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Complete phosphorylation mapping of protein kinases was successfully undertaken using an automated LC/MS/MS approach. This method uses the direct combination of triple quadrupole and ion trapping capabilities in a hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap to selectively identify and sequence phosphorylated peptides. In particular, the use of a precursor ion scan of m/z -79 in negative ion mode followed by an ion trap high resolution scan (an enhanced resolution scan) and a high sensitivity MS/MS scan (enhanced product ion scan) in positive mode is a very effective method for identifying phosphorylation sites in proteins at low femtomole levels. Coupling of this methodology with a stable isotope N-terminal labeling strategy using iTRAQtrade mark reagents enabled phosphorylation mapping and relative protein phosphorylation levels to be determined between the active and inactive forms of the protein kinase MAPKAPK-1 in the same LC/MS run.  相似文献   

We report on the effectiveness of CID, HCD, and ETD for LC-FT MS/MS analysis of peptides using a tandem linear ion trap-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. A range of software tools and analysis parameters were employed to explore the use of CID, HCD, and ETD to identify peptides (isolated from human blood plasma) without the use of specific "enzyme rules". In the evaluation of an FDR-controlled SEQUEST scoring method, the use of accurate masses for fragments increased the number of identified peptides (by ~50%) compared to the use of conventional low accuracy fragment mass information, and CID provided the largest contribution to the identified peptide data sets compared to HCD and ETD. The FDR-controlled Mascot scoring method provided significantly fewer peptide identifications than SEQUEST (by 1.3-2.3 fold) and CID, HCD, and ETD provided similar contributions to identified peptides. Evaluation of de novo sequencing and the UStags method for more intense fragment ions revealed that HCD afforded more contiguous residues (e.g., ≥ 7 amino acids) than either CID or ETD. Both the FDR-controlled SEQUEST and Mascot scoring methods provided peptide data sets that were affected by the decoy database used and mass tolerances applied (e.g., identical peptides between data sets could be limited to ~70%), while the UStags method provided the most consistent peptide data sets (>90% overlap). The m/z ranges in which CID, HCD, and ETD contributed the largest number of peptide identifications were substantially overlapping. This work suggests that the three peptide ion fragmentation methods are complementary and that maximizing the number of peptide identifications benefits significantly from a careful match with the informatics tools and methods applied. These results also suggest that the decoy strategy may inaccurately estimate identification FDRs.  相似文献   

The induction of micronuclei (MN) by vincristine, mitomycin C and cyclophosphamide was compared in purified lymphocytes and in whole-blood cultures. With both assays, cytokinesis was blocked by cytochalasin B and MN were only scored in binucleate cells. The data suggest that whole-blood cultures may be considered a better experimental condition for the detection of MN induced by chemicals in vitro.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional linear ion trap mass spectrometers are rapidly becoming the new workhorse instruments for shotgun proteomic analysis of complex peptide mixtures. The objective of this study was to compare the potential for false positive peptide sequence matches between a two-dimensional ion trap instrument and a traditional, three-dimensional ion trap instrument. Through the comparative analysis of a complex protein sample, we found that in order to minimize false positive sequence matches, sequence match scoring criteria must be more stringent for data from the two-dimensional ion trap compared to the three-dimensional ion trap data. Given this increased potential for false positives, we also investigated two potential filtering strategies to reduce the false positive matches for data derived from the two-dimensional ion trap, including trypsin enzyme cleavage filtering, and the addition of peptide physicochemical information as a constraint, specifically peptide isoelectric point. The results described here provide a cautionary tale to researchers, demonstrating the need for careful analysis of MS/MS data from this new class of ion trap instruments, as well as the effectiveness of trypsin enzyme cleavage filtering and peptide pI information in maximizing high confidence protein identifications from this powerful proteomic instrumentation.  相似文献   

The specific activity of the Mg2+-ATPase and the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase has been measured in a microsomal fraction from pig antral smooth muscle with the phosphate-release assay and the NADH-coupled enzyme assay, and the release of inorganic phosphate as a function of time is compared with the concomitant production of ADP. Both assays are found to overestimate the true Mg2+-ATPase activity. The adenylate kinase inhibitor P1,P5-di(adenosine-5'-)pentaphosphate (Ap5A) reduces the specific activity of the Mg2+-ATPase measured in the NADH-coupled enzyme assay to about half of its original value; however, it does not affect the specific activity of the Mg2+-ATPase in the Pi-release assay. The considerable overestimation of the Mg2+-ATPase activity in the NADH-coupled enzyme assay results from a combined action of an ATP pyrophosphatase (ATP in equilibrium AMP + PPi) and adenylate kinase activity contaminating the microsomes. The adenylate kinase activity in the microsomes catalyses the conversion of AMP formed by the ATP pyrophosphatase together with ATP into two ADP's. Also the phosphate-release assay is prone to an overestimation artefact because an inorganic pyrophosphatase will degrade the pyrophosphate and thus lead to additional Pi-production. Measurements of AMP and NAD+ production by HPLC confirmed our proposed reaction scheme. The same (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity is found in both assays, because the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity is calculated from the difference in ATPase activity in the presence and absence of Ca2+, so that as a consequence the interfering activities are automatically subtracted.  相似文献   

Sixty female nude mice (C578L/6jBom-nu) were injected with 100 microl cell suspension containing 2 x 10(6) viable cells of an N-methyl-N-nitroguanidine-induced rat colonic adenocarcinoma. After seven days the animals were divided into five groups. The first group received only saline and served as a control group. The second group received a triple therapy of octreotide, galanin and serotonin (20 microg/kg). The last three groups received double therapies of octreotide/galanin, octreotide/serotonin or galanin/serotonin (20 microg/kg). They were treated twice a day for five days. Tumour volume and weight, relative volume density of tumour-feeding blood vessels and of tumour necrotic tissue, as well as apoptotic and proliferation indices were determined. Animal weight, food consumption, faeces weight and its water content were recorded before and after treatment. Tumour volume was significantly reduced only in the group that received the triple therapy. The volume density of the tumour-feeding blood vessels was significantly reduced in the treated groups with the exception of the group that received octreotide and serotonin. Increased relative volume density of tumour necrotic tissue occurred only in the group treated with triple therapy. Apoptotic indices were significantly increased in all treated groups. No statistical difference was found between treated animals and controls regarding proliferation indices, food consumption, faeces weight and water content or animal weight. In conclusion, double therapy using two of the gastrointestinal bioactive substances, octreotide, galanin and serotonin, has certain effects on colon cancer cells. To cause a considerable tumour necrosis, triple therapy seems to be required. Both double and triple therapy seem to lack obvious side-effects.  相似文献   

Reducing water to hydrogen gas by zinc or uranium metal for determining D/H ratio is both tedious and time consuming. This has forced most energy metabolism investigators to use the "two-point" technique instead of the "Multi-point" technique for estimating total energy expenditure (TEE). Recently, we purchased a new platinum (Pt)-equilibration system that significantly reduces both time and labor required for D/H ratio determination. In this study, we compared TEE obtained from nine overweight but healthy subjects, estimated using the traditional Zn-reduction method to that obtained from the new Pt-equilibration system. Rate constants, pool spaces, and CO2 production rates obtained from use of the two methodologies were not significantly different. Correlation analysis demonstrated that TEEs estimated using the two methods were significantly correlated (r=0.925, p=0.0001). Sample equilibration time was reduced by 66% compared to those of similar methods. The data demonstrated that the Zn-reduction method could be replaced by the Pt-equilibration method when TEE was estimated using the "Multi-Point" technique. Furthermore, D equilibration time was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

A microplate-based electrophoretic assay has been developed for the serine/threonine kinase protein kinase A (PKA). The ElectroCapture PKA assay developed uses a positively charged, lissamine-rhodamine-labeled kemptide peptide substrate for the kinase reaction and Nanogen's ElectroCapture HTS Workstation and 384-well laminated membrane plates to electrophoretically separate the negatively charged phosphorylated peptide product from the kinase reaction mix. After the electrophoretic separation, the amount of rhodamine-labeled phosphopeptide product was quantified using a Tecan Ultra384 fluorescence reader. The ElectroCapture PKA assay was validated with both known PKA inhibitors and library compounds. The pK(iapp) results obtained in the ElectroCapture PKA assay were comparable to those generated with current radioactive filter-binding assay and antibody-based competitive fluorescence polarization PKA assay formats.  相似文献   

Phytosulfokine-alpha, a sulfated pentapeptide growth factor universally found in both monocotyledons and dicotyledons, strongly promotes proliferation of plant cells in culture. It is similar to animal polypeptide hormones in that it is processed from a larger precursor, preprophytosulfokine, although the putative processing sites do not conform to consensus sequences for endoproteolytic processing sites flanking animal prohormones. Like the animal preprohormones, preprophytosulfokine also has a signal peptide at the N-terminus for targeting to secretory pathways. The preprophytosulfokine gene has been confirmed to be expressed in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

A mutant form of mercuric reductase, which has three of its four catalytically essential cysteine residues replaced by alanines (ACAA: Ala135Cys140Ala558Ala559), has been constructed and used for mechanistic investigations. With disruption of the Hg(II) binding site, the mutant enzyme is devoid of Hg(II) reductase activity. However, it appears to fold properly since it binds FAD normally and exhibits very tight binding of pyridine nucleotides as is seen with the wild-type enzyme. This mutant enzyme allows quantitative accumulation of two species thought to function as intermediates in the catalytic sequence of the flavoprotein disulfide reductase family of enzymes. NADPH reduces the flavin in this mutant, and a stabilized E-FADH- form accumulates. The second intermediate is a flavin C(4a)-Cys140 thiol adduct, which is quantitatively accumulated by reaction of oxidized ACAA enzyme with NADP+. The conversion of the Cys135-Cys140 disulfide in wild-type enzyme to the monothiol Cys140 in ACAA and the elevated pKa of Cys140 (6.7 vs 5.0 in wild type) have permitted detection of these intermediates at low pH (5.0). The rates of formation of E-FADH- and the breakdown of the flavin C(4a)-thiol adduct have been measured and indicate that both intermediates are kinetically competent for both the reductive half-reaction and turnover by wild-type enzyme. These results validate the general proposal that electrons flow from NADPH to FADH- to C(4a)-thiol adduct to the FAD/dithiol form that accumulates as the EH2 form in the reductive half-reaction for this class of enzymes.  相似文献   

A member of the GGNG peptide family was isolated from Hirudo nipponia (leech). GGNG peptides had only been isolated previously from earthworms. The C-terminus structure of the leech peptide, LEP (leech excitatory peptide), was –Gly–Gly–Asn–amide, while that of the earthworm peptides, EEP (earthworm excitatory peptide), was –Gly–Gly–Asn–Gly. LEP exerted 1000-fold more potent activities on leech gut than did EEP-2. On the other hand, EEP-2 was 1000-fold more potent than LEP on the crop-gizzard of the earthworm. Analog peptides of LEP and EEP-2 were synthesized, and the myoactive potency of each analog on the leech and earthworm tissues was compared.  相似文献   

Previous experiments revealed the effect of stable acceleration of ions in a plasma-beam discharge in a low magnetic field to energies one order of magnitude higher than the electron thermal energy. To verify the previously proposed mechanisms for this effect, the velocity distribution function of the electrons arriving at the collector and the energy distribution of the ions escaping from the discharge transversely to the axis were measured. It is found that ion acceleration is accompanied by significant electron heating near the discharge axis. The time behavior and longitudinal profile of the intensity of the excited high-frequency oscillations in the frequency range ω ~ ω pe were studied. The accumulation of regular oscillations in the beam-injection region and their stochastization during the propagation along the system axis were observed. The experimental results correlate qualitatively with the data of previous numerical simulations.  相似文献   

A new on-line method for measuring acetylene reduction is described. It consists of a gas-flow cell connected to an electronic gas-mixing system and an automatic sample loop in the gas chromatograph. Alternatively, ethylene can be determined by using laser-based trace gas detection. The laser-based trace gas detection technique achieves a detection limit that is three orders of magnitude better than gas chromatography. We have applied the on-line method to the measurement of nitrogen fixation in a culture of the heterocystous cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena and compared it with conventional batch-type incubations. Incubation of N. spumigena in the gas-flow cell resulted in very short response times with a steady-state flux of ethylene obtained within 2 min. Nitrogenase was shown to respond immediately to changes in light and oxygen. Monitoring of nitrogenase activity could be continued for several hours without having a negative impact on nitrogen fixation rates in N. spumigena . This was not the case in batch incubations, in which changes in nitrogenase activities were recorded during incubations, probably as a result of varying oxygen concentrations. It was therefore concluded that the on-line method is superior to batch incubations when rates of nitrogenase activity are to be measured. The method is suitable for natural samples (water or sediment).  相似文献   

A facile and cost-effective process for screening synthetic libraries for an affinity ligand is described. A high throughput 96-well plate filtration method was designed to screen both discrete compounds and mixtures of compounds attached to a solid support. Human serum albumin (HSA) was used as a target protein to demonstrate the proof of concept. Detection and quantitation by fluorescence was accomplished with the use of fluorescamine to conjugate the protein in the filtrate. It is found that mixtures demonstrating low average binding reflect an overall lower hit rate of the components, whereas deconvolution of mixtures with high protein binding consistently provides a high hit rate. This differs from many of the previous experiences screening solid-phase mixtures in which high false positive rates are noted to occur. A total of 100K compounds were tested: 25K as discrete samples and 75K as mixtures. An overall hit rate of 8% was observed. Secondary screening of compounds measured specificity, recovery, and dynamic binding capacity. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated using an affinity column made with a representative lead compound. A similar purity was achieved in a single-step purification of HSA from serum as compared to that obtained by two steps of ion-exchange chromatography. The process for primary screening of a large number of compounds is simple, inexpensive, and applicable to any soluble target protein of known or unknown function from crude mixtures and may have additional utility as a generic chemical affinity tool for the functional characterization of novel proteins emerging from proteomics work.  相似文献   

A human colon cancer cell line was implanted subcutaneously in nude mice. After 7 days, the animals were divided into four groups. The first group received an intraperitoneal (i.p.) continuous infusion by an osmotic pump, the second was given i.p. bolus injections, the third received continuous subcutaneous (s.c.) infusion by an osmotic pump and the fourth group was given bolus s.c. injections. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups. The first subgroup received triple treatment with octreotide, galanin, and serotonin, 40 microg/kg body weight/day of each. The second subgroup was given sterile saline solution. Treatment lasted for 14 days. The volume and wet weight of the tumours in all treated groups tended to decrease, but was statistically significant only in the group with continuous i.p. infusion. The number of viable cells tended to decrease in all the treated groups, but was not statistically significant. Proliferation index was significantly reduced in mice given triple therapy i.p. as bolus injection and as continuous infusion, as compared with their respective controls. The apoptotic index increased significantly in mice receiving triple therapy as continuous i.p. infusion as revealed by both the TUNEL method and by poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) expression. The number of tumour blood vessels was significantly reduced in the mice given triple therapy as continuous i.p. infusion, as compared with controls. There was no statistical difference between animals treated by different routes, regarding proliferation or apoptosis of the cancer cells, or the number or mean luminal area of tumour blood vessels. The present investigation showed that regardless of the route of administration, triple therapy with octreotide, galanin and serotonin generally reduced the volumes, weights, viable cells, vascularization and proliferation of the tumours, as well as inducing apoptosis. Continuous i.p. infusion appears, however, to be the most effective route of administration.  相似文献   

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