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In Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase, each regulatory chain is involved in two kinds of interfaces with the catalytic chains, one with the neighbour catalytic chain which belongs to the same half of the molecule (R1-C1 type of interaction), the other one with a catalytic chain belonging to the other half of the molecule (R1-C4 type of interaction). In the present work, site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the involvement of the C-terminal region of the regulatory chain in the process of feed-back inhibition by CTP. Removal of the two last C-terminal residues of the regulatory chains is sufficient to abolish entirely the sensitivity of the enzyme to CTP. Thus, it appears that the contact between this region and the 240s loop of the catalytic chain (R1-C4 type of interaction) is essential for the transmission of the regulatory signal which results from CTP binding to the regulatory site. None of the modifications made in the R1-C4 interface altered the sensitivity of the enzyme to the activator ATP, suggesting that the effect of this nucleotide rather involves the R1-C1 type of interface. These results are in agreement with the previously proposed interpretation that CTP and ATP do not simply act in inverse ways on the same equilibrium.  相似文献   

P England  G Hervé 《Biochemistry》1992,31(40):9725-9732
The allosteric control of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) involves feedback inhibition by both CTP and UTP, although it is only in the presence of CTP that UTP appears to inhibit the activity of the enzyme. In order to better understand the parts played by both pyrimidine nucleotides in this synergistic inhibition, binding studies were performed by continuous-flow dialysis and ultracentrifugation methods. The results obtained show that UTP binds to ATCase in the absence of CTP. Nevertheless, this binding does not induce any inhibition unless CTP is present. The mutual influence of CTP and UTP on their respective binding constants suggests that they bind to the same regulatory sites. However, the results obtained cannot be satisfactorily explained by a simple competition between the nucleotides, and it is shown that reciprocal affinity enhancements play a fundamental role. CTP enhances the affinity of UTP for the regulatory sites 80-fold, and conversely, UTP enhances the affinity of CTP 5-fold. Interestingly, the isolated regulatory subunits bind the two pyrimidine nucleotides following the same pattern as the entire enzyme. These observations indicate that the synergistic inhibition mechanism relies entirely on interactions between the two adjacent allosteric sites which belong to the same regulatory dimer.  相似文献   

Modes of modifier action in E. coli aspartate transcarbamylase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The observed patterns for inhibition by CTP and succinate of equilibrium exchange kinetics with native aspartate transcarbamylase (E. coli) are consistent with an ordered substrate-binding system in which aspartate binds after carbamyl phosphate, and phosphate is released after carbamyl aspartate. ATP selectively stimulates Asp carbamyl-Asp exchange, but not carbamyl phosphate Pi. Initial velocity studies at 5 °, 15 °, and 35 °C were carried out, using modifiers as perturbants of the system. Modifiers alter the Hill n and S0.5 for aspartate, most markedly at 15 °C but less so at the other temperatures. ATP does increase V under saturating substrate conditions, and substrate inhibition is observed for aspartate. ATP does not make the Hill n = 1 at any temperature. It is proposed that CTP and ATP act by separate mechanisms, not by simply perturbing in opposite directions the equilibrium for aspartate binding. ATP appears to act to increase the rate of aspartate association and dissociation, whereas CTP induces an intramolecular competitive effect in the protein.  相似文献   

Medium-resolution hydrogen exchange methods have been used to examine the solvent accessibility of seven peptides in the regulatory subunit (r2) of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase in the presence and absence of ATP and CTP. Both nucleotides are allosteric effectors of the holoenzyme; binding of ATP increases the affinity of the holoenzyme for the substrate L-Asp, while CTP has the opposite effect. Following Rosa and Richards (1979, 1981, 1982) and Englander et al. (1983, 1985), exchange-out curves for individual peptides were generated by adjusting the pH to 2.7 to quench exchange-out, digesting the protein with pepsin, separating peptides by reverse-phase HPLC, determining their radioactivity, and correcting for radioactivity lost during the analysis. Sixteen peptides from segments 1-11 and 76-153 were identified by amino acid and N-terminal analysis. Nine fell in regions where background was too high or were present at too low concentrations for exchange to be monitored. The number of protons whose exchange could be followed in peptides 1-11, 76-91, 78-90, 84-101, 93-112, 108-114, and 115-125 ranged from approximately 1 (1-11, 108-114) to 10 (84-101) and 11 (93-112). The pattern of results obtained suggests that the structure of r2 in solution is similar to that of the regulatory subunits in crystalline ATCase. Both CTP and ATP reduce rates of exchange from all seven peptides except 115-125. Although CTP slows exchange more than ATP, the effect is small except for peptides 76-91 and 78-90 which are near the nucleotide binding site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the values obtained by direct calorimetric measurements and van 't Hoff analysis, under similar conditions, for the enthalpy of binding of the bisubstrate analog N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) to E. coli aspartate transcarbamylase and its catalytic subunit. In the case of the catalytic subunit, data were obtained at both saturating and non-saturating concentrations of L-Asp, and at two ionic strengths. Despite a 1000-fold difference in protein concentrations, and the obligatory omission of carbamyl phosphate in the calorimetric experiments, the values obtained by the two methods are shown to agree to within 15% when appropriate corrections are made. These results suggest that subunit dissociation is not a significant factor at the low protein concentrations used in the van 't Hoff analysis, and, conversely, that aggregation of the protein is negligible at the high protein concentrations used in the calorimetric experiments. They also imply that, at pH 8.3, the enthalpic difference between the two conformational states of the enzyme which exist in the presence and absence of substrates is less than 2.5 kcal/mol. In addition, the trends in the three sets of data for the catalytic subunit indicate that ionic bonds are involved in binding PALA to the active site, and that non-productive binding by L-Asp is negligible under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in the molecular dimensions of ATCase in the unligated T-state are an increase of 0.4 A in the separation of catalytic trimers when ATP binds. When the R-state is produced by binding of phosphonoacetamide and malonate, addition of CTP or CTP + UTP decreases the separation of catalytic trimers by 0.5 A. In the unliganded Glu239----Gln mutant, in which the T-state is destabilized so that the enzyme exists in an intermediate quaternary state, ligation of ATP transforms the mutant enzyme to the R-state, whereas CTP converts this enzyme to the T-state. Thus, this mutant is much more sensitive to heterotropic allosteric control than is the native enzyme. In this communication we propose a preliminary model based on new crystallographic results that heterotropic regulation occurs partly through control of the quaternary structure by these effectors, thus regulating catalysis.  相似文献   

Saturation curves of activity versus concentration were determined for aspartate transcarbamylase from Escherichia coli (EC for the substrate L-aspartate at saturating carbamyl phosphate (4.8 mM) in buffered solution at pH values from 6.0 to 12.0. Hill coefficients were obtained from the sigmoidal curves. At pH values from 7.8 to 9.1, where substrate inhibition causes difficulties in the Hill approximation, our kinetic scheme includes substrate inhibition and residual activity in the abortive enzyme-substrate complex. The plot of Hill coefficient versus pH has pKalpha values of 7.4 and 9.8 at the half-maximum positions of the curve which has a plateau from pH 8.1 to 9.1. These pKalpha values may be associated with functional groups involved in the allosteric transition which activates the enzyme. A plot of [S]0.5 versus pH shows a pKalpha of 8.5, which may belong to a residue either at or near the aspartate binding site. At 50 mM aspartate concentration the pH-rate profile shows maxima at pH values of 8.8 and 10.0 (cf. Weitzman, P.D.J., and Wilson, I.B.(1966)J. Biol. Chem. 2418 5481-5488, who used 100 mM aspartate). However, when the pH-dependent substrate inhibition is included, the calculated Vmax--H curve is bell-shaped like that of the isolated catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

The allosteric effectors of aspartate transcarbamoylase from Escherichia coli, CTP and ATP, associate with both the regulatory and the catalytic moieties of the enzyme. Studies with isolated, active subunits yield one binding site per regulatory dimer and one per catalytic trimer. Investigations of effector association with hybrid enzymes, containing either the three regulatory dimers or the two catalytic trimers in inactivated forms, indicate that the data obtained with isolated subunits can be used to analyze the binding patterns of these ligands to the native hexamer. Thus, the nonlinear Scatchard plots, characteristic of the binding of CTP and ATP to the native enzyme, can be interpreted in terms of three effector molecules associating with the regulatory subunits, and two binding to the catalytic moiety of the enzyme. Results with native protein in the presence of saturating concentrations of active site ligands support these assignments. The differences between the binding isotherms of CTP and ATP to the enzyme are due to their different affinities to the two types of subunits. The apparent half-of-the-site saturation of the regulatory moiety of aspartate transcarbamoylase supports the concept that this protein has a tendency to exist in an asymmetric state.  相似文献   

Isotopic exchange kinetics at equilibrium for E. coli native aspartate transcarbamylase at pH 7.8, 30 °C, are consistent with an ordered BiBi substrate binding mechanism. Carbamyl phosphate binds before l-Asp, and carbamyl-aspartate is released before inorganic phosphate. The rate of [14C]Asp C-Asp exchange is much faster than [32P]carbamyl phosphate Pi exchange. Phosphate, and perhaps carbamyl phosphate, appears to bind at a separate modifier site and prevent dissociation of active-site bound Pi or carbamyl phosphate. Initial velocity studies in the range of 0–40 °C reveal a biphasic Arrhenius plot for native enzyme: Ea (>15 °C) = 6.3 kcal/ mole and Ea (<15 °C) = 22.1 kcal/mole. Catalytic subunits show a monophasic plot with Ea ? 20.2 kcal/mole. This, with other data, suggests that with native enzyme a conformational change accompanying aspartate association contributes significantly to rate limitation at t > 15 °C, but that catalytic steps become definitively slower below 15 °C. Model kinetics are derived to show that this change in mechanism at low temperature can force an ordered substrate binding system to produce exchange-rate patterns consistent with a random binding system with all exchange rates equal. The nonlinear Arrhenius plot also has important consequences for current theories of catalytic and regulatory mechanisms for this enzyme.  相似文献   

Aspartate transcarbamylase is a large (310 kD), multisubunit protein that binds substrates cooperatively and undergoes a large change in quaternary structure when substrates bind. The forces that drive this transition are poorly understood. We evaluated the electrostatic component of these forces by using finite difference and multigrid methods to solve the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for complexes of the enzyme with several substrates and substrate analogs. The results have been compared with calculations for the unliganded protein. While pK½ values of most ionizable residues fall within 3 pH units of values for model compounds, 31 have pK½ values that fall outside the range 0–17. Many of these residues are at the active site, where they interact with the highly charged substrate, in the 80s loop or 240s loop or interact with these loops. The pK½ values of eight ionizable residues related by the twofold molecular axes differ by more than 3 pH units, providing additional evidence for asymmetry within the crystal. As in the unliganded structure, a set of residues forms a network in which ionizable groups with Wij values greater than 2 kcal-m-1 are separated by distances greater than 5 Å. Some residues participate in this network in both the unliganded and N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA)-liganded structure, while others are found in only one structure. The network is more extensive in the PALA-liganded structure than in the unliganded structure, but consists of two separate networks in the two halves of the molecule. Proteins 32:200–210, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

E. coli aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) is a large (310 kDa) protein that undergoes major changes in quaternary structure when substrates and regulatory nucleotides bind. We have used analytical gel chromatography to detect quaternary structure changes in both the holoenzyme and its catalytic subunit (c3), to characterize the quaternary structure of single site mutant proteins and to monitor urea-induced dissociation and unfolding of c3. Binding of the bisubstrate analog PALA (N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate) to ATCase and c3 has been shown to alter s20.w by -3.3% and + 1.4%, respectively [Howlett, G.J. and Schachman, H.K. (1977), Biochemistry 23, 5077-5083]. The corresponding changes in the chromatographic partition coefficient (sigma) are -2.6 +/- 0.3% and 5.5 +/- 1.9% on Sephacryl S400HR and S200, respectively. Partition coefficients of mutant ATCases with single site mutations in the c chain differ from those of the wild-type protein by +/- 0.5% in small zone experiments; for example, mutations Arg 269----Gly and Glu 239----Gln alter the partition coefficient by 0.4% and -0.5%, respectively. The partition coefficient of mutant Glu 50----Gln is identical to the wild type enzyme. In the presence of saturating PALA, partition coefficients of Glu 50----Gln and Arg 269----Gly, but not Glu 239----Gln are identical to those of the wild type. Results for Glu 239----Gln are consistent with measurements of activity, small angle X-ray scattering and sedimentation coefficient that indicate that mutations at this site shift the quaternary structure towards the R state [Ladjimi and Kantrowitz (1988), Biochemistry 27, 276-83; Vachette and Hervé, cited by Kantrowitz and Lipscomb (1988), Science 241, 669-674; Newell and Schachman (1988), FASEB J. 2, A551]. Results for Glu 50----Gln are also consistent with measurements of activity (Ladjimi et al. (1988), Biochemistry 27, 268-276). The changes in tertiary and quaternary structure that result from urea-induced denaturation of c3 result in larger changes in the partition coefficient. Dissociation into folded monomers in 1-1.75 M urea is accompanied by a 4.6% increase in partition coefficient, while denaturation at greater than 5 M urea gives rise to a 43% decrease on S-300 Sephacryl. The bisubstrate analog PALA suppresses dissociation and increases the cooperativity of the unfolding reaction.  相似文献   

The ability of aspartate transcarbamylase from Escherichia coli to catalyze carbamylation of amino acids other than the natural substrate, L-aspartate, was examined. Cysteine, cysteate, cysteinesulfinate, and 3-nitroalanine showed kcat values at pH 7 of 0.16, 0.58, 5.2, and 62 s-1, respectively, while kcat with aspartate was 320 s-1. In a parallel study, competitive inhibition constants of 3-nitropropionate, 3-mercaptopropionate, 3-sulfopropionate, and 3-sulfinopropionate were found to be high, about 0.1 M, compared with that of succinate, 0.56 mM. Although cysteinesulfinate had low activity as a substrate, the pH dependences of kcat and kcat/Km in H2O and D2O observed with the compound closely paralleled those of aspartate. The results of these studies suggest that substrate specificity and reactivity are achieved in part by a strong, highly specific interaction of one or more active site residues with the beta-carboxylate of L-aspartate. Unlike the sigmoidal kinetics found with aspartate, saturation of native aspartate transcarbamylase by cysteine sulfinate showed a lack of cooperativity, even under conditions of activation of the reaction by ATP and inhibition by CTP. The cysteinesulfinate reaction was increased 9-fold by the bisubstrate analog N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate. These results were interpreted in terms of an inability of cysteinesulfinate to cause the allosteric conformational change promoted by aspartate.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to create four mutant versions of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase at three positions in the catalytic chain of the enzyme. The location of all the amino acid substitutions was near the carbamyl phosphate binding site as previously determined by X-ray crystallography. Arg-54, which interacts with both the anhydride oxygen and a phosphate oxygen of carbamyl phosphate, was replaced by alanine. This mutant enzyme was approximately 17,000-fold less active than the wild type, although the binding of substrates and substrate analogues was not altered substantially. Arg-105, which interacts with both the carbonyl oxygen and a phosphate oxygen of carbamyl phosphate, was replaced by alanine. This mutant enzyme exhibited an approximate 1000-fold loss of activity, while the activity of catalytic subunit isolated from this mutant enzyme was reduced by 170-fold compared to the wild-type catalytic subunit. The KD of carbamyl phosphate and the inhibition constants for acetyl phosphate and N-(phosphono-acetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA) were increased substantially by this amino acid substitution. Furthermore, this loss in substrate and substrate analogue binding can be correlated with the large increases in the aspartate and carbamyl phosphate concentrations at half of the maximum observed specific activity, [S]0.5. Gln-137, which interacts with the amino group of carbamyl phosphate, was replaced by both asparagine and alanine. The asparagine mutant exhibited only a small reduction in activity while the alanine mutant was approximately 50-fold less active than the wild type. The catalytic subunits of both these mutant enzymes were substantially more active than the corresponding holoenzymes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

C A Royer  P Tauc  G Hervé  J C Brochon 《Biochemistry》1987,26(20):6472-6478
The polarization of the fluorescence and the real-time fluorescence intensity decay of the two tryptophan residues of aspartate transcarbamylase from Escherichia coli were studied as a function of temperature. The protein was dissolved in an 80% glycerol/buffer mixture, and temperatures were varied between -40 and 20 degrees C in order to limit the depolarization to local rotations of the tryptophans. Two fluorescent species contribute to over 95% of the emission. They differ in their fluorescence lifetimes by approximately 4 ns depending upon the temperature observed and their fractional contributions to the total intensity. The Y-plot analysis of the polarization and lifetime data allows for the distinction of two rotational species by their critical amplitude of rotation, the first being component 1 and the second being component 2. We suggest that these two species correspond to the two tryptophan residues of the protein. The polarization and lifetime experiments were carried out for ATCase in presence of the bisubstrate analogue N-(phosphonoacetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA) and in presence of the nucleotide effector molecules ATP and CTP. The binding of PALA results in an increase in the thermal coefficient of frictional resistance to rotation of tryptophan 1 and a decrease in that of tryptophan 2. ATP binding does not affect the degree to which the protein hinders tryptophan rotation but does result in a change in the critical amplitude of rotation of tryptophan 2. The results obtained in the presence of CTP are similar to those obtained with PALA.  相似文献   

The binding of CTP and ATP to aspartate transcarbamylase at pH 7.8 and 8.5 at 25 degrees has been investigated by equilibrium dialysis and flow microcalorimetry. The binding isotherms for CTP at both pH 7.8 and 8.5 and ATP AT PH 8.5 can be fit by a model which assumes three tight, three moderately tight, and six weak binding sites. The binding isotherms for ATP at pH 7.8 are best fit by a model which assumes six tight and six weaker sites. Both finite differenceH binding and finite differenceS binding are negative for both nucleotides at both pH values, so that the binding is enthalpy driven. For both nucleotides, finite differenceH is the same for the first two classes of binding sites, implying that the difference in the dissociation constants of these two classes of sites is the result of entropic effects. Direct pH measurements and calorimetric measurements in two buffers with very different heats of ionization (Tris and Hepes) indicate that the binding of both nucleotides is accompanied by the binding of protons. In the pH range 6.7-8.4, the number of moles of protons bound per mole of nucleotide increases as the pH decreases.  相似文献   

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