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Our knowledge of ciliate endosymbiont diversity greatly expanded over the past decades due to the development of characterization methods for uncultivable bacteria. Chlamydia-like bacteria have been described as symbionts of free-living amoebae and other phylogenetically diverse eukaryotic hosts. In the present work, a systematic survey of the bacterial diversity associated with the ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus strain Zam5b-1 was performed, using metagenomic screening as well as classical full-cycle rRNA approach, and a novel chlamydial symbiont was characterized. The metagenomic screening revealed 16S rRNA gene sequences from Polynucleobacter necessarius, three previously reported accessory symbionts, and a novel chlamydia-like bacterium. Following the full-cycle rRNA approach, we obtained the full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence of this chlamydia-like bacterium and developed probes for diagnostic fluorescence in situ hybridizations. The phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences unambiguously places the new bacterium in the family Rhabdochlamydiaceae. This is the first report of chlamydia-like bacterium being found in Euplotes. Based on the obtained data, the bacterium is proposed as a new candidate genus and species: “Candidatus Euplotechlamydia quinta.”  相似文献   

The “Midichloria clade” is a recently discovered but well-established evolutionary lineage clustering inside the order Rickettsiales (Alphaproteobacteria). Not much is known about the biology of these organisms. The best characterized ones are endocellular symbionts of very different eukaryotic hosts, ranging from arthropods to protists. “Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii”, the most studied organism of the group, is an interesting object of study because of its unique capability to infect metazoans’ mitochondria and the presence of flagellar genes in its genome. With this work, we aim at increasing the knowledge on the biodiversity and phylogeny of the “Midichloria group”. We characterized according to the “full cycle rRNA approach” two novel endosymbionts of ciliated protozoa, i.e. Paramecium nephridiatum and Euplotes aediculatus. According to the nomenclatural rules for uncultivated prokaryotes, we established the novel taxa “Candidatus Defluviella procrastinata” and “Candidatus Cyrtobacter zanobii” for the two bacterial symbionts. Our phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences confirms that the evolutionary histories of “Midichloria clade” representatives and of their hosts are very different. This suggests that the symbiotic processes arose many times independently, perhaps through ways of transmission still not described in Rickettsiales.  相似文献   

Freshwater species of the genus Euplotes (Protozoa, Ciliophora) change their morphology in the presence of some of their predators. The ciliates develop extended lateral wings as well as dorsal and ventral projections which make engulfment by predators more difficult. In a series of laboratory experiments ingestion rates of four protozoan predators, the ciliates Lembadion bullinum, Dileptus anser, Stylonychia mytilus and Urostyla grandis, and one metazoan predator, the turbellarian Stenostomum sphagnetorum, on three species of Euplotes (E. octocarinatus, E. patella and E. aediculatus) were determined. It was calculated that the probability of rejection by a predator changed from 1:1 for ovoid morphs of Euplotes to about 2:1–20:1 for winged morphs of Euplotes, dependent on the prey and predator species that were combined. The nutritional condition of the prey also had some influence. In mixed-species cultures of prey and predators, transformed cells of E. octocarinatus survived for several months.  相似文献   

Sleighophrys pustulata nov. gen., nov. spec. and Luporinophrys micelae nov. gen., nov. spec. were discovered in a slightly saline mud and soil sample from some flat, dry puddles in the Maracay National Park on the north coast of Venezuela. Their morphology was studied in vivo, in protargol preparations, and in the scanning electron microscope. The new genera are monotypic and belong to the trachelophyllid haptorids. They are characterized by the unique shape of the epicortical scales (lepidosomes). Sleighophrys pustulata, which has a size of about 180×23 μm, possesses type I and unique type V lepidosomes which are hat-shaped and about 7×7 μm in size. Luporinophrys micelae, which has a size of about 200×35 μm, possesses types I, II, and unique type VI lepidosomes which are narrow, about 10 μm high cones composed of fibrous stripes connected by polygonal meshes. The conspicuous body size and the richly structured, comparatively large lepidosomes make S. pustulata and L. micelae biogeographic flagships which may help to cast some light on the pending question whether or not microorganisms have biogeographies. The available data suggest that both species have a restricted geographic distribution, not only because they were not described previously, but mainly because they were absent in about 2000 freshwater samples from central Europe and in about 1000 soil samples collected globally.  相似文献   

It was investigated whether (1) the number of cilia of the dorsal kineties 3 and 4 and (2) the cell length are species-specific characters which can be used to distinguish the sibling species S. mytilus and S. lemnae. The number of cilia of the dorsal kineties 3 and 4 is a relatively constant, reliable species-specific character in all investigated strains of both species and rather independent from the origin and the nutritional condition of the cells. The cell length is also a reliable species character, if strains of both species from Germany are compared (under identical nutritional conditions). However, all S. mytilus strains from China, Australia and Peru are significantly smaller forming one (or some) "small" subpopulations or subspecies, compared with a "big" subpopulation from Germany. The small ones cannot always be distinguished by size alone from S. lemnae cells. Thus the cell size in S. mytilus is not in all geographic regions a species character, but can be used to characterize subspecies.  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberobacter,” the uncultured bacterium associated with citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) disease, is an α-Proteobacteria, and two species, “Candidatus L. africanum” and “Candidatus L. asiaticum,” have been characterized by sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA and β operon (rplKAJL-rpoBC) genes. These genes were isolated by PCR and random cloning of DNA from infected plants. However, this strategy is laborious and allowed selection of only three Liberobacter DNA fragments. In this paper, we described isolation of additional genes using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). In total, 102 random 10-mer primers were used in PCR reactions on healthy and Liberobacter-infected plant DNA. Eight DNA bands amplified from infected plant DNA were cloned and analyzed. Six of them were found to be part of the Liberobacter genome by sequence and hybridization experiments. On these DNA fragments, four genes were identified: nusG, pgm, omp, and a hypothetical protein gene. These results indicate that RAPD can be used to clone DNA of uncultured organisms. Received: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

Environmental sequences have become a major source of information. High‐throughput sequencing (HTS) surveys have been used to infer biogeographic patterns and distribution of broad taxa of protists. This approach is, however, more questionable for addressing low‐rank (less inclusive) taxa such as species and genera, because of the increased chance of errors in identification due to blurry taxonomic boundaries, low sequence divergence, or sequencing errors. The specious ciliate genus Euplotes partially escapes these limitations. It is a ubiquitous, monophyletic taxon, clearly differentiated from related genera, and with a relatively well‐developed internal systematics. It has also been the focus of several ecological studies. We present an update on Euplotes biogeography, taking into consideration for the first time environmental sequences, both traditional (Sanger) and HTS. We inferred a comprehensive small subunit rRNA gene phylogeny of the genus including a newly described marine species, Euplotes enigma, characterized by a unique question mark‐shaped macronucleus. We then added available environmental sequences to the tree, mapping associated metadata. The resulting scenario conflicts on many accounts with previously held views, suggesting, for example, that a large diversity of anaerobic Euplotes species exist, and that marine representatives of mainly freshwater lineages (and vice‐versa) might be more common than previously thought.  相似文献   

We present a synopsis of the Passalidae of the Chocó biogeographical province and the western slopes of the Western Andean range of Colombia as a result of field collections, examination of entomological collections, and review of the literature. We record a total of 41 species, provide an identification key, and, for the 39 species for which we were able to examine specimens, include a diagnosis and collecting data. Two new species of Passalus (Pertinax) are described and illustrated. The species of this region compose 42% of the passalid species known for Colombia. The richness of species and the high degree of endemism (34%) indicate the faunistic importance of this area, which is closely related to the fauna of lowland Central America.  相似文献   

An intracellular bacterium was discovered in an isolate of Paramecium bursaria from a freshwater pond in Yantai, China. The bacteria were abundant and exclusively found in the cytoplasm of the host which, along with the green alga Chlorella, formed a three-partner consortium that could survive in pure water for at least one week. Cloning, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene showed that the bacterium belonged to the uncultured candidate division OD1, which usually forms part of the rare biosphere. Transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with specific probes showed that the bacteria were usually located close to the perialgal membranes of endosymbiotic Chlorella cells, and occasionally irregularly distributed throughout the host cytoplasm. The name “Candidatus Sonnebornia yantaiensis” gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed for the new bacterium. A strongly supported monophyletic subclade, OD1-p, which included the new species, was recognized and this study highlights that protists can be important hosts for rare bacterial taxa.  相似文献   

This study describes and recognises, using histological and microscopical examinations on a morphometrical basis, several gonad traits through the early life stages of Chiton articulatus and C. albolineatus. Gonadal ontogenesis, gonad development stages, sexual differentiation, onset of the first sexual maturity, and growth sequences or “early life stages” were determined. In addition, allometry between lengths and body weight pooled for both sexes per each chiton were calculated using equation Y = aXb. A total of 125 chitons (4≤TL≤40 mm, in total length “TL”) were used. All allometric relations showed a strong positive correlation (r), close to 1, with b-values above three, indicating an isometric growth. Gonadal ontogenesis and gonad development stages were categorised into three periods (“Pw” without gonad, “Pe” gonad emergence, and “Pf” gonadal sac formed) and four stages (“S0” gametocytogenesis, “S1” gametogenesis, “S2” mature, and “S3” spawning), respectively. Compound digital images were attained for each process. Periods and stages are overlapped among them and between species, with the following overall confidence intervals in TL: Pw 6.13–14.32 mm, Pe 10.32–16.93 mm, Pf 12.99–25.01 mm, S0 16.08–24.34 mm (females) and 19.51–26.60 mm (males), S1 27.15–35.63 mm (females) and 23.45–32.27 mm (males), S2 24.48–40.24 mm (females) and 25.45–32.87 mm (males). Sexual differentiation (in S0) of both chitons occurs first as a female then as a male; although, males reach the onset of the first sexual maturity earlier than females, thus for C. articulatus males at 17 mm and females at 32 mm, and for C. albolineatus males at 23.5 mm and females at 28 mm, all in TL. Four early life stages (i.e., subjuvenile, juvenile, subadult, and adult) are described and proposed to distinguish growth sequences. Our results may be useful to diverse disciplines, from developmental biology to fisheries management.  相似文献   

This contribution describes and illustrates the male genitalia of two new species of Ectobiidae belonging to Pseudophyllodromiinae, Chorisoneura Brunner von Wattenwyl, and Blattellinae, Xestoblatta Hebard. Both species were collected in the Santa Lúcia Biological Reserve in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil.  相似文献   

Three cohorts of farmed yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) from South Australia were examined for Chlamydia-like organisms associated with epitheliocystis. To characterize the bacteria, 38 gill samples were processed for histopathology, electron microscopy, and 16S rRNA amplification, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis. Microscopically, the presence of membrane-enclosed cysts was observed within the gill lamellae. Also observed was hyperplasia of the epithelial cells with cytoplasmic vacuolization and fusion of the gill lamellae. Transmission electron microscopy revealed morphological features of the reticulate and intermediate bodies typical of members of the order Chlamydiales. A novel 1,393-bp 16S chlamydial rRNA sequence was amplified from gill DNA extracted from fish in all cohorts over a 3-year period that corresponded to the 16S rRNA sequence amplified directly from laser-dissected cysts. This sequence was only 87% similar to the reported “Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis” (AY462244) from Atlantic salmon and Arctic charr. Phylogenetic analysis of this sequence against 35 Chlamydia and Chlamydia-like bacteria revealed that this novel bacterium belongs to an undescribed family lineage in the order Chlamydiales. Based on these observations, we propose this bacterium of yellowtail kingfish be known as “Candidatus Parilichlamydia carangidicola” and that the new family be known as “Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae.”  相似文献   

The volvocine algae represent an excellent model lineage in which to study evolution of female and male genders based on comparative analyses of related species. Among these species, Volvox carteri has been extensively studied as a model of an oogamous and complex organism. However, it may have unique derived features that are not present in other species of Volvox. Therefore, information regarding the characteristics of sexual reproduction of other species of Volvox is also important. In 1971, Starr studied four types of sexuality in several global strains identified as Volvox africanus; however, further taxonomic studies of these strains have been lacking, and strains of three of the four sexual types are not available. Here, we studied the morphology, sexual reproduction, and taxonomy of two V. africanus-like species isolated recently from Lake Biwa, Japan. These two species were very similar to two sexual types described by Starr in 1971: one producing dioecious sexual spheroids in heterothallic strains and the other forming both male spheroids and monoecious spheroids in a single strain. The former species produced zygotes with a reticulate cell wall, whereas a smooth zygote wall was observed in the latter species as in V. africanus previously reported from various localities around the world. Our multigene phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that these are sister species to each other. However, the presence of a compensatory base change in the most conserved region of the secondary structure of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer-2, hybrid inviability demonstrated by intercrossing experiments, and morphological differences in the density of abutment between the gelatinous material of adjacent cells (individual sheaths) in the spheroid supported the recognition of the two species, V. africanus having a smooth zygote wall and V. reticuliferus Nozaki sp. nov. having a reticulate zygote wall.  相似文献   

Nowadays molecular species delimitation methods promote the identification of species boundaries within complex taxonomic groups by adopting innovative species concepts and theories (e.g. branching patterns, coalescence). As some of them can efficiently deal with large single-locus datasets, they could speed up the process of species discovery compared to more time consuming molecular methods, and benefit from the existence of large public datasets; these methods can also particularly favour scientific research and actions dealing with threatened or economically important taxa. In this study we aim to investigate and clarify the status of economically important moths species belonging to the genus Spodoptera (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a complex group in which previous phylogenetic analyses and integrative approaches already suggested the possible occurrence of cryptic species and taxonomic ambiguities. In this work, the effectiveness of innovative (and faster) species delimitation approaches to infer putative species boundaries has been successfully tested in Spodoptera, by processing the most comprehensive dataset (in terms of number of species and specimens) ever achieved; results are congruent and reliable, irrespective of the set of parameters and phylogenetic models applied. Our analyses confirm the existence of three potential new species clusters (for S. exigua (Hübner, 1808), S. frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) and S. mauritia (Boisduval, 1833)) and support the synonymy of S. marima (Schaus, 1904) with S. ornithogalli (Guenée, 1852). They also highlight the ambiguity of the status of S. cosmiodes (Walker, 1858) and S. descoinsi Lalanne-Cassou & Silvain, 1994. This case study highlights the interest of molecular species delimitation methods as valuable tools for species discovery and to emphasize taxonomic ambiguities.  相似文献   

Copitarsia gibberosa n. sp. is described from Chile and Argentina. Morphological characters are discussed to differentiate it from Copitarsia decolora (Guenée), Copitarsia incommoda (Walker), and Copitarsia corruda (Pogue & Simmons). Copitarsia corruda has its status revised based on CO1 and morphology. Copitarsia paraturbata Castillo & Angulo is a new synonym of C. incommoda based on morphology. Copitarsia uncilata Burgos & Leiva is a new synonym of C. decolora based on morphology. A review of recent literature revealed a misunderstanding of the complex of species related to C. decolora, and these papers are evaluated and species are identified. Host plant utilization is discussed between C. decolora and C. corruda. Adults and male and female genitalia are illustrated to differentiate between the species in the C. decolora species complex. Keys to male and females based on genitalic morphology are given. Distribution maps of collected specimens are provided.  相似文献   

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