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Haspin/Gsg2 is a kinase that phosphorylates histone H3 at Thr-3 (H3T3ph) during mitosis. Its depletion by RNA interference results in failure of chromosome alignment and a block in mitosis. Haspin, therefore, is a novel target for development of antimitotic agents. We report the development of a high-throughput time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) kinase assay for haspin. Histone H3 peptide was used as a substrate, and a europium-labeled H3T3ph phosphospecific monoclonal antibody was used to detect phosphorylation. A library of 137632 small molecules was screened at K(m) concentrations of ATP and peptide to allow identification of diverse inhibitor types. Reconfirmation of hits and IC( 50) determinations were carried out with the TR-FRET assay and by a radiometric assay using recombinant histone H3 as the substrate. A preliminary assessment of specificity was made by testing inhibition of 2 unrelated kinases. EC( 50) values in cells were determined using a cell-based ELISA of H3T3ph. Five compounds were selected as leads based on potency and chemical structure considerations. These leads form the basis for the development of specific inhibitors of haspin that will have clear utility in basic research and possible use as starting points for development of antimitotic anticancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

XIAP (X-chromosome-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein) is a central apoptosis regulator that blocks cell death by inhibiting caspase-3, caspase-7, and caspase-9 via binding interactions with the XIAP BIR2 and BIR3 domains (where BIR is baculovirus IAP repeat). Smac protein, in its dimeric form, effectively antagonizes XIAP by concurrently targeting both its BIR2 and BIR3 domains. Here we describe the development of highly sensitive homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (HTRF) assays to measure binding affinities of potent bivalent peptidomimetic inhibitors of XIAP. Our results indicate that these assays can differentiate Smac-mimetic inhibitors with a wide range of binding affinities down to the picomolar range. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of these fluorescent tools for characterization of inhibitor off-rates, which as a crucial determinant of target engagement and cellular potency is another important parameter to guide optimization in a structure-based drug discovery effort. Our study also explores how increased inhibitor valency can lead to enhanced potency at multimeric proteins such as IAP.  相似文献   

An integrated system has been developed for discovering potent inhibitors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3C-like protease (SARS-CoV 3CL(pro)) by virtual screening correlating with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) technologies-based assays. The authors screened 81,287 small molecular compounds against SPECS database by virtual screening; 256 compounds were subsequently selected for biological evaluation. Through SPR technology-based assay, 52 from these 256 compounds were discovered to show binding to SARS-CoV 3CL(pro). The enzymatic inhibition activities of these 52 SARS-CoV 3CL(pro) binders were further applied to FRET-based assay, and IC(50) values were determined. Based on this integrated assay platform, 8 new SARS-CoV 3CL(pro) inhibitors were discovered. The fact that the obtained IC(50) values for the inhibitors are in good accordance with the discovered dissociation equilibrium constants (K(D)s) assayed by SPR implied the reliability of this platform. Our current work is hoped to supply a powerful approach in the discovery of potent SARS-CoV 3CL(pro) inhibitors, and the determined inhibitors could be used as possible lead compounds for further research.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed a high-throughput endothelial cell apoptosis assay using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensor. After exposure to apoptotic inducer UV-irradiation or anticancer drugs such as paclitaxel, the fluorescence of the cells changed from green to blue. We developed this method into a high-throughput assay in 96-well plates by measuring the emission ratio of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) to cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) to monitor the activation of a key protease, caspase-3, during apoptosis. The Z' factor for this assay was above 0.5 which indicates that this assay is suitable for a high-throughput analysis. Finally, we applied this functional high-throughput assay for screening vascular disrupting agents (VDA) which could induce endothelial cell apoptosis from our in-house compounds library and dioscin was identified as a hit. As this assay allows real time and sensitive detection of cell apoptosis, it will be a useful tool for monitoring endothelial cell apoptosis in living cell situation and for identifying new VDA candidates via a high-throughput screening.  相似文献   

Protein kinases are recognized as important drug targets due to the pivotal roles they play in human disease. Many kinase inhibitors are ATP competitive, leading to potential problems with poor selectivity and significant loss of potency in vivo due to cellular ATP concentrations being much higher than K(m). Consequently, there has been growing interest in the development of ATP-noncompetitive inhibitors to overcome these problems. There are challenges to identifying ATP-noncompetitive inhibitors from compound library screens because ATP-noncompetitive inhibitors are often weaker and commonly excluded by potency-based hit selection criteria in favor of abundant and highly potent ATP-competitive inhibitors in screening libraries. Here we report the development of a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay for protein kinase cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and the identification of ATP-noncompetitive inhibitors by high-throughput screening after employing a strategy to favor this type of inhibitors. We also present kinetic characterization that is consistent with the proposed mode of inhibition.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 and -2 (PARP1/2) are two key facilitators of DNA repair and are implicated in the pathogenesis of cancers and several chronic diseases. Inhibitors of PARP1/2 have shown powerful therapeutic effects in the treatment of cancer, cerebral ischemia, and inflammation. In addition, evidence from several studies suggests unique functions for PARP2 in genome surveillance, spermatogenesis, adipogenesis, and T cell development, and PARP2-specific inhibitors might have many other applications. To acquire PARP1/2 inhibitors, many high-throughput screening (HTS) assays for PARP1 inhibitors have been developed. However, detailed screening assays for PARP2 inhibitors have not been reported. Herein, three HTS assays for PARP2 inhibitors were developed and validated with reference inhibitors in each case. The results suggest that the HTS assays for PARP2 inhibitors using chemical quantification of NAD+, biotin-based quantification of PAR, and ELISA quantification of PAR are sensitive, robust, and cost effective.  相似文献   

An assay named Cell TR-FRET based on time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer, here utilized for detection of receptor proteins on intact cells, is described. In this assay, intact membrane-biotinylated Sf9 cells expressing human interleukin-2Ralpha due to infection with a recombinant baculovirus were prelabeled with a streptavidin-europium (Eu(3+)) chelate, the donor. These prelabeled cells were used in a homogeneous assay by addition of a fluorochrome-labeled anti-hIL-2Ralpha-specific antibody, 7G7B6-Cy5, the acceptor. Binding of 7G7B6-Cy5 to hIL-2Ralpha expressed on the cell surface and europium-labeled streptavidin to surface biotin esters brings the donor and the acceptor in close proximity, allowing transfer of energy from the excited state donor to the acceptor. This energy transfer was specifically inhibited by unlabeled antibody and by free biotin. The described assay constitutes a general method since no specific component of the cell membrane is labeled, thereby allowing a number of binding studies on the cell membrane, including receptor density determinations, to be performed. In addition, due to the rapid fashion in which the Cell TR-FRET assay is accomplished, it can be a valuable method not only for identifying novel membrane-associated proteins, but also for drug screening of large samples in high-throughput format.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors transduce their signals through G-protein subunits which in turn are subject to modulation by other intracellular proteins such as the regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins. We have developed a cell-free, homogeneous (mix and read format), time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay to monitor heterotrimeric G-protein subunit interactions and the interaction of the G alpha subunit with RGS4. The assay uses a FRET pair consisting of a terbium cryptate chelate donor spectrally matched to an Alexa546 fluor acceptor, each of which is conjugated to separate protein binding partners, these being G alpha(i1):beta4gamma2 or G alpha(i1):RGS4. Under conditions favoring specific binding between labeled partners, high-affinity interactions were observed as a rapid increase (>fivefold) in the FRET signal. The specificity of these interactions was demonstrated using denaturing or competitive conditions which caused significant reductions in fluorescence (50-85%) indicating that labeled proteins were no longer in close proximity. We also report differential binding effects as a result of altered activation state of the G alpha(i1) protein. This assay confirms that interactions between G-protein subunits and RGS4 can be measured using TR-FRET in a cell- and receptor-free environment.  相似文献   

Direct or indirect interactions between membrane proteins at the cell surface play a central role in numerous cell processes, including possible synergistic effects between different types of receptors. Here we describe a method and tools to analyze membrane protein-protein interaction at the surface of living cells. This technology is based on the use of specific antibodies directed against each partner and labeled either with europium cryptate or with Alexa Fluor 647. This allows the measurement of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) signal in a time-resolved manner if both antibodies are in close proximity. This approach is here validated using the heterodimeric gamma-aminobutyrate B receptor as a model. We show that after washing out the unbound antibodies, the time-resolved FRET signal can be measured together with the expression level of both partners via the quantification of the donor and the acceptor fluorophores bound to the cells. Thanks to the high sensitivity of this method and to the low concentration of antibodies required, we show that the signal can also be measured directly after the incubation period without washing out the unbound antibody (homogeneous time-resolved FRET). As such, this method is highly sensitive, reproducible, and compatible with the development of high-throughput screening protocols.  相似文献   

Twenty human proteins encode Phox/Bem1p (PB1) domains, which are involved in forming protein heterodimers. MEKK2, MEKK3, and MEK5 are 3 serine-threonine protein kinases that have PB1 domains. MEKK2, MEKK3, and MEK5 are the MAP3Ks and the MAP2K in the ERK5 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling module. ERK5 is a critical MAPK for both development of the vasculature and vascular homeostasis in the adult, but no other MAPK has been shown to be critical in vascular maintenance in the adult animal. MEKK2 and MEKK3 are the only MAP3Ks shown to physically interact with and activate the MEK5-ERK5 signaling module. Interaction of MEKK2 or MEKK3 with MEK5 is mediated by heterodimerization of the MEKK2 (or MEKK3) PB1 and MEK5 PB1 domains. The authors have developed a homogeneous, time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay to monitor PB1-PB1 domain heterodimerization. The assay uses a europium-chelate conjugated GST-MEK5 PB1 domain chimera, biotinylated MEKK2 PB1 domain, and streptavidin-Cy5. Interaction of the MEKK2 and MEK5 PB1 domains gives a robust FRET signal (Z' factor = 0.93), which is completely abrogated by mutation of 2 acidic residues (64D65E-->AA) within the MEK5 PB1 domain that causes loss of stable PB1-PB1 domain interaction. This assay can be used to study the specificity of PB1-PB1 domain interactions and to screen for molecules that can regulate MEKK2/MEKK3-MEK5 interactions. Disruption of PB1 domain interactions represents a novel approach for selectively regulating the ERK5 signaling pathway independent of kinase active site-directed adenosine triphosphate competitive inhibitors.  相似文献   

A sensitive fluorescence resonance energy transfer method was developed for the direct measurement of the dissociation constants of stromelysin inhibitors. The method is applied to the thiadiazole class of stromelysin inhibitors and it takes advantage of the fact that, upon binding to the active site of enzyme, the thiadiazole ring, with its absorbance centered at 320 nm, is able to quench the fluorescence of the tryptophan residues surrounding the catalytic site. The changes in fluorescence are proportional to the occupancy of the active site: Analysis of the fluorescence versus inhibitor concentration data yields dissociation constants that are in agreement with the corresponding competitive inhibitory constants measured by a catalytic rate assay. The affinity of nonthiadiazole inhibitors of stromelysin-such as hydroxamic acids and others-can be determined from the concentration-dependent displacement of a thiadiazole of known affinity. Using this displacement method, we determined the affinities of a number of structurally diverse inhibitors toward stromelysin. Since the three tryptophan residues located in the vicinity of the active site of stromelysin are conserved in gelatinase and collagenase, the method should also be applicable to inhibitors of other matrix metalloproteinases.  相似文献   

An assay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) has been developed to screen for ubiquitination inhibitors. The assay measures the transfer of ubiquitin from Ubc4 to HECT protein Rsc 1083. Secondary reagents (streptavidin and antibody to glutathione-S-transferase [GST]), pre-labeled with fluorophores (europium chelate, Eu(3+), and allophycocyanin [APC]), are noncovalently attached via tags (biotin and GST) to the reactants (ubiquitin and Rsc). When Rsc is ubiquitinated, Eu(3+) and APC are brought into close proximity, permitting energy transfer between the two fluorescent labels. FRET was measured as time-resolved fluorescence at the emission wavelength of APC, almost entirely free of nonspecific fluorescence from Eu(3+) and APC. The FRET assay generated a lower ratio of signal to background (8 vs. 31) than an assay for the same ubiquitination step that was developed as a dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluoroimmunoassay (DELFIA). However, compared to the DELFIA method, use of FRET resulted in higher precision (4% vs. 11% intraplate coefficient of variation). Quenching of fluorescence was minimal when compounds were screened at 10 microg/ml using FRET. Employing a quick and simple homogeneous method, the FRET assay for ubiquitin transfer is ideally suited for high throughput screening.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA) is considered to be a very useful methodology for the detection and characterization of mutations, particularly for clinical purposes. The fluorescence resonance energy transfer between a fluorescent donor and a suitable fluorophore as acceptor has been applied in the past to several scientific fields. This technique is well adapted to nucleic acid analysis such as DNA sequencing, DNA hybridization and polymerase chain reaction. We describe here a homogeneous format based on the use of a rare earth cryptate label as donor: tris-bipyridine-Eu3+. The long-lived fluorescence of this label makes it possible to reach a high sensitivity by using a time-resolved detection mode. A non-radiative energy transfer technology, known as time-resolved amplification of cryptate emission (TRACE®) characterized by a temporal and spectral selectivity has been developed. The TRACE® detection of characterized single nucleotide polymorphism using the OLA for allelic discrimination is proposed. We demonstrate the potentialities of this OLA–TRACE® methodology through the analysis of K-ras oncogene point mutations.  相似文献   

A 16-residue peptide, including the Tat(49-57) sequence was labeled with a fluorescein and a tetramethylrhodamine at its N- and C-terminus, respectively. This double dye-labeled peptide was prepared as a tracer for high-throughput screening utilizing intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). The binding of the competitor molecules for HIV-1 TAR RNA were monitored and dissociation constants of those molecule were determined by using this tracer. This novel screening system might be useful to discover the drug for HIV-1 TAR RNA.  相似文献   

The control of cell death is an intricate process involving a multitude of intracellular modulators. Among these molecules, the caspases have a central role and have become an interesting group of enzymes in the current pharmaceutical industry. We have developed a novel dual-step fluorescence energy transfer-based separation-free assay method for the primary screening of caspase-3 inhibitors in vitro. This method relies on fluorescent europium(III)-chelate-doped nanoparticle donors coated with streptavidin in conjunction with a dual-labeled (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 680 fluorescent acceptor and C-terminal BlackBerry Quencher 650) caspase-3-specific peptide substrate modified with a biotinyl moiety. In the assay, the nanoparticle donor excites the fluorescent acceptor, whose emission is monitored with time-resolved measurements. The intensity of the acceptor reflects the activity of the enzyme because the intensity is controlled by the proximity of the quencher. Owing to the dual-step fluorescence resonance energy transfer, this method enables a sensitized fluorescence signal directly proportional to the extent of enzymatic activity with relatively background fluorescence-free measurements in the event of complete enzyme inhibition. The generic nanoparticle donors further promote versatility and cost-efficiency of the method. The performance evaluated as the inhibitor (Z-DEVD-FMK) dose-response curve (IC(50) value of approximately 12 nM) was in good agreement with that of the recent methods found in literature. This assay serves as a model application proving the feasibility of the europium-chelate-doped nanoparticle labels in a homogeneous assay for proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Retinol-binding protein-4 (RBP4) is an emerging candidate drug target for type 2 diabetes and lipofuscin-mediated macular degeneration. The retinoic acid derivative fenretinide (N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide; HPR) exerts therapeutic effects in mouse models of obesity, diabetes, and Stargardt’s disease by targeting RBP4. Fenretinide competes with retinoids for RBP4 binding, disrupts RBP4-transthyretin (TTR) complexes, and results in urinary secretion of RBP4 and systemic depletion of retinol. To enable the search for nonretinoid molecules with fenretinide-like activities we developed a HTS-compatible homogeneous TR-FRET assay monitoring the displacement of retinoic acid derivatives from RBP4 in high-density 384-well and 1536-well microtiter plate formats. The retinoid displacement assay proved to be highly sensitive and robust after miniaturization with IC50s for fenretinide and retinol ranging around 50 and 100 nM, respectively, and Z′-factors around 0.7. In addition, a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based secondary assay was developed to interrogate small molecule RBP4 binders for their ability to modulate the RBP4-TTR interaction. Finally, a 1.6 × 106 compound library was screened against the retinoid displacement assay. Several potent retinoid competitors were identified that also appeared to disrupt RBP4-TTR complexes. Some of these compounds could potentially serve as valuable tools to further probe RBP4 biology in the future.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan biosynthesis is an essential process in bacteria and is therefore a suitable target for the discovery of new antibacterial drugs. One of the last cytoplasmic steps of peptidoglycan biosynthesis is catalyzed by the integral membrane protein MraY, which attaches soluble UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide to the membrane-bound acceptor undecaprenyl phosphate. Although several natural product-derived inhibitors of MraY are known, none have the properties necessary to be of clinical use as antibacterial drugs. Here we describe a novel, homogeneous, fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based MraY assay that is suitable for high-throughput screening for novel MraY inhibitors. The assay allows for continuous measurement, or it can be quenched prior to measurement.  相似文献   

One of the important questions in the serpin mechanism of inhibition of serine and cysteine proteinases of different specificities and structural classes is whether a common "crushing" mechanism of proteinase inactivation is used in all cases. This mechanism was seen in an X-ray structure of the complex between alpha(1)-proteinase inhibitor and trypsin and required the full insertion of the reactive center loop into beta-sheet A and translocation of the proteinase from one pole of the serpin to the other. However, it has yet to be shown to be general for serine proteinases of structural classes other than the trypsin-fold or for cysteine proteinases with the papain-fold or for the caspases. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer offers a potential means of obtaining an answer to this question for each of these classes, without the concern for the effect that increasing size has on the observed signal that applies to NMR spectroscopy. However, care must be taken to ensure that measurements made represent sufficient overdetermination that the answer obtained is unambiguous.  相似文献   

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