred families, the Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) locus was localized in a 300-kb interval between the X104 gene and the microsatellite marker FR8 (D9S888). By homology searches of the sequence databases, we identified X104 as the human tight junction protein ZO-2 gene. We generated a largescale physical map of the FRDA region by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis of genomic DNA and of three YAC clones derived from different libraries, and we constructed an uninterrupted cosmid contig spanning the FRDA locus. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase γ-catalytic subunit gene was identified within the critical FRDA interval, but it was excluded as candidate because of its biological properties and because of lack of mutations in FRDA patients. Six new polymorphic markers were isolated between FR2 (D9S886) and FR8 (D9S888), which were used for homozygosity analysis in a family in which parents of an affected child are distantly related. An ancient recombination involving the centromeric FRDA flanking markers had been previously demonstrated in this family. Homozygosity analysis indicated that the FRDA gene is localized in the telomeric 150 kb of the FR2-FR8 interval.  相似文献   

The 1p31 region shows loss of heterozygosity in up to 50% of human breast cancers, indicating the presence of a tumor suppressor gene in this location. We have mapped six novel ESTs to a 15-Mb contig of yeast artificial chromosomes spanning the critical region of 1p31. One of these ESTs was localized within the contig to the region most commonly undergoing loss of heterozygosity in breast cancer. The corresponding gene sequence for this EST was established by cDNA cloning and RACE procedures. This gene is 2 kb long and contains a tetratricopeptide repeat motif and a coiled-coil domain. This family of genes has been implicated in a wide variety of functions, including tumorigenesis. This is the fourth member of the human gene family, and so we have named this geneTTC4.Northern blot analysis demonstrates a ubiquitous pattern of gene expression that includes breast tissue. A preliminary screen of human breast cancer cell lines shows thatTTC4is expressed in all cases, but SSCP analysis of the coding region of this gene following RT-PCR failed to reveal any mutations. Clearly, because of its map location, a more extensive analysis is warranted to establish whether subtle mutations are present in breast cancers.  相似文献   

A gene (NPH1) responsible for approximately 90% of the purely renal form of familial juvenile nephronophthisis, a progressive tubulo-interstitial kidney disorder, maps to human chromosome 2. We report the construction of a YAC-based contig spanning the critical NPH1 region and the flanking genetic markers. This physical map was integrated with a refined genetic map that restricted the NPH1 interval to about 2 cM; this interval corresponds in a maximum physical distance of 3.5 Mb. The entire contig covers 9 cM between the loci D2S135 and D2S121. The maximum physical distance between these two markers is approximately 11.3 Mb. Forty-five sequence-tagged sites, including six genes, have been located within this contig. PAX8, a member of the human paired box gene family, that is expressed in the developing kidney, was assigned outside the restricted NPH1 critical region and cannot therefore be regarded as a candidate gene. This set of overlapping clones represents a useful resource for further targeted development of genetic markers and for the characterization of candidate genes responsible for juvenile nephronophthisis.  相似文献   

ELA1, the pancreatic elastase 1 gene, is conserved in mammalian genomes. ELA1 was previously mapped to chromosome 12 using a panel of mouse–human somatic cell hybrids. We now report the physical and cytogenetic localization of the ELA1 gene. On the physical map, ELA1 is adjacent to the polymorphic marker AFMa283yg1 and between D12S361 and D12S347. Using fluorescencein situhybridization, we determined that ELA1 maps to 12q13.  相似文献   

We constructed a long range restriction map of the pericentromeric 21q region between the centromere, identified by the alphoid DNA sequence D21Z1, and D21S13E. The physical map showed the order and intermarker distances of five new loci, including two for which highly informative dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms were identified. The total distance between D21Z1 and D21S13E was 2400 kb. Comparison of genetic and physical distances indicated that there is about 400 to 500 kb per centimorgan that is not significantly different from the average 470 kb per centimorgan for the whole of chromosome 21q. Our physical mapping results do not indicate suppression of recombination in pericentromeric 21q.  相似文献   

This report describes the identification of a cDNA encoding STK13, a third human protein kinase related to theDrosophilaAurora and the budding yeast Ipl1 kinases. After screening of a human placental cDNA library with aXenopus laeviscDNA encoding the pEg2 protein kinase and 5′ RACE on testis mRNA, a full-length cDNA was isolated. The chromosomal localization of STK13 on 19q13.3–ter between the markers D19S210 and D19S218 was established by a combination of somatic cell and radiation hybrid panel PCR screening. The localization of STK13 on human chromosome 19 was confirmed by fluorescencein situhybridization (FISH) using a genomic clone containing STK13 as a probe.  相似文献   

A putative tumor suppressor locus involved in bladder cancer has been mapped to human chromosome 9q32–q33 and designated DBC1. Our previous microsatellite-based deletion mapping study indicated that DBC1 was localized between D9S1848 and AFMA239XA9. We have constructed an 840-kb sequence-ready contig composed of bacteriophage P1-derived artificial chromosomes (PACs), which encompasses DBC1. Clones were initially identified by screening a PAC library with markers localized to the region by physical mapping, and subsequently PAC end probes were used to complete the contig. This contig contains a minimum tiling path of six PAC clones between D9S1848 and AFMA239XA9. Three expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were mapped to the DBC1 region by screening 24 ESTs mapped to the surrounding area by radiation hybrids. One represented the gene for DBCCR1, a known candidate for DBC1, and the other two were novel. This contig and preliminary expression map form the basis for the identification of the bladder cancer tumor suppressor gene in this region.  相似文献   

The mouse doublefoot (Dbf) mutant exhibits preaxial polydactyly in association with craniofacial defects. This mutation has previously been mapped to mouse chromosome 1. We have used a positional cloning strategy, coupled with a comparative sequencing approach using available human draft sequence, to identify putative candidates for the Dbf gene in the mouse and in homologous human region. We have constructed a high-resolution genetic map of the region, localizing the mutation to a 0. 4-cM (±0.0061) interval on mouse chromosome 1. Furthermore, we have constructed contiguous BAC/PAC clone maps across the mouse and human Dbf region. Using existing markers and additional sequence tagged sites, which we have generated, we have anchored the physical map to the genetic map. Through the comparative sequencing of these clones we have identified 35 genes within this interval, indicating that the region is gene-rich. From this we have identified several genes that are known to be differentially expressed in the developing mid-gestation mouse embryo, some in the developing embryonic limb buds. These genes include those encoding known developmental signaling molecules such as WNT proteins and IHH, and we provide evidence that these genes are candidates for the Dbf mutation.  相似文献   

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