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报道了中国广西西南部发现的兰科(Orchidaceae)新记录属——拟线柱兰属(Zeuxinella Aver.)。该属与线柱兰属(Zeuxine)相近,不同在于唇瓣先端3裂,唇盘上具4条肉质的垫状凸起,喙不裂。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种互生对叶兰[Neottia alternifolia(KingPantl.)Szlach.];并对紫婉石斛(Dendrobium transparens Wall.ex Lindl.)的形态特征、生境等进行了描述。紫婉石斛与兜唇石斛[Dendrobium aphyllum(Roxb.)C.E.Fischer]相似,区别在于唇瓣中央具深紫红色大斑块,唇瓣正面具柔毛;互生对叶兰是鸟巢兰属自养类型种类中唯一具有两片互生叶的种类,极易同该属其他种类区分。  相似文献   

内蒙古肋柱花属植物分类及其地理分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确认了内蒙古地区有肋柱花属植物有3 种1 变种;其中发现了1 个新变种-橙黄肋柱花(Lomatogonium rotatum (L.)Fries ex Fern.var.aurantiacum Y.Z.Zhao)和1 个新种组合-短萼肋柱花(L.floribundum (Franch.)Y.Z.Zhao);编制了新的分种检索表;确定了它们的植物系地理成份。  相似文献   

报道了贵州兰科2个种。贵州杜鹃兰Cremastra guizhouensis Q.H.Chen&S.C.Che n系一新种,与杜鹃兰C.appendiculata(D.Don)Makino相近,区别点在于本新种具长达10- 14cm的圆筒状假鳞茎和在唇瓣中裂片上有1枚平滑的胼胝体。另一个种为线叶美冠兰Eulophia siamensis Rolfe ex Downie,首次报道也产于中国。  相似文献   

报道了贵州兰科2个种。贵州杜鹃兰Cremastra guizhouensis Q.H.Chen&S.C.Chen系一新种,与杜鹃兰C.appendiculata(D.Don)Makino相近,区别点在于本新种具长达10-14cm的圆筒状假鳞茎和在唇瓣中裂片上有1枚平滑的胼胝体。另一个种为线叶美冠兰Eulophia siamensis Rolfe ex Downie,首次报道也产于中国。  相似文献   

报道了自云南发现的中国兰科植物一新记录种:缘毛玉凤花(Habenaria chlorina E.C. Parish & Rchb.f.),其花苞片边缘明显被毛而不同于属内其它种类.本种在植株和花部特征上与凸孔坡参(H. acuifera Wall. ex Lindl.)和坡参(H. linguella Lindl.)相似,但其唇瓣在距口的前缘不具有一个横生的脊而明显区别于后两者.  相似文献   

报道了广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属(Chirita Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)1新种--假烟叶唇柱苣苔(C.pseudoheterotricha T.J.Zhou.B.Pan & W.B.Xu).该种在叶型上与烟叶唇柱苣苔(C. heterotricha Merr.)较相近,但不同在于根状茎节间长2~8 mm,叶片和叶柄两面密被腺毛,侧脉3~4条,整个花序被开展的腺毛,花萼裂片披针形,花冠裂片长圆形,花丝在中部扭曲,密被紫色腺毛.  相似文献   

童绍全最近在《植物分类学报》33(5):499.1995发表土田七属Stahlianthus一新种:红缘土田七S.rubro-marginatus S.Q.Tong。经核对上述文献确认系山柰属中的老种Kaempferia parviflora Wall.ex Baker,特予归并。查该种根茎深紫色或灰黑色;花序非生于真正封闭的钟状总苞内;唇瓣倒卵形,长1.3cm,先端微2裂,紫红色,边缘变淡直至近  相似文献   

对新种丽花兰Cymbidium concinnum Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen和新变种龙州兰C. eburneum var. longzhouense Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen进行了描述和绘图; 丽花兰与大雪兰C. mastersii Griff. ex Lindl.有亲缘关系, 区别点在于新种叶片先端不分裂, 花序具18-22朵花, 唇瓣中裂片上有一个V型的紫红色斑块; 龙州兰(变种)与独占春(原变种)的主要区别在于唇瓣中裂片上和侧裂片顶部有较密的紫红色斑。对象牙白C. maguanense的分类问题进行了讨论, 并为其指定了新模式; 还为腋花组sect. Eburnea国产种类提供一个检索表。  相似文献   

报道了自云南发现的中国兰科植物一新记录种:缘毛玉凤花(Habenaria chlorina E.C.ParishRchb.f.),其花苞片边缘明显被毛而不同于属内其它种类。本种在植株和花部特征上与凸孔坡参(H.acuifera Wall.ex Lindl.)和坡参(H.linguella Lindl.)相似,但其唇瓣在距口的前缘不具有一个横生的脊而明显区别于后两者。  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the genetic attributes of colonizing orchids with diverse mating systems are lacking in the literature. Eulophia sinensis, Spiranthes hongkongensis, and Zeuxine strateumatica are colonizing orchids that frequently occupy newly created habitats in Hong Kong. Mating system studies showed that E. sinensis is a self-compatible but pollinator-dependent outcrossing species, S. hongkongensis is a self-pollinating taxon, and Z srateumatica is apomictic. Population genetic attributes of these orchid species were investigated. Despite their contrasting mating systems, electrophoretic surveys revealed a striking lack of allozyme variation, both within and among populations, in all three species. However, gene duplications were evident in these species, due to their likely polyploid origins, The percentage of duplicate loci exhibiting "fixed heterozygosity" was 10, 21.4, and 20% in E. sinensis, S. hongkongensis, and Z. strateumatica, respectively. The genetic attributes of these orchids are compared to those found in other colonizing plant species.  相似文献   

报道了在海南热带雨林国家公园毛瑞管理分局发现的兰科线柱兰属一中国新记录种——毛瑞线柱兰(Zeuxine glandulosa King&Pantl).该种原记录分布于印度阿萨姆邦、锡金邦,北孟加拉和泰国.本文对该种形态及生境进行了详尽描述,并提供高清解剖照及线描图.凭证标本保存于海南大学林学院教学标本馆(HUFB).  相似文献   

Primula reinii var. rhodotricha is a perennial herb endemic to the limestone slope of Mt. Buko, located approximately 50 km northwest of central Tokyo, Japan. In recent years, its natural population size has decreased markedly due to limestone mining, and this species has been assigned to the ‘Critically Endangered (CR)’ category on the latest Japanese Red List. Although a remnant population of this species has been protected by a mining company outside their historical distribution range on Mt. Buko, the ex situ conservation of this endangered plant has been difficult because of insufficient low seed production. The genetic status of ex situ P. reinii var. rhodotricha and related species were investigated to develop an effective conservation plan for this species. Microsatellite analysis indicated that the ex situ population harbors lower genetic diversity than sister taxa, providing molecular evidence for the recent critical status designation of the ex situ population, whereas the presence of rare alleles may imply further potential for seed reproduction by outcrossing. Therefore, an appropriate propagation strategy that considers genetic diversity is needed for restoration and recovery of this critically endangered ex situ primrose population.  相似文献   

Plant vacuoles are multi-functional, developmentally varied and can occupy up to 90% of plant cells. The N-terminal propeptide (NTPP) of sweet potato sporamin and the C-terminal propeptide (CTPP) of tobacco chitinase have been developed as models to target some heterologous proteins to vacuoles but so far tested on only a few plant species, vacuole types and payload proteins. Most studies have focused on lytic and protein-storage vacuoles, which may differ substantially from the sugar-storage vacuoles in crops like sugarcane. Our results extend the evidence that NTPP of sporamin can direct heterologous proteins to vacuoles in diverse plant species and indicate that sugarcane sucrose-storage vacuoles (like the lytic vacuoles in other plant species) are hostile to heterologous proteins. A low level of cytosolic NTPP-GFP (green fluorescent protein) was detectable in most cell types in sugarcane and Arabidopsis, but only Arabidopsis mature leaf mesophyll cells accumulated NTPP-GFP to detectable levels in vacuoles. Unexpectedly, efficient developmental mis-trafficking of NTPP-GFP to chloroplasts was found in young leaf mesophyll cells of both species. Vacuolar targeting by tobacco chitinase CTPP was inefficient in sugarcane, leaving substantial cytoplasmic activity of rat lysosomal -glucuronidase (GUS) [ER (endoplasmic reticulum)-RGUS-CTPP]. Sporamin NTPP is a promising targeting signal for studies of vacuolar function and for metabolic engineering. Such applications must take account of the efficient developmental mis-targeting by the signal and the instability of most introduced proteins, even in storage vacuoles.  相似文献   

Present work is a part of our studies on the cytological details of some species of Artemisia L. inhabiting Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir state. Of the six populations investigated for three different species (Artemisia sieversiana Ehrh. ex Willd., A. tournefortiana L. and A. gmelinii Weber ex Stechm.), some variations were noticed only for Artemisia gmelinii. The species occurring in Leh region at altitudinal range of 3992 masl is diploid with 2n = 18 (n = 9). In one of the population of the species, sprawling in Hemis region (4009 masl), В chromosome was found to be present in addition to the diploid chromosome complement. Comparison of the different morphological and reproductive features revealed that the population with В chromosome had reduced vigour.  相似文献   

We review species of the genus Lepotrema Ozaki, 1932 from marine fishes in the Indo-West Pacific. Prior to the present study six species were recognised. Here we propose eight new species on the basis of combined morphological and molecular analysis: Lepotrema acanthochromidis n. sp. ex Acanthochromis polyacanthus from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR); Lepotrema hemitaurichthydis n. sp. ex Hemitaurichthys polylepis and H. thompsoni from Palau and French Polynesia; Lepotrema melichthydis n. sp. ex Melichthys vidua from Palau and the GBR; Lepotrema amansis n. sp. ex Amanses scopas from the GBR; Lepotrema cirripectis n. sp. ex Cirripectes filamentosus, C. chelomatus and C. stigmaticus from the GBR; Lepotrema justinei n. sp. ex Sufflamen fraenatum from New Caledonia; Lepotrema moretonense n. sp. ex Prionurus microlepidotus, P. maculatus and Selenotoca multifasciata from Moreton Bay; and Lepotrema amblyglyphidodonis n. sp. ex Amblyglyphidodon curacao and Amphipron akyndynos from the GBR. We also report new host records and provide novel molecular data for two known species: Lepotrema adlardi Bray, Cribb & Barker, 1993 and Lepotrema monile Bray & Cribb, 1998. Two new combinations are formed, Lepotrema cylindricum (Wang, 1989) n. comb. (for Preptetos cylindricus) and Lepotrema navodonis (Shen, 1986) n. comb. (for Lepocreadium navodoni). With the exception of a handful of ambiguous records, the evidence is compelling that the host-specificity of species in this genus is overwhelmingly oioxenous or stenoxenous. This renders the host distribution in three orders and ten families especially difficult to explain as many seemingly suitable hosts are not infected. Multi-loci molecular data (ITS2 rDNA, 28S rDNA and cox1 mtDNA) demonstrate that Lepotrema is a good generic concept, but limited variability in sequence data and differences in phylogenies produced for different gene regions make relationships within the genus difficult to define.  相似文献   

For species relying on seeds for population regeneration, knowledge on seed germination behaviors in relation to environmental factors is critical in designing species recovery strategy. Dendrobium sinense is an orchid endemic to Hainan Island of China and listed as Endangered by the IUCN Redlist. It reproduces primarily via seeds in its natural habitat. However, how germination is impacted by major environmental factors is poorly known. This study aimed to examine germination success of D. sinense seeds using two approaches, i.e. in situ and ex situ, using host tree barks as germination media. The latter was intended to generate symbiotic seedlings in a simple and economic approach which could be used for reintroduction efforts. In addition, three factors of in situ symbiotic seed germination success, including different sowing time, location (distance from an adult plant), and host tree were investigated. Our results showed that seeds sown ex situ and in situ in July had the highest rates of germination. Seed germination was significantly higher ex situ using bark as medium than in situ. Seeds sown directly on Rhododendron moulmainense, the most common host tree, with naturally occurring conspecific orchids had the highest rate of germination. In contrast, ex situ seeds sown on the bark of Cyclobalanopsis blakeii, a non-host species, had the highest rate of seed germination. In situ a positive correlation was found between the seed germination rate and the distance of the seeds from the adult D. sinense. Based on these results, it is likely seedling recruitments are determined by host tree species, the presence of and the distance from an adult conspecific orchid, which imply the importance of the mycorrhizal fungi, which were not reported here. This study provided important information on the optimal environmental conditions for population augmentation and reintroduction, which can be used as part of the species recovery strategy.  相似文献   

The study of the cell wall structure was performed for ten species of Euastrum: E. ansatum (Ehrenb.) Ralfs, E. bidentatum Näg., E. binale (Turp.) Ehrenb. ex Ralfs, E. dubium Näg., E. elegans (Bréb.) Kütz. ex Ralfs, E. germanicum (Schmidle) W. Krieger, E. oblongum (Grev.) Ralfs ex Ralfs, E. pectinatum Bréb. ex Bréb. in Ralfs, E. validum West et G.S.West, E. verrucosum (Ehrenb.) ex Ralfs. The investigation of the cell wall ultrastructure has established for the first time that the pore canal in 6 of 10 species always has a coiled form to some degree. Three species (E. germanicum, E. pectinatum, and E. verrucosum) have both coiled and straight canals, and E. ansatum has only straight ones. A new type of pores (P7), typical only for representatives of the genus Euastrum, was also noted. In addition, a simple and effective method of preparing desmidium algal cells for investigation with transmission electron microscope has been developed.  相似文献   

To counter species loss living ex situ collections in botanic gardens became important elements of robust conservation programs. Several limitations, problems, and risks associated with living ex situ collections have been reported such as appropriate cultivation management to maintain genetic diversity and stochastic effects in small isolated populations in artificial habitats. However, not all small and isolated populations exhibit these predicted genetic changes. In a multi-species in situ/ex situ comparison of sand dune steppe- and grassland vegetation >30 years after the ex situ population establishment, we compared four different species’ population genetic diversities (Alyssum montanum ssp. gmelinii, Gypsophila fastigiata, Helianthemum nummularium ssp. obscurum, Onosma arenaria) by means of ISSR. We observed different species-specific genetic responses to quite similar abiotic selective forces concerning different neutral genetic diversities of wild versus botanic garden populations. The genetic divergence was kept relatively low in two of the four investigated species between the model steppe plant community within the botanic garden where human interference was kept at a minimum and the wild population. However, the moderate genetic divergence of the two other species kept under the same conditions highlights the importance of species-specific intrinsic responses and stochastic effects to ecosystem changes and provides data on population genetic dynamics in small and isolated populations. This contributes to further improve recommendations on how to best conserve endangered plant species in ex situ environments (cultivation in near nature-like replicas of the original site with as little human inference as possible over only certain periods of time, >30 years).  相似文献   

1958年在昆明西山采得1种恙螨,经鉴定系1新种,定名为昆西纤恙螨,标本保存在昆明军事医学研究所。昆西纤恙螨Leptotrombidlum(L.)kunxi Xiang et Wen,新种(图1-6) 标本:正模、幼虫,昆明西山,海拔2110m,1958-Ⅸ-26,向容炯、陈祖武采,宿主为普通树鼩中华亚种Tupaia glis chinenis,寄生在肛门周围。 鉴别:本新种与纤恙螨属的Leptotrombidium(L.)pesudofulmentum V.-G.et  相似文献   

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