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Cytochrome aa3-600 is one of the principle respiratory oxidases from Bacillus subtilis and is a member of the heme-copper superfamily of oxygen reductases. This enzyme catalyzes the two-electron oxidation of menaquinol and the four-electron reduction of O2 to 2H2O. Cytochrome aa3-600 is of interest because it is a very close homologue of the cytochrome bo3 ubiquinol oxidase from Escherichia coli, except that it uses menaquinol instead of ubiquinol as a substrate. One question of interest is how the proteins differ in response to the differences in structure and electrochemical properties between ubiquinol and menaquinol. Cytochrome bo3 has a high affinity binding site for ubiquinol that stabilizes a ubi-semiquinone. This has permitted the use of pulsed EPR techniques to investigate the protein interaction with the ubiquinone. The current work initiates studies to characterize the equivalent site in cytochrome aa3-600. Cytochrome aa3-600 has been cloned and expressed in a His-tagged form in B. subtilis. After isolation of the enzyme in dodecylmaltoside, it is shown that the pure enzyme contains 1 eq of menaquinone-7 and that the enzyme stabilizes a mena-semiquinone. Pulsed EPR studies have shown that there are both similarities as well as significant differences in the interactions of the mena-semiquinone with cytochrome aa3-600 in comparison with the ubi-semiquinone in cytochrome bo3. Our data indicate weaker hydrogen bonds of the menaquinone in cytochrome aa3-600 in comparison with ubiquinone in cytochrome bo3. In addition, the electronic structure of the semiquinone cyt aa3-600 is more shifted toward the anionic form from the neutral state in cyt bo3.  相似文献   

NADH cytochrome b5 oxidoreductase (Ncb5or) is found in animals and contains three domains similar to cytochrome b5 (b5), CHORD-SGT1 (CS), and cytochrome b5 reductase (b5R). Ncb5or has an important function, as suggested by the diabetes and lipoatrophy phenotypes in Ncb5or null mice. To elucidate the structural and functional properties of human Ncb5or, we generated its individual b5 and b5R domains (Ncb5or-b5 and Ncb5or-b5R, respectively) and compared them with human microsomal b5 (Cyb5A) and b5R (Cyb5R3). A 1.25 Å x-ray crystal structure of Ncb5or-b5 reveals nearly orthogonal planes of the imidazolyl rings of heme-ligating residues His89 and His112, consistent with a highly anisotropic low spin EPR spectrum. Ncb5or is the first member of the cytochrome b5 family shown to have such a heme environment. Like other b5 family members, Ncb5or-b5 has two helix-loop-helix motifs surrounding heme. However, Ncb5or-b5 differs from Cyb5A with respect to location of the second heme ligand (His112) and of polypeptide conformation in its vicinity. Electron transfer from Ncb5or-b5R to Ncb5or-b5 is much less efficient than from Cyb5R3 to Cyb5A, possibly as a consequence of weaker electrostatic interactions. The CS linkage probably obviates the need for strong interactions between b5 and b5R domains in Ncb5or. Studies with a construct combining the Ncb5or CS and b5R domains suggest that the CS domain facilitates docking of the b5 and b5R domains. Trp114 is an invariant surface residue in all known Ncb5or orthologs but appears not to contribute to electron transfer from the b5R domain to the b5 domain.  相似文献   

The activation of pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL) by pyruvate formate-lyase activating enzyme (PFL-AE) involves formation of a specific glycyl radical on PFL by the PFL-AE in a reaction requiring S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). Surface plasmon resonance experiments were performed under anaerobic conditions on the oxygen-sensitive PFL-AE to determine the kinetics and equilibrium constant for its interaction with PFL. These experiments show that the interaction is very slow and rate-limited by large conformational changes. A novel AdoMet binding assay was used to accurately determine the equilibrium constants for AdoMet binding to PFL-AE alone and in complex with PFL. The PFL-AE bound AdoMet with the same affinity (∼6 μm) regardless of the presence or absence of PFL. Activation of PFL in the presence of its substrate pyruvate or the analog oxamate resulted in stoichiometric conversion of the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster to the glycyl radical on PFL; however, 3.7-fold less activation was achieved in the absence of these small molecules, demonstrating that pyruvate or oxamate are required for optimal activation. Finally, in vivo concentrations of the entire PFL system were calculated to estimate the amount of bound protein in the cell. PFL, PFL-AE, and AdoMet are essentially fully bound in vivo, whereas electron donor proteins are partially bound.  相似文献   

Methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR) is a nickel tetrahydrocorphinoid (coenzyme F430) containing enzyme involved in the biological synthesis and anaerobic oxidation of methane. MCR catalyzes the conversion of methyl-2-mercaptoethanesulfonate (methyl-SCoM) and N-7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate (CoB7SH) to CH4 and the mixed disulfide CoBS-SCoM. In this study, the reaction of MCR from Methanothermobacter marburgensis, with its native substrates was investigated using static binding, chemical quench, and stopped-flow techniques. Rate constants were measured for each step in this strictly ordered ternary complex catalytic mechanism. Surprisingly, in the absence of the other substrate, MCR can bind either substrate; however, only one binary complex (MCR·methyl-SCoM) is productive whereas the other (MCR·CoB7SH) is inhibitory. Moreover, the kinetic data demonstrate that binding of methyl-SCoM to the inhibitory MCR·CoB7SH complex is highly disfavored (Kd = 56 mm). However, binding of CoB7SH to the productive MCR·methyl-SCoM complex to form the active ternary complex (CoB7SH·MCR(NiI)·CH3SCoM) is highly favored (Kd = 79 μm). Only then can the chemical reaction occur (kobs = 20 s−1 at 25 °C), leading to rapid formation and dissociation of CH4 leaving the binary product complex (MCR(NiII)·CoB7S·SCoM), which undergoes electron transfer to regenerate Ni(I) and the final product CoBS-SCoM. This first rapid kinetics study of MCR with its natural substrates describes how an enzyme can enforce a strictly ordered ternary complex mechanism and serves as a template for identification of the reaction intermediates.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin 1 (Syt1) is the calcium sensor for synchronous neurotransmitter release. The two C2 domains of Syt1, which may mediate fusion by bridging the vesicle and plasma membranes, are connected to the vesicle membrane by a 60-residue linker. Here, we use site-directed spin labeling and a novel total internal reflection fluorescence vesicle binding assay to characterize the juxtamembrane linker and to test the ability of reconstituted full-length Syt1 to interact with opposing membrane surfaces. EPR spectroscopy demonstrates that the majority of the linker interacts with the membrane interface, thereby limiting the extension of the C2A and C2B domains into the cytoplasm. Pulse dipolar EPR spectroscopy provides evidence that purified full-length Syt1 is oligomerized in the membrane, and mutagenesis indicates that a glycine zipper/GXXXG motif within the linker helps mediate oligomerization. The total internal reflection fluorescence-based vesicle binding assay demonstrates that full-length Syt1 that is reconstituted into supported lipid bilayers will capture vesicles containing negatively charged lipid in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Moreover, the rate of vesicle capture increases with Syt1 density, and mutations in the GXXXG motif that inhibit oligomerization of Syt1 reduce the rate of vesicle capture. This work demonstrates that modifications within the 60-residue linker modulate both the oligomerization of Syt1 and its ability to interact with opposing bilayers. In addition to controlling its activity, the oligomerization of Syt1 may play a role in organizing proteins within the active zone of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of wheat flour show components from Fe(III), Mn(II) and free radicals (FR). The metal signals were higher in the samples from the stressed plants, and reflected the higher total levels of these elements determined analytically. They remained essentially constant throughout the experiment, but the FR signal increased progressively with time over a period of 4-6 months after milling, after which it reached a maximum. The rate of increase in the FR signal during this period was considerably higher in the flour from plants that had been exposed to elevated ozone levels.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of wheat flour show components from Fe(III), Mn(II) and free radicals (FR). The metal signals were higher in the samples from the stressed plants, and reflected the higher total levels of these elements determined analytically. They remained essentially constant throughout the experiment, but the FR signal increased progressively with time over a period of 4-6 months after milling, after which it reached a maximum. The rate of increase in the FR signal during this period was considerably higher in the flour from plants that had been exposed to elevated ozone levels.  相似文献   

NADPH oxidase comprises both cytosolic and membrane-bound subunits, which, when assembled and activated, initiate the transfer of electrons from NADPH to molecular oxygen to form superoxide. This activity, known as the respiratory burst, is extremely important in the innate immune response as indicated by the disorder chronic granulomatous disease. The regulation of this enzyme complex involves protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions as well as phosphorylation events. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that the small membrane subunit of the oxidase complex, p22phox, is phosphorylated in neutrophils and that its phosphorylation correlates with NADPH oxidase activity. In this study, we utilized site-directed mutagenesis in a Chinese hamster ovarian cell system to determine the phosphorylation sites within p22phox. We also explored the mechanism by which p22phox phosphorylation affects NADPH oxidase activity. We found that mutation of threonine 147 to alanine inhibited superoxide production in vivo by more than 70%. This mutation also blocked phosphorylation of p22phox in vitro by both protein kinase C-α and -δ. Moreover, this mutation blocked the p22phox-p47phox interaction in intact cells. When phosphorylation was mimicked in vivo through mutation of Thr-147 to an aspartyl residue, NADPH oxidase activity was recovered, and the p22phox-p47phox interaction in the membrane was restored. Maturation of gp91phox was not affected by the alanine mutation, and phosphorylation of the cytosolic component p47phox still occurred. This study directly implicates threonine 147 of p22phox as a critical residue for efficient NADPH oxidase complex formation and resultant enzyme activity.  相似文献   

In nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, hydrogen evolution is associated with hydrogenases and nitrogenase, making these enzymes interesting targets for genetic engineering aimed at increased hydrogen production. Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 is a filamentous cyanobacterium that expresses the uptake hydrogenase HupSL in heterocysts under nitrogen-fixing conditions. Little is known about the structural and biophysical properties of HupSL. The small subunit, HupS, has been postulated to contain three iron-sulfur clusters, but the details regarding their nature have been unclear due to unusual cluster binding motifs in the amino acid sequence. We now report the cloning and heterologous expression of Nostoc punctiforme HupS as a fusion protein, f-HupS. We have characterized the anaerobically purified protein by UV-visible and EPR spectroscopies. Our results show that f-HupS contains three iron-sulfur clusters. UV-visible absorption of f-HupS has bands ∼340 and 420 nm, typical for iron-sulfur clusters. The EPR spectrum of the oxidized f-HupS shows a narrow g = 2.023 resonance, characteristic of a low-spin (S = ½) [3Fe-4S] cluster. The reduced f-HupS presents complex EPR spectra with overlapping resonances centered on g = 1.94, g = 1.91, and g = 1.88, typical of low-spin (S = ½) [4Fe-4S] clusters. Analysis of the spectroscopic data allowed us to distinguish between two species attributable to two distinct [4Fe-4S] clusters, in addition to the [3Fe-4S] cluster. This indicates that f-HupS binds [4Fe-4S] clusters despite the presence of unusual coordinating amino acids. Furthermore, our expression and purification of what seems to be an intact HupS protein allows future studies on the significance of ligand nature on redox properties of the iron-sulfur clusters of HupS.  相似文献   

Misfolding and aggregation of huntingtin is one of the hallmarks of Huntington disease, but the overall structure of these aggregates and the mechanisms by which huntingtin misfolds remain poorly understood. Here we used site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to study the structural features of huntingtin exon 1 (HDx1) containing 46 glutamine residues in its polyglutamine (polyQ) region. Despite some residual structuring in the N terminus, we find that soluble HDx1 is highly dynamic. Upon aggregation, the polyQ domain becomes strongly immobilized indicating significant tertiary or quaternary packing interactions. Analysis of spin-spin interactions does not show the close contact between same residues that is characteristic of the parallel, in-register structure commonly found in amyloids. Nevertheless, the same residues are still within 20 Å of each other, suggesting that polyQ domains from different molecules come into proximity in the fibrils. The N terminus has previously been found to take up a helical structure in fibrils. We find that this domain not only becomes structured, but that it also engages in tertiary or quaternary packing interactions. The existence of spin-spin interactions in this region suggests that such contacts could be made between N-terminal domains from different molecules. In contrast, the C-terminal domain is dynamic, contains polyproline II structure, and lacks pronounced packing interactions. This region must be facing away from the core of the fibrils. Collectively, these data provide new constraints for building structural models of HDx1 fibrils.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein ankyrin-R interacts via its membrane binding domain with the cytoplasmic domain of the anion exchange protein (AE1) and via its spectrin binding domain with the spectrin-based membrane skeleton in human erythrocytes. This set of interactions provides a bridge between the lipid bilayer and the membrane skeleton, thereby stabilizing the membrane. Crystal structures for the dimeric cytoplasmic domain of AE1 (cdb3) and for a 12-ankyrin repeat segment (repeats 13-24) from the membrane binding domain of ankyrin-R (AnkD34) have been reported. However, structural data on how these proteins assemble to form a stable complex have not been reported. In the current studies, site-directed spin labeling, in combination with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and double electron-electron resonance, has been utilized to map the binding interfaces of the two proteins in the complex and to obtain inter-protein distance constraints. These data have been utilized to construct a family of structural models that are consistent with the full range of experimental data. These models indicate that an extensive area on the peripheral domain of cdb3 binds to ankyrin repeats 18-20 on the top loop surface of AnkD34 primarily through hydrophobic interactions. This is a previously uncharacterized surface for binding of cdb3 to AnkD34. Because a second dimer of cdb3 is known to bind to ankyrin repeats 7-12 of the membrane binding domain of ankyrin-R, the current models have significant implications regarding the structural nature of a tetrameric form of AE1 that is hypothesized to be involved in binding to full-length ankyrin-R in the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

SoxAX enzymes couple disulfide bond formation to the reduction of cytochrome c in the first step of the phylogenetically widespread Sox microbial sulfur oxidation pathway. Rhodovulum sulfidophilum SoxAX contains three hemes. An electrochemical cell compatible with magnetic circular dichroism at near infrared wavelengths has been developed to resolve redox and chemical properties of the SoxAX hemes. In combination with potentiometric titrations monitored by electronic absorbance and EPR, this method defines midpoint potentials (Em) at pH 7.0 of approximately +210, −340, and −400 mV for the His/Met, His/Cys, and active site His/CysS-ligated heme, respectively. Exposing SoxAX to S2O42−, a substrate analog with Em ∼−450 mV, but not Eu(II) complexed with diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (Em ∼−1140 mV), allows cyanide to displace the cysteine persulfide (CysS) ligand to the active site heme. This provides the first evidence for the dissociation of CysS that has been proposed as a key event in SoxAX catalysis.  相似文献   

An increase in production of reactive oxygen species resulting in a decrease in nitric oxide bioavailability in the endothelium contributes to many cardiovascular diseases, and these reactive oxygen species can oxidize cellular macromolecules. Protein thiols are critical reducing equivalents that maintain cellular redox state and are primary targets for oxidative modification. We demonstrate endothelial NOS (eNOS) oxidant-induced protein thiyl radical formation from tetrahydrobiopterin-free enzyme or following exposure to exogenous superoxide using immunoblotting, immunostaining, and mass spectrometry. Spin trapping with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) followed by immunoblotting using an anti-DMPO antibody demonstrated the formation of eNOS protein radicals, which were abolished by superoxide dismutase and L-NAME, indicating that protein radical formation was due to superoxide generation from the eNOS heme. With tetrahydrobiopterin-reconstituted eNOS, eNOS protein radical formation was completely inhibited. Using mass spectrometric and mutagenesis analysis, we identified Cys-908 as the residue involved in protein radical formation. Mutagenesis of this key cysteine to alanine abolished eNOS thiyl radical formation and uncoupled eNOS, leading to increased superoxide generation. Protein thiyl radical formation leads to oxidation or modification of cysteine with either disulfide bond formation or S-glutathionylation, which induces eNOS uncoupling. Furthermore, in endothelial cells treated with menadione to trigger cellular superoxide generation, eNOS protein radical formation, as visualized with confocal microscopy, was increased, and these results were confirmed by immunoprecipitation with anti-eNOS antibody, followed by immunoblotting with an anti-DMPO antibody. Thus, eNOS protein radical formation provides the basis for a mechanism of superoxide-directed regulation of eNOS, involving thiol oxidation, defining a unique pathway for the redox regulation of cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

We report the structural and biochemical characterization of GLB-33, a putative neuropeptide receptor that is exclusively expressed in the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This unique chimeric protein is composed of a 7-transmembrane domain (7TM), GLB-33 7TM, typical of a G-protein-coupled receptor, and of a globin domain (GD), GLB-33 GD. Comprehensive sequence similarity searches in the genome of the parasitic nematode, Ascaris suum, revealed a chimeric protein that is similar to a Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide neuropeptide receptor. The three-dimensional structures of the separate domains of both species and of the full-length proteins were modeled. The 7TM domains of both proteins appeared very similar, but the globin domain of the A. suum receptor surprisingly seemed to lack several helices, suggesting a novel truncated globin fold. The globin domain of C. elegans GLB-33, however, was very similar to a genuine myoglobin-type molecule. Spectroscopic analysis of the recombinant GLB-33 GD showed that the heme is pentacoordinate when ferrous and in the hydroxide-ligated form when ferric, even at neutral pH. Flash-photolysis experiments showed overall fast biphasic CO rebinding kinetics. In its ferrous deoxy form, GLB-33 GD is capable of reversibly binding O2 with a very high affinity and of reducing nitrite to nitric oxide faster than other globins. Collectively, these properties suggest that the globin domain of GLB-33 may serve as a highly sensitive oxygen sensor and/or as a nitrite reductase. Both properties are potentially able to modulate the neuropeptide sensitivity of the neuronal transmembrane receptor.  相似文献   

Recent progress characterizing the reaction mechanism(s) of fluorescent probes with reactive oxygen species has made it possible to rigorously analyze these reactive species in biological systems. We have developed rapid high throughput-compatible assays for monitoring cellular production of superoxide radical anion and hydrogen peroxide using hydropropidine and coumarin boronic acid probes, respectively. Coupling plate reader-based fluorescence measurements with HPLC-based simultaneous monitoring of superoxide radical anion and hydrogen peroxide provides the basis for the screening protocol for NADPH oxidase (Nox) inhibitors. Using this newly developed approach along with the medium-throughput plate reader-based oximetry and EPR spin trapping as confirmatory assays, it is now eminently feasible to rapidly and reliably identify Nox enzyme inhibitors with a markedly lower rate of false positives. These methodological advances provide an opportunity to discover selective inhibitors of Nox isozymes, through enhanced conceptual understanding of their basic mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

The FS0 [4Fe-4S] cluster of the catalytic subunit (DmsA) of Escherichia coli dimethyl sulfoxide reductase (DmsABC) plays a key role in the electron transfer relay. We have now established an additional role for the cluster in directing molybdenum cofactor assembly during enzyme maturation. EPR spectroscopy indicates that FS0 has a high spin ground state (S = 3/2) in its reduced form, resulting in an EPR spectrum with a peak at g ~ 5.0. The cluster is predicted to be in close proximity to the molybdo-bis(pyranopterin guanine dinucleotide) (Mo-bisPGD) cofactor, which provides the site of dimethyl sulfoxide reduction. Comparison with nitrate reductase A (NarGHI) indicates that a sequence of residues ((18)CTVNC(22)) plays a role in both FS0 and Mo-bisPGD coordination. A DmsA(ΔN21) mutant prevented Mo-bisPGD binding and resulted in a degenerate [3Fe-4S] cluster form of FS0 being assembled. DmsA belongs to the Type II subclass of Mo-bisPGD-containing catalytic subunits that is distinguished from the Type I subclass by having three rather than two residues between the first two Cys residues coordinating FS0 and a conserved Arg residue rather than a Lys residue following the fourth cluster coordinating Cys. We introduced a Type I Cys group into DmsA in two stages. We changed its sequence from (18)C(A)TVNC(B)GSRC(C)P(27) to (18)C(A)TYC(B)GVGC(C)G(26) (similar to that of formate dehydrogenase (FdnG)) and demonstrated that this eliminated both Mo-bisPGD binding and EPR-detectable FS0. We then combined this change with a DmsA(R61K) mutation and demonstrated that this additional change partially rescued Mo-bisPGD insertion.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric [NiFe] hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio fructosovorans catalyzes the reversible oxidation of H2 into protons and electrons. The catalytic intermediates have been attributed to forms of the active site (NiSI, NiR, and NiC) detected using spectroscopic methods under potentiometric but non-catalytic conditions. Here, we produced variants by replacing the conserved Thr-18 residue in the small subunit with Ser, Val, Gln, Gly, or Asp, and we analyzed the effects of these mutations on the kinetic (H2 oxidation, H2 production, and H/D exchange), spectroscopic (IR, EPR), and structural properties of the enzyme. The mutations disrupt the H-bond network in the crystals and have a strong effect on H2 oxidation and H2 production turnover rates. However, the absence of correlation between activity and rate of H/D exchange in the series of variants suggests that the alcoholic group of Thr-18 is not necessarily a proton relay. Instead, the correlation between H2 oxidation and production activity and the detection of the NiC species in reduced samples confirms that NiC is a catalytic intermediate and suggests that Thr-18 is important to stabilize the local protein structure of the active site ensuring fast NiSI-NiC-NiR interconversions during H2 oxidation/production.  相似文献   

The quinol-linked cytochrome bd oxidases are terminal oxidases in respiration. These oxidases harbor a low spin heme b(558) that donates electrons to a binuclear heme b(595)/heme d center. The reaction with O(2) and subsequent catalytic steps of the Escherichia coli cytochrome bd-I oxidase were investigated by means of ultra-fast freeze-quench trapping followed by EPR and UV-visible spectroscopy. After the initial binding of O(2), the O-O bond is heterolytically cleaved to yield a kinetically competent heme d oxoferryl porphyrin π-cation radical intermediate (compound I) magnetically interacting with heme b(595). Compound I accumulates to 0.75-0.85 per enzyme in agreement with its much higher rate of formation (~20,000 s(-1)) compared with its rate of decay (~1,900 s(-1)). Compound I is next converted to a short lived heme d oxoferryl intermediate (compound II) in a phase kinetically matched to the oxidation of heme b(558) before completion of the reaction. The results indicate that cytochrome bd oxidases like the heme-copper oxidases break the O-O bond in a single four-electron transfer without a peroxide intermediate. However, in cytochrome bd oxidases, the fourth electron is donated by the porphyrin moiety rather than by a nearby amino acid. The production of reactive oxygen species by the cytochrome bd oxidase was below the detection level of 1 per 1000 turnovers. We propose that the two classes of terminal oxidases have mechanistically converged to enzymes in which the O-O bond is broken in a single four-electron transfer reaction to safeguard the cell from the formation of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

High magnetic field high frequency electron paramagnetic resonance techniques were used to measure in situ Mn(II) speciation in Deinococcus radiodurans, a radiation-resistant bacteria capable of accumulating high concentrations of Mn(II). It was possible to identify and quantify the evolution of Mn(II) species in intact cells at various stages of growth. Aside from water, 95-GHz high field electron nuclear double resonance showed that the Mn(II) ions are bound to histidines and phosphate groups, mostly from fructose-1,6-bisphosphate but also inorganic phosphates and nucleotides. During stationary growth phase, 285-GHz continuous wave EPR measurements showed that histidine is the most common ligand to Mn(II) and that significant amounts of cellular Mn(II) in D. radiodurans are bound to peptides and proteins. As much as 40% of the total Mn(II) was in manganese superoxide dismutase, and it is this protein and not smaller manganese complexes, as has been suggested recently, that is probably the primary defense against superoxide.  相似文献   

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