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Glucocorticoid hormones have been implicated as an important modulator of Trypanosoma cruzi pathogenesis. Since adrenal steroid hormones play a fundamental role in modulating the immune response, we hypothesized that adrenalectomy affect the course of the experimental T. cruzi infection. This study was undertaken to determine the effects of adrenalectomy during the acute phase of T. cruzi infection. Blood and tissue parasitism, macrophages, nitric oxide (NO) production and IFN-γ were evaluated in male Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of T. cruzi. Our results show that adrenalectomized rats displayed increased number of blood and heart parasites accompanied by decreases in the total number of peritoneal macrophages and IFN-γ when compared to controls. Adrenalectomy also reduced the levels of NO released from peritoneal macrophages of infected animals. These results suggest that adrenal corticosteroid insufficiency due to adrenalectomy could be considered an important factor during development of acute phases of experimental Chagas’ disease, enhancing pathogenesis through disturbance of the host’s immune system.  相似文献   

Activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis plays a major role in the suppression of the immune system. We have investigated the effects of repetitive stress on Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi and a control group that underwent stressor stimuli by exposure to ether vapor for one minute twice a day. Repetitive stress resulted in an elevated number of circulating parasites accompanies by deep tissue disorganization, and cardiac histopathological alterations. The infected and stressed group displayed a decrease in body weight, and an increased parasite burden in heart tissue, and adrenal glands. Histological analysis of the heart also showed a moderate to severe diffused mononuclear inflammatory process. These results suggest that repetitive stress could be considered an important factor during development of experimental Chagas' disease, enhancing pathogenesis through disturbance of the host's immune system.  相似文献   

Chagas disease, caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is a major public health problem in Central and South America. The pathogenesis of Chagas disease is complex and the natural course of infection is not completely understood. The recent development of bioluminescence imaging technology has facilitated studies of a number of infectious and non-infectious diseases. We developed luminescent T. cruzi to facilitate similar studies of Chagas disease pathogenesis. Luminescent T. cruzi trypomastigotes and amastigotes were imaged in infections of rat myoblast cultures, which demonstrated a clear correlation of photon emission signal strength to the number of parasites used. This was also observed in mice infected with different numbers of luminescent parasites, where a stringent correlation of photon emission to parasite number was observed early at the site of inoculation, followed by dissemination of parasites to different sites over the course of a 25-day infection. Whole animal imaging from ventral, dorsal and lateral perspectives provided clear evidence of parasite dissemination. The tissue distribution of T. cruzi was further determined by imaging heart, spleen, skeletal muscle, lungs, kidneys, liver and intestines ex vivo. These results illustrate the natural dissemination of T. cruzi during infection and unveil a new tool for studying a number of aspects of Chagas disease, including rapid in vitro screening of potential therapeutical agents, roles of parasite and host factors in the outcome of infection, and analysis of differential tissue tropism in various parasite-host strain combinations.  相似文献   

American Trypanosomiasis is caused by the hemoflagellate Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) and affects millions of persons causing variable degrees of digestive and heart disturbances. As far as we concerned, T. cruzi capacity to synthesize steroid hormones has not been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the capacity of T. cruzi trypomastigotes to transform tritiated steroid precursors into androgens and estrogens. The T. cruzi Tulahuén strain was obtained from mice blood. The trypomastigotes were cultured for 6 and 24h in Dulbbeco's modified Eagle's medium plus FCS and antibiotics. Tritiated dehydroepiandrosterone or androstendione were added to the culture media and parasites were incubated for 6 or 24h. The cultures were centrifuged and ether extracted. The steroids were analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) in two solvent systems. After incubation with (3)H-androstenedione, T. cruzi trypomastigotes synthesized (3)H-testosterone (T), (3)H-17beta-estradiol (E(2)) and (3)H-estrone (E(1)). Metabolism of (3)H-DHEA by the parasites yielded (3)H-androstendione and (3)H-androstendiol at 6h of incubation. The recrystallization procedure further demonstrated the (3)H-androstendiol and (3)H-17beta-estradiol syntheses. Results indicate for the first time that T. cruzi trypomastigotes produce androgens and estrogens when incubated in the presence of steroid precursors and suggest the presence of active parasite steroidogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

Human infection with the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi leads to Chagas disease. After 10-20 years of the normal acute phase, this disease develops to a chronic phase characterized mainly by dilated congestive cardiomyopathy. The mechanisms involved in the chronic phase are poorly understood, and it has been suggested that the parasite evades immune surveillance by down regulating the MHC class I antigen processing pathway. Here we analyzed whether composition or expression of the 20S proteasome, the major proteinase responsible for the generation of MHC class I ligands, were altered upon infection of HeLa cells by T. cruzi. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and RT-PCR experiments comparing non-infected and infected cells did not show differences between the composition of 20S proteasome or expression of its subunits. However, the proteasome’s trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like activities were 2.5 and 3.6 times higher in infected cells than in non-infected cells. Our results suggest that in vitroT. cruzi infection of human or rat cells do not alter the expression of 20S proteasomal subunits or particle composition, and fails to induce the formation of immunoproteasome. However, a significant increase in the trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like activities of the host proteasome was observed.  相似文献   

The participation of nitric oxide (NO) in the control of blood parasitemia and parasitism during the acute phase of infection in dogs inoculated with blood trypomastigotes (BT) or metacyclic trypomastigotes (MT group) of Berenice-78 Trypanosoma cruzi strain has been evaluated. Animals of the MT group (n = 4) presented increased levels of serum NO throughout the infection when compared with the BT (n = 4) or control (n = 4) groups, and a delay in parasitemia peak compared with the BT group. In spleen fragments, tissue parasitism was not observed but the MT group presented larger areas associated with inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in relation to BT and control groups. Heart fragments of MT-infected animals exhibited comparatively low tissue parasitism and high iNOS expression, while animals of the BT group presented high inflammatory infiltrate, high tissue parasitism and low iNOS expression. These results indicate that the source of inoculum can interfere with the development of the acute phase of Chagas disease, and may also trigger a distinct parasite-host interaction during this phase.  相似文献   

An increased level of plasma corticosterone is one manifestation of severe environmental or physiologic stress. The stress response mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is already known to suppress immunoglobulin production and to impair immune function, but there are few studies relating stress and plasma corticosterone to the outcome of Trypanosoma cruzi infection. In this study, male Wistar rats were infected with the Y strain of T. cruzi and then subjected to repetitive stress by exposure to ether vapor for 1min twice a day during the acute phase of infection. Stressed animals showed decreased lytic antibody activity and lowered levels of peritoneal macrophages. Despite an increase in the weight of the spleen, histological analyses demonstrated tissue alterations, the presence of amastigote nests, and a complete absence of activated lymphoid follicles. These results suggest that stress-induced increases in plasma corticosterone can suppress the immune response and worsen tissue injury during the acute phase of T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

Social environment can represent a major source of stress affecting cortisol and/or corticosterone levels, thereby altering the immune response. We have investigated the effects of social isolation on the development of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in female Calomys callosus, a natural reservoir of this protozoan parasite. Animals were divided in groups of five animals each. The animals of one group were kept together in a single cage. In a second group, four females were kept together in a cage with one male. In the final group, five individuals were kept isolated in private cages. The isolated animals showed body weight reduction, decreased numbers of peritoneal macrophages, lower global leucocytes counts, smaller lytic antibody percentage and a significantly higher level of blood parasites compared to the other animals. Their behavior was also altered. They were more aggressive than grouped females, or females exposed to the presence of a male. These results suggest that isolation creates a distinct social behavior in which immunity is impaired and pathogenesis is enhanced.  相似文献   

This study offers an insight into why Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes lose their capacity to differentiate into metacyclic forms, if maintained in culture media long-term through serial passages. The biological and metabolic behaviour of two T. cruzi strains isolated from various origins (human, opossum), and maintained under two schedules (alternate triatomine/mouse passages and serial culture media) were compared. To determine the effect of the environment on the parasites, the epimastigotes were grown under extreme conditions (high and low glucose concentrations), and the glucose consumption, ammonia production and changes in pH, either in one compartment (along the growth curve) or two compartments (induced metacyclogenesis) were compared. The glucose effect on the stages involved in metacyclogenesis at antigenic level was also evaluated. The results indicate that T. cruzi adapts to various environmental conditions and also that the ability of epimastigotes to undergo metacyclogenesis are influenced by the maintenance schedule. Antigenic profile analysis supports the idea that epimastigotes adapted to culture media do not complete their molecular differentiation into the trypomastigote metacyclic stage. These transition forms conserve some degree of gene expression of the epimastigote stage.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi infects humans when infected triatomine vector excreta contaminate breaks in skin or mucosal surfaces. T. cruzi insect-derived metacyclic trypomastigotes (IMT) invade through gastric mucosa after oral challenges without any visible inflammatory changes, while cutaneous and conjunctival infections result in obvious local physical signs. In this study we compared the infectivity of T. cruzi IMT in mice after cutaneous and oral contaminative challenges simulating natural infections. The 50% infective dose (ID50) for oral challenge was 100 fold lower than the ID50for cutaneous challenge, indicating that oral mucosal transmission is more efficient than cutaneous transmission.  相似文献   

The infection with Trypanosoma cruzi leads to a vigorous and apparently uncontrolled inflammatory response in the heart. Although the parasites trigger specific immune response, the infection is not completely cleared out, a phenomenon that in other parasitic infections has been attributed to CD4+CD25+ T cells (Tregs). Then, we examined the role of natural Tregs and its signaling through CD25 and GITR in the resistance against infection with T. cruzi. Mice were treated with mAb against CD25 and GITR and the parasitemia, mortality and heart pathology analyzed. First, we demonstrated that CD4+CD25+GITR+Foxp3+ T cells migrate to the heart of infected mice. The treatment with anti-CD25 or anti-GITR resulted in increased mortality of these infected animals. Moreover, the treatment with anti-GITR enhanced the myocarditis, with increased migration of CD4+, CD8+, and CCR5+ leukocytes, TNF-alpha production, and tissue parasitism, although it did not change the systemic nitric oxide synthesis. These data showed a limited role for CD25 signaling in controlling the inflammatory response during this protozoan infection. Also, the data suggested that signaling through GITR is determinant to control of the heart inflammation, parasite replication, and host resistance against the infection.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that zinc is an essential trace element, influencing growth and affecting the development and integrity of the immune system. The use of oligoelements as zinc can be considered a tool in modulating the effectiveness of the immune response. In this work zinc was daily and orally supplied in male Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Parasitemia was evaluated and a significant reduction on blood parasites was observed. In order to check some immunological parameters peritoneal macrophages were counted revealing higher percentages for zinc supplied group. Consequently enhanced concentrations of IFN-gamma was found and for the first time NO was evaluated in T. cruzi infected animals under the influence of zinc therapy, revealing enhanced concentrations when compared to unsupplied counterparts. We conclude that zinc is able to up-regulate the host's immune response against parasite replication.  相似文献   

The clonal evolution model postulated for Trypanosoma cruzi predicts a correlation between the phylogenetic divergence of T. cruzi clonal genotypes and their biological properties. In the present study, the linkage between phylogenetic divergence of the parasite and IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b response has been evaluated during the acute and chronic phases of the experimental infection. Eight laboratory-cloned stocks representative of this phylogenetic diversity and including the lineages T. cruzi I (genotypes 19 and 20), T. cruzi II (genotype 32) and T. cruzi (genotype 39) have been studied. The results showed that the pattern of humoral immune response was correlated with T. cruzi genotype, and that stocks included in genotype 20 were responsible for the high IgG response in the acute and chronic phases. Moreover, T. cruzi I lineage was more efficient in over-expressing all subclasses of specific anti-parasite IgG than either T. cruzi II or T. cruzi lineages. Curiously, the alteration in the pattern of antibodies induced by Benznidazole treatment was related to the phase of the infection but not to the genotype of the parasite. The data suggest that genotypes of T. cruzi are able to drive levels/subclasses of specific IgG, hence giving rise to further concerns about the sensitivity of serological assays in the diagnosis of human Chagas disease.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease, an endemic human parasitosis in Latin America. This protozoan is transmitted to human and other mammals by blood-feeding bugs belonging to the Triatominae subfamily. There are two strains (T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II) presenting different biological and ecological characteristics. An original agent-based model (ABM) was designed for predicting the prevalence (i.e., proportion of infected individuals in the total population at a given time) of T. cruzi I and II during single and mixed infections. The ABM was calibrated from experimental data retrieved from literature. It was shown that inclusion of reservoir hosts as supplementary type of agent in the model was necessary for obtaining realistic simulation results of the prevalence of the two strains. This is totally in agreement with experimental and field observations on the importance of reservoirs in the parasite transmission cycle. Proposals were made for refining the model. More generally, the advantages and limitations of the ABM in parasitology modeling have been discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed the influence of Trypanosoma cruzi maintenance in different hosts (dog and mouse) on its susceptibility to benznidazole treatment. Five T. cruzi stocks were isolated from dogs inoculated with Be-62 or Be-78 strain (both sensitive to benznidazole) 2-10 years ago, and the benznidazole sensitivity was then determined using the mouse as experimental model. The different T. cruzi stocks obtained from long-term infected dogs showed 50-90% drug resistance right after isolation. However, maintenance of these T. cruzi stocks in mice, by successive blood passages (2.5 years), led to either a decrease or stability of the drug resistance pattern and an increase in parasite virulence. We also demonstrated the effectiveness of the induction of parasitemia reactivation by cyclophosphamide immunosuppression in the evaluation of the response to the specific drug treatment.  相似文献   

A dense glycocalix covers the surface of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. Sialic acid in the surface of the parasite plays an important role in the infectious process, however, T. cruzi is unable to synthesize sialic acid or the usual donor CMP-sialic acid. Instead, T. cruzi expresses a unique enzyme, the trans-sialidase (TcTS) involved in the transfer of sialic acid from host glycoconjugates to mucins of the parasite. The mucins are the major glycoproteins in the insect stage epimastigotes and in the infective trypomastigotes. Both, the mucins and the TcTS are anchored to the plasma membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. Thus, TcTS may be shed into the bloodstream of the mammal host by the action of a parasite phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C, affecting the immune system. The composition and structure of the sugars in the parasite mucins is characteristic of each differentiation stage, also, interstrain variations were described for epimastigote mucins. This review focus on the characteristics of the interplay between the trans-sialidase and the mucins of T. cruzi and summarizes the known carbohydrate structures of the mucins.  相似文献   

Chagas disease remains a serious public health problem in several Latin American countries. New chemotherapy is urgently needed since current drugs are limited in efficacy and exhibit undesirable side effects. Aromatic diamidines and analogs are well known anti-parasitic agents and in this study, we have evaluated the in vitro trypanocidal effect of several different heterocyclic cationic compounds, including diamidines (DB1195, DB1196 and DB1345), a monoamidine (DB824), an arylimidamide (DB613A) and a guanylhydrazone (DB1080) against amastigotes and bloodstream trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. Our present findings showed that all compounds exerted, at low-micromolar doses, a trypanocidal effect upon both intracellular parasites and bloodstream trypomastigotes of T. cruzi. The activity of DB1195, DB1345, DB824 and DB1080 against bloodstream forms was reduced when these compounds were assayed in the presence of mouse blood possibly due to their association with plasma constituents and/or due to metabolic instability of the compounds. However, trypanocidal effects of DB613A and DB1196 were not affected by plasma constituents, suggesting their potential application in the prophylaxis of banked blood. In addition, potency and selectivity of DB613A, towards intracellular parasites, corroborate previous results that demonstrated the highly promising activity of arylimidamides against this parasite, which justify further studies in experimental models of T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi populations and parasite transmission dynamics have been well documented throughout the Americas, but few studies have been conducted in the Gran Chaco ecoregion, one of the most highly endemic areas for Chagas disease, caused by T. cruzi. In this study, we assessed the distribution of T. cruzi lineages (identified by PCR strategies) in Triatoma infestans, domestic dogs, cats, humans and sylvatic mammals from two neighbouring rural areas with different histories of transmission and vector control in northern Argentina. Lineage II predominated amongst the 99 isolates characterised and lineage I amongst the six isolates obtained from sylvatic mammals. T. cruzi lineage IIe predominated in domestic habitats; it was found in 87% of 54 isolates from Tr. infestans, in 82% of 33 isolates from dogs, and in the four cats found infected. Domestic and sylvatic cycles overlapped in the study area in the late 1980s, when intense domestic transmission occurred, and still overlap marginally. The introduction of T. cruzi from sylvatic into domestic habitats is likely to occur very rarely in the current epidemiological context. The household distribution of T. cruzi lineages showed that Tr. infestans, dogs and cats from a given house compound shared the same parasite lineage in most cases. Based on molecular evidence, this result lends further support to the importance of dogs and cats as domestic reservoir hosts of T. cruzi. We believe that in Argentina, this is the first time that lineage IIc has been isolated from naturally infected domestic dogs and Tr. infestans.  相似文献   

Two evolutionary lineages, called Trypanosoma cruzi I and II, have been identified in T. cruzi, the etiologic agent of human Chagas disease. Here, we describe a molecular strategy for direct genetic typing of these major groups of T. cruzi directly in human tissues. The protocol is based on heminested PCR amplification of the D7 region of the 24Salpha ribosomal DNA (rDNA), followed by identification of the products using denaturation curves in real time PCR. The repetitive nature of the gene, and the heminested PCR format insured the high sensitivity necessary to detect the presence of the very scarce T. cruzi DNA present in the chronically infected human tissues. There is 80% DNA sequence homology between the two 24Salpha rDNA alleles that define the T. cruzi I and II groups, sufficient to produce different thermal denaturation curves with melting temperature (TM) values of 81.7+/-0.43 and 78.2+/-0.33 degrees C (mean+/-SEM). Using this technical approach, we analysed tissue samples (esophagi, hearts and colon) from 25 different patients with the gastrointestinal or cardiac forms of Chagas disease; in all of them we found only the presence of T cruzi II. Previous epidemiological and immunological findings had already led to the idea that chronic human infections occurring in Brazil and Argentina might be primarily due to T. cruzi II strains, but all the evidence available had been indirect. Our findings provide definitive proof of this hypothesis and will also allow the establishment of which group of T. cruzi is responsible for Chagas disease in other countries.  相似文献   

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