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Effects caused by human management and natural disturbances as well as by ecological mechanisms such as those described, for example, by the Janzen-Connell and the herd immunity hypotheses play an important role in maintaining species diversity. These processes are often accompanied by local size-hierarchy effects and as a likely consequence of them we hypothesised that large plants generally have a tendency to show high species mingling, where plants and their nearest neighbours are heterospecific. To carry out a first benchmark study in forests from different parts of Europe, Africa and North America, we selected spatial data from twelve forest ecosystems and analysed the mingling situation based on an index of spatial species mingling. Using stem diameter at breast height and stem diameter differentiation among the nearest neighbours as explanatory variables we then applied logistic regression to explain mingling probability. Overall we found significant support for the expectation that large trees and trees growing at low local densities often (75% of all analysed forest stands) have indeed a tendency towards high species mingling. This supports our expectation that the tendency of larger trees towards high species mingling generally is either a consequence of disturbances/forest management or of the aforementioned ecological processes, although a few forest stands also deviated from the expected pattern. We also found that size differentiation and species mingling are strongly related in local neighbourhoods. Thus the results of our study strongly support the view that local species richness promotes local size hierarchy irrespective of climate zone. This leads to situations where in local neighbourhoods with large size diversity there is also high mingling and vice versa. This allows conservation to focus on maintaining or improving one diversity aspect, e.g. size diversity, whilst obtaining the other, e.g. species mingling, as a by-product.  相似文献   

  • 1 To determine if trees in urban or ornamental plantings are more susceptible to attack and receive more damage to foliage by herbivores than trees in natural forests, we compared the amount of leaf damage caused by several guilds of insects feeding on seven species of native, broadleaf trees in two geographic locations.
  • 2 Total leaf damage did not differ significantly between urban or ornamental and natural forests, although trees in natural forests tended to have slightly higher levels of leaf damage.
  • 3 Damage caused by chewing insects was consistently higher on trees in natural forests than in urban or ornamental plantings. All other feeding guilds showed no consistent pattern in levels of damage between the two habitats.
  • 4 Total damage levels were highest on canopy trees and lowest on understorey trees.
  • 5 These results are inconsistent with the view that trees in urban or ornamental settings are more susceptible to insect attack than trees in natural forests.
  • 6 The lower level of foliar damage caused by chewing insects on trees in urban or ornamental plantings may arise because of low rates of dispersal by insects into urban environments, higher levels of plant resistance to insect attack in urban or ornamental plantings, or lower survival rates of herbivorous insects in urban environments.

Temporary waters, in general, are fascinating habitats in which to study the properties of species adapted to living in highly variable environments. Species display a remarkable array of strategies for dealing with the periodic loss of their primary medium that sets them apart from the inhabitants of permanent water bodies. Survival of individuals typically depends on exceptional physiological tolerance or effective migrational abilities, and communities have their own, distinctive hallmarks. This paper will broadly overview the biology of temporary ponds, but will emphasize those in temperate forests. In particular, links will be sought between aquatic community properties, the nature of the riparian vegetation, and forestry practices. Quite apart from their inherent biological interest, temporary waters are now in the limelight both from a conservation perspective, as these habitats come more into conflict with human activities, and a health-control perspective, as breeding habitats for vectors of arboviruses. Traditionally, many temporary waters, be they pools, streams or wetlands, have been considered to be ȁ8wastedȁ9 areas of land, potentially convertible to agriculture/silviculture once drained. In reality, they are natural features of the global landscape representing distinct and unique habitats for many species – some that are found nowhere else, others that reach their maximum abundance there. To be effective, conservation measures must preserve the full, hydroseral range of wetland types.  相似文献   

Nitrogen cycling in a northern hardwood forest: Do species matter?   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
To investigate the influence of individual tree species on nitrogen (N) cycling in forests, we measured key characteristics of the N cycle in small single-species plots of five dominant tree species in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. The species studied were sugar maple (Acer saccharum), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), and red oak (Quercus rubra). The five species varied markedly in N cycling characteristics. For example, hemlock plots consistently showed characteristics associated with "slow" N cycling, including low foliar and litter N, high soil C:N, low extractable N pools, low rates of potential net N mineralization and nitrification and low NO 3 amounts trapped in ion-exchange resin bags buried in the mineral soil. Sugar maple plots had the lowest soil C:N, and the highest levels of soil characteristics associated with NO 3 production and loss (nitrification, extractable NO 3 , and resin bag NO 3 ). In contrast, red oak plots had near-average net mineralization rates and soil C:N ratios, but very low values of the variables associated with NO 3 production and loss. Correlations between soil N transformations and litter concentrations of N, lignin, lignin:N ratio, or phenolic constituents were generally weak. The inverse correlation between net nitrification rate and soil C:N that has been reported in the literature was present in this data set only if red oak plots were excluded from the analysis. This study indicates that tree species can exert a strong control on N cycling in forest ecosystems that appears to be mediated through the quality of soil organic matter, but that standard measures of litter quality cannot explain the mechanism of control.  相似文献   

1. Of the relatively few studies that have examined consequences of amphibian declines on stream ecosystems, virtually all have focused on changes in algae (or algal‐based food webs) and little is known about the potential effects of tadpoles on leaf decomposition. We compared leaf litter decomposition dynamics in two neotropical streams: one with an intact community of tadpoles (with frogs) and one where tadpoles were absent (frogless) as a result of a fungal pathogen that had driven amphibians locally extinct. The stream with tadpoles contained a diverse assemblage (23 species) of larval anurans, and we identified five species of glass frog (Centrolenidae) tadpoles that were patchily distributed but commonly associated with leaf detritus and organic sediments in pools. The latter reached total densities of 0–318 tadpoles m?2. 2. We experimentally excluded tadpoles from single‐species leaf packs incubated over a 40‐day period in streams with and without frogs. We predicted that decomposition rates would be higher in control (allowing access of tadpoles) treatments in the study stream with frogs than in the frogless stream and, in the stream with frogs, in the control than in the tadpole exclusion treatment. 3. In the stream with frogs, Centrolene prosoblepon and Cochranella albomaculata tadpoles were patchily distributed in leaf packs (0.0–33.3 m?2). In contrast to our predictions, leaf mass loss and temperature‐corrected leaf decomposition rates in control treatments were almost identical in our stream with frogs (41.01% AFDM lost, kdegree day = ?0.028 day?1) and in the frogless stream (41.81% AFDM lost, kdegree day = ?0.027 day?1) and between control and tadpole exclusion treatments within each stream. Similarly, there were no significant differences in leaf pack bacterial biomass, microbial respiration rates or macroinvertebrate abundance between treatments or streams. Invertebrate assemblages on leaf packs were similar between treatments (SIMI = 0.97) and streams (SIMI = 0.95) and were dominated by larval Chironomidae, Simuliidae (Diptera) and larval Anchytarsus spp. (Coleoptera). 4. In contrast to dramatic effects of grazing tadpoles on algal communities observed previously, tadpoles had no major effects on decomposition. While centrolenid tadpoles were common in the stream with frogs, their patchy distribution in both experimental and natural leaf packs suggests that their effects on detrital dynamics and microbes are probably more localised than those of grazing tadpoles on algae.  相似文献   

The development of single-molecule tools has significantly impacted the way we think about biochemical processes. Watching a single protein in action allows us to observe kinetic details and rare subpopulations that are hidden in ensemble-averaging techniques. I will discuss here the pros and cons of the single-molecule approach in studying ligand binding in macromolecular systems and how these techniques can be applied to characterize the behavior of large multicomponent biochemical systems.  相似文献   

Two species of mangrove trees of Indo-Pacific origin have naturalized in tropical Atlantic mangrove forests in South Florida after they were planted and nurtured in botanic gardens. Two Bruguiera gymnorrhiza trees that were planted in the intertidal zone in 1940 have given rise to a population of at least 86 trees growing interspersed with native mangrove species Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa along 100 m of shoreline; the population is expanding at a rate of 5.6% year−1. Molecular genetic analyses confirm very low genetic diversity, as expected from a population founded by two individuals. The maximum number of alleles at any locus was three, and we measured reduced heterozygosity compared to native-range populations. Lumnitzera racemosa was introduced multiple times during the 1960s and 1970s, it has spread rapidly into a forest composed of native R. mangle, A. germinans, Laguncularia racemosa and Conocarpus erectus and now occupies 60,500 m2 of mangrove forest with stem densities of 24,735 ha−1. We estimate the population growth rate of Lumnitzera racemosa to be between 17 and 23% year−1. Populations of both species of naturalized mangroves are dominated by young individuals. Given the long life and water-dispersed nature of propagules of the two exotic species, it is likely that they have spread beyond our survey area. We argue that the species-depauperate nature of tropical Atlantic mangrove forests and close taxonomic relatives in the more species-rich Indo-Pacific region result in the susceptibility of tropical Atlantic mangrove forests to invasion by Indo-Pacific mangrove species.  相似文献   

The high spatial variability of soil respiration in tropical rainforests is well evaluated, but influences of biotic factors are not clearly understood. This study underlines the influence of tree species characteristics on soil respiration across a 16-monospecific plot design in a tropical plantation of French Guiana. A large variability of soil CO2 fluxes was observed among plots (i.e. 2.8 to 6.8 μmol m?2 s?1) with the ranking being constant across seasons. There were no significant relationships between soil respiration and soil moisture or soil temperature, neither spatially, nor seasonally. The variability of soil respiration was mainly explained by quantitative factors such as leaf litterfall and basal area. Surprisingly, no significant relationship was observed between soil respiration and root biomass. However, the influence of substrate quality was revealed by a strong relationship between soil respiration and litterfall P (and litterfall N, to a lesser extent).  相似文献   

Agricultural practices lead to losses of natural resources and biodiversity. Maintaining forests alongside streams (riparian forest strips) has been used as a mechanism to minimize the impact of clearing for agriculture on biodiversity. To test the contribution of riparian forest strips to conserve biodiversity in production landscapes, we selected bats as a biodiversity model system and examined two dimensions of diversity: taxonomic and functional. We compared bat diversity and composition in forest, with and without stream habitat, and in narrow forest riparian strips surrounded by areas cleared for agriculture. We tested the hypothesis that riparian forest strips provide potential conservation value by providing habitat and serving as movement corridors for forest bat species. Riparian forest strips maintained 75% of the bat species registered in forested habitats. We found assemblage in sites with riparian forest strips were dominated by a few species with high abundance and included several species with low abundance. Bat species assemblage was more similar between sites with streams than between those sites to forests without stream habitat. These results highlight the importance of stream habitat in predicting presence of bat species. We registered similar number of guilds between forest sites and riparian forest strips sites. Relative to matrix habitats, stream and edge habitats in riparian forest strips sites were functionally more diverse, supporting our hypothesis about the potential conservation value of riparian forest strips. Results from this study suggest that maintaining riparian forest strips within cleared areas for agricultural areas helps conserve the taxonomic and functional diversity of bats. Also, it provides basic data to evaluate the efficacy of maintaining these landscape features for mitigating impacts of agricultural development on biodiversity. However, we caution that riparian forest strips alone are not sufficient for biodiversity maintenance; their value depends on maintenance of larger forest areas in their vicinity.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of varying degrees of host preference in vascular epiphytes; certain tree species can be positively, neutrally, or negatively associated with epiphytes. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether tree species of the cloud forest differ in their suitability as a substrate for epiphytic bromeliads. To evaluate the association between epiphytic bromeliad cover and host tree species, we sampled 62 plots (each of 200 m2) in four cloud forest fragments in Veracruz, Mexico. For all trees ≥10 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH), we recorded species name, DBH, and percentage cover of bromeliads in categories of tree coverage. In total, 587 trees belonging to 52 species were recorded. All of the 10 tree species used to assess differences in epiphyte cover (each with a minimum of nine individuals) supported bromeliads, but mean bromeliad cover differed significantly among the tree species. The tree species that concentrated the highest bromeliad cover were Quercus sartorii (29.86%) and Liquidambar styraciflua (21.72%). Our results indicate that, while none of the tree species analyzed was a limiting host for epiphytic bromeliads in general, varying levels of bromeliad cover occur depending on the host species in tropical montane cloud forest fragments suggesting that certain tree species are better hosts than others. The implications for conservation efforts of differential tree species suitability as epiphyte hosts are discussed.  相似文献   

The concept of refugee species provides a theoretical framework towards increasing the predictive power of the ‘declining population paradigm’ through identifying species which are expected to suffer from a declining population syndrome. Using a simple habitat model as a framework, refugee species are defined as those that can no longer access optimal habitat, but are confined to suboptimal habitats, with consequences of decreased fitness and density, and attendant conservation risks. Refugee species may be difficult to detect in the absence of information on prior habitat use and fitness and their observed ecology will be constrained by the habitat limits forced on them. Identification of refugee species, characterisation of pre‐refugee ecology and the restoration of such species to optimal habitat is critical to their successful conservation. The concept is showcased by addressing the conundrum of a large grazing bovid, the European bison Bison bonasus, being managed as a forest specialist, despite its evolutionary background, dental morphology, neonatal behaviour, diet and microhabitat selection being characteristic of a grazing species inhabiting open, grass‐rich habitats. It is hypothesized that a combination of increasing replacement of open steppe by forest cover after the last postglacial period and increasing human pressure forced bison into forests as a refuge habitat. This process was then reinforced through active management of bison in forests as managers committed themselves to the ‘bison as forest species’ paradigm. A research agenda to test this hypothesis using an experimental approach in the conservation management of European bison by introducing populations into diverse habitat types is suggested.  相似文献   

The radial increases in wood specific gravity known in many tree species have been interpreted as providing mechanical support in response to the stresses associated with wind loading. This interpretation leads to the hypothesis that individuals reaching the canopy should (1) be more likely to have radial increases in specific gravity and (2) exhibit greater increases than individuals in the subcanopy. Wood specific gravity was determined for three species of forest trees (Acer rubrum, Fagus grandifolia and Tsuga canadensis) growing in central Massachusetts, USA. Acer rubrum shows radial increases in specific gravity, but these increases are not more pronounced in canopy trees; the other two species show a pattern of radial decreases. The degree of radial increase or decrease is influenced by tree height and diameter. Of the dominant tree species for which we have data, A. rubrum, Betula papyrifera and Pinus strobus show radial increases in specific gravity, whereas F. grandifolia, T. canadensis and Quercus rubra show decreases. The occurrence of radial increases in B. papyrifera and P. strobus, which are often canopy emergents, suggests that it is overall adaptive strategy that is important rather than position (canopy vs. subcanopy) of any individual tree. It is suggested that radial increases in specific gravity are associated with early-successional status or characteristics and decreases with late-successional status or persistence in mature forest.  相似文献   

In tropical dry forests most plants are deciduous during the dry season and flush leaves with the onset of the rains. In Costa Rica, the only species displaying the opposite pattern is Bonellia nervosa. To determine if seasonal changes in light availability are associated with the leaf and reproductive phenology of this species, we monitored leaf production, survival, and life span, as well as flower and fruit production from April 2000 to October 2001 in Santa Rosa National Park. Leaf flushing and flower bud production took place shortly after the autumnal equinox when day length starts to decrease. Leaves began expansion at the end of the wet season, and plants reached 70 % of their maximum leaf area at the beginning of the dry season, maintaining their foliage throughout the entire dry period. Leaf shedding occurred gradually during the first three months of the wet season. Leaf flushing and shedding showed high synchrony, with leaf numbers being related to light availability. Maximum leaf production coincided with peaks in radiation during the middle of the dry season. Decreasing day length induces highly synchronous flower bud emergence in dry forest species, but this is the first study indicating induction of leaf flushing by declining day length.  相似文献   

Agricultural expansion across tropical regions is causing declines in biodiversity and altering ecological processes. However, in some tropical agricultural systems, conserving natural habitat can simultaneously protect threatened species and support important ecosystem services. Oil palm cultivation is expanding rapidly throughout the tropics but the extent to which non-crop habitat supports biodiversity and ecosystem services in these landscapes is poorly documented. We investigated whether riparian forest fragments (riparian reserves) provide a pest control service or increase pest activity (disservice) within oil palm dominated landscapes in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. We assessed the activity of potential predators of pest herbivores using plasticine caterpillar mimics and quantified herbivory rates on oil palm fronds in areas with and without riparian reserves. We also manipulated the shape and colour of the mimics to assess the extent to which artificial pest mimics reflect a predatory response. The presence of riparian reserves increased the attack rate on mimics by arthropods, but not by birds. Our methodological study suggested attacks on artificial pest mimics provide a better indication of predatory activity for birds than for arthropod predators. Herbivory rates were also not significantly affected by the presence of a riparian reserve, but we found some evidence that herbivory rates may decrease as the size of riparian reserves increases. Overall, we conclude that riparian forest fragments of 30 – 50 m width on each side of the river are unlikely to provide a pest control service. Nevertheless, our results provide evidence that these riparian buffer strips do not increase the density of defoliating pests, which should reassure managers concerned about possible negative consequences of preserving riparian buffers.  相似文献   

Högberg MN  Högberg P  Myrold DD 《Oecologia》2007,150(4):590-601
In Fennoscandian boreal forests, soil pH and N supply generally increase downhill as a result of water transport of base cations and N, respectively. Simultaneously, forest productivity increases, the understory changes from ericaceous dwarf shrubs to tall herbs; in the soil, fungi decrease whereas bacteria increase. The composition of the soil microbial community is mainly thought to be controlled by the pH and C-to-N ratio of the substrate. However, the latter also determines the N supply to plants, the plant community composition, and should also affect plant allocation of C below ground to roots and a major functional group of microbes, mycorrhizal fungi. We used phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) to analyze the potential importance of mycorrhizal fungi by comparing the microbial community composition in a tree-girdling experiment, where tree belowground C allocation was terminated, and in a long-term (34 years) N loading experiment, with the shifts across a natural pH and N supply gradient. Both tree girdling and N loading caused a decline of ca. 45% of the fungal biomarker PLFA 18:2ω6,9, suggesting a common mechanism, i.e., that N loading caused a decrease in the C supply to ectomycorrhizal fungi just as tree girdling did. The total abundance of bacterial PLFAs did not respond to tree girdling or to N loading, in which cases the pH (of the mor layer) did not change appreciably, but bacterial PLFAs increased considerably when pH increased across the natural gradient. Fungal biomass was high only in acid soil (pH < 4.1) with a high C-to-N ratio (>38). According to a principal component analysis, the soil C-to-N ratio was as good as predictor of microbial community structure as pH. Our study thus indicated the soil C-to-N ratio, and the response of trees to this ratio, as important factors that together with soil pH influence soil microbial community composition.  相似文献   

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