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SUMMARY 1. The effects of cattle grazing on stream bank stability, biomass of riparian vegetation, instream vegetation cover, biomass of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) and epilithon and benthic invertebrate community structure were investigated over a 2‐year period using: (i) enclosures containing different cattle grazing treatments and (ii) by comparing streams with different grazing intensities in the Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. 2. Livestock enclosure experiments comprised four treatments of: (1) early season cattle grazing (June–August), (2) late season cattle grazing (August–September), (3) all season cattle grazing (June–September) and (4) cattle‐absent controls. All four treatments were replicated in two streams while two treatments (i.e. cattle‐absent controls, early season cattle grazing) were established in a third stream. 3. Bank stability, estimated visually based on sediment inputs to the stream channel, increased significantly in cattle‐absent treatments compared with cattle‐present enclosures over the 2‐year study period. 4. Epilithic chlorophyll a was significantly affected by time, but neither cattle nor the interaction of time and treatment were significant. 5. At the end of the experiment, total invertebrate biomass in the late and all‐season treatment exceeded that in the early and cattle‐absent treatments. However, excluding cattle from the streams, at any of the different treatments, had little clear impact on the total benthic invertebrate abundance or the abundance of the predominant functional feeding groups over the 2‐year study period. 6. In contrast, comparisons of benthic assemblages from streams with different grazing intensities showed that the non‐grazed reach of Storm Creek contained significantly higher biomass of CPOM and shredders compared with the cattle‐absent enclosures in Battle, Graburn and Nine Mile creeks. Redundancy analysis showed that benthic communities from all enclosures and Storm Creek in summer and autumn 2000 were affected primarily by CPOM biomass, pH, nitrate, turbidity and benthic chlorophyll a. Construction of a 99% probability ellipse from enclosure sites showed that invertebrate communities from livestock enclosures differed from that in the non‐grazed Storm Creek. 7. Results from stream‐scale comparisons indicate that current livestock grazing practices in the Cypress Hills significantly impact riparian zones, stream channels and benthic invertebrate community structure and that alternative practices, such as rotational grazing, need to be developed.  相似文献   

Intensive land use can fragment continuous natural areas into smaller patches, which may be too small to support viable populations of native fauna and more susceptible to invasion by alien species. We demonstrate the utility of combining species occurrence models with land-use change models to identify areas where future development may differentially affect wildlife. Occurrence data for native (e.g., gray fox, coyote, bobcat, mountain lion, striped skunk, raccoon) and non-native (e.g., domestic dogs, domestic cats, opossums) mammalian predators were collected from 188 remotely triggered camera locations across an oak woodland and vineyard landscape in northern California. The occurrence data were used in combination with landscape variables extracted using a geographic information system to build explanatory models of predator occurrence. These statistical models were used to derive two surfaces showing relative probability of occurrence for non-native and native predators. Then, a spatially explicit land-use change model was used to examine potential future predator distributions given potential future vineyard expansion. The probability distribution models generated hypothesized low probabilities of occurrence for native predators within large vineyard blocks, but higher probabilities within isolated vineyards and also in oak woodlands. The models suggest the highest probabilities of non-native predator occurrence fell within large blocks of vineyard. Using one possible future vineyard development scenario, the distribution models illustrate areas where probability of native predator occurrence may be reduced and where non-native predators may expand due to vineyard development. This technique could be applied to prioritize acquisition of critical wildlife habitat and maintain habitat connectivity for wildlife populations.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus), a large molluscivorous cyprinid native to eastern Asia, has become established in the Mississippi River basin in North America. The...  相似文献   

Contemporary evolution of thermal physiology has the potential to help limit the physiological stress associated with rapidly changing thermal environments; however it is unclear if wild populations can respond quickly enough for such changes to be effective. We used native Canadian Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) sunfish, and non-native Pumpkinseed introduced into the milder climate of Spain ~100 years ago, to assess genetic differences in thermal physiology in response to the warmer non-native climate. We compared temperature performance reaction norms of two Canadian and two Spanish Pumpkinseed populations born and raised within a common environment. We found that Canadian Pumpkinseed had higher routine metabolic rates when measured at seasonally high temperatures (15 °C in winter, 30 °C in summer), and that Spanish Pumpkinseed had higher critical thermal maxima when acclimated to 30 °C in the summer. Growth rates were not significantly different among populations, however Canadian Pumpkinseed tended to have faster growth at the warmest temperatures measured (32 °C). The observed differences in physiology among Canadian and Spanish populations at the warmest acclimation temperatures are consistent with the introduced populations being better suited to the warmer non-native climate than native populations. The observed differences could be the result of either founder effects, genetic drift, and/or contemporary adaptive evolution in the warmer non-native climate.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The use of artificial habitats as tool for management and conservation of lentic freshwater ecosystems has been most studied in North America, with dominance of Centrarchidae fish....  相似文献   

1. The crucial point of disturbance experiments in streams is the extent to which they can simulate a natural spate. Ideally, disturbance experiments should proceed side by side with a phenomenological study to allow a direct comparison. In the present study conducted in a prealpine Swiss river, the River Necker, fortuitous events made such a comparison possible. 2. In summer 1994, we took Surber samples one day before and on several sampling dates after a major flood (recurrence interval ≈ 5 years), which was followed by a long period of uniform discharge in a river characterized by frequent spates. Beginning 19 days after this flood, patches of the stream bed (≈ 9 m2) were physically disturbed by kicking and raking. 3. The degrees of reduction in the total number of individuals and the dominant taxa were similar after both types of disturbance, as were the recolonization patterns of Rhithrogena spp., Leuctra spp. and Hydracarina. Chironomidae, Baetis spp., Simuliidae, Pentaneurini and Corynoneura/Thienemanniella spp. showed a distinct lag phase after the flood before recolonization began, whereas there was no such lag phase after the experiment. Therefore, the time needed to recover to pre-flood densities was longer for these taxa. Nevertheless, recolonization rates and patterns after the lag phase were similar to those after the experimental disturbance. 4. Size-class measurements indicated that recruitment from egg hatching may have been more important after the flood than after the experimental disturbance for Rhithrogena spp., but not for Chironomidae, Baetis spp., Simuliidae, Pentaneurini and Leuctra spp. Invertebrate drift was probably the most important pathway of recolonization after both types of disturbance. 5. Our experiment allowed a realistic simulation of several important effects of the large flood on the invertebrate community. Smaller spates that induce substratum movement at a spatial scale similar to our experimental plots are much more common than large floods in the River Necker. For these spates, our experiment should provide an even more realistic simulation of natural disturbance.  相似文献   

Hg concentrations in benthic invertebrates of the Elbe estuary were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and instrumental neutron activation analysis. In general Hg levels in organisms decreased from the limnic region to the marine environment. Highest Hg levels were found inAsellus aquaticus andRadix balthica taken from the Elbe upstream of Hamburg (0.35 and 0.34 ppm wet weight). The concentrations in gammarid species decreased from 0.20 ppm (limnic region) to 0.02–0.05 ppm (brackish and marine environment). Hg levels in organisms from the brackish region proved to be 0.08–0.16 ppm(Littorina littorea), 0.04–0.09(Crangon crangon) 0.05–0.10(Corophium volutator) and 0.04–0.08 ppm (wet weight)(Nereis diversicolor). Some factors which may influence the heavy metal concentrations in aquatic organisms are discussed, such as: food chain, weight of organisms, and elimination via moulting products in the case of crustaceans.  相似文献   

Benthic species assemblages in upstream and downstream ends of riffles and in pools were investigated seasonally in the first five orders of an alluvial gravel stream with distinct pool and riffle channel form. Riffles comprised < 10% of stream area and were separated by pools with extensive bedrock substrate (ca. 15–85% of total surface area) which was scoured during periodic high flow. Virtually all taxa were more abundant in riffles than in pools, except chironomids which were more equally distributed. Inconsistent results were obtained for upstream-downstream comparisons within riffles. Intermittent headwater reaches (orders 1 & 2) which supported half as many taxa retained this pattern during periods of flow, although riffles at these sites were dry from mid-June to mid-November. Pools which contained more gravel, indicating less disturbance during high flow, had a richer assemblage of benthic species than other pools. Many invertebrates in pools may have been there as a result of drift from their preferred riffle habitats, but the presence of gravel in the pools indicates less intense flow disturbance during floods, provides protection from the mild scouring that does occur during floods, and provides refugia from predators.  相似文献   

Phenotypic correlations (rP) have frequently been observed between physiological and behavioural traits, and the nature of these associations has been shown to be modulated by a range of environmental stressors. Studies to date have examined the effects of acute stressors on physiology–behaviour interrelations, but the potential for permanent changes induced by exposure to stress during development remains unexplored. We exposed female zebra finches to dietary restriction during the nestling stage and tested how this affected rP among a variety of physiological traits (haematocrit, stress-induced corticosterone level and basal metabolic rate (BMR)) and behavioural traits (activity and feeding rates in novel and familiar environments). Developmental stress completely uncoupled the relationship between activity in a novel environment and two physiological traits: haematocrit and BMR. This suggests that nutritionally based developmental stress has provoked changes in the energy budget that alleviate the trade-off between maintenance (BMR) and locomotor activities.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out to determine the influence of predation and prey movements on the accumulation of prey in enclosures. Experimental enclosures permitted exchange of prey with the benthos, but not of the large, predatory larvae of the caddisfly, Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis). Unseasonally heavy rainfalls during the experiment resulted in high flows and enabled us to examine the effects of a major, abiotic disturbance on invertebrate spatial dynamics. Prey colonization rates of cages without predators were determined in nine 24 h periods. Colonization rates increased exponentially with flow and were species-specific, depending on dispersal behaviour. Prey accumulation and predator impacts were measured in cages, with and without P. conspersa larvae, placed in the stream for 1, 2 or 3 weeks. Prey densities in cages increased with exposure time, but increases were not gradual and depended on flow regime. Flow was reduced within cages and they accumulated large numbers of invertebrates during high discharge. Analogous, naturally occurring refugia in the stream channel could be important for the recovery of lotic communities after major disturbances. Overall, prey densities were lowest in cages with predators. For fast colonizers, predation effects were detectable early in the experiment, but quickly obscured thereafter by continuous exchange of prey. For slow colonists, predation effects were detectable later, but persisted longer. Consumption rates for P. conspersa varied with prey density and flow regime. We suggest that the spatial dynamics of benthic invertebrates, especially as they are influenced by stochastic events, are important in understanding and detecting predation effects in stream communities.  相似文献   

Due to the lack of a co-evolutionary history, the novel defenses presented by introduced plants may be insurmountable to many native insects. Accordingly, non-native plants are expected to support less insect biomass than native plants. Further, native insect specialists may be more affected by introduced plants than native generalist herbivores, resulting in decreased insect diversity on non-native plants due to the loss of specialists. To test these hypotheses, we used a common garden experiment to compare native insect biomass, species richness, and the proportion of native specialist to native generalist insects supported by 45 species of woody plants. Plants were classified into three groupings, with 10 replicates of each species: 15 species native to Delaware (Natives), 15 non-native species that were congeneric with a member of the Native group (Non-native Congeners), and 15 non-native species that did not have a congener present in the United States (Aliens). Native herbivorous insects were sampled in May, June, and July of 2004 and 2005. Overall, insect biomass was greater on Natives than Non-native Congeners and Aliens, but insect biomass varied unpredictably between congeneric pair members. Counter to expectations, Aliens held more insect biomass than did Non-native Congeners. There was no difference in species richness or the number of specialist and generalist species collected among the three plant groupings in either year, although our protocol was biased against sampling specialists. If these results generalize to other studies, loss of native insect biomass due to introduced plants may negatively affect higher trophic levels of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Iceland is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, with an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles that is largely unexplored with respect to chemical constituents of the marine biota. Iceland is a geothermally active area and hosts both hot and cold adapted organisms on land and in the ocean around it. In particular, the confluence of cold and warm water masses and geothermal activity creates a unique marine environment that has not been evaluated for the potential of marine natural product diversity. Marine organisms need to protect themselves from other organisms trying to overgrow, and some need to secure their place on the bottom of the ocean. Unexplored and unique areas such as the hydrothermal vent site at the sea floor in Eyjafjordur are of particular interest. In 1992 a collaborative research programme on collecting and identifying benthic invertebrates around Iceland (BIOICE) was established, with participation of Icelandic and foreign institutes, universities and taxonomists on benthic invertebrates from all over the world. Since the programme started almost 2,000 species have been identified and of those 41 species are new to science. Our recent bioprospecting project is directed towards the first systematic investigation of the marine natural product diversity of benthic invertebrates occurring in Icelandic waters, and their potential for drug-lead discovery in several key therapeutic areas.  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》2006,26(3):231-240
Revegetation is an essential component of roadside and building site construction and improvement. In the southern United States, non-native grass species are frequently included in revegetation seed mixes used by highway authorities. Non-native species are frequently selected for aggressive growth characteristics; however, these same traits also render them potentially invasive, and subsequently hazardous to adjacent plant communities. Although the use of pure native seed mixes has been rejected in the past due to perceived inferior establishment characteristics, there have been few comparative quantitative field studies that justify this belief. The establishment characteristics of three seed mixes—one containing non-native species and two with native grass and forb species only—were compared in a randomized-block design along a Texas roadside following spring and summer sowing. After 60 days following the spring sowing, the two native-only seed mixes demonstrated 180 and 560% (F = 10.18; P < 0.0001) higher seed densities than the recommended native/non-native mix. The summer sowing results were similar with seedling densities 180 and 330% (F = 9.20; P < 0.01) greater than the standard non-native seeding. Although an aggressive colonizer from vegetative tissue such as stolons and rhizomes, the non-native Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) had a lower than expected establishment rate thought to be due to high water demand during the first week following sowing. Given the invasive characteristics of this common component of many recommended revegetation seed mixes, these results call into question the widespread recommended use of Bermudagrass for such projects. Although gathered during 1 year only, these data indicate that examination of suites of early- and late-successional native species can provide a highly effective mix for revegetation projects. Furthermore, this reduces the potential for negative ecological consequences and provides added benefits associated with wholly native plant communities.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the relationship between biomass and drift of benthic invertebrates (Gammarus lacustris Sars., larvae of mayflies and chironomids), the specific drift rate and the ratio of drift rate to their biomass has been used. The negative correlation between the specific drift rate and the biomass density has been obtained. It indicates that competition between hydrobionts for space and food is not important for the drift. It has been suggested that the decrease in the specific rate of amphipods and the increase in their biomass in bottom sediments are associated with the patterns of feeding and sexual behavior of crustaceans, and the larvae of insects undergo a similar decrease in their specific rate due to the formation of aggregative behavior in them for the mass emergence of imagoes.  相似文献   

Effects of winter warm reservoir release on benthic stream invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The benthos in three small mountain rivers, Holmevassåna and Tverråna (regulated) and Naustdalsåna (natural) 950–1 050 m a.s.l., were investigated during the summer seasons of 1971 and 1972. During the winter Holmevassåna became free of ice and snow due to the increased flow and higher temperature of the released water. In Tverråna River, the amount of released water was too small to break up the ice and snow cover, as was the case with Naustdalsåna River.The recorded fauna in the rivers was similar regarding groups and species, but differences in abundance were noted. The most conspicuous difference, however, was the drifting pattern of chironomid larvae, which reflected changes in winter growth. In Holmevassåna River the drift of larvae was highest in the daytime during July and August. In Tverråna River, larval drift was highest at night in July, but changed to daytime in August and September.It is suggested that the earlier development of insects in Holmevassåna, caused by the winter warm conditions can put adult insects into terrestrial environments, to which they are not adapted. In such cases the imagos can be immobilized to a great extent on snow-covered fields before reproduction.  相似文献   

Parasites were observed in medium- and small-sized fish taken from the discards of a commercial shrimper during seven different cruises in the tidal channels of the North Frisian Wadden Sea (Süderaue, North Sea) from April to September 1991. In total, 442 fish comprising four species (Sprattus sprattus, Hyperoplus lanceolatus, Ammodytes tobianus, Pomatoschistus minutus) were investigated. The parasite fauna consisted of 22 species. The parasite community structure of the 4 hosts was compared. The diet of the hosts seemed to be the main factor determining the structure of the parasite community. Other factors could not be assessed. Eight species of parasites occurred as larval stages. This indicated that fish were intermediate or paratenic hosts in their life cycle. The nematodeHysterothylacium sp. (Anisakidae) and the digeneanCryptocotyle lingua (Heterophyidea) were the dominant parasites, reaching their highest prevalence and density in sprat and sand eel. Sprat and sand eel play a very important role in parasite transmission to predacious fish and seabirds.  相似文献   

Invasive common carp Cyprinus carpio has long been identified as a contributor to water quality deterioration, disrupted ecosystem processes, and shifts in biological assemblage structure. In contrast, little information is available regarding the effects of native benthivorous species on aquatic systems despite their functional similarity to common carp. Effects of common carp and the native black bullhead Ameiurus melas on sediment resuspension, nutrient concentrations, macrophytes, and assemblage structure of zooplankton and macroinvertebrates, were experimentally evaluated. We observed decreased water clarity, increased nutrient concentrations, decreased macrophyte biomass, and decreased benthic macroinvertebrate abundance and biomass associated with common carp, regardless of the presence of black bullhead. In contrast, black bullhead increased total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a concentrations and copepod abundance, but had little or no effect on other measured water quality and biological variables when compared to control conditions. Overall, experimental results suggest that although black bullhead tend to be tolerant of degraded ecosystems, they are not a source of physical changes to the environment known to be responsible for perpetuating degraded water quality (e.g., stable state shifts). Therefore, increased abundance of native species, such as black bullhead, following the invasion of common carp, may serve as an indicator of ecological conditions and should not to be assumed as causative.  相似文献   

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