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Electrophysiological studies have implicated voltage-gated proton channels in several specific cellular contexts. In neutrophils, they mediate charge compensation that is associated with the oxidative burst of phagocytosis. Molecular characterization of the hydrogen voltage-gated channel 1 (HVCN1) has enabled identification of unanticipated and diverse functions: HVCN1 not only modulates signaling from the B-cell receptor following B-cell activation and histamine release from basophils, but also mediates pH-dependent activation of spermatozoa, as well as acid secretion by tracheal epithelium. The importance of HVCN1 in pH regulation during phagocytosis was established by surprising evidence that indicated its first-responder role. In this review, we discuss recent findings from a functional perspective, and the potential of HVCN1 as a therapeutic target for autoimmune and other diseases.  相似文献   

The human CD1a-d proteins are plasma membrane molecules involved in the presentation of lipid Ags to T cells. In contrast, CD1e is an intracellular protein present in a soluble form in late endosomes or lysosomes and is essential for the processing of complex glycolipid Ags such as hexamannosylated phosphatidyl-myo-inositol, PIM(6). CD1e is formed by the association of beta(2)-microglobulin with an alpha-chain encoded by a polymorphic gene. We report here that one variant of CD1e with a proline at position 194, encoded by allele 4, does not assist PIM(6) presentation to CD1b-restricted specific T cells. The immunological incompetence of this CD1e variant is mainly due to inefficient assembly and poor transport of this molecule to late endosomal compartments. Although the allele 4 of CD1E is not frequent in the population, our findings suggest that homozygous individuals might display an altered immune response to complex glycolipid Ags.  相似文献   

Gene-expression variation in natural populations is widespread, and its phenotypic effects can be acted upon by natural selection. Only a few naturally segregating genetic differences associated with expression variation have been identified at the molecular level. We have identified a single nucleotide insertion in a vineyard isolate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that has cascading effects through the gene-expression network. This allele is responsible for about 45% (103/230) of the genes that show differential gene expression among the homozygous diploid progeny produced by a vineyard isolate. Using isogenic laboratory strains, we confirm that this allele causes dramatic differences in gene-expression levels of key genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis. The mutation is a frameshift mutation in a mononucleotide run of eight consecutive T's in the coding region of the gene SSY1 , which encodes a key component of a plasma-membrane sensor of extracellular amino acids. The potentially high rate of replication slippage of this mononucleotide repeat, combined with its relatively mild effects on growth rate in heterozygous genotypes, is sufficient to account for the persistence of this phenotype at low frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

The Wisconsin hypoalpha mutant (WHAM) chicken has a >90% reduction in plasma HDL due to hypercatabolism by the kidney of lipid-poor apoA-I. The WHAM chickens have a recessive white skin phenotype caused by a single-gene mutation that maps to the chicken Z-chromosome. This corresponds to human 9q31.1, a chromosomal segment that contains the ATP-binding cassette protein-1 (ABCA1) gene, which is mutated in Tangier Disease and familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia. Complete sequencing of the WHAM ABCA1 cDNA identified a missense mutation near the N-terminus of the protein (E89K). The substitution of this evolutionary conserved glutamate residue for lysine in the mouse ABCA1 transporter leads to complete loss of function, resulting principally from defective intracellular trafficking and very little ABCA1 reaching the plasma membrane. The WHAM chicken is a naturally occurring animal model for Tangier Disease.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence of cDNA encoding the intracellular domain of the insulin receptor beta-subunit, we recently defined a heterozygous point mutation causing a Ser for Trp substitution at position 1200 in the tyrosine kinase domain of a patient (BI-2) with the type A syndrome of insulin resistance. We have now sequenced the remainder of BI-2's insulin receptor cDNA-coding region and find no additional alterations in the encoded proreceptor protein. The nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding the portion of the beta-subunit which includes Trp1200 was normal in BI-2's unaffected mother. Hybridization of a mutant allele-specific oligonucleotide to polymerase chain reaction-amplified cDNA confirmed the presence of the mutant allele in the proband and excluded it in her unaffected sister and mother, 18 normal control subjects, and six other subjects with insulin resistance. To determine whether this mutation had functional consequences for receptor signalling, we reconstructed it into a full-length insulin receptor cDNA expression vector. Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with mutant cDNA, and the expressed insulin receptors were compared to receptors expressed by cells transfected with wild-type receptor cDNA. Both mutant and wild-type receptors were properly processed into receptor alpha- and beta-subunits, were expressed on the cell surface, and displayed similar insulin-binding affinity. In contrast, insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation of the mutant receptors was severely impaired, whether assessed in intact cells or with a partially purified receptor preparation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pore of sodium channels contains a selectivity filter made of 4 amino acids, D/E/K/A. In voltage sensitive sodium channel (Nav) channels from jellyfish to human the fourth amino acid is Ala. This Ala, when mutated to Asp, promotes slow inactivation. In some Nav channels of pufferfishes, the Ala is replaced with Gly. We studied the biophysical properties of an Ala-to-Gly substitution (A1529G) in rat Nav1.4 channel expressed in Xenopus oocytes alone or with a β1 subunit. The Ala-to-Gly substitution does not affect monovalent cation selectivity and positively shifts the voltage-dependent inactivation curve, although co-expression with a β1 subunit eliminates the difference between A1529G and WT. There is almost no difference in channel fast inactivation, but the β1 subunit accelerates WT current inactivation significantly more than it does the A1529G channels. The Ala-to-Gly substitution mainly influences the rate of recovery from slow inactivation. Again, the β1 subunit is less effective on speeding recovery of A1529G than the WT. We searched Nav channels in numerous databases and noted at least four other independent Ala-to-Gly substitutions in Nav channels in teleost fishes. Thus, the Ala-to-Gly substitution occurs more frequently than previously realized, possibly under selection for alterations of channel gating.  相似文献   

Patients with mutation L394R in gamma-glutamyl carboxylase have a severe bleeding disorder because of decreased biological activities of all vitamin K-dependent coagulation proteins. Vitamin K administration partially corrects this deficiency. To characterize L394R, we purified recombinant mutant L394R and wild-type carboxylase expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. By kinetic studies, we analyzed the catalytic activity of mutant L394R and its binding to factor IX's propeptide and vitamin KH(2). Mutant L394R differs from its wild-type counterpart as follows: 1) 110-fold higher K(i) for Boc-mEEV, an active site-specific, competitive inhibitor of FLEEL; 2) 30-fold lower V(max)/K(m) toward the substrate FLEEL in the presence of the propeptide; 3) severely reduced activity toward FLEEL carboxylation in the absence of the propeptide; 4) 7-fold decreased affinity for the propeptide; 5) 9-fold higher K(m) for FIXproGla, a substrate containing the propeptide and the Gla domain of human factor IX; and 6) 5-fold higher K(m) for vitamin KH(2). The primary defect in mutant L394R appears to be in its glutamate-binding site. To a lesser degree, the propeptide and KH(2) binding properties are altered in the L394R mutant. Compared with its wild-type counterpart, the L394R mutant shows an augmented activation of FLEEL carboxylation by the propeptide.  相似文献   

Rho (rhodopsin; opsin plus 11-cis-retinal) is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor responsible for the capture of a photon in retinal photoreceptor cells. A large number of mutations in the opsin gene associated with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa have been identified. The naturally occurring T4R opsin mutation in the English mastiff dog leads to a progressive retinal degeneration that closely resembles human retinitis pigmentosa caused by the T4K mutation in the opsin gene. Using genetic approaches and biochemical assays, we explored the properties of the T4R mutant protein. Employing immunoaffinity-purified Rho from affected RHO(T4R/T4R) dog retina, we found that the mutation abolished glycosylation at Asn(2), whereas glycosylation at Asn(15) was unaffected, and the mutant opsin localized normally to the rod outer segments. Moreover, we found that T4R Rho(*) lost its chromophore faster as measured by the decay of meta-rhodopsin II and that it was less resistant to heat denaturation. Detergent-solubilized T4R opsin regenerated poorly and interacted abnormally with the G protein transducin (G(t)). Structurally, the mutation affected mainly the "plug" at the intradiscal (extracellular) side of Rho, which is possibly responsible for protecting the chromophore from the access of bulk water. The T4R mutation may represent a novel molecular mechanism of degeneration where the unliganded form of the mutant opsin exerts a detrimental effect by losing its structural integrity.  相似文献   

The proton nmr spectra of bacitracin A in H2O and DMSO-d6 have been assigned and the conformational behavior of the peptide in the two solvents has been compared. Although bacitracin A shows a conformational equilibrium between at least two conformations differing in the relative position of the cyclic and linear domains of the molecule, the spectra in water can be interpreted in terms of a preferred conformation in which the linear part is folded over the cyclic moiety and a turn is present around Ile(8)-DPhe(9).  相似文献   

The crystal and molecular structure of rotenone, a naturally occurring insecticide with mitochondrial and mitotic spindle inhibitory properties, was determined by direct methods. The crystals were orthorhombic, space group, P2I2I2I with two molecules in the asymmetric unit; a = 8.413 (1) Å, b = 19.840(1), c = 23.581(1), V = 3936 Å3, Z = 8. The structure was refined by least-squares methods to a final R = 0.067. The two molecules in the asymmetric unit have different conformations about the junction between the nonaromatic rings B and C. Ring B is in a sofa conformation in both molecules, with a slight distortion toward a half-chair in I, but with C8 and C8′ on opposite sides of the planar part of the rings. This difference in conformation results in I having an extended (linear) shape while II is V-shaped. The more elongated conformation of the molecule (I) has not been reported in previous studies. Ring C also has opposite conformations in the two molecules. The angle between the planes formed by rings A and D in molecule I is 64.3°, while in molecule II it is 88.3°. Molecular mechanics techniques were used to determine the energy of the two conformations. These calculations, at room temperature, predict molecule II to be the more stable conformer. The highly flexible site in the B/C ring junction is also chemically very reactive. This flexibility and reactivity are further discussed in terms of rotenone's inhibitory activities.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Voth GA 《FEBS letters》2003,552(1):23-27
The M2 ion channel is an essential component of the influenza A virus. This low-pH gated channel has a high selectivity for protons. Evidence from various experimental data has indicated that the essential structure responsible for the channel is a parallel homo-tetrameric alpha-helix bundle having a left-handed twist with each helix tilted with respect to the membrane normal. A backbone structure has been determined by solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Though detailed structures for the side chains are not available yet, evidence has indicated that His37 and Trp41 in the alpha-helix are implicated in the local molecular structure responsible for the selectivity and channel gate. More definitive conformations for the two residues were recently suggested based on the known backbone structure and recently obtained NMR data. While two competitive proton-conductance mechanisms have been proposed, the actual proton-conductance mechanism remains an unsolved problem. Computer simulations of an excess proton in the channel and computational studies of the His37/Trp41 conformations have provided insights into these structural and mechanism issues.  相似文献   

Familial hemiplegic migraine (HM) is an autosomal dominant migraine with aura. In 20% of HM families, HM is associated with a mild permanent cerebellar ataxia (PCA). The CACNA1A gene encoding the alpha1A subunit of P/Q-type voltage-gated calcium channels is involved in 50% of unselected HM families and in all families with HM/PCA. Four CACNA1A missense mutations have been identified in HM: two in pure HM and two in HM/PCA. Different CACNA1A mutations have been identified in other autosomal dominant conditions: mutations leading to a truncated protein in episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2), small expansions of a CAG trinucleotide in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 and also in three families with EA2 features, and, finally, a missense mutation in a single family suffering from episodic ataxia and severe progressive PCA. We screened 16 families and 3 nonfamilial case patients affected by HM/PCA for specific CACNA1A mutations and found nine families and one nonfamilial case with the same T666M mutation, one new mutation (D715E) in one family, and no CAG repeat expansion. Both T666M and D715E substitutions were absent in 12 probands belonging to pure HM families whose disease appears to be linked to CACNA1A. Finally, haplotyping with neighboring markers suggested that T666M arose through recurrent mutational events. These data could indicate that the PCA observed in 20% of HM families results from specific pathophysiologic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Several epoxyquinoids interfere with NF-kappaB signaling by targeting IKKbeta or NF-kappaB. We report that epoxyquinol B (EPQB), classified as an epoxyquiniod, inhibits NF-kappaB signaling through inhibition of the TAK1 complex, a factor upstream of IKKbeta and NF-kappaB. cDNA microarray analysis revealed that EPQB decreased TNF-alpha-induced expression of NF-kappaB target genes. EPQB covalently bound to a recombinant TAK1-TAB1 fusion protein in vitro, and inhibited its kinase activity. Furthermore, in vitro/in situ treatment with EPQB resulted in a ladder-like hypershift of TAK1 protein bands. We reported recently that EPQB crosslinks proteins via cysteine residues by opening its two epoxides, and our current results suggest that EPQB inhibits NF-kappaB signaling by crosslinking TAK1 itself or TAK1 through other proteins.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2023,122(1):90-98
The M2 proton channel of influenza A is embedded into the viral envelope and allows acidification of the virion when the external pH is lowered. In contrast, no outward proton conductance is observed when the internal pH is lowered, although outward current is observed at positive voltage. Residues Trp41 and Asp44 are known to play a role in preventing pH-driven outward conductance, but the mechanism for this is unclear. We investigate this issue using classical molecular dynamics simulations with periodic proton hops. When all key His37 residues are neutral, inward proton movement is much more facile than outward movement if the His are allowed to shuttle the proton. The preference for inward movement increases further as the charge on the His37 increases. Analysis of the trajectories reveals three factors accounting for this asymmetry. First, in the outward direction, Asp44 traps the hydronium by strong electrostatic interactions. Secondly, Asp44 and Trp41 orient the hydronium with the protons pointing inward, hampering outward Grotthus hopping. As a result, the effective barrier is lower in the inward direction. Trp41 adds to the barrier by weakly H-bonding to potential H+ acceptors. Finally, for charged His, the H3O+ in the inner vestibule tends to get trapped at lipid-lined fenestrations of the cone-shaped channel. Simulations qualitatively reproduce the experimentally observed higher outward conductance of mutants. The ability of positive voltage, unlike proton gradient, to induce an outward current appears to arise from its ability to bias H3O+ and the waters around it toward more H-outward orientations.  相似文献   

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