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Structural characterization of a 40 amino acid peptide with high intrinsic growth hormone releasing activity isolated from a human pancreatic tumor which had caused acromegaly was accomplished by gas phase sequence analyses of the intact peptide and its carboxy terminal cyanogen bromide digestion fragment. High pressure liquid chromatography of the native peptide and synthetic replicates showed that the molecule possessed a free acid rather than an amidated carboxy terminus. The structure of the peptide was established as: Tyr-Ala-Asp-Ala-Ile-Phe-Thr-Asn-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Lys- Val-Leu-Gly-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gln-Asp-Ile-Met-Ser-Arg-Gln-Gln-Gly- Glu-Ser-Asn-Gln-Glu-Arg-Gly-Ala-OH using 1.8 nmoles of material. The structural identity of this material with a previously characterized fragment of a larger growth hormone releasing peptide isolated from a different human tumor is discussed.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) is a member of a large family of structurally related proteins that affect the growth, differentiation, migration, and survival of many cell types. The human FGF-2 gene (encoding residues 1–155) was synthesized by PCR from 20 oligonucleotides and cloned into plasmid pET-32a. A high expression level (1 g/liter) of a fused protein thioredoxin/FGF-2 was achieved in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3). The fusion protein was purified from the soluble fraction of cytoplasmic proteins on a Ni-NTA agarose column. After cleavage of the thioredoxin/FGF-2 fusion with recombinant human enteropeptidase light chain, the target protein FGF-2 was purified on a heparin-Sepharose column. The yield of FGF-2 without N- and C-terminal tags and with high activity was 100 mg per liter of cell culture. Mutations C78S and C96S in the amino acid sequence of the protein decreased FGF-2 dimer formation without affecting its solubility and biological activity.  相似文献   

In recent years, microRNAs (miRNAs) have been proved to be closely related to the tumorigenesis and progression. An increasing number of researches have shown that microRNAs function as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes in human malignant tumors. This study aims to explore the effects of microRNA-383 (miR-383) on malignant biological function of human gliomas. We detected the expression of miR-383 in glioma tissues and normal brain tissues by quantitative real-time PCR. Anchorage-independent growth assays, and flow cytometry were used to evaluate the functions of miR-383 that involves in cell growth and cell cycle. Western blotting assay was used to examine protein expression levels of Cyclin D1 (CCND1), a cell cycle-associated oncogene which has a predicted binding site of miR-383 within its 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR), and luciferase activity assay was used to evaluate the 3′-UTR activity of CCND1. In this study, we found that miR-383 expression level was lower in gliomas than normal brain tissues. Overexpression of miR-383 in U251 and U87 cells showed a significant inhibitory effect on cell growth, which accompanied with cell cycle G0/G1 arrest as well as downregulation of CCND1 expression. Moreover, CCND1 was verified to be one of the direct targets of miR-383. In summary, this study suggested that miR-383 plays the role of tumor suppressor by targeting CCND1 in glioma cells, and may be useful for developing a new therapeutic strategy for gliomas.  相似文献   

Regulation of vascular development by fibroblast growth factors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are potent stimulators of angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. However, the precise role of FGFs and vascular development in normal and pathological tissue has long remained ill defined. Recently, substantial progress has been made toward a better understanding of their role. Genetic studies in mice or in culture systems indicate a role for FGFs in vessel assembly and sprouting. FGFs also stimulate blood vessel branching and lymphangiogenesis. The molecular mechanisms by which FGFs mediate angiogenesis are also better understood. Finally, the FGF/FGF-receptor system has become a focus for the development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of angiogenesis-related diseases such as tissue ischemia.Work described herein from our laboratory was supported by grants from the Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer, the Association de la Recherche sur le Cancer, Rétina France, the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), and the Ministère de la Recherche  相似文献   

The SUC1/CKS1 proteins associate with cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and play an essential role in the regulation of the cell cycle. Recently, an Arabidopsis thaliana SUC1/CKS1 homologous gene, designated CKS1At, has been cloned. Here, overexpression of CKS1At in Arabidopsis is shown to reduce leaf size and root growth rates. Reduced root growth resulted primarily from an increase of the cell-cycle duration and a shortening of the meristem. Endoreduplication was unaffected. The increased cell-cycle duration was associated with an equal extension of both the G1 and G2 phases. This inhibition was due to the binding of CDK subunits with CDKs. The reduced growth rates in response to altered cell-cycle gene expression demonstrates a direct dependence of plant growth rates on cell-cycle regulation.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of FGF-2 have been shown to exist in many cell types. These different species of molecular masses of 18, 21.5, 22, and 24 kDa are all translated via the use of alternate initiation codons. The three forms of HMW FGF-2 initiate at CUGs codons, whereas the 18 kDa form initiates at an AUG codon. The entire 18 kDa sequence is contained within the larger forms of HMW FGF-2 as the AUG codon is 3′ to the CUG codons. Although the 18 kDa form FGF-2 is localized primarily in the cytosol, a significant fraction of the HMW FGF-2 has a nuclear location. The nuclear localization of HMW FGF-2 is determined by amino acid residues in the amino-terminal extended sequence. The residues required for nuclear localization appear to be RG repeats that are found at multiple sites within the amino-terminal extension of HMW FGF-2. The nuclear localization of HMW FGF-2 suggested that these species may have unique properties. By selecting permanent transfectants of 3T3 cells expressing HMW, 18 kDa FGF-2, or all forms of FGF-2, we have found that HMW FGF-2 can endow cells with a phenotype different from that of cells expressing 18 kDa FGF-2. These cells are transformed by what appears to be the intracellular action of HMW FGF-2. The interaction of FGF-2 with heparin has also been examined. Contrary to other reports claiming that FGF-2 required heparin or heparan-sulfate for interaction with its high-affinity receptor, we have found that FGF-2 binds to its receptor in the absence of glycosaminoglycans, and that this binding activates the receptor. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The disaccharide beta-D-GlcA-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcNAc-1-->OMe and other small nonsulfated oligosaccharides related to heparin/heparan sulfate have been shown to bind to FGF and activated the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathway in (F32) cells expressing the FGF receptor. Synthetic routes to beta-D-GlcA-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcNAc-1-->OMe and a glucose analogue beta-D-Glc-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcNAc-1-->OMe are described. The effects of these disaccharides on endothelial cell growth, which is relevant to angiogenesis, were evaluated and it was found they did not mimic the inhibitory effects that were observed for heparin albumin (HA) and that have also been observed by monosaccharide conjugates. They did not alter bovine aortic endothelial cell (BAEC) proliferation, in the presence of FGF-2 in serum free medium or in absence of FGF-2 in serum free and complete medium. Disaccharides (10 microg/mL) reduced by 25-31% the inhibition caused by HA (10 microg/mL) on BAEC growth in serum-free medium but had no effect in complete medium. There was no evidence obtained for the binding of these oligosaccharides to FGF-2 in competition with HA by ELISA.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are implicated in vascular remodeling secondary to injury. Both growth factors control vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cell proliferation, migration, and survival through overlapping intracellular signaling pathways. In vascular smooth muscle cells PDGF-BB induces FGF-2 expression. However, the effect of PDGF on the different forms of FGF-2 has not been elucidated. Here, we report that treatment of vascular aortic smooth muscle cells with PDGF-BB rapidly induces expression of 20.5 and 21 kDa, high molecular weight (HMW) FGF-2 that accumulates in the nucleus and nucleolus. Conversely, PDGF treatment has little or no effect on 18 kDa, low-molecular weight FGF-2 expression. PDGF-BB-induced upregulation of HMW FGF-2 expression is controlled by sustained activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-1/2 and is abolished by actinomycin D. These data describe a novel interaction between PDGF-BB and FGF-2, and indicate that the nuclear forms of FGF-2 may mediate the effect of PDGF activity on vascular smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Tight junctions are multiprotein complexes that form the fundamental physiologic and anatomic barrier between epithelial and endothelial cells, yet little information is available about their molecular organization. To begin to understand how the transmembrane proteins of the tight junction are organized into multiprotein complexes, we used blue native-PAGE (BN-PAGE) and cross-linking techniques to identify complexes extracted from MDCK II cells and mouse liver. In nonionic detergent extracts from MDCK II cells, the tight junction integral membrane protein claudin-2 was preferentially isolated as a homodimer, whereas claudin-4 was monomeric. Analysis of the interactions between chimeras of claudin-2 and -4 are consistent with the transmembrane domains of claudin-2 being responsible for dimerization, and mutational analysis followed by cross-linking indicated that the second transmembrane domains were arranged in close proximity in homodimers. BN-PAGE of mouse liver membrane identified a relatively discrete high molecular weight complex containing at least claudin-1, claudin-2, and occludin; the difference in the protein complex sizes between cultured cells and tissues may reflect differences in tight junction protein or lipid composition or post-translational modifications. Our results suggest that BN-PAGE may be a useful tool in understanding tight junction structure.  相似文献   

To study possible functional differences of the 18-kD and high molecular weight forms of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), we have examined the effect of endogenous production of different bFGF forms on the phenotype of NIH 3T3 cells. Cells transfected with cDNAs coding for either 18-kD bFGF (18-kD bFGF) or all four molecular forms (18, 22, 22.5, 24 kD; wild type [WT] bFGF) exhibit increased migration and decreased FGF receptor number compared to parental cells. However, migration and FGF receptor number of cells transfected with a cDNA coding only for high molecular weight bFGF (22, 22.5, and 24 kD; HMW bFGF) were similar to that of parental cells transfected with vector alone. Cells expressing HMW, 18 kD, or WT bFGF grew to high saturation densities in 10% serum. However, only cells expressing HMW or WT bFGF grew in low serum. Cell surface or metabolic labeling of the different cell types followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-bFGF antibody showed primarily cell surface-associated 18-kD bFGF. In addition, when cells expressing exclusively HMW bFGF were transfected with a cDNA coding for 18-kD bFGF, migration was increased, bFGF receptors were down-regulated, and 18-kD bFGF was found on the cell surface. Cells expressing 18-kD bFGF transfected with a cDNA encoding FGF receptor-2 lacking the COOH-terminal domain (dominant negative bFGF receptor) exhibited a flat morphology and decreases in migration and saturation density. Cells expressing HMW bFGF transfected with the dominant negative bFGF receptor continued to grow to a high saturation density, proliferated in low serum, and exhibited no morphological changes. These results indicate that increased cell migration and FGF receptor down-regulation are mediated by the extracellular interaction of 18-kD bFGF with its cell surface receptor. Growth in low serum may be stimulated by the intracellular action of HMW bFGF through mechanisms independent of the presence of a cell surface receptor. Thus, the different molecular forms of bFGF may act through distinct but convergent pathways.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)II is a mitogenic polypeptide which circulates in association with a binding protein(s). Immunoblotting studies were performed in human serum and indicate that:(1)a approximately 200 kDa covalently-linked IGF-II/binding protein complex is antigenically related to the 30 kDa binding protein, (2)IGF-II prohormone is associated with this complex, and (3)a major portion of the IGF-II prohormone immunoreactivity in human serum is present in fractions which would not be detected by standard radioimmunoassay methods. Our data provide insight regarding the inter-relationships of IGF-II and its binding protein, and direct evidence for the presence of IGF-II prohormone in human serum.  相似文献   

Although fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) both inhibit longitudinal bone growth, little is known about the relationship between FGF2 and FGFR3. Accordingly, the current study examined the expression of FGFR3 mRNA after the administration of FGF2 using cultured chondrocytes from day 17 chick embryos to evaluate the relationship between FGF2 and FGFR3. The chondrocytes were isolated from the caudal one-third portion (LS) of sterna, peripheral regions (USP) and central core regions (USC) of the cephalic portion of the sterna, and lower portion of the proximal tibial growth plate (Ti) of day 17 chick embryo. The expression of FGFR1, FGFR3, and type II and X collagen mRNA in the chondrocytes from the LS, USP, USC, and Ti was determined. FGFR1 was not expressed in the LS and USP chondrocytes, yet strongly expressed in the USC and Ti chondrocytes. With a treatment of FGF2, the expression of FGFR1 slightly increased in the USC chondrocytes and was not related with the concentration of FGF2 in the Ti chondrocytes. FGFR3 was expressed in all the chondrocyte types, yet strongly increased in the LS, USC, USP, and Ti in that order according to the concentration of FGF2. For the LS and USP chondrocytes, the expression of FGFR3 with FGF2 increased in a 4-day culture, yet decreased in a 6-day culture, whereas for the USC chondrocytes, the expression of FGFR3 mRNA with FGF2 increased in a 2-day culture, yet decreased in a 4-day culture, suggesting that the hypertrophic chondrocytes were more numerous and sensitive compared to the proliferative chondrocytes. For all the chondrocyte types, FGF2 appeared to be up-regulated to FGFR3, as the expression of FGFR3 mRNA increased with a higher concentration of FGF2 until a peak level. In conclusion, FGF2 was found to up-regulate to FGFR3 until the peak level of FGFR3 mRNA expression, while in hypertrophic chondrocytes, FGFR3 appeared to cause the differentiaton of chondrocytes, resulting in the inhibition of longitudinal bone growth after the peak level of FGFR3 mRNA expression.  相似文献   

Epigenetic alterations such as aberrant expression of histone-modifying enzymes have been implicated in tumorigenesis. Upregulation of lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5B (KDM5B) has been reported in a variety of malignant tumors. However, the impact of KDM5B in glioma remains unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the expression and prognostic value of KDM5B in glioma. In clinical glioma samples, we found that KDM5B expression was significantly upregulated in cancer lesions compared with normal brain tissues. Kaplan–Meier analysis showed that patients with glioma and higher KDM5B expression tend to have shorter overall survival time. By silencing or overexpressing KDM5B in glioma cells, we found that KDM5B could promote cell growth both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, we demonstrated that KDM5B promoted glioma proliferation partly via regulation of the expression of p21. Our study provided evidence that KDM5B functions as a novel tumor oncogene in glioma and may be a potential therapeutic target for glioma management.  相似文献   

Extracts of serum-free conditioned medium from human rhabdomyosarcoma A673 cells contain high molecular weight (HMW) transforming growth factors (TGFs) that can be partially purified by Bio-Gel P-100 and carboxymethyl (CM)-cellulose chromatography (Todaro et al: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 77:5258, 1980). Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed a principal peak of epidermal growth factor (EGF) radioreceptor assay (RRA) activity and anchorage-independent growth (AIG) activity that coeluted with 25-26% acetonitrile. If a trailing shoulder of EGF RRA activity from the CM-C chromatography was included in the material for HPLC analysis, additional active fractions were observed at 21-22% acetonitrile. Importantly, both active regions from HPLC failed to compete in radioimmunoassays under reduced and denatured conditions for human EGF (hEGF), human TGF-alpha (hTGF-alpha), or rat TGF-alpha (rTGF-alpha) and failed to give positive signals in Western blots under conditions in which TGF-alpha was readily detected when using an antisera raised against the 17 C-terminal amino acids of rTGF-alpha. Nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) revealed EGF RRA and AIG activities in gel slices corresponding to Mr 15,000 and 22,000 in the 25-26% acetonitrile eluate and Mr 15,000, 20,000, 27,000, and 48,000 in the 21-22% acetonitrile eluate. The presence of multiple forms of EGF-receptor-binding peptides produced in vitro suggest size heterogeneity and possible immunologic diversity among high molecular weight members of the EGF/TGF-alpha family of growth-promoting polypeptides.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDEmerging evidence suggests that the spread of glioma to the subventricular zone (SVZ) is closely related to glioma recurrence and patient survival. Neural stem cells (NSCs) are the main cell type in the SVZ region and exhibit tumor-homing ability.AIMTo evaluate the effects of conditioned medium (CM) derived from SVZ NSCs on the cancer-related behaviors of glioma cells.METHODSThe characteristics of SVZ hNSCs were identified by immunofluorescence. The normoxic-hNSC-CM and hypoxic-hNSC-CM (3% O2, oxygen-glucose deprived [OGD] culturing) were collected from 80%-90% confluent SVZ NSCs in sterile conditions. The CCK8 and Transwell assays were used to compare and evaluate the effects of normoxic-CM and hypoxic-CM on glioma proliferation and invasion. Then proteins secreted from SVZ NSCs into the CM were investigated by mass spectrometry, and the potential effects of candidate protein NCAN in the regulation of glioma progression were examined by CCK8 and Transwell assays.RESULTSThe CM from SVZ NSCs significantly increased the proliferation and invasion of glioma cells, particularly the CM from OGD NSCs induced under hypoxic conditions. Furthermore, the secreted protein neurocan (NCAN) in CM from OGD NSCs was identified by proteomic analysis. NCAN was expressed in glioma cells and played regulatory roles in mediating the progression of glioma cells mainly via the Rho/Rho-associated protein kinase pathway.CONCLUSIONOur study identified a potential interactive mechanism between SVZ NSCs and glioma cells, in which SVZ NSCs promote glioma progression via the secreted protein NCAN. These findings suggested that exploring the CM derived from cells could be a novel strategy for optimizing treatments and that NCAN derived from SVZ NSCs may be a potential new target in glioma progression.  相似文献   

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