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Can noise induce chaos?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An important component of the mathematical definition of chaos is sensitivity to initial conditions. Sensitivity to initial conditions is usually measured in a deterministic model by the dominant Lyapunov exponent (LE), with chaos indicated by a positive LE. The sensitivity measure has been extended to stochastic models; however, it is possible for the stochastic Lyapunov exponent (SLE) to be positive when the LE of the underlying deterministic model is negative, and vice versa. This occurs because the LE is a long-term average over the deterministic attractor while the SLE is the long-term average over the stationary probability distribution. The property of sensitivity to initial conditions, uniquely associated with chaotic dynamics in deterministic systems, is widespread in stochastic systems because of time spent near repelling invariant sets (such as unstable equilibria and unstable cycles). Such sensitivity is due to a mechanism fundamentally different from deterministic chaos. Positive SLE's should therefore not be viewed as a hallmark of chaos. We develop examples of ecological population models in which contradictory LE and SLE values lead to confusion about whether or not the population fluctuations are primarily the result of chaotic dynamics. We suggest that "chaos" should retain its deterministic definition in light of the origins and spirit of the topic in ecology. While a stochastic system cannot then strictly be chaotic, chaotic dynamics can be revealed in stochastic systems through the strong influence of underlying deterministic chaotic invariant sets.  相似文献   

Mechanical forces influence the induction, growth and maintenance of the vertebrate skeleton. Using the zebrafish, Danio rerio, we explore the hypothesis that mechanical forces can ultimately lead to the generation of skeletal evolutionary novelties by modifications of the mechano‐responsive molecular pathways. Locomotion and feeding in zebrafish larvae begin early in ontogeny and it is likely that forces incurred during these behaviours affect subsequent skeletal development. We provide two case studies in which our hypothesis is being tested: the kinethmoid and intermuscular bones. The kinethmoid is a synapomorphy for the order Cypriniformes and is intricately linked to the bones of the protrusible upper jaw. It undergoes chondrogenesis within a ligament well after muscular forces are present within the head. Subsequent ossification of the kinethmoid occurs at sites of ligamentous attachment, leading us to believe that mechanical forces are involved. Unlike the kinethmoid, which has evolved only once, intermuscular bones have evolved several times during teleostean evolution. Intermuscular bones are embedded within the myosepta, the collagenous sheets between axial muscles. The effect of mechanical forces on the development of these intermuscular bones is experimentally tested by increasing the viscosity of the water in which larval zebrafish are raised. Since locomotion in high viscosity requires greater muscular forces, we can directly test the influence of mechanical forces on the development of intermuscular bones. Using developmental techniques paired with outgroup comparison for the kinethmoid, and direct experimentation for intermuscular bones, our case studies provide complementary insights into the effects of mechanical forces on the evolution of skeletal novelties in fishes.  相似文献   



The definition of "clinical asthma remission" is based on absence of symptoms and use of medication. However, in the majority of these subjects airway inflammation is still present when measured. In the present study we investigated whether "complete asthma remission", additionally defined by the absence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and the presence of a normal lung function, is associated with the absence of airway inflammation.


Patients with a former diagnosis of asthma and a positive histamine provocation test were re-examined to identify subjects with complete asthma remission (no asthma symptoms or medication, PC20 histamine > 32 mg/ml, FEV1 > 90% predicted). Patients with PC20 histamine ≤ 32 mg/ml were defined as current asthmatics and were divided in two groups, i.e. asthmatics with and without BHR to adenosine 5''monophoshate (AMP). Sputum induction was performed 1 week before and 1 hour after AMP provocation. Sputum induction and AMP provocation were previously shown to be sensitive markers of airway inflammation.


Seven patients met criteria for complete asthma remission. Twenty-three were current asthmatics, including twelve without hyperresponsiveness to AMP. Subjects with complete asthma remission showed no AMP-induced sputum eosinophilia (median (range) 0.2 (0 - 4.6)% at baseline and 0.2 (0 - 2.6)% after AMP). After AMP, current asthmatics had a significant increase in sputum eosinophils (0.5 (0 - 26.0)% at baseline and 2.6 (0 - 32.0) % after AMP), as had the subgroup of current asthmatics without hyperresponsiveness to AMP (0.2 (0 - 1.8)% at baseline and 1.3 (0 - 6.3)% after AMP).


Subjects with complete asthma remission, in contrast to subjects with current asthma, do not respond with eosinophilic inflammation in sputum after AMP provocations. These data lend support to the usefulness of the definition of complete asthma remission.  相似文献   

Lateral organization of membranes made from binary mixtures of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and macular xanthophylls (lutein or zeaxanthin) was investigated using the saturation-recovery (SR) EPR spin-labeling discrimination by oxygen transport (DOT) method in which the bimolecular collision rate of molecular oxygen with the nitroxide spin label is measured. This work was undertaken to examine whether or not lutein and zeaxanthin, macular xanthophylls that parallel cholesterol in its function as a regulator of both membrane fluidity and hydrophobicity, can parallel other structural functions of cholesterol, including formation of the liquid-ordered phase in membranes. The DOT method permits discrimination of different membrane phases when the collision rates (oxygen transport parameter) differ in these phases. Additionally, membrane phases can be characterized by the oxygen transport parameter in situ without the need for separation, which provides information about the dynamics of each phase. In gel-phase membranes, two coexisting phases were discriminated in the presence of macular xanthophylls - namely, the liquid-ordered-like and solid-ordered-like phases. However, in fluid-phase membranes, xanthophylls only induce the solitary liquid-ordered-like phase, while at similar concentrations, cholesterol induces coexisting liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered phases. No significant differences between the effects of lutein and zeaxanthin were found.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of exogenous ovarian steroid treatment, which is known to induce follicular cyst experimentally in cows, on ovarian activity in goats. Eleven female Shiba goats with the length of the normal oestrous cycle (approximately 21 days) received subcutaneously either 1 ml of ethanol (control group, n=4) or 4 mg of progesterone and 2mg of oestradiol (treatment group, n=7) daily for 7 days beginning on day 14 of the oestrous cycle (day 0=ovulation). Ultrasonographic images of the ovary and blood samples were collected daily to monitor the ovarian activity. Ovulation was observed before 1 day after the end of treatment in the control group. In the treatment group, no detectable structures of follicles or corpus luteum (static ovarian condition) were found for 6.0+/-1.4 days (mean+/-S.D.) after the end of treatment. Then, detectable follicles appeared and ovulation was observed in all animals of the treatment group. There was no significant difference in the maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle between the control and treatment group (4.7+/-0.4mm versus 5.1+/-0.7 mm). The large non-ovulatory follicles, which grew more than 10mm in diameter were observed after the static ovarian condition in one goat of the treatment group, whereas no turnover of the cystic follicular structures was found. The length of the inter-ovulatory intervals in the treatment group was significantly longer than that in the control group (38.4+/-7.4 days versus 20.3+/-0.5 days, P<0.05). The present results demonstrated that the exogenous treatment of progesterone and oestradiol, which was adapted from the follicular cyst model in cows, did not induce follicular cysts in goats, suggesting that there is/are different mechanism(s) mediating the occurrence of follicular cysts between cows and goats.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the process leading to cell-cell fusion induced by enveloped viruses at a mildly acidic pH is as yet unknown. In this report we demonstrate that the fusion events induced by three viruses of different families, namely Semliki Forest (togavirus), vesicular stomatitis (rhabdovirus) and influenza (orthomyxovirus), share common features. In all three systems a sudden drop of the intracellular pH—below the critical eextracellular pH required to trigger fusion from within (FFWI)—is observed. This influx of protons is specific and not due to a general leakiness of the plasma membrane, and therefore might be caused by the opening of a proton channel.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis depends on the diffusion of gaseous CO(2) inside the leaf spaces from the stomatal entry point to the mesophyll cell walls. Although most research considers only the vertical diffusion from stomata on upper and/or leaf lower surfaces, some of the gas will diffuse in the lateral (paradermal) direction. The importance of lateral CO(2) diffusion is reviewed, and the anatomical characteristics of leaves, including the variation of air space volume between species and conditions are discussed. The contribution of the air space conductance to the limitation of photosynthesis by the overall CO(2) diffusion pathway is usually ignored. However, the need to consider three-dimensional diffusion at the small scale of a few stomata is emphasized because stomata are discrete, and separated by 20-300 microm. At the large scale of 100s of micrometres, there may be barriers to CO(2) caused by the vascular tissue, particularly if there are bundle sheath extensions. The possible extent and controls on CO(2) lateral and vertical diffusion in different species and conditions are illustrated using chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging techniques. It is clear that there is a range of effective lateral permeabilities depending on the particular vascular patterns and cell arrangements, and that species cannot be simply divided into homobaric and heterobaric anatomies. Lateral diffusion in more permeable leaves can be sufficient to affect measurements of leaf gas exchange, particularly when fluxes are low, although its contribution to leaf photosynthesis in natural conditions needs clarification.  相似文献   

Lass  Sandra  Boersma  Maarten  Wiltshire  Karen Helen  Spaak  Piet  Boriss  Hinnerk 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):199-206
Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate life-history reactions of Daphnia to trimethylamine (TMA), a substance, which has recently been found to induce a similar phototactic reaction in Daphnia as fish kairomones. The effects of different treatments (control, fish kairomone and TMA) on the life-history traits of five clones of D. magna and one clone of D. galeata and D. hyalina, respectively, were studied. Only D. magna exhibited significant reactions to TMA and to fish kairomone. D. galeata showed no significant responses to either TMA or to fish kairomone. D. hyalina reacted to the fish treatment with two traits (size and number of eggs at maturity). The comparison of the reaction norms to TMA and fish kairomone demonstrated that the directions of some responses to both factors were similar but were different for others such as for size at maturity. TMA resulted in a larger size at maturity in D. magna, whereas fish kairomone had no significant influence on this trait. We, therefore, conclude that trimethylamine is not the primary causative chemical agent in fish induced life-history adaptations in Daphnia.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the fusion process of unsealed and resealed erthyrocyte ghosts with influenza virus (A/PR8/34, A/Chile 1/83), were measured under hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic conditions using a recently developed fluorescence assay (Hoekstraet al. (1984)Biochemistry 23:5675–5681]. No correlation between the external osmotic pressure and kinetics and extent of fusion was observed. Influenza viruses fuse as effectively with unsealed ghosts as with resealed ghosts. It is concluded that osmotic forces as well as osmotic swelling of cells are not necessary for virus-cell membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The lipid organization in the stratum corneum (SC), plays an important role in the barrier function of the skin. SC lipids form two lamellar phases with a predominantly orthorhombic packing. In previous publications a lipid model was presented, referred to as the stratum corneum substitute (SCS), that closely mimics the SC lipid organization and barrier function. Therefore, the SCS serves as a unique tool to relate lipid organization with barrier function. In the present study we examined the effect of the orthorhombic to hexagonal phase transition on the barrier function of human SC and SCS. In addition, the SCS was modified by changing the free fatty acid composition, resulting in a hexagonal packing and perturbed lamellar organization. By measuring the permeability to benzoic acid as function of temperature, Arrhenius plots were constructed from which activation energies were calculated. The results suggest that the change from orthorhombic to hexagonal packing in human SC and SCS, does not have an effect on the permeability. However, the modified SCS revealed an increased permeability to benzoic acid, which we related to its perturbed lamellar organization. Thus, a proper lamellar organization is more crucial for a competent barrier function than the presence of an orthorhombic lateral packing.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of mutagenic activity of caffeine (1-3-7-trimethylxanthine) in man became more and more urgent because it is; first, one of the most frequently used stimulants in beverages and drugs and; second, recently several contradictory reports have been published [37, 29, 1, 43] which were followed up in public with great interest. We, therefore, tested the spermatogenesis of mice with the method of induction of dominant lethal mutations [42] in order to find a mutagenic effect, and by fractionating the spermatogenesis in eight breeding groups to detect some sensitive stages after a single treatment with a high caffeine dose. The animals used were of the C3H inbred strain of mice, the dose just tolerated by these animals was 0.25 g caffeine/kg body weight. Two experiments were carried out under same conditions with 29 males treated and 10 males in the control group. 373 pregnant females fertilized by the treated males showed among their 3495 implants 15% dead implantations while 201 females fertilized by the control males had 2139 implants, 13.6% of which died during pregnancy. This slight difference does not indicate any mutagenic function of caffeine on the spermatogenesis of mice as a whole. The tested stages of spermatogenesis revealed no sensitivity. A slight increase in pseudopregnancy (P0.007) could be observed, which might be physiologically caused. Copulation frequency was considerably decreased, especially in the first week after treatment.With the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Certain non-hormone oligopeptides have a greater imprinting effect on Tetrahymena than others. The imprinting potential is unrelated to the length of the peptide chain, but seems greatly dependent on the amino acid sequence. The direct growth-stimulant action developed by the peptides at the first interaction is unrelated to their imprinting effect.  相似文献   

Can Homegardens Conserve Biodiversity in Bangladesh?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In managed landscapes, tree-dominated habitats often show promise for biodiversity conservation. In Bangladesh where natural forest cover is less than 10 percent, homegardens, which are maintained by at least 20 millions households, represent one possible strategy for biodiversity conservation. This study investigated the floristic and structural diversity of 402 homegardens from six regions across southwestern Bangladesh. All plants were censused, totaling 419 species (59% native), including six IUCN Red Listed. The median homegarden (800 m2) contained a mean of 34 species. Each region contained a mean of 293 species in a mean of 67 homegardens. A total of 49,478 individuals (107 per homegarden and 1003 per hectare) of trees and shrubs were counted from 45.2 ha total sampled area. Thus, significant botanical richness was exhibited in the homegardens across southwestern Bangladesh. However, most species were rare: 82 percent of all species including 189 native were found in 50 or fewer homegardens, and 63 species (36 native) were found in only one or two homegardens. Sixty percent of all tree and shrub species had 50 or fewer individuals each. Thus, whereas richness across the landscape was high, serious effort must be made to increase the populations of most species. We propose three main conservation activities: (1) awareness building; (2) protection of existing individuals of rare species; and (3) propagation. Overlaying all of these activities is the inclusion of local communities in the process, who were the ones to retain these species in homegardens in the first place, and the stakeholders who will determine whether homegardens indeed act as long-term repositories to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

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