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We have studied assembly of chromatin using Xenopus egg extracts and single DNA molecules held at constant tension by using magnetic tweezers. In the absence of ATP, interphase extracts were able to assemble chromatin against DNA tensions of up to 3.5 piconewtons (pN). We observed force-induced disassembly and opening-closing fluctuations, indicating our experiments were in mechanochemical equilibrium. Roughly 50-nm (150-base pair) lengthening events dominated force-driven disassembly, suggesting that the assembled fibers are chiefly composed of nucleosomes. The ATP-depleted reaction was able to do mechanical work of 27 kcal/mol per 50 nm step, which provides an estimate of the free energy difference between core histone octamers on and off DNA. Addition of ATP led to highly dynamic behavior with time courses exhibiting processive runs of assembly and disassembly not observed in the ATP-depleted case. With ATP present, application of forces of 2 pN led to nearly complete fiber disassembly. Our study suggests that ATP hydrolysis plays a major role in nucleosome rearrangement and removal and that chromatin in vivo may be subject to highly dynamic assembly and disassembly processes that are modulated by DNA tension.  相似文献   

Xenopus egg extracts: a model system for chromatin replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A cell-free system derived from Xenopus eggs enables in vitro reproduction of the steps occurring during eukaryotic DNA replication. With a circular single-stranded DNA template, extracts obtained from high-speed centrifugation perform complementary DNA strand synthesis coupled to chromatin assembly. Nucleosomes are formed on the newly replicated DNA and the overall reaction mimics the events occurring during chromosomal replication on the lagging strand at the replication fork. ATP is necessary at all steps examined individually, including RNA priming, elongation of DNA strands and chromatin assembly. Although not required for nucleosome formation, ATP is involved in the correct spacing of nucleosomes and the stability of the assembled chromatin. Replication of double-stranded DNA was observed only with extracts obtained from low-speed centrifugation using demembraned sperm nuclei as substrate. Nuclei are reconstituted around the DNA and then undergo a series of events characteristic of a cell cycle. In contrast, neither DNA elongation or chromatin assembly require formation of the nucleus, and both are independent of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Replication origins are licensed for a single initiation event by the loading of Mcm2-7 proteins during late mitosis and G1. Sequential associations of origin recognition complex, Cdc6 and Mcm2-7 are essential for completion of the licensing. Although Cdt1 also binds to the chromatin when the licensing reaction takes place, whether the binding is a requirement for Cdt1 to function is unclear. To analyze the relevance of the chromatin association of Cdt1, we carried out chromatin transfer experiments using either immunodepleted Xenopus egg extracts or purified proteins. Licensing assay and immunoblotting analyses indicated that Cdt1 could only license DNA replication and load Mcm2-7 onto DNA when it binds to chromatin that has already associated with Cdc6. These results provide evidence supporting that Cdc6 and Cdt1 must bind to chromatin in a strict order for DNA licensing to occur.  相似文献   

We find that the remodeling of the condensed Xenopus laevis sperm nucleus into the paternal pronucleus in egg extracts is associated with phosphorylation of the core histones H2A, H2A.X and H4, and uptake of a linker histone B4 and a HMG 2 protein. Histone B4 is required for the assembly of chromatosome structures in the pronucleus. However neither B4 nor core histone phosphorylation are required for the assembly of spaced nucleosomal arrays. We suggest that the spacing of nucleosomal arrays is determined by interaction between adjacent histone octamers under physiological assembly conditions.  相似文献   

In a Xenopus egg replication system, the origin recognition complex (ORC) does not bind to CpG methylated DNA and DNA replication is inhibited. Insertion of low density CpG DNA of at least 1.2 kb into methylated plasmids rescues both replication and ORC binding. Using this pseudo-origin, we find that ORC binding is restricted to low-CpG-density DNA; however, MCM is loaded onto both weakly and highly methylated DNA and occupies at least approximately 2 kb of DNA. Replication initiates coincident with MCM, and even the most distally bound MCM is associated with sites of replication initiation. These results suggest that in metazoans MCM is loaded onto and initiates replication over a large region distant from ORC.  相似文献   

The structural basis of mitotic condensation of chromosomes is one of the problems of cell biology yet to be elucidated. A variety of approaches have been used to study this problem and a large number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the different levels of compaction of chromatin. Xenopus egg extracts, now widely used to study various aspects of cell biology, provide a valuable tool to study mitotic condensation of chromosomes. No detailed study has however yet been reported on the submicroscopic organization of condensed chromosomes in vitro in egg extracts. We present here the results of our electron microscopic studies on the organization of condensed chromosomes in vitro, using demembranated sperm nuclei and mitotic (CSF-arrested) extracts of Xenopus laevis eggs, clarified by high speed centrifugation. Upon introduction of sperm nuclei in egg extracts, the nuclei swell and the chromatin undergoes a rapid decondensation; at this stage the chromatin is formed of 10 nm fibrils. After longer incubation, the chromatin condenses, and by 2 h chromosomal structures can be visualized by staining with DAPI or Hoechst 33258. Our results on the organization of chromosomes in different stages of condensation are discussed in relation to the different hypotheses proposed to explain the process of mitotic condensation of chromosomes. Finally, this study demonstrates the feasibility of high-resolution analysis of the process of chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

Soluble Xenopus egg extracts efficiently replicate added plasmids using a physiological mechanism, and thus represent a powerful system to understand vertebrate DNA replication. Surprisingly, DNA replication in this system is highly sensitive to plasmid concentration, being undetectable below ∼10 pM and highly efficient above ∼75 pM. DNA replication at the high plasmid concentration does not require plasmid–plasmid contacts, since replication is not inhibited when plasmids are immobilized in agarose prior to addition of egg extract. The absence of replication at low plasmid concentration is due to a defect in the assembly of pre-replication complexes (pre-RCs). pre-RC assembly requires contact-independent communication between plasmids. Our results show that in Xenopus egg extracts, aggregation of multiple replication forks is not required for efficient replication of plasmid DNA, and they suggest that DNA functions as a co-factor for its own duplication.  相似文献   

We have used Xenopus egg extracts to investigate the effects of the antitumor drug daunomycin on DNA replication in vitro. Xenopus sperm nuclei replicated nearly synchronously in our egg extracts, thereby allowing us to determine the effects of the drug on both replication initiation and elongation. Titration experiments demonstrated that daunomycin effectively inhibited replication in the extract, with 50% inhibition at a total drug concentration of 2.7 μM. However, a high concentration of daunomycin 150 μM) also inhibited nuclear envelope assembly, a prerequisite for the initiation of replication in this system. Therefore, to bypass the effects of daunomycin on nuclear envelope assembly, sperm nuclei were preassembled in extract prior to drug addition. Initiation of replication in preassembled nuclei was also inhibited by daunomycin, with 50% inhibition at a drug concentration of 3.6 μM. At low drug concentrations, where replication did occur, the synchrony of initiations within individual nuclei was lost. This drug-induced disruption of initiation events may provide important clues regarding the mechanism(s) by which these events are coordinated in eukaryotic cells. Daunomycin also inhibited replication elongation in preassembled, preinitiated nuclei. However, the concentration of drug required for 50% inhibition of elongation was nearly fourfold higher than that required for inhibition of initiation. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Xenopus egg extract can be used to investigate the effects of DNA-binding antitumor drugs on a number of interrelated cellular processes, many of which are less tractable in whole cell systems. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:476–491. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The use of cell-free extracts prepared from eggs of the South African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, has led to many important discoveries in cell cycle research. These egg extracts recapitulate the key nuclear transitions of the eukaryotic cell cycle in vitro under apparently the same controls that exist in vivo. DNA added to the extract is first assembled into a nucleus and is then efficiently replicated. Progression of the extract into mitosis then allows the separation of paired sister chromatids. The Xenopus cell-free system is therefore uniquely suited to the study of the mechanisms, dynamics and integration of cell cycle regulated processes at a biochemical level. In this article we describe methods currently in use in our laboratory for the preparation of Xenopus egg extracts and demembranated sperm nuclei for the study of DNA replication in vitro. We also detail how DNA replication can be quantified in this system. In addition, we describe methods for isolating chromatin and chromatin-bound protein complexes from egg extracts. These recently developed and revised techniques provide a practical starting point for investigating the function of proteins involved in DNA replication.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying targeting of the nuclear membrane to chromatin at the end of mitosis was studied using an in vitro cell-free system comprising Xenopus egg membrane and cytosol fractions, and sperm chromatin. The mitotic phase membrane, which was separated from a mitotic phase extract of Xenopus eggs and could not bind to chromatin, became able to bind to chromatin on pretreatment with a synthetic phase cytosol fraction of Xenopus eggs. When the cytosol fraction was depleted of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) with anti-Xenopus PP1γ1 antibodies, this ability was lost. The addition of recombinant xPP1γ1 to the PP1-depleted cytosol fraction restored the ability. These and other results suggested that dephosphorylation of mitotic phosphorylation sites on membranes by PP1 in the synthetic phase cytosol fraction promoted targeting of the membranes to chromatin. On the other hand, a fragment containing the chromatin-binding domain of lamin B receptor (LBR) but not emerin inhibited targeting of membrane vesicles. It was also shown that PP1 dephosphorylates a phosphate group(s) responsible for regulation of the binding of LBR to chromatin. A possible mechanism involving PP1 and LBR for the regulation of nuclear membrane targeting to chromatin was discussed.  相似文献   

Survivin is a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) protein family that serves critical roles in mitosis and cytokinesis. Many studies have suggested Survivin's involvement in spindle regulation, but direct biochemical evidence for this has been lacking. Using the cell-free system of Xenopus egg extracts, we tested whether Survivin was necessary for the assembly of metaphase spindles. Removal or inhibition of Xenopus Survivin causes the disruption in the formation of metaphase spindles. In particular, we observe the generation of microtubule (MT) asters or poorly formed shortened spindle structures. In the latter phenotype the spindle structures display a decrease pole-to-pole length and a reduction of MTs around the chromatin indicating that Survivin may promote the stabilization of MT-chromatin interactions. In addition, function analysis of Survivin's conserved phosphorylation site Thr34 (Thr43 in Xenopus) and tubulin-binding domain was also assessed in regulating spindle assembly. Treatment of Xenopus egg extracts with a recombinant Survivin mutant that contained an alanine residue substitution at Thr43 (SURT43A mutant) or that was missing the C-terminal tubulin-binding domain (SURCL mutant) produced an increased frequency of MT asters and shorten abnormal spindle structures in Xenopus egg extracts. Interestingly, a phosphomimetic mutation made at residue Thr43 of Survivin (SURT43E mutant) generated a high frequency of MT asters implying that premature 'activation' of Survivin may interfere with an early stage of spindle assembly. Taken together, we propose that Survivin is a necessary component of the mitotic spindle and its phosphorylation at residue Thr43 is important for Survivin function in spindle assembly.  相似文献   

The recent advent in single-molecule imaging and manipulation methods has made a significant impact on the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying many essential cellular processes. Single-molecule techniques such as electron microscopy and DNA fiber assays have been employed to study the duplication of genome in eukaryotes. Here, we describe a single-molecule assay that allows replication of DNA attached to the functionalized surface of a microfluidic flow cell in a soluble Xenopus leavis egg extract replication system and subsequent visualization of replication products via fluorescence microscopy. We also explain a method for detection of replication proteins, through fluorescently labeled antibodies, on partially replicated DNA immobilized at both ends to the surface.  相似文献   

Regulation of Op18 during spindle assembly in Xenopus egg extracts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Oncoprotein 18 (Op18) is a microtubule-destabilizing protein that is negatively regulated by phosphorylation. To evaluate the role of the three Op18 phosphorylation sites in Xenopus (Ser 16, 25, and 39), we added wild-type Op18, a nonphosphorylatable triple Ser to Ala mutant (Op18-AAA), and to mimic phosphorylation, a triple Ser to Glu mutant (Op18-EEE) to egg extracts and monitored spindle assembly. Op18-AAA dramatically decreased microtubule length and density, while Op18-EEE did not significantly affect spindle microtubules. Affinity chromatography with these proteins revealed that the microtubule-destabilizing activity correlated with the ability of Op18 to bind tubulin. Since hyperphosphorylation of Op18 is observed upon addition of mitotic chromatin to extracts, we reasoned that chromatin-associated proteins might play a role in Op18 regulation. We have performed a preliminary characterization of the chromatin proteins recruited to DNA beads, and identified the Xenopus polo-like kinase Plx1 as a chromatin-associated kinase that regulates Op18 phosphorylation. Depletion of Plx1 inhibits chromatin-induced Op18 hyperphosphorylation and spindle assembly in extracts. Therefore, Plx1 may promote microtubule stabilization and spindle assembly by inhibiting Op18.  相似文献   

Y Adachi  U K Laemmli 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(17):4153-4164
RPA is a cellular, three-subunit, single-stranded (ss) DNA binding protein, which assists T-antigen in the assembly of the pre-priming complex in the SV40 replication system. By immunodepletion and complementation, we have identified RPA as an essential factor for cellular DNA replication in Xenopus extracts. RPA assembles post-mitotically on the decondensing chromosomes into numerous subnuclear pre-replication centres (preRCs) which serve, upon formation of the nuclear membrane, as RCs for the initiation of DNA synthesis. By a variety of experiments including the use of isolated components, we demonstrate that an inactive cdc2-cyclin B kinase complex is essential to allow post-mitotic assembly of the preRCs. In contrast, the active cdk2-cyclin A kinase does not impede or facilitate the assembly of preRCs. Digestion analysis using the single-strand-specific P1 nuclease as well as competition experiments with ssDNA, reveal that replication-associated unwinding of the DNA, assisted by RPA, requires the formation of the nuclear membrane. The p21 cdk-interacting protein Cip1 appears to inhibit DNA replication prior to the unwinding DNA step, but after assembly of preRC and nuclear reconstruction.  相似文献   

The cell-free extracts from animal Xenopus laevis egg could induce chromatin decon-densation and pronuclear formation from demembranated plant (Orychophragmus violaceus) sperm. The demembranated Orychophragmus violaceus sperm began to swell in 30 min incubation, and then were gradually decondensed. The reassembly of nuclear envelope in the reconstituted nuclei had been visualized by means of electron microscopy and fluorescent microscopy. Membrane vesicles fused to form the double envelope around the periphery of the decondensed chromatin. The morphology of the newly formed nucleus, with a double membrane, was similar to those nuclei after fertilization. Transmission electron microscope micrograph of the whole mount prepared nuclear matrix-lamina showed the reconstituted nucleus to be filled with a dense network.  相似文献   

We describe an improved model of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts, in which a circular plasmid immobilized on paramagnetic beads is used as a template. DNA synthesis occurred on either circular or linear plasmids coupled to the beads, but only DNA synthesis on the circular plasmid was inhibited by geminin and a CDK inhibitor, p21. DNA synthesis on the circular plasmid occurred after a time lag, during which nuclear formation was probably occurring. Although pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs) were formed soon after mixing plasmids with egg extracts, binding of CDC45, RPA, Pol α, δ and , and PCNA to the circular plasmid was delayed, but still correlated with DNA synthesis. Moreover, p21 inhibited binding of these replication fork proteins to the circular plasmid. Therefore, the circular plasmid, but not the linear plasmid, assembles bona fide replication forks in egg extracts. We conclude that this improved replication system will be useful for studying the mechanism of formation of replication forks in eukaryotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

Cell division in many metazoa is accompanied by the disassembly of the nuclear envelope and the assembly of the mitotic spindle. These dramatic structural rearrangements are reversed after mitosis, when the mitotic spindle is dismantled and the nuclear envelope reassembles. The targeting protein for XKlp2 (TPX2) plays important roles in mitotic spindle assembly. We report that TPX2 depletion from nuclear assembly extracts prepared from Xenopus laevis eggs results in the formation of nuclei that are only about one fifth the size of control nuclei. TPX2-depleted nuclei assemble nuclear envelopes, nuclear pore complexes, and a lamina, and they perform nuclear-specific functions, including DNA replication. We show that TPX2 interacts with lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2), a protein known to be required for nuclear assembly in interphase extracts and in vitro. LAP2 localization is disrupted in TPX2-depleted nuclei, suggesting that the interaction between TPX2 and LAP2 is required for postmitotic nuclear reformation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1321-1331
Xenopus egg extracts prepared before and after egg activation retain M- and S-phase specific activity, respectively. Staurosporine, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase, converted M-phase extracts into interphase- like extracts that were capable of forming nuclei upon the addition of sperm DNA. The nuclei formed in the staurosporine treated M-phase extract were incapable of replicating DNA, and they were unable to initiate replication upon the addition of S-phase extracts. Furthermore, replication was inhibited when the staurosporine-treated M- phase extract was added in excess to the staurosporine-treated S-phase extract before the addition of DNA. The membrane-depleted S-phase extract supported neither nuclear formation nor replication; however, preincubation of sperm DNA with these extracts allowed them to form replication-competent nuclei upon the addition of excess staurosporine- treated M-phase extract. These results demonstrate that positive factors in the S-phase extracts determined the initiation of DNA replication before nuclear formation, although these factors were unable to initiate replication after nuclear formation.  相似文献   

Periodicity of DNA folding in higher order chromatin structures.   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Each level of DNA folding in cells corresponds to a distinct chromatin structure. The basic chromatin units, nucleosomes, are arranged into solenoids which form chromatin loops. To characterize better the loop organization of chromatin we have assumed that the accessibility of DNA inside these structures is lower than on the outside and examined the size distribution of high mol. wt DNA fragments obtained from cells and isolated nuclei after digestion with endogenous nuclease or topoisomerase II. The largest discrete fragments obtained contain 300 kbp of DNA. Their further degradation proceeds through another discrete size step of 50 kbp. This suggests that chromatin loops contain approximately 50 kbp of DNA and that they are grouped into hexameric rosettes at the next higher level of chromatin structure. Based upon these observations a model by which the 30 nm chromatin fibre can be folded up into compact metaphase chromosomes is also described.  相似文献   

Alkylating agents, such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), damage DNA and activate the DNA damage checkpoint. Although many of the checkpoint proteins that transduce damage signals have been identified and characterized, the mechanism that senses the damage and activates the checkpoint is not yet understood. To address this issue for alkylation damage, we have reconstituted the checkpoint response to MMS in Xenopus egg extracts. Using four different indicators for checkpoint activation (delay on entrance into mitosis, slowing of DNA replication, phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein, and physical association of the Rad17 checkpoint protein with damaged DNA), we report that MMS-induced checkpoint activation is dependent upon entrance into S phase. Additionally, we show that the replication of damaged double-stranded DNA, and not replication of damaged single-stranded DNA, is the molecular event that activates the checkpoint. Therefore, these data provide direct evidence that replication forks are an obligate intermediate in the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint.  相似文献   

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