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When can a clonal organism escape senescence?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Some clonal organisms may live for thousands of years and show no signs of senescence, while others consistently die after finite life spans. Using two models, we examined how stage-specific life-history rates of a clone's modules determine whether a genetic individual escapes senescence by replacing old modules with new ones. When the rates of clonal or sexual reproduction and survival of individual modules decline with age, clones are more likely to experience senescence. In addition, the models predict that there is a greater tendency to find senescence in terms of a decline in the rate of sexual reproduction with clone age than in terms of an increase in the probability of clone mortality, unless rates of sexual reproduction increase dramatically with module stage. Using a matrix model modified to represent the clonal lifestyle, we show how a trade-off between sexual and clonal reproduction could result in selection for or against clonal senescence. We also show that, in contrast to unitary organisms, the strength of selection on life-history traits can increase with the age of a clone even in a growing population, countering the evolution of senescence.  相似文献   

Abstract Different body components are thought to trade off in their growth and development rates, but the causes for relative prioritization of any trait remains a critical question. Offspring of species at higher risk of predation might prioritize development of locomotor traits that facilitate escaping risky environments over growth of mass. We tested this possibility in 12 altricial passerine species that differed in their risk of nest predation. We found that rates of growth and development of mass, wings, and endothermy increased with nest predation risk across species. In particular, species with higher nest predation risk exhibited relatively faster growth of wings than of mass, fledged with relatively larger wing sizes and smaller mass, and developed endothermy earlier at relatively smaller mass. This differential development can facilitate both escape from predators and survival outside of the nest environment. Tarsus growth was not differentially prioritized with respect to nest predation risk, and instead all species achieved adult tarsus size by age of fledging. We also tested whether different foraging modes (aerial, arboreal, and ground foragers) might explain the variation of differential growth of locomotor modules, but we found that little residual variation was explained. Our results suggest that differences in nest predation risk among species are associated with relative prioritization of body components to facilitate escape from the risky nest environment.  相似文献   

Natural product substances have historically served as the most significant source of new leads for pharmaceutical development. However, with the advent of robotics, bioinformatics, high throughput screening (HTS), molecular biology-biotechnology, combinatorial chemistry, in silico (molecular modeling) and other methodologies, the pharmaceutical industry has largely moved away from plant derived natural products as a source for leads and prospective drug candidates. Can, or will, natural products ever recapture the preeminent position they once held as a foundation for drug discovery and development? The challenges associated with development of natural products as pharmaceuticals are illustrated by the Taxol® story. Several misconceptions, which constrain utilization of plant natural products, for discovery and development of pharmaceuticals, are addressed to return natural products to the forefront.  相似文献   

T cells developing in the adult thymus ultimately derive from haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. Here, we summarize research into the identity of the haematopoietic progenitors that leave the bone marrow, migrate through the blood and settle in the thymus to generate T cells. Accumulating data indicate that various different bone-marrow progenitors are T-cell-lineage competent and might contribute to intrathymic T-cell development. Such developmental flexibility implies a mechanism of T-cell-lineage commitment that can operate on a range of T-cell-lineage-competent progenitors, and further indicates that only those T-cell-lineage-competent progenitors able to migrate to, and settle in, the thymus should be considered physiological T-cell progenitors.  相似文献   

Darwin recognised the processes of speciation and the frequent extinction of species. We now understand many of the genome-scale processes occurring during evolution involving mutations, amplification, loss or homogenisation of DNA sequences; rearrangement, fusion and fission of chromosomes; and horizontal transfer of genes or genomes, including processes involving hybridisation and polyploidy. DNA sequence information, combined with appropriate informatic tools and experimental approaches such as generation of synthetic hybrids, comparison of genotypes across environments, and modelling of genomic responses, is now letting us link genome behaviour with its consequences. The understanding of genome evolution will be of critical value both for conservation of the biodiversity of the plant kingdom and addressing the challenges of breeding new and more sustainable crops to feed the human population.  相似文献   

For many years, Myc function has been linked to the control of cell-cycle progression. Now, increasing evidence shows that Myc also controls cell growth, and that these two processes are regulated independently.  相似文献   

The analysis of tree rings in the tropics is less straightforward than in temperate areas with a demarcated unfavourable winter season. But especially in mangroves, the highly dynamic intertidal environment and the overriding ecological drivers therein have been a reason for questioning the existence of growth rings. This study aimed at casting light on growth rings in mangroves. In six mangrove species growing in Gazi Bay, Kenya (Sonneratia alba, Heritiera littoralis, Ceriops tagal, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Xylocarpus granatum and Lumnitzera racemosa), the occurrence of growth rings was examined. Growth rate of each species was determined based on a 1-year period using the cambial marking technique. The effect of climate was furthermore considered by comparing the results with a number of wood samples originating from contrasting climatic regions. We can conclude that for growth rings to appear in mangroves more than one condition has to be fulfilled, making general statements impossible and explaining the prevalent uncertainty. Climatic conditions that result in a range of soil water salinity experienced over the year are a prerequisite for the formation of growth rings. For species with an anatomy characterized by indistinct ring boundaries, this should be combined with a growth rate of at least 0.3 mm/year. The use of growth rings for age or growth rate determinations should thus be evaluated on a case by case basis.  相似文献   

Disabling hearing loss is the most common sensorineural disability worldwide. It affects around 466 million people and its incidence is expected to rise to around900 million people by 2050, according to World Health Organization estimates.Most cases of hearing impairment are due to the degeneration of hair cells(HCs)in the cochlea, mechano-receptors that transduce incoming sound information into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. Damage to these cells is mainly caused by exposure to aminoglycoside antibiotics and to some anti-cancer drugs such as cisplatin, loud sounds, age, infections and genetic mutations. Hearing deficits may also result from damage to the spiral ganglion neurons that innervate cochlear HCs. Differently from what is observed in avian and nonmammalian species, there is no regeneration of missing sensory cell types in the adult mammalian cochlea, what makes hearing loss an irreversible process. This review summarizes the research that has been conducted with the aim of developing cell-based strategies that lead to sensory cell replacement in the adult cochlea and, ultimately, to hearing restoration. Two main lines of research are discussed, one directed toward the transplantation of exogenous replacement cells into the damaged tissue, and another that aims at reactivating the regenerative potential of putative progenitor cells in the adult inner ear. Results from some of the studies that have been conducted are presented and the advantages and drawbacks of the various approaches discussed.  相似文献   

The Kentucky coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioicus, Fabaceae) is an ecological paradox. A rare tree in nature in eastern and central North America, G. dioicus produces legumes that are only known to be dispersed by water, but appear similar to fruits consumed and dispersed by elephants and rhinoceros. One would expect the pods to be consumed by livestock, but the pulp and seeds are toxic to cattle and sheep. We examine the puzzle of G. dioicus dispersal in light of its other reproductive and life history characteristics and find that it probably is a botanical anachronism, in terms of both a set of dispersal agents long extinct and habitats, including what we term megafaunal disclimaxes, which have disappeared. Large seeds, the megafaunal gestault of the fruit, a dioecious mating system, and shade-intolerance combined with vigorous cloning suggest a widely dispersed pioneer of Miocene through Pleistocene habitats profoundly altered by large-mammal herbivory. As to what ate it, we can only say there were once many candidates. We hypothesize that the plant is an ecological anachronism, sinking to extinction in the wild.  相似文献   

Although human prion diseases are rare, they are invariably fatal, and treatments remain elusive. Hundreds of iatrogenic prion transmissions have occurred in the past two decades, and the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic has raised concerns about prion transmission from cattle to humans. Research into therapeutics for prion disease is being pursued in several centres and prominently includes immunological strategies. Currently, the options that are being explored aim either to mobilize the innate and adaptive immune systems towards prion destruction or to suppress or dedifferentiate the lymphoreticular compartments that replicate prions. This article reviews the pathophysiology of prion diseases in mouse models and discusses their relevance to immunotherapeutic and immunoprophylactic antiprion strategies.  相似文献   

The localization of the auxin receptor relevant to the control of elongation growth is still a matter of controversy. Auxin-induced elongation of maize coleoptile segments was measured by means of a high resolution auxanometer. When indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was removed from the bathing solution, a rapid cessation of auxin-induced elongation was detected. This decline was delayed when the auxin efflux carrier was blocked by the phytotropins naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and pyrenoylbenzoic acid (PBA) or by triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA). The IAA concentration in NPA-pretreated segments was 2–3 times higher than in NPA-free controls 35 min after the removal of IAA in the bathing medium.
A similar rapid drop of growth after removal of auxin was observed for the rapidly-transported synthetic auxin, naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). When the auxin efflux was blocked, growth induced by NAA was sustained much longer than IAA-stimulated elongation.
In comparison with NAA, the synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is known to be excreted very slowly by the efflux carrier. 2,4-D-induced growth remained at a stimulated level when the auxin was washed off, even in the absence of any auxin efflux inhibitor. We conclude from these results that the presence of intracellular auxin is a necessary and sufficient condition for sustained auxin-induced elongation growth, at least for the phases during the 2 h after its application. Consequently, we postulate the existence of an intracellular auxin receptor relevant to the control of growth.  相似文献   

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a dimeric glycoprotein member of the TGF-β family. It is synthesized by immature Sertoli cells, and, to a lesser degree, by adult Sertoli and granulosa cells. AMH is responsible for the regression of Müllerian ducts in the male fetus; it also has deleterious effects on the female fetal reproductive tract, destroying Müllerian primordia and germ cells, and masculinizing the fetal ovary on the rare occasions female fetuses become exposed to its effects. All other suggested actions for AMH—retardation of oocyte meiosis, inhibition of EGF receptor autophosphorylation, anti-cancer activity—have been reported with crude hormone preparations, and have not been confirmed using pure AMH. Its relatively limited sphere of action—the fetal genital tract—and the fact that it is secreted into the general circulation and can act at long range, imply that AMH is more like a hormone than a growth factor, but the complex interaction between hormones and growth factors make a formal distinction impossible.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) accumulation in legumes is one of the main determinants of crop yield. Although N accumulation from symbiotic nitrogen fixation or N absorption from the soil has been widely investigated, there is no clear consensus on timing of the beginning of N accumulation and the termination of N accumulation and the physiological events that may be associated with these two events. The analyses conducted in this study aimed at identifying the determinant of N accumulation in two grain legume species. Nitrogen accumulation dynamics and mass accumulation and development stages were recorded in the field for several genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and faba bean (Vicia faba) under different growing conditions. This study showed that during the vegetative stages, N accumulation rate was correlated with mass accumulation rate. However, the maximum accumulation of N did not correspond to the time of the maximum mass accumulation. In fact, for both species, N accumulation was found to persist in seed growth. This challenges a common hypothesis that seed growth causes a decrease in N accumulation because of a shift of the photosynthate supply to support the seed growth. Even more surprising was the shift of the active accumulation of N in faba bean to late in the growing season as compared with common bean. N accumulation by faba bean only was initiated at high rates very late in vegetative growth and persisted at high rates well into seed fill.  相似文献   

Isolation of the pulmonary veins may be an effective treatment modality for eliminating atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes but unfortunately not for all patients. When ablative therapy fails, it is assumed that AF has progressed from a trigger-driven to a substrate-mediated arrhythmia. The effect of radiofrequency ablation on persistent AF can be attributed to various mechanisms, including elimination of the trigger, modification of the arrhythmogenic substrate, interruption of crucial pathways of conduction, atrial debulking, or atrial denervation. This review discusses the possible effects of pulmonary vein isolation on the fibrillatory process and the necessity of cardiac mapping in order to comprehend the mechanisms of AF in the individual patient and to select the optimal treatment modality.  相似文献   

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