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目的:探讨人Toll样受体9(TLR9)基因启动子区序列特征。方法:利用生物信息学技术预测人TLR9基因启动子区域、转录因子结合位点和CpG岛分布。结果:人TLR9基因启动子区有1434个转录因子结合位点,人和小鼠保守区域内存在23个共同的转录因子结合位点,人TLR9基因启动子区包含长572 bp的CpG岛。结论:人TLR9基因启动子区相关生物信息学的研究,提高了针对启动子的研究效率,并为预测基因启动子的功能提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

目的:探讨人Daintain 基因5''调控区的序列特征。方法:利用在线软件BLAST、Neural Network Promoter Prediction、Promoter 2.0、Promoter SCAN、EMBOSS、CpG Island Searcher 和TF SEARCH预测人Daintain 基因启动子区域、CpG 岛分布和转录因子结 合位点。结果:人Daintain 基因5''调控区存在1 个CAAT盒。Daintain 基因可能存在6 个启动子位点,CpG岛可能位于216 bp 区 间( 23 ~ 238 bp)。评分85 分以上时,该序列存在251 个可能的转录因子结合位点;评分90 分以上时,该序列存在70 个可能的转 录因子结合位点;评分95 分以上时,该序列存在16个可能的转录因子结合位点;评分100 分以上时,该序列存在7 个可能的转 录因子结合位点;这些结合的转录因子基本是与免疫细胞增殖或性别发生有关。结论:人Daintain 基因5''调控区的生物信息学研 究表明其转录受甲基化和多种转录因子的调控,为研究Daintain 基因启动子的功能提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Xa1是一个能对日本白叶枯病优势小种(小种1号)产生专化性抗性的R基因,虽已有该基因克隆、表达和功能方面的研究,但对其表达调控分子机制还不很清楚。本研究利用Xa1启动子与GUS报告基因的转基因T1株系,研究了Xa1启动子的时空表达及对不同外源激素的应答特征。结果表明,Xa1启动子驱动的GUS基因在水稻根中的表达量明显高于茎和叶,且在根部的中柱区GUS的表达量明显高于周围组织;在外源MeJA作用下GUS的表达显著增强,在SA和ABA处理下也有一定程度的增强,这些结果暗示Xa1的抗病作用与其在根系中柱的组织特异性表达存在一定的相关性,MeJA对Xa1启动子的活性起重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

人类连接蛋白26(Connexin 26,Cx26)已被看作乳腺癌上皮细胞中的抑瘤基因候选者.为了阐明此基因的调控机理,对其转译起始点上游的一个具有启动功能的1.6 kb 片段采用exo Ⅲ构建10个单向删除重组体后进行了CAT报告基因分析.结果表明,此1.6 kb 片段其启动子功能部位位于5′端200 bp 范围内.其中含有-TGT盒(位于182~187 bp),一个TTAAAA 盒位于158~163 bp,这是人类Cx26基因的又一启动区,这些发现无疑地对了解和阐明Cx26基因在乳腺发育过程中及其病理生理作用的复杂调控具有特别重要的意义.  相似文献   

cis-Acting elements in the viral genome RNA (vRNA) are essential for the translation, replication, and/or encapsidation of RNA viruses. In this study, a novel conserved cis-acting element was identified in the capsid-coding region of mosquito-borne flavivirus. The downstream of 5′ cyclization sequence (5′CS) pseudoknot (DCS-PK) element has a three-stem pseudoknot structure, as demonstrated by structure prediction and biochemical analysis. Using dengue virus as a model, we show that DCS-PK enhances vRNA replication and that its function depends on its secondary structure and specific primary sequence. Mutagenesis revealed that the highly conserved stem 1 and loop 2, which are involved in potential loop-helix interactions, are crucial for DCS-PK function. A predicted loop 1-stem 3 base triple interaction is important for the structural stability and function of DCS-PK. Moreover, the function of DCS-PK depends on its position relative to the 5′CS, and the presence of DCS-PK facilitates the formation of 5′-3′ RNA complexes. Taken together, our results reveal that the cis-acting element DCS-PK enhances vRNA replication by regulating genome cyclization, and DCS-PK might interplay with other cis-acting elements to form a functional vRNA cyclization domain, thus playing critical roles during the flavivirus life cycle and evolution.  相似文献   

运用“数据库消减杂交”(digital differential display)方法来筛选人类睾丸特异表达新基因,获得了有差异显示的代表新基因的克隆重叠群。挑选其中一个克隆重叠群HS.326528进行多组织RT—PCR,初步获得该重叠群在人睾丸中有高表达。从该重叠群的IMAGE出发,采用生物信息学的方法快速克隆了一个人类新基因的全长cDNA序列,其全长1044bp,开放阅读框为214~529bp,定位于15q26.2,编码由105个氨基酸组成、分子量为11.7kD、等电点为10.09的一个碱性蛋白,该蛋白与已知蛋白无明显的同源性,克隆实验证明该基因的阅读框完全正确,RT—PCR和Northern blot显示该基因在人类睾丸中特异表达,实时PCR结果表明:该基因在成人睾丸中高表达,在精子中有中度表达,在胚胎睾丸中低表达,推测该基因与精子的生成有关,命名为SRG8(homo sapiens spermatogenesis—related gene 8)(GenBank登录号:AY489187),该基因编码的蛋白定位于细胞核。流式结果分析表明,SRG8基因能够促使HeLa细胞由S期向G2期的转变,从而加速细胞的分裂。这些结果表明SRG8基因可能在睾丸的发育及精子的形成过程中起重要的作用。  相似文献   

Small ankyrin 1 (sAnk1) is a 17-kDa transmembrane (TM) protein that binds to the cytoskeletal protein, obscurin, and stabilizes the network sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle. We report that sAnk1 shares homology in its TM amino acid sequence with sarcolipin, a small protein inhibitor of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA). Here we investigate whether sAnk1 and SERCA1 interact. Our results indicate that sAnk1 interacts specifically with SERCA1 in sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle, and in COS7 cells transfected to express these proteins. This interaction was demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation and an anisotropy-based FRET method. Binding was reduced ∼2-fold by the replacement of all of the TM amino acids of sAnk1 with leucines by mutagenesis. This suggests that, like sarcolipin, sAnk1 interacts with SERCA1 at least in part via its TM domain. Binding of the cytoplasmic domain of sAnk1 to SERCA1 was also detected in vitro. ATPase activity assays show that co-expression of sAnk1 with SERCA1 leads to a reduction of the apparent Ca2+ affinity of SERCA1 but that the effect of sAnk1 is less than that of sarcolipin. The sAnk1 TM mutant has no effect on SERCA1 activity. Our results suggest that sAnk1 interacts with SERCA1 through its TM and cytoplasmic domains to regulate SERCA1 activity and modulate sequestration of Ca2+ in the sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen. The identification of sAnk1 as a novel regulator of SERCA1 has significant implications for muscle physiology and the development of therapeutic approaches to treat heart failure and muscular dystrophies linked to Ca2+ misregulation.  相似文献   

人类原钙粘蛋白(Protocadherin,Pcdh)基因簇包含53个成串排列非常相似的基因,组成3个紧密相连的基因簇(α,β和γ)。原钙粘蛋白基因簇γ通过启动子选择性表达产生神经元细胞膜表面的分子多样性,但是,该多样性产生的分子机制还不清楚。调控元件HS7L和HS5-1aL作为候选的增强子可能具有调控Pcdhγ基因表达的作用。利用分子克隆的方法,将调控元件HS7L和HS5-1aL分别克隆至包含γa9、γa10、γb3、γb7和γc3启动子的荧光素酶报告基因的下游。通过荧光素酶报告基因试验检测其对该5种Pcdhγ启动子活性的影响,发现HS7L对5种启动子活性具有增强作用,HS5-1aL对γa10启动子活性具有增强作用。之后,通过基因沉默绝缘子CTCF,发现下调CTCF不仅降低γb1基因表达,而且能够显著降低γb1启动子报告基因活性。试验结果表明调控元件HS7L和HS5-1aL能够增强Pcdhγ启动子活性,推测可能通过CTCF介导的增强子-启动子相互作用调控Pcdhγ的细胞特异性基因表达。  相似文献   

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