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Janibacter sp. strain HTCC2649 is a novel marine member of the Actinobacteria, family Intrasporangiaceae, and is closely related to Janibacter melonis CM2104(T) and Knoellia sinensis HKI 0119(T). The organism was isolated from a sample collected at Hydrostation S south of Bermuda by using high-throughput culturing techniques. Here we present the genome sequence of Janibacter sp. strain HTCC2649.  相似文献   

Strain HTCC2143 was isolated from Oregon Coast surface waters using dilution-to-extinction culturing. Here we present the genome of strain HTCC2143 from the BD1-7 clade of the oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria group. The genome of HTCC2143 contains genes for carotenoid biosynthesis and proteorhodopsin and for proteins that have potential biotechnological significance: epoxide hydrolases, Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases, and polyketide synthases.Strain HTCC2143 was sampled and isolated from surface waters (depth, 10 m) off the Coastal Pacific Ocean, Newport, OR (44°36′0"N, 124°6′0"W). In the course of dilution-to-extinction culture studies on coastal microbial communities, strain HTCC2143 was isolated in a pristine seawater-based medium (2). Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences placed strain HTCC2143 in the BD1-7 clade of the oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria (OMG) group (2) and indicated that it is related to Dasania marina, isolated from Arctic marine sediment (3, 8). The HTCC2143 16S rRNA gene sequence is 95.3% similar to that of D. marina (AY771747) and is 96.6% similar to that of environmental gene clone 20m-45 (GU061297), taken from intertidal beach seawater of the Yellow Sea, South Korea. Other closer relatives of HTCC2143 included uncultured gammaproteobacterial clones from seafloor lava (clone P0X3b5B06 from Hawaii South Point X3, EU491383; 96.3%) (9), deep-sea sediment (Ucp1554 from the South Atlantic Ocean, Cape Basin, AM997645; 95.9%) (10), Yellow Sea sediment (95.8%; D8S-33, EU652559), and Arctic sediment (from Kings Bay, Svalbard, Norway; clone SS1_B_07_55, EU050825; 95.7%).Genomic DNA was prepared at Oregon State University and sequenced by the J. Craig Venter Institute. The finished contigs were automatically annotated with a system based on the program GenDB (5) and manually annotated as described in previous reports (7, 12). The annotation is available at http://bioinfo.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/microbes/. The draft genome of strain HTCC2143 comprises 3,925,629 bases and 3,662 predicted coding sequences with a G+C content of 47.0%. The genome of HTCC2143 was predicted to contain 40 tRNAs, 1 16S rRNA, 2 5S rRNAs, and 2 23S rRNA genes. Four genes for selenocysteine metabolism were found, including a selenophosphate-dependent tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase and an l-seryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferase (EC HTCC2143 had genes for a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, a pentose phosphate pathway, and an Entner-Doudoroff pathway. Genes were present for a high-affinity phosphate transporter and a pho regulon for sensing of environmental inorganic phosphate availability, as well as genes from the NUDIX (nucleoside diphosphate linked to some other moiety X) hydrolase domain family (1) that reflects the metabolic complexity of prokaryotes (4). Genes for ammonium transporters, nitrate reductase, and sulfate reductase were also present in the HTCC2143 genome.Carotenoid and proteorhodopsin genes were also found in the genome, as well as genes for polyketide synthase modules and related proteins. Carotenoid and proteorhodopsin genes were reported previously from another member of the OMG group, strain HTCC2207, a SAR92 clade isolate (11). HTCC2143 also encoded two epoxide hydrolases, two cyclohexanone monooxygenases (CHMOs) and a cyclododecanone monooxygenase (CDMO). CDMOs and CHMOs are members of the Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO) family. BVMOs are “green” alternatives to the chemically mediated Baeyer-Villiger reactions that allow the conversion of ketones into esters or of cyclic ketones into lactones (6).This genome provides further evidence that dilution-to-extinction culturing methods that make use of low-nutrient media that are similar to the conditions of the natural environment can result in the isolation of novel, environmentally significant organisms with potential biotechnological value (13).  相似文献   

Here, we present the high-quality draft genome sequence of the agar-degrading marine gammaproteobacterium Alteromonadaceae sp. strain G7, which was isolated from coastal seawater to be utilized as a bioresource for production of agar-derived biofuels. The 3.91-Mb genome contains a number of genes encoding algal polysaccharide-degrading enzymes such as agarases and sulfatases.  相似文献   

We isolated a xylan-degrading bacterium from seawater of Micronesia and identified it as Oceanicola sp. strain S124. We sequenced the Oceanicola sp. S124 genome using GSFLX 454 pyrosequencing and predicted 4,433 open reading frames (ORFs) including putative saccharification and phage-related genes.  相似文献   

Q Ma  Y Qu  H Tang  H Yu  F Ma  S Shi  X Zhang  H Zhou  J Zhou  P Xu 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(16):4459-4460
Pseudomonas monteilii is a versatile bacterium found in various niches. A newly isolated strain, P. monteilii QM, can effectively produce indigoids from indoles. Here we present a 5.76-Mb assembly of the P. monteilii genome for the first time. It may provide abundant molecular information for the transformation of aromatics.  相似文献   

Here we announce the complete genome sequence of Croceibacter atlanticus HTCC2559T, which was isolated by high-throughput dilution-to-extinction culturing from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series station in the Western Sargasso Sea. Strain HTCC2559T contained genes for carotenoid biosynthesis, flavonoid biosynthesis, and several macromolecule-degrading enzymes. The genome confirmed physiological observations of cultivated Croceibacter atlanticus strain HTCC2559T, which identified it as an obligate chemoheterotroph.The phylum Bacteroidetes comprises 6 to ∼30% of total bacterial communities in the ocean by fluorescence in situ hybridization (8-10). Most marine Bacteroidetes are in the family Flavobacteriaceae, most of which are aerobic respiratory heterotrophs that form a well-defined clade by 16S rRNA phylogenetic analyses (4). The members of this family are well known for degrading macromolecules, including chitin, DNA, cellulose, starch, and pectin (17), suggesting their environmental roles as detritus decomposers in the ocean (6). Marine Polaribacter and Dokdonia species in the Flavobacteriaceae have also shown to have photoheterotrophic metabolism mediated by proteorhodopsins (11, 12).Several strains of the family Flavobacteriaceae were isolated from the Sargasso Sea and Oregon coast, using high-throughput culturing approaches (7). Croceibacter atlanticus HTCC2559T was cultivated from seawater collected at a depth of 250 m from the Sargasso Sea and was identified as a new genus in the family Flavobacteriaceae based on its 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities (6). Strain HTCC2559T met the minimal standards for genera of the family Flavobacteriaceae (3) on the basis of phenotypic characteristics (6).Here we report the complete genome sequence of Croceibacter atlanticus HTCC2559T. The genome sequencing was initiated by the J. Craig Venter Institute as a part of the Moore Foundation Microbial Genome Sequencing Project and completed in the current announcement. Gaps among contigs were closed by Genotech Co., Ltd. (Daejeon, Korea), using direct sequencing of combinatorial PCR products (16). The HTCC2559T genome was analyzed with a genome annotation system based on GenDB (14) at Oregon State University and with the NCBI Prokaryotic Genomes Automatic Annotation Pipeline (15, 16).The HTCC2559T genome is 2,952,962 bp long, with 33.9 mol% G+C content, and there was no evidence of plasmids. The number of protein-coding genes was 2,715; there were two copies of the 16S-23S-5S rRNA operon and 36 tRNA genes. The HTCC2559T genome contained genes for a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, and a pentose phosphate pathway. The genome also contained sets of genes for metabolic enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and also a serine/glycine hydroxymethyltransferase, which is often associated with the assimilatory serine cycle (13). The potential for HTCC2559T to use bacterial type III polyketide synthase (PKS) needs to be confirmed because this organism had a naringenin-chalcone synthase (CHS) or chalcone synthase (EC, a key enzyme in flavonoid biosynthesis. CHS initiates the addition of three molecules of malonyl coenzyme A (malonyl-CoA) to a starter CoA ester (e.g., 4-coumaroyl-CoA) (1) and takes part in a few bacterial type III polyketide synthase systems (1, 2, 5, 18).The complete genome sequence confirmed that strain HTCC2559T is an obligate chemoheterotroph because no genes for phototrophy were found. As expected from physiological characteristics (6), the HTCC2559T genome contained a set of genes coding for enzymes required to degrade high-molecular-weight compounds, including peptidases, metallo-/serine proteases, pectinase, alginate lyases, and α-amylase.  相似文献   

The genome of Alteromonas macleodii strain ATCC 27126T has been resequenced and closed into a single contig. We describe here the genome of this important and globally distributed marine bacterium.  相似文献   

Pelagibaca bermudensis HTCC2601T and Maritimibacter alkaliphilus HTCC2654T represent two marine genera in the globally significant Roseobacter clade of the Alphaproteobacteria. Here, we present the genome sequences of these organisms, isolated from the Sargasso Sea using dilution-to-extinction culturing, which offer insight into the genetic basis for the metabolic and ecological diversity of this important group.Organisms from the Roseobacter clade of the Alphaproteobacteria are numerically significant in the world''s oceans and have been found in a wide range of habitats (1, 3). Using previously described high-throughput dilution-to-extinction culturing (6, 13), the marine Roseobacter strains Pelagibaca bermudensis HTCC2601T and Maritimibacter alkaliphilus HTCC2654T were isolated in low-nutrient heterotrophic medium (LNHM) (4) from surface water collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study (BATS) site in the western Sargasso Sea (5, 9). As the type strains for two genera of this globally prolific Roseobacter group, P. bermudensis and M. alkaliphilus were selected for shotgun genome sequencing at the J. Craig Venter Institute through the Moore Foundation Microbial Genome Sequencing Project (http://www.moore.org/microgenome). Draft genomes of P. bermudensis and M. alkaliphilus, with 103 and 46 contigs, respectively, were annotated and analyzed through the Joint Genome Institute IMG/M website (http://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/pub/main.cgi) (10).The draft genomes of P. bermudensis and M. alkaliphilus comprise 5,425,920 and 4,529,231 bases, 5,522 and 4,764 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), and 66.44% and 64.13% G+C content, respectively. The P. bermudensis genome is predicted to contain 56 tRNA genes, five 5S rRNA genes, four 16S rRNA genes, and five 23S rRNA genes, and that of M. alkaliphilus 49 tRNA genes and one each of the 5S, 16S, and 23S rRNA genes. Both genomes have putative genes for complete glycolysis and Entner-Doudoroff pathways, a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle, and predicted metabolic pathways for the oxidation of C1 compounds. Both have predicted genes for the synthesis of most essential amino acids and some vitamins and cofactors. Each has putative genes for the utilization of fructose, sucrose, and mannose, confirmed in physiological testing of P. bermudensis (5) but not for M. alkaliphilus (9). P. bermudensis contains a predicted complete RuBisCO complex, unique to the sequenced Roseobacter species (12, 15), a complete assimilatory nitrate reduction pathway, and several type VI secretion genes. M. alkaliphilus is predicted to have complete nitrate reduction pathways to both N2 and ammonia and most type IV secretion genes. Both are predicted to have complete sec pathways and large numbers of ABC transporters (362 in P. bermudensis and 224 in M. alkaliphilus), similar to other Roseobacter strains (15).M. alkaliphilus was named because of its alkaline growth optimum at pH 10. Na+/H+ antiporters have been shown to be involved in conferring alkaliphilic phenotypes for a variety of organisms by increasing internal cellular H+ concentrations in alkaline conditions where Na+ is present (2, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17). As expected, the genome of M. alkaliphilus contains two putative Na+/H+ antiporters, one homologous to nhaP, important for alkaliphily in several strains (2, 16, 17), and another located adjacent to predicted ABC transporter genes for capsular polysaccharide export.  相似文献   

C Gao  C Hu  C Ma  F Su  H Yu  T Jiang  P Dou  Y Wang  T Qin  M Lv  P Xu 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(17):4751-4752
Pseudomonas aeruginosa XMG, isolated from soil, utilizes lactate. Here we present a 6.45-Mb assembly of its genome sequence. Besides the lactate utilization mechanism of the strain, the genome sequence may also provide other useful information related to P. aeruginosa, such as identifying genes involved in virulence, drug resistance, and aromatic catabolism.  相似文献   

ZQ Xiong  Y Wang 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(19):5474-5475
Here we report the draft genome sequence of a Streptomyces strain, AA1529, isolated from marine sediment from the Yellow Sea. Its genome contains a subset of unique genes and gene clusters that encode diverse secondary metabolites, suggesting great potential as a source for the discovery of novel gene clusters and bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

We announce a 4.63-Mb genome assembly of an isolated bacterium that is the first sequenced nicotine-degrading Arthrobacter strain. Nicotine catabolism genes of the nicotine-degrading plasmid pAO1 were predicted, but plasmid function genes were not found. These results will help to better illustrate the molecular mechanism of nicotine degradation by Arthrobacter.  相似文献   

F Liu  W Sun  F Su  K Zhou  Z Li 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(16):4454
Bacillus atrophaeus C89, isolated from the marine sponge Dysidea avara, is a potential producer of bioactive compounds, such as neobacillamide A and bacillamide C. Here, we present a 4.2-Mb assembly of its genome. The nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) make it possible to produce the bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma wenyonii is a hemotrophic mycoplasma that causes acute and chronic infections in cattle. Here, we announce the first complete genome sequence of this organism. The genome is a single circular chromosome with 650,228 bp and G+C% of 33.9. Analyses of M. wenyonii genome will provide insights into its biology.  相似文献   

G Zhao  Y Yao  W Qi  C Wang  L Hou  B Zeng  X Cao 《Eukaryotic cell》2012,11(9):1178
Aspergillus oryzae is the most important fungus for the traditional fermentation in China and is particularly important in soy sauce fermentation. We report the 36,547,279-bp draft genome sequence of A. oryzae 3.042 and compared it to the published genome sequence of A. oryzae RIB40.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium abscessus is an environmental bacterium with increasing clinical relevance. Here, we report the annotated whole-genome sequence of M. abscessus strain M152.  相似文献   

Achromobacter piechaudii strain HLE is a betaproteobacterium (previously known as Alcaligenes faecalis) that was an early isolate with arsenite oxidase activity. This draft genome of 6.89 Mb is the second available genome for this species in the opportunistic pathogen Alcaligenaceae family.  相似文献   

We report the 1.8-Mb genome sequence of Pediococcus pentosaceus strain IE-3, isolated from a dairy effluent sample. The whole-genome sequence of this strain will aid in comparative genomics of Pediococcus pentosaceus strains of diverse ecological origins and their biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

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