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朱文俊  毛雪玲  邱晓挺 《微生物学报》2018,58(10):1701-1710
RNA聚合酶Ⅱ最大亚基Rpb1的羧基端结构域(carboxyl-terminal repeat domain,CTD)是RNA聚合酶Ⅱ发挥转录延伸功能所必需的,对其执行精确的转录调节功能至关重要。酵母细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶CTDK-I(carboxyl-terminal repeat domain kinase,CTDK-I)由CTK1、CTK2和CTK3组成,作用于RNA聚合酶Ⅱ羧基端结构域,动态磷酸化CTD的七肽重复序列(YSPTSPS)来调控转录和翻译。酵母中的特异性蛋白CTK3与特殊的细胞周期蛋白CTK2结合形成异二聚体,再与CTDK-I的催化亚基CTK1结合以调节其活性。CTK1作为细胞周期蛋白CDK(cyclin dependent kinase,CDK)的同源蛋白,其结构与功能的研究可拓展人们对CDK蛋白家族的认识;CTK2-CTK3复合物对CTK1调控机制的研究也可为细胞周期蛋白抑制剂的研发提供新的思路。本文简述了酵母CTDK-I的功能特点及其亚基的结构与功能以及亚基间的相互作用,并展望了CTDK-I复合物的研究前景。  相似文献   

p13(suc1) (Cks) proteins have been implicated in the regulation of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity. However, the mechanism by which Cks influences the function of cyclin-CDK complexes has remained elusive. We show here that Cks1 is required for the protein kinase activity of budding yeast G(1) cyclin-CDK complexes. Cln2 and Cdc28 subunits coexpressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells fail to exhibit protein kinase activity towards multiple substrates in the absence of Cks1. Cks1 can both stabilize Cln2-Cdc28 complexes and activate intact complexes in vitro, suggesting that it plays multiple roles in the biogenesis of active G(1) cyclin-CDK complexes. In contrast, Cdc28 forms stable, active complexes with the B-type cyclins Clb4 and Clb5 regardless of whether Cks1 is present. The levels of Cln2-Cdc28 and Cln3-Cdc28 protein kinase activity are severely reduced in cks1-38 cell extracts. Moreover, phosphorylation of G(1) cyclins, which depends on Cdc28 activity, is reduced in cks1-38 cells. The role of Cks1 in promoting G(1) cyclin-CDK protein kinase activity both in vitro and in vivo provides a simple molecular rationale for the essential role of CKS1 in progression through G(1) phase in budding yeast.  相似文献   

The yeast Ski complex assists the exosome in the degradation of mRNA. The Ski complex consists of three components; Ski2, Ski3, and Ski8, believed to be present in a 1:1:1 stoichiometry. Measuring the mass of intact isolated endogenously expressed Ski complexes by native mass spectrometry we unambiguously demonstrate that the Ski complex has a hetero-tetrameric stoichiometry consisting of one copy of Ski2 and Ski3 and two copies of Ski8. To validate the stoichiometry of the Ski complex, we performed tandem mass spectrometry. In these experiments one Ski8 subunit was ejected concomitant with the formation of a Ski2/Ski3/Ski8 fragment, confirming the proposed stoichiometry. To probe the topology of the Ski complex we disrupted the complex and mass analyzed the thus formed subcomplexes, detecting Ski8-Ski8, Ski2-Ski3, Ski8-Ski2, and Ski8-Ski8-Ski2. Combining all data we construct an improved structural model of the Ski complex.  相似文献   

A frequency domain fluorescence study of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase has been performed to observe the effect of substrates on the structure and dynamics of the enzyme. At 20 degrees C and pH 7.2, a biexponential decay is observed for tryptophanyl emission. The short fluorescence lifetime (0.4 ns) component is associated with a spectrum having a 329-nm maximum and a 18.4-kJ/mol activation energy, Ea, for thermal quenching. The long-lifetime (3.5 ns) component has a 338-nm maximum and an Ea of only 7.9 kJ/mol. Tentatively we assign the short and long-lifetime components to Trp-333 and Trp-308. Binding of the substrates ATP and 3-phosphoglycerate leads to a significant increase in the fluorescence lifetime, the red shift of the emission spectrum and in the decrease in the Ea for both components. Acrylamide-quenching studies indicate that the two tryptophan residues have about the same degree of kinetic exposure to the quencher and that the binding of the substrates causes a very slight change in the quenching pattern. These fluorescence studies indicate that the binding of the substrates to phosphoglycerate kinase may influence the conformational dynamics around the two tryptophan residues located on one of the protein's domains.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of the p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs) is an important regulatory domain in RSK and a model for kinase regulation of FXXFXF(Y) motifs in AGC kinases. Its properties had not been studied. We reconstituted activation of the CTD in Escherichia coli by co-expression with active ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). GST-RSK2-(aa373-740) was phosphorylated in the P-loop (Thr(577)) by MAPK, accompanied by increased phosphorylation on the hydrophobic motif site, Ser(386). Activated GST-RSK2-(aa373-740) phosphorylates synthetic peptides based on Ser(386). The peptide RRQLFRGFSFVAK, which was termed CTDtide, was phosphorylated with K(m) and V(max) values of approximately 140 microm and approximately 1 micromol/min/mg, respectively. Residues Leu at p -5 and Arg at p -3 are important for substrate recognition, but a hydrophobic residue at p +4 is not. RSK2 CTD is a much more selective peptide kinase than MAPK-activated protein kinase 2. CTDtide was used to probe regulation of hemagglutinin-tagged RSK proteins immunopurified from epidermal growth factor-stimulated BHK-21 cells. K100A but not K451A RSK2 phosphorylates CTDtide, indicating a requirement for the CTD. RSK2-(aa1-389) phosphorylates the S6 peptide, and this activity is inactivated by S386A mutation, but RSK2-(aa1-389) does not phosphorylate CTDtide. In contrast, RSK2-(aa373-740) containing only the CTD phosphorylates CTDtide robustly. Thus, CTDtide is phosphorylated by the CTD but not the NH(2)-terminal domain (NTD). Epidermal growth factor activates the CTD and NTD in parallel. Activity of the CTD for peptide phosphorylation correlates with Thr(577) phosphorylation. CTDtide activity is constrained in full-length RSK2. Interestingly, mutation of the conserved lysine in the ATP-binding site of the NTD completely eliminates S6 kinase activity, but a similar mutation of the CTD does not completely ablate kinase activity for intramolecular phosphorylation of Ser(386), even though it greatly reduces CTDtide activity. The standard lysine mutation used routinely to study kinase functions in vivo may be unsatisfactory when the substrate is intramolecular or in a tight complex.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans glucan-binding protein A (GbpA) has sequence similarity in its carboxyl-terminal domain with glucosyltransferases (GTFs), the enzymes responsible for catalyzing the synthesis of the glucans to which GbpA and GTFs can bind and which promote S. mutans attachment to and accumulation on the tooth surface. It was predicted that this C-terminal region, comprised of what have been termed YG repeats, represents the GbpA glucan-binding domain (GBD). In an effort to test this hypothesis and to quantitate the ligand-binding specificities of the GbpA GBD, several fusion proteins were generated and tested by affinity electrophoresis or by precipitation of protein-ligand complexes, allowing the determination of binding constants. It was determined that the 16 YG repeats in GbpA comprise its GBD and that GbpA has a greater affinity for dextran (a water-soluble form of glucan) than for mutan (a water-insoluble form of glucan). Placement of the GBD at the carboxyl terminus was necessary for maximum glucan binding, and deletion of as few as two YG repeats from either end of the GBD reduced the affinity for dextran by over 10-fold. Interestingly, the binding constant of GbpA for dextran was 34-fold higher than that calculated for the GBDs of two S. mutans GTFs, one of which catalyzes the synthesis of water-soluble glucan and the other of which catalyzes the synthesis of water-insoluble glucan.  相似文献   

Tail-anchored trans-membrane proteins are targeted to membranes post-translationally. The proteins Get4 and Get5 form an obligate complex that catalyzes the transfer of tail-anchored proteins destined to the endoplasmic reticulum from Sgt2 to the cytosolic targeting factor Get3. Get5 forms a homodimer mediated by its carboxyl domain. We show here that a conserved motif exists within the carboxyl domain. A high resolution crystal structure and solution NMR structures of this motif reveal a novel and stable helical dimerization domain. We additionally determined a solution NMR structure of a divergent fungal homolog, and comparison of these structures allows annotation of specific stabilizing interactions. Using solution x-ray scattering and the structures of all folded domains, we present a model of the full-length Get4/Get5 complex.  相似文献   

The secreted protein hedgehog (Hh) plays a critical role in the developmental patterning of multiple tissues. In Drosophila melanogaster, a cytosolic multiprotein signaling complex appears necessary for Hh signaling. Genes that encode components of this Hh signaling complex (HSC) were originally identified and characterized based on their genetic interactions with hh, as well as with each other. It is only in recent years that the mechanistic functions of these components have begun to be unraveled. Here, we have investigated the relationship between two components of the HSC, the serine/threonine protein kinase Fused (Fu) and the kinesin-related protein Costal2 (Cos2). We have reconstituted a Fu/Cos2 complex in vitro and shown that Fu is able to directly associate with Cos2, forming a complex whose molecular size is similar to a previously described complex found in Drosophila cell extracts. We have also determined that the carboxyl-terminal domain of Fu is necessary and sufficient for the direct binding of Fu to Cos2. To validate the physiological relevance of this interaction, we overexpressed the carboxyl-terminal domain of Fu in wild-type flies. These flies exhibit a phenotype similar to that seen in fu mutants and consistent with an hh loss-of-function phenotype. We conclude that the carboxyl-terminal domain of Fu can function in a dominant negative manner, by preventing endogenous Fu from binding to Cos2. Thus, we provide the first evidence that Hh signaling can be compromised by targeting the HSC for disruption.  相似文献   

The gene encoding Candida tropicalis peroxisomal trifunctional enzyme, hydratase-dehydrogenase-epimerase (HDE), was expressed in both Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The cellular location of HDE was determined by subcellular fractionation followed by Western blot analysis of peroxisomal and cytosolic fractions using antiserum specific for HDE. HDE was found to be exclusively targeted to and imported into peroxisomes in both heterologous expression systems. Deletion and mutational analyses were used to determine the regions within HDE which are essential for its targeting to peroxisomes. Deletion of a carboxyl-terminal tripeptide Ala-Lys-Ile completely abolished targeting of HDE to peroxisomes, whereas large internal deletions of HDE (amino acids 38-353 or 395-731) had no effect on HDE targeting to peroxisomes in either yeast. This tripeptide is similar to, but distinct from, other tripeptide peroxisomal targeting sequences (PTSs) as identified in peroxisomal firefly luciferase and four mammalian peroxisomal proteins. Substitutions within the carboxyl-terminal tripeptide (Ala----Gly and Lys----Gln) supported targeting of HDE to peroxisomes of C. albicans but not of S. cerevisiae. This is the first detailed analysis of the peroxisomal targeting signal in a yeast peroxisomal protein.  相似文献   

X Yang  R Jiang    M Carlson 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):5878-5886
The SNF1 protein kinase is required for the regulatory response to glucose starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SNF1 is a protein serine/threonine kinase that has been widely conserved in both plants and mammals. Previously, we identified SIP1 and SIP2 as proteins that interact with SNF1 in vivo by the two-hybrid system. We have cloned the SIP2 gene and the encoded protein is homologous to SIP1 and to GAL83, which affects glucose repression of the GAL genes. We show that SIP2 and GAL83, like SIP1, co-immunoprecipitate with SNF1 and are phosphorylated in vitro. An 80 amino acid sequence, designated the ASC domain, is highly conserved at the C-termini of all three proteins. We show that this small domain can mediate protein-protein interaction with the SNF1 kinase complex. Thus, SIP1, SIP2 and GAL83 define a family of homologous proteins that are tightly associated with the SNF1 kinase, probably in alternative forms of the complex. Genetic evidence suggests that the three proteins have distinct, but related, functions in the SNF1 pathway, and deletion of GAL83 dramatically reduces SNF1 activity in immune complex assays. We propose that SIP1, SIP2 and GAL83 act as adaptors that promote the activity of SNF1 towards specific targets.  相似文献   

The molecular co-chaperone BAG1 and other members of the BAG family bind to Hsp70/Hsc70 heat shock proteins through a conserved BAG domain that interacts with the ATPase domain of the chaperone. BAG1 and other accessory proteins stimulate ATP hydrolysis and regulate the ATP-driven activity of the chaperone complexes. Contacts are made through residues in helices alpha2 and alpha3 of the BAG domain and predominantly residues in the C-terminal lobe of the bi-lobed Hsc70 ATPase domain. Within the C-terminal lobe, a subdomain exists that contains all the contacts shown by mutagenesis to be required for BAG1 recognition. In this study, the subdomain, representing Hsc70 residues 229-309, was cloned and expressed as a separately folded unit. The results of in vitro binding assays demonstrate that this subdomain is sufficient for binding to BAG1. Binding analyses with surface plasmon resonance indicated that the subdomain binds to BAG1 with a 10-fold decrease in equilibrium dissociation constant (K(D) = 22 nM) relative to the intact ATPase domain. This result suggests that the stabilizing contacts for docking of BAG1 to Hsc70 are located in the C-terminal lobe of the ATPase domain. These findings provide new insights into the role of co-chaperones as nucleotide exchange factors.  相似文献   

Collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylases catalyze the formation of 4-hydroxyproline in -X-Pro-Gly-sequences and have an essential role in collagen synthesis. The vertebrate enzymes are alpha2beta2 tetramers in which the catalytic alpha-subunits contain separate peptide-substrate-binding and catalytic domains. We report on the crystal structure of the peptide-substrate-binding domain of the human type I enzyme refined at 2.3 A resolution. It was found to belong to a family of tetratricopeptide repeat domains that are involved in many protein-protein interactions and consist of five alpha-helices forming two tetratricopeptide repeat motifs plus the solvating helix. A prominent feature of its concave surface is a deep groove lined by tyrosines, a putative binding site for proline-rich Tripeptides. Solvent-exposed side chains of three of the tyrosines have a repeat distance similar to that of a poly-L-proline type II helix. The aromatic surface ends at one of the tyrosines, where the groove curves almost 90 degrees away from the linear arrangement of the three tyrosine side chains, possibly inducing a bent conformation in the bound peptide. This finding is consistent with previous suggestions by others that a minimal structural requirement for proline 4-hydroxylation may be a sequence in the poly-L-proline type II conformation followed by a beta-turn in the Pro-Gly segment. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that none of the tyrosines was critical for tetramer assembly, whereas most of them were critical for the binding of a peptide substrate and inhibitor both to the domain and the alpha2beta2 enzyme tetramer.  相似文献   

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