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Taenia crassiceps cysticerci is used as an experimental model to cysticercosis studies; however there are subcutaneous cases of cysticercosis caused by these cysticerci. It remains unclear in the literature the energetic and fatty acid metabolism in cestodes. Its metabolic study may provide knowledge of pathways that may serve as potential anti-helminthic drugs sites of action. In this work we studied the citric acid cycle organic acids and the fatty acid oxidation in cysticerci removed from mice with 21 and 42 days of infection in two different evolutive stages: growing and final. The organic acids were extracted using perchloric acid and analyzed by HPLC methodology. We found significant statistically differences in oxalate, malate, lactate, and beta-hydroxybutirate concentrations between cysticerci. These results indicate the aerobic metabolism in vivo in spite of the low oxygen concentration of its habitat, and also indicate the presence of fatty acid oxidation as an alternative energetic source.  相似文献   

Conditions in vitro producing high rates of evagination of the cysticercus of Taenia hydatigena were obtained with an enzyme mixture of either 100 nig trypsin or 100 mg pancreatin and 5 ml whole dog bile made up to 100 ml with Hanks' balanced salt solution (BSS). Single enzyme solutions, or whole bile, in Hanks' BSS were not efficient. A pretreatment with an acid pepsin solution had little effect, on the rate of evagination. Evagination in vivo took place in the small intestine where a large portion of the larval tissue was shed almost immediately. There was no significant relationship between the mean weight of cysticerci fed to dogs AND the mean weight of scoleces recovered after 24 hr or 20 days.  相似文献   

The present research was performed to isolate and study the effects of a low molecular weight (<1300 Da) parasite-associated substance, obtained from peritoneal fluids of female mice infected with Taenia crassiceps cysticerci, on seminiferous epithelium cells of male mice testis. The results showed an intense disruption of Sertoli cells and germ cells within the seminiferous tubules of experimental mice, along with the destruction of their gap junction (GJ). Significant generalized apoptosis of germ cells within seminiferous tubules was determined by TUNEL staining (P = 0.0159). In addition, a significant number of infiltrating macrophages were found in the luminal space of these seminiferous tubules (P < 0.0001). Finally, electron microscopy studies revealed structural and morphological abnormalities in the somatic cells (Sertoli and Leydig cells) and in the germ cells, primarily in the round and elongate spermatids.  相似文献   

To study the properties of ion channels of the tapeworm Taenia crassiceps, mRNA was isolated from cysticerci and injected into mature oocytes of the frog Xenopus laevis and ion currents were recorded four days after injection with the two-electrode voltage clamp technique. Oocytes injected with mRNA of T. crassiceps expressed outward currents (ITC) that activated instantly after onset of the test pulse, followed by a slow inactivation at potentials over +40 mV, with a reversal potential of −23.2 ± 5 mV. They were not affected by changes on monovalent cationic composition of external media, but replacement of external chloride by gluconate shifted significantly the reversal potential, suggesting that ITC are anion currents, with a permeability sequence of . These currents were sensitive to changes of external pH but not to hypotonic challenges. They were significantly inhibited by DIDS, NPPB and Niflumic acid, but not by 9-anthracene. These results suggest that ITC are the result of expression of anion channels from the tapeworm T. crassiceps.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins from the total vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps (VF-Tc) were prepared using three different purification methods, consisting of ConA-lectin affinity chromatography (ConA-Tc), preparative electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (14gp-Tc), and monoclonal antibody immunoaffinity chromatography (18/14-Tc). The complex composition represented by the VF-Tc and ConA-Tc antigens revealed peptides ranging from 101- to 14-kDa and from 92- to 12-kDa, respectively. Immunoblotting using lectins confirmed glucose/mannose (glc/man) residues in the 18- and 14-kDa peptides, which are considered specific and immunodominant for the diagnosis of cysticercosis, and indicated that these fractions are glycoproteins. Serum antibodies from a patient with neurocysticercosis that reacted to the 14gp band from T. crassiceps (Tc) were eluted from immunoblotting membranes and showed reactivity to 14gp from Taenia solium. In order to determine the similar peptide sequence, the N-terminal amino acid was determined and analyzed with sequences available in public databases. This sequence revealed partial homology between T. crassiceps and T. solium peptides. In addition, mass spectrometry along with theoretical Mr and pI of the 14gp-Tc point suggested a close relationship to some peptides of a 150-kDa protein complex of the T. solium previously described. The identification of these common immunogenic sites will contribute to future efforts to develop recombinant antigens and synthetic peptides for immunological assays.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of CO(2) on the in vitro cultivation of Anisakis simplex, an aquatic parasitic nematode of cetaceans (final hosts) and fish, squid, crustaceans and other invertebrates (intermediate/paratenic hosts), and, occasionally, of man (accidental host). The results showed that a high pCO(2), at a suitable temperature, is vital for the optimum development of these nematodes, at least from the third larval stage (L3) to adult. After 30 days cultivation in air, molting to L4 (fourth larval stage) was reduced to 1/3, while survival was about 1/3 of that when cultivated in air + 5% CO(2). The activity of the CO(2)-fixing enzymes, PEPCK and PEPC, was also studied. Throughout the development of the worms studied, PEPCK activity was much higher than that of PEPC (e.g., 305 vs. 6.8 nmol/min.mg protein, respectively, in L3 collected from the host fish). The activity of these enzymes in the worms cultivated in air + 5% CO(2) was highest during M3, and was also generally higher than that of those cultivated in air only, especially during molting from L3 to L4 (e.g., in recently molted L4, PEPCK activity was 3.7 times greater than that of PEPC 2.9 times greater than when cultivated in air).  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding for a predicted small heat shock protein (sHSP), Tsol-sfISP35.6, has been isolated by antibody screening of a Taenia solium c-DNA library. The clone was a full-length sequence (1172 bp) with an open reading frame of 945 bp and encoded for a 314 amino acid protein with deduced molecular mass of 35.6 kDa, isoelectric point of 5.6 arid the characteristic HSP20/alpha-crystallin domain duplicated. It was highly conserved, with a high sequence similarity with other platyhelminth sHSPs. Western blot analysis, using serum from neurocysticercosis patients (NCC), indicated that the purified Tsol-sHSP35.6 expression product was immunogenic, while in indirect ELISA, using the purified Tsol-sHSP35.6 expression product as antigen and serum samples from pigs and humans, 80% of T. solium infected pigs and 84% of patients with active, or 71% of patients with inactive NCC were sero-positive. The possible relevance of Tsol-sHSP35.6 in the diagnosis and pathogenesis of NCC is discussed.  相似文献   

Fate and proliferation of gastric mucosal cells during hyperplasia of Taenia taeniaeformis eggs inoculated Wistar rats were investigated using PCNA immunohistochemistry, BrdU labeling and other histopathologic staining techniques. Results revealed marked cell proliferation in gastric corpus and antral mucosa of infected rats as evidenced by increased lengths of proliferative zones and indices of BrdU labeling. The gastropathy in corpus was characterized by massive accumulation of precursors, neck and intermediate cells following significant decreases in numbers of parietal and zymogenic cells. Gastropathy in antrum was described with significant increases in precursors and mucous cells. Our results suggested that T. taeniaeformis-induced gastric hyperplasia was initiated by depletion of parietal cells presumably due to the cestode's ES products. As a result, there was inhibition of zymogenic cell differentiation due to the disruption of normal development pathways of gastric mucosal lineages. These sequences of events were considered to cause the increase in cell proliferation and accumulation of intermediate cells resulting to the hyperplastic lesions.  相似文献   

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