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Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCAD) is a key mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation enzyme. We previously demonstrated increased LCAD lysine acetylation in SIRT3 knockout mice concomitant with reduced LCAD activity and reduced fatty acid oxidation. To study the effects of acetylation on LCAD and determine sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) target sites, we chemically acetylated recombinant LCAD. Acetylation impeded substrate binding and reduced catalytic efficiency. Deacetylation with recombinant SIRT3 partially restored activity. Residues Lys-318 and Lys-322 were identified as SIRT3-targeted lysines. Arginine substitutions at Lys-318 and Lys-322 prevented the acetylation-induced activity loss. Lys-318 and Lys-322 flank residues Arg-317 and Phe-320, which are conserved among all acyl-CoA dehydrogenases and coordinate the enzyme-bound FAD cofactor in the active site. We propose that acetylation at Lys-318/Lys-322 causes a conformational change which reduces hydride transfer from substrate to FAD. Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 9, two related enzymes with lysines at positions equivalent to Lys-318/Lys-322, were also efficiently deacetylated by SIRT3 following chemical acetylation. These results suggest that acetylation/deacetylation at Lys-318/Lys-322 is a mode of regulating fatty acid oxidation. The same mechanism may regulate other acyl-CoA dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) from cyanobacterium Synechococcus differs from other SSADHs in the γ-aminobutyrate shunt. Synechococcus SSADH (SySSADH) is a TCA cycle enzyme and completes a 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-deficient cyanobacterial TCA cycle through a detour metabolic pathway. SySSADH produces succinate in an NADP+-dependent manner with a single cysteine acting as the catalytic residue in the catalytic loop. Crystal structures of SySSADH were determined in their apo form, as a binary complex with NADP+ and as a ternary complex with succinic semialdehyde and NADPH, providing details about the catalytic mechanism by revealing a covalent adduct of a cofactor with the catalytic cysteine in the binary complex and a proposed thiohemiacetal intermediate in the ternary complex. Further analyses showed that SySSADH is an oxidation-sensitive enzyme and that the formation of the NADP-cysteine adduct is a kinetically preferred event that protects the catalytic cysteine from H2O2-dependent oxidative stress. These structural and functional features of SySSADH provide a molecular basis for cofactor-dependent oxidation protection in 1-Cys SSADH, which is unique relative to other 2-Cys SSADHs employing a redox-dependent formation of a disulfide bridge.  相似文献   

The enzymes of the β-decarboxylating dehydrogenase superfamily catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of d-malate-based substrates with various specificities. Here, we show that, in addition to its natural function affording bacterial growth on d-malate as a carbon source, the d-malate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli (EcDmlA) naturally expressed from its chromosomal gene is capable of complementing leucine auxotrophy in a leuB strain lacking the paralogous isopropylmalate dehydrogenase enzyme. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an enzyme that contributes with a physiologically relevant level of activity to two distinct pathways of the core metabolism while expressed from its chromosomal locus. EcDmlA features relatively high catalytic activity on at least three different substrates (l(+)-tartrate, d-malate, and 3-isopropylmalate). Because of these properties both in vivo and in vitro, EcDmlA may be defined as a generalist enzyme. Phylogenetic analysis highlights an ancient origin of DmlA, indicating that the enzyme has maintained its generalist character throughout evolution. We discuss the implication of these findings for protein evolution.  相似文献   

Aromatase (CYP19A1), the enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens, is of significant mechanistic and therapeutic interest. Crystal structures and computational studies of this enzyme shed light on the critical role of Asp309 in substrate binding and catalysis. These studies predicted an elevated pKa for Asp309 and proposed that protonation of this residue was required for function. In this study, UV-visible absorption, circular dichroism, resonance Raman spectroscopy, and enzyme kinetics were used to study the impact of pH on aromatase structure and androstenedione binding. Spectroscopic studies demonstrate that androstenedione binding is pH-dependent, whereas, in contrast, the D309N mutant retains its ability to bind to androstenedione across the entire pH range studied. Neither pH nor mutation perturbed the secondary structure or heme environment. The origin of the observed pH dependence was further narrowed to the protonation equilibria of Asp309 with a parallel set of spectroscopic studies using exemestane and anastrozole. Because exemestane interacts with Asp309 based on its co-crystal structure with the enzyme, its binding is pH-dependent. Aromatase binding to anastrozole is pH-independent, consistent with the hypothesis that this ligand exploits a distinct set of interactions in the active site. In summary, we assign the apparent pKa of 8.2 observed for androstenedione binding to the side chain of Asp309. To our knowledge, this work represents the first experimental assignment of a pKa value to a residue in a cytochrome P450. This value is in agreement with theoretical calculations (7.7–8.1) despite the reliance of the computational methods on the conformational snapshots provided by crystal structures.  相似文献   

A variety of microorganisms have the ability to use phosphonic acids as sole sources of phosphorus. Here, a novel pathway for degradation of 2-aminoethylphosphonate in the bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 is proposed based on the analysis of the genome sequence. Gene deletion experiments confirmed the involvement of the locus containing phnW, phnA, and phnY genes in the conversion of 2-aminoethylphosphonate to inorganic phosphate. Biochemical studies of the recombinant PhnY and PhnA proteins verified their roles as phosphonoacetaldehyde dehydrogenase and phosphonoacetate hydrolase, respectively. This pathway is likely not limited to S. meliloti as suggested by the presence of homologous gene clusters in other bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Structural dynamics associated with cofactor binding have been shown to play key roles in the catalytic mechanism of hydrolytic NAD(P)-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH). By contrast, no information is available for their CoA-dependent counterparts. We present here the first crystal structure of a CoA-dependent ALDH. The structure of the methylmalonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (MSDH) from Bacillus subtilis in binary complex with NAD(+) shows that, in contrast to what is observed for hydrolytic ALDHs, the nicotinamide ring is well defined in the electron density due to direct and H(2)O-mediated hydrogen bonds with the carboxamide. The structure also reveals that a conformational isomerization of the NMNH is possible in MSDH, as shown for hydrolytic ALDHs. Finally, the adenine ring is substantially more solvent-exposed, a result that could be explained by the presence of a Val residue at position 229 in helix α(F) that reduces the depth of the binding pocket and the absence of Gly-225 at the N-terminal end of helix α(F). Substitution of glycine for Val-229 and/or insertion of a glycine residue at position 225 resulted in a significant decrease of the rate constant associated with the dissociation of NADH from the NADH/thioacylenzyme complex, thus demonstrating that the weaker stabilization of the adenine ring is a key factor in triggering the early NADH release in the MSDH-catalyzed reaction. This study provides for the first time structural insights into the mechanism whereby the cofactor binding mode is responsible at least in part for the different kinetic behaviors of the hydrolytic and CoA-dependent ALDHs.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) catalyzing conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA comprises three components: E1p, E2p, and E3. The E2p is the five-domain core component, consisting of three tandem lipoyl domains (LDs), a peripheral subunit binding domain (PSBD), and a catalytic domain (E2pCD). Herein are reported the following. 1) The x-ray structure of E2pCD revealed both intra- and intertrimer interactions, similar to those reported for other E2pCDs. 2) Reconstitution of recombinant LD and E2pCD with E1p and E3p into PDHc could maintain at least 6.4% activity (NADH production), confirming the functional competence of the E2pCD and active center coupling among E1p, LD, E2pCD, and E3 even in the absence of PSBD and of a covalent link between domains within E2p. 3) Direct acetyl transfer between LD and coenzyme A catalyzed by E2pCD was observed with a rate constant of 199 s−1, comparable with the rate of NADH production in the PDHc reaction. Hence, neither reductive acetylation of E2p nor acetyl transfer within E2p is rate-limiting. 4) An unprecedented finding is that although no interaction could be detected between E1p and E2pCD by itself, a domain-induced interaction was identified on E1p active centers upon assembly with E2p and C-terminally truncated E2p proteins by hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. The inclusion of each additional domain of E2p strengthened the interaction with E1p, and the interaction was strongest with intact E2p. E2p domain-induced changes at the E1p active site were also manifested by the appearance of a circular dichroism band characteristic of the canonical 4′-aminopyrimidine tautomer of bound thiamin diphosphate (AP).  相似文献   

Castellaniella (ex Alcaligenes) defragrans strain 65Phen mineralizes monoterpenes in the absence of oxygen. Soluble cell extracts anaerobically catalyzed the isomerization of geraniol to linalool and the dehydration of linalool to myrcene. The linalool dehydratase was present in cells grown on monoterpenes, but not if grown on acetate. We purified the novel enzyme ∼1800-fold to complete homogeneity. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 160 kDa. Denaturing gel electrophoresis revealed one single protein band with a molecular mass of 40 kDa, which indicated a homotetramer as native conformation. The aerobically purified enzyme was anaerobically activated in the presence of 2 mm DTT. The linalool dehydratase catalyzed in vitro two reactions in both directions depending on the thermodynamic driving forces: a water secession from the tertiary alcohol linalool to the corresponding acyclic monoterpene myrcene and an isomerization of the primary allylalcohol geraniol in its stereoisomer linalool. The specific activities (Vmax) were 140 nanokatals mg−1 for the linalool dehydratase and 410 nanokatals mg−1 for the geraniol isomerase, with apparent Km values of 750 μm and 500 μm, respectively. The corresponding open reading frame was identified and revealed a precursor protein with a signal peptide for a periplasmatic location. The amino acid sequence did not affiliate with any described enzymes. We suggest naming the enzyme linalool dehydratase-isomerase according to its bifunctionality and placing it as a member of a new protein family within the hydrolyases (EC 4.2.1.X).  相似文献   

Many enzymes have buried active sites. The properties of the tunnels connecting the active site with bulk solvent affect ligand binding and unbinding and also the catalytic properties. Here, we investigate ligand passage in the haloalkane dehalogenase enzyme LinB and the effect of replacing leucine by a bulky tryptophan at a tunnel-lining position. Transient kinetic experiments show that the mutation significantly slows down the rate of product release. Moreover, the mechanism of bromide ion release is changed from a one-step process in the wild type enzyme to a two-step process in the mutant. The rate constant of bromide ion release corresponds to the overall steady-state turnover rate constant, suggesting that product release became the rate-limiting step of catalysis in the mutant. We explain the experimental findings by investigating the molecular details of the process computationally. Analysis of trajectories from molecular dynamics simulations with a tunnel detection software reveals differences in the tunnels available for ligand egress. Corresponding differences are seen in simulations of product egress using a specialized enhanced sampling technique. The differences in the free energy barriers for egress of a bromide ion obtained using potential of mean force calculations are in good agreement with the differences in rates obtained from the transient kinetic experiments. Interactions of the bromide ion with the introduced tryptophan are shown to affect the free energy barrier for its passage. The study demonstrates how the mechanism of an enzymatic catalytic cycle and reaction kinetics can be engineered by modification of protein tunnels.  相似文献   

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