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在实蝇亚科Trypetinae内,由于凤实蝇属Felderimyia Hendel与邻实蝇属Ptilona van der Wulp在诸多形态特征和雌性外生殖器构造方面十分近似,因此此属应归隶于刺脉实蝇族Acanthonevrini。对凤实蝇属进行了重新界定,详细描述中国1新纪录种:黑翅凤实蝇F.fuscipennis Hendel,并提供分种检索表和特征图。  相似文献   

中国寡鬃实蝇属记述:双翅目:实蝇科   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
中国寡鬃实蝇属 Dacus Fabrcius目前已知6亚属31种。本文记述其中的5个新种:锈红寡鬃实蝇D.(Bactrocera)rubiginus sp.nov.,海南寡鬃实蝇D.(Didacus)hainanus sp.nov.滇寡鬃实蝇D.(Asiadacus)dianensis sp.nov.,盾条寡鬃实蝇D.(Zeugodacus)adustus sp.nov.,狭腹寡鬃实蝇D.(Zeugodacus)stenomus sp.nov.;记载5个中国新纪录:实胫寡鬃实蝇D.(Bactrocera)correctus(Bezzi),短条寡鬃实蝇D.(Zeugodacus)abbreviatus Hardy,印度寡鬃实蝇D.(Zeugodacus) scutellaris(Bezzi),番石榴寡鬃实蝇D.(Hemigymnodacus)diversus Coq.,黑背寡鬃实蝇D.(Paratridacus)expandens melanius Hardy & Adachi;并列出种检索表。  相似文献   

汪兴鉴 《昆虫学报》1992,35(1):105-107
偶角实蝇属Aischrocrania Hendel,1927隶于实蝇亚科、实蝇族,自亨特耳(Hendel,1927)根据其模式种散带偶角实蝇A.aldrichi Hendel建立本属以来,世界现知共4种,除桠纹偶角实蝇A.jucunda Ito产于日本(北海道、九州)外,其余3种包括本篇记述的1新种均分布于中国。 本属两性成虫异型。雄性额中部明显洼陷,侧缘具嵴,部分种类的下侧额鬃直立、粗大,特化而呈刺状等特征与瘤额实蝇属Vidalia.近似,主要区别在于触角奇特,第2节前端上方具一明显的角形突;下侧额鬃5—11对不等。雌性因触角和下侧额鬃正常,鉴定时  相似文献   

本文记述刺脉实蝇族Acanthinevrini一新属三新种,即墨实蝇属Cyaforma gen. nov., 神峨墨实蝇C.shenonica sp.nov., 西藏川实蝇 Ortalotrypeta tibeta sp.nov., 单鬃川实蝇 O.singula sp.nov。  相似文献   

汪兴鉴 《昆虫学报》1990,33(4):484-485
后鬃实蝇属Sineuleia Chen,1948隶于实蝇亚科、实蝇族,据以下侧额鬃指向内后方、单眼鬃极退化两个特征而区别于其他属,世界迄今仅知1种,即狭颊后鬃实蝇S.con-sobrina(Zia),1937,中国(浙江、四川)。本文记述采自四川的1个新种,模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文记述实蝇亚科Trypetinae一新属新种:端脉实蝇属Apiculonia gen. nov., 模式种——西藏端脉实蝇A. tibetana sp. nov.。本新属与实蝇属Trypeta Meigen 近缘,但口上片极其发达,几呈半圆形;r-m横脉显位于1M_2室末端,易于鉴别。  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):507-515
对中国实蝇科的羽角实蝇属Gastrozona Bezzi 进行了全面概述和厘订,本属在我国现知共有8种, 其中包括一个新种:汉氏羽角实蝇G. hancochi sp. Nov.;一个中国新记录种:微连羽角实蝇G. soror (Schiner)。附脉羽角实蝇G. appendiculata Zia 以前曾被误作是笋黄羽角实蝇G. fasciventris(Macquart)的同物异名,现提出恢复其种的地位。 除描述新种外,还提供中国羽角实蝇属已知种类的鉴别特征、分种检索表及其特征图。  相似文献   

本文记述远痣实蝇属Parahypenidium Shiraki的3个新种:棕尾远痣实蝇p.brunneum sp.nov.,黑腹远痣实蝇P.ntgritum sp.nov.,紫背远痣实蝇P.voilaceum sp.nov.,标本采自四川.云南两省。  相似文献   

中国寡鬃实蝇属分类研究(双翅目: 实蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对中国寡鬃实蝇属 Dacus Fabricius 进行了分类研究和厘订, 确认我国现知共有下列13种 (包括1新种): 版纳棍腹实蝇 Dacus (Callantra) bannatus (Wang), 对刺棍腹实蝇 D. (C.) bispinosus (Wang), 东方棍腹实蝇D. (C.) esakii (Shiraki), 台湾棍腹实蝇 D. (C.) formosanus (Tseng & Chu), 海口棍腹实蝇, 新种 D. (C.) haikouensis sp. nov., 瓜棍腹实蝇D. (C.) longicornis Wiedemann, 端纹棍腹实蝇 D. (C.) nummularius (Bezzi), 尖槐藤棍腹实蝇D. (C.) polistiformis (Senior-White), 越南棍腹实蝇 D. (C.) satanas (Hering), 中华棍腹实蝇 D. (C.) sinensis (Wang), 圆斑棍腹实蝇 D. (C.) sphaeroidalis (Bezzi), 三点棍腹实蝇D. (C.) trimacula (Wang) 和海南寡鬃实蝇 D. (Dacus) hainanus Wang & Zhao. 除描述一新种并附特征图外, 还提供了该属的中国种类修订名录和分种检索表.  相似文献   

棍腹实蝇属六新种记述(双翅目:实蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中国棍腹实蝇属Callantra共10种。本文记述其中的6个新种:三点棍腹实蝇C.trimacula sp. nov., 版纳棍腹实蝇C. bannata sp. nov., 中华棍腹实蝇C. sinensis sp. nov., 谢氏棍腹实蝇C. ziae sp. nov., 对刺棍腹实蝇C. bispinosa sp. nov., 纹背棍腹实蝇C. variegata sp. nov.;报道2个中国新纪录:圆斑棍腹实蝇C. sphaeroidalis(Bezzi),尼泊尔棍腹实蝇C. nepalensis Hardy。作者除详细描述各新种的形态特征外,还列出种检索表。  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis worldwide and global estimates of its incidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of a World Health Organization-led effort to update the empirical evidence base for the leishmaniases, national experts provided leishmaniasis case data for the last 5 years and information regarding treatment and control in their respective countries and a comprehensive literature review was conducted covering publications on leishmaniasis in 98 countries and three territories (see 'Leishmaniasis Country Profiles Text S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, S29, S30, S31, S32, S33, S34, S35, S36, S37, S38, S39, S40, S41, S42, S43, S44, S45, S46, S47, S48, S49, S50, S51, S52, S53, S54, S55, S56, S57, S58, S59, S60, S61, S62, S63, S64, S65, S66, S67, S68, S69, S70, S71, S72, S73, S74, S75, S76, S77, S78, S79, S80, S81, S82, S83, S84, S85, S86, S87, S88, S89, S90, S91, S92, S93, S94, S95, S96, S97, S98, S99, S100, S101'). Additional information was collated during meetings conducted at WHO regional level between 2007 and 2011. Two questionnaires regarding epidemiology and drug access were completed by experts and national program managers. Visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis incidence ranges were estimated by country and epidemiological region based on reported incidence, underreporting rates if available, and the judgment of national and international experts. Based on these estimates, approximately 0.2 to 0.4 cases and 0.7 to 1.2 million VL and CL cases, respectively, occur each year. More than 90% of global VL cases occur in six countries: India, Bangladesh, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Brazil. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is more widely distributed, with about one-third of cases occurring in each of three epidemiological regions, the Americas, the Mediterranean basin, and western Asia from the Middle East to Central Asia. The ten countries with the highest estimated case counts, Afghanistan, Algeria, Colombia, Brazil, Iran, Syria, Ethiopia, North Sudan, Costa Rica and Peru, together account for 70 to 75% of global estimated CL incidence. Mortality data were extremely sparse and generally represent hospital-based deaths only. Using an overall case-fatality rate of 10%, we reach a tentative estimate of 20,000 to 40,000 leishmaniasis deaths per year. Although the information is very poor in a number of countries, this is the first in-depth exercise to better estimate the real impact of leishmaniasis. These data should help to define control strategies and reinforce leishmaniasis advocacy.  相似文献   

The purified 30 S ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli strain Q13 were chemically modified by reaction with ethyleneimine, specifically converting cysteine residues to S-2-aminoethylcysteine residues. Proteins S1, S2, S4, S8, S11, S12, S13, S14, S17, S18 and S21 were found to contain aminoethylcysteine residues after modification, whereas proteins S3, S5, S6, S7, S9, S10, S15, S16, S19 and S20 did not. Aminoethylated proteins S4, S13, S17 and S18 were active in the reconstitution of 30 S ribosomes and did not have altered functional activities in poly(U)-dependent polyphenylalanine synthesis, R17-dependent protein synthesis, fMet-tRNA binding and Phe-tRNA binding. Aminoethylated proteins S2, S11, S12, S14 and S21 were not active in the reconstitution of complete 30 S ribosomes, either because the aminoethylated protein did not bind stably to the ribosome (S2, S11, S12 and S21) or because the aminoethylated protein did not stabilize the binding of other ribosomal proteins (S14). The functional activities of 30 S ribosomes reconstituted from a mixture of proteins containing one sensitive aminoethylated protein (S2, S11, S12, S14 or S21) were similar to ribosomes reconstituted from mixtures lacking that protein. These results imply that the sulfhydryl groups of the proteins S4, S13, S17 and S18 are not necessary for the structural or functional activities of these proteins, and that aminoethylation of the sulfhydryl groups of S2, S11, S12, S14 and S21 forms either a kinetic or thermodynamic barrier to the assembly of active 30 S ribosomes in vitro.  相似文献   

Direct RNA-protein contacts have been studied by means of ultraviolet-induced (254 nm) cross-links inside complexes of NAcPhe-tRNAPhe, Phe-tRNAPhe and deacylated tRNAPhe with poly(U)-charged 30S subunit of Escherichia coli ribosome. In the first two complexes tRNA directly contacts with the similar sets of proteins (S4, S5, S7, S9/S11; S6 and S8 are found only in the second complex). These sets are similar to that in the fMet-tRNAfMet X 30S X mRNA complex, evidencing similar disposition of tRNAs in these three complexes. 16S RNA contacts in free 30S subunit mainly with proteins S4, S7 and S9/S11. In both complexes, containing NAcPhe-tRNAPhe and Phe-tRNAPhe, 16S RNA contacts with essentially the same proteins (S4, S5, S7, S8, S9/S11, S10, S15, S16 and S17) and in the same ratio, evidencing similar conformation of 30S subunit in these two complexes. In the third complex deacylated tRNAPhe contacts with proteins S4, S5, S6, S8, S9/S11 and S15, 16S RNA-protein interaction differs from those in the first two complexes by a remarkable decrease of cross-linked proteins S8, and S9/S11 and by the appearance of a large amount of cross-linked proteins(s) S13/S14. Hence, this complex differs from the first two by conformation of 30S subunit and, probably, by disposition and/or conformation of tRNA.  相似文献   

The pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) has gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI). To elucidate the S-genotypes of Korean-bred pear cultivars, whose parents are heterozygotes, the PCR amplification using S-RNase primers that are specific for each S-genotype was carried out in 15 Korean-bred pear cultivars and 5 Japanese-bred pear cultivars. The difference of the fragment length was shown in the following order: S6 (355 bp) < S7 (360 bp) < S1 (375 bp) < S4 (376 bp) < S3 and S5 (384 bp) < S8 (442 bp) < S9 (1,323 bp) < S2 (1,355 bp). We analyzed the sequence of the S-RNase gene, which had introns of various sizes in the hypervariable (HV) region between the adjacent exons with a fairly high homology. The sizes of the introns were as follows: S1 = 167 bp, S2 = 1,153 bp, S3 = 179 bp, S4 = 168 bp, S5 = 179 bp, S6 = 147 bp, S7 = 152 bp, S8 = 234 bp, S9 = 1,115 bp. There were five conservative and five hypervariable regions in the introns of S1, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S-RNases. A pairwise comparison of these introns of S-RNases revealed homologies as follows: 93.7% between S1- and S4-RNases, 93.3% between S3- and S5-RNases and 78.9% between S6- and S7-RNases. PCR-RFLP and S-RNases sequencing determined the S-genotypes of the pear cultivars. The S-genotypes were S4S9 for Shinkou, S3S9 for Niitaka, S3S5 for Housui, S1S5 for Kimizukawase, S1S8 for Ichiharawase, S3S5 for Mansoo, S3S4 for Shinil, S3S4 for Whangkeumbae, S3S5 for Sunhwang, S3S5 for Whasan, S3S5 for Mihwang, S5S? for Chengsilri, S3S5 for Gamro, S3S4 for Yeongsanbae, S3S4 for Wonhwang, S3S5 for Gamcheonbae, S3S5 for Danbae, S3S4 for Manpoong, S3S4 for Soowhangbae and S4S6 for Chuwhangbae. The information on the S-genotypes of pear cultivars will be used for the pollinizer selection and breeding program.  相似文献   

狗尾草属野生近缘种的染色体鉴定   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
对来自多个国家和地区的10个种(青狗尾草S.viridis,法氏狗尾草S.faberii,轮生狗尾草S.verticillata、S.verticillifor-mis,金色狗尾草S.glauca、S.pumila、S.grisebachii、S.leucopila、S.parviflora、S.queenslandica等)50份狗尾草材料进行了染色体计数及倍性鉴定。发现狗尾草属中的青狗尾草均为二倍体,金色狗尾草S.glauca有四倍体和八倍体,轮生狗尾草S.verticillata有二倍体和四倍体,法氏狗尾草S.faberii为四倍体,S.pumila有二倍体和四倍体,S.grisebachii为二倍体,S.leucopila为二倍体,S.queenslandica为四倍体。本研究中对S.grisebachii、S.leucopila、S.queenslandica3个种是首次染色体倍性观察。发掘近缘种的有益基因是作物育种的重要途径之一,本研究搜集的谷子近缘野生种对谷子远缘杂交育种和谷子起源进化分析有重要意义。  相似文献   

The dental and cranial morphologies of all species ofSaguinus, S. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, S. leucopus, S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. imperator, S. bicolor, andS. midas are examined. The following hypotheses are developed by cladistic methodology, using only synapomorphic characters to assess the interspecific relationships ofSaguinus.Saguinus are divided into two main groups; one consists ofS. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, andS. leucopus, and the other includesS. inustus, S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. imperator, S. bicolor, andS. midas. In the former group,S. oedipus is more closely related toS. geoffroyi than either is toS. leucopus. In the latter group,S. labiatus, S. mystax, andS. imperator are classified into one group, andS. bicolor andS. midas form one monophyletic group.  相似文献   

Assembly of the 30S ribosomal subunit occurs in a highly ordered and sequential manner. The ordered addition of ribosomal proteins to the growing ribonucleoprotein particle is initiated by the association of primary binding proteins. These proteins bind specifically and independently to 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Two primary binding proteins, S8 and S15, interact exclusively with the central domain of 16S rRNA. Binding of S15 to the central domain results in a conformational change in the RNA and is followed by the ordered assembly of the S6/S18 dimer, S11 and finally S21 to form the platform of the 30S subunit. In contrast, S8 is not part of this major platform assembly branch. Of the remaining central domain binding proteins, only S21 association is slightly dependent on S8. Thus, although S8 is a primary binding protein that extensively contacts the central domain, its role in assembly of this domain remains unclear. Here, we used directed hydroxyl radical probing from four unique positions on S15 to assess organization of the central domain of 16S rRNA as a consequence of S8 association. Hydroxyl radical probing of Fe(II)-S15/16S rRNA and Fe(II)-S15/S8/16S rRNA ribonucleoprotein particles reveal changes in the 16S rRNA environment of S15 upon addition of S8. These changes occur predominantly in helices 24 and 26 near previously identified S8 binding sites. These S8-dependent conformational changes are consistent with 16S rRNA folding in complete 30S subunits. Thus, while S8 binding is not absolutely required for assembly of the platform, it appears to affect significantly the 16S rRNA environment of S15 by influencing central domain organization.  相似文献   

The association between willow ( Salix ) and rust ( Melampsora ) is highly specific. Willows named Salix burjatica , S. dasyclados ( S. × dasyclados ) and S. × calodendron are important in renewable-energy plantations in the UK and western Europe. There has been much controversy over their origin, species status and nomenclature. It has been suggested that they have originated from hybridization between. S. caprea , S. viminalis and S. cinerea . In the present work, 59 willow clones were investigated through morphological examination and detached leaf inoculation using willow differentials, for their association, in southwest England, with M. capraearum and three pathotypes of Melampsora epitea (Me-A, B and C). M. capraearum was found on all clones of S. caprea and its hybrids with S. aurita ; Me-A on all S. viminalis clones; Me-B on wild S. cinerea , S. × calodendron , S. × dasyclados 'De Biardii 445' and S . 'Spaethii'; Me-C on all S. burjatica clones and most S. × dasyclados clones. Both M. caprearum and Me-A infected all S. × sericans ( S. caprea × viminalis ) clones and S. × dasyclados 'LA041/03'. We suggest that S. × dasyclados 'LA041/03' should be treated as S. × sericans ( S. caprea × S. viminalis ); S. burjatica , S. dasyclados and S. × dasyclados as synonyms; S. × dasyclados 'De Biardii 445' as S. × calodendron 'De Biardii 445'; and S . 'Spaethii' as S. × calodendron 'Spaethii'.  相似文献   

甜樱桃品种绝大部分自交不亲和,限制了甜樱桃的正确评价和合理利用,因此自交不亲和基因型的鉴定对于生产具有重要意义。以24个甜樱桃主栽品种为材料,用5对蔷薇科李属引物组合对24个甜樱桃品种进行了S等位基因的PCR扩增,克隆S基因的扩增片段,用核酸序列在Gen Bank上搜索,确定了5种S基因的核酸序列和大小。结果表明:Pru C2+Pru C4R引物组合扩增效果最好;在琼脂糖凝胶上位置相同的扩增带其核酸序列相同,是同一种S基因;5种S基因扩增片段的大小分别是S1为800 bp,S3为762 bp,S4为962bp,S5为300 bp,S6为456 bp,S9为650 bp;24个甜樱桃S基因型是红手球、早红宝石为S1S3,拉宾斯S1S4',红宝石S1S6,布鲁克斯S1S9,那翁S3S4,秦林、泰安大紫、先锋、早大果、丽珠、美早、5-106、左滕锦、桑提娜为S3S6,黑珍珠、红灯、萨米脱、秦樱为S3S9,胜利为S5S9,明珠、红蜜、雷尼、滨库为S6S9。  相似文献   

A map of the 30 S ribosomal subunit is presented giving the positions of 15 of its 21 proteins. The components located in the map are S1, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S14, S15, S18 and S20.  相似文献   

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