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Spectrin, a major protein constituent of mammalian red blood cell membrane preparations, has been localized on the inner surface of human red blood cell membranes by techniques that utilized specific ferritin-conjugated antibodies and fixation of membranes shortly after hemolysis so as to allow penetration of the ferritin-antibody labels. The labeling of spectrin was shown to be specific by the following criteria. (a) Nonhomologous ferritin-conjugated antibodies did not specifically bind to either membrane surface. (b) Blocking the membrane-bound spectrin with excess unconjugated antispectrin antibodies prevented ferritin-antibody labeling. (c) Removal of spectrin by treating the membrane preparation with a low ionic strength buffer containing ethylenediaminetetraacetate and β-mercaptoethanol prevented labeling by specific ferritin-conjugated antibodies.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was carried out on sections through tissue mast cells from the peritoneal fluid of rats and hamsters, either untreated, x-irradiated, or injected with toluidine blue, protamine sulfate, or stilbamidine. Mast cells from untreated animals have large nuclei and are filled with densely packed, cytoplasmic granules. The latter possess a distinct boundary and an internal structure which is reticular or vacuolar in nature. Between the granules are found elongate mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria often appear also in groups in granule-free areas adjacent to the nucleus. Nuclear and cell membranes of an apparent double nature are found. After treatment with toluidine blue, protamine sulfate, and stilbamidine the granules are surrounded by clear areas and are widely separated from one another; the endoplasmic reticulum is more conspicuous. The internal structure of the granule is unchanged. In the mast cells from x-irradiated animals there is an apparent coalescence of granules which is attented by a loss of intragranular structure. The findings are discussed in relation to other work on the structure and function of mast cells.  相似文献   

客家人的红细胞血型分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对父母双方上溯三代均为客家人的广东梅县200名 (其中男89人,女111人) 健康学生进行了红细胞血型ABO,MNSs,Rh,Kidd,Duffy,Diego,Xg,Lewis及P等系统的分布调查。结果显示,客家人的基因频率S=0.0250,NS=0,pl=0.0917和Fyb=0.0300,都是汉族人群中最低的。其它基因频率为r=0.6632,p=0.1863,q=0.1505;m=0.5250,n=0.4750,MS=0.0250,Ms=0.5000,Ns=0.4750,s=0.9750;C=0.6575,D=1.0000,E=0.1515,CDe=0.6226,cDE=0.1200,cDe=0.2189,CDE=0.0389;JKa=0.4642,JKb=0.4881,JK=0.0477;Fya=0.9700;Dia=0.0202,Dib=0.9798;Xga=0.3633,Xg=0.6367;P2=0.9083。发现了国内第二例Jk(a-b-)表型,未发现MNS型,NS型,NSs型,CCDEE型,CcDEE型,Fy(a-)型和Rho(-)型。Le(a+b-)型29人,Le(a+b+)型2人,Le(a-b+)型67人,Le(a-b-)型102人。客家人与国内19个群体的遗传距离计算结果表明,与客家人遗传距离最近的是福建汉族、湖南苗族、贵州汉族及广西侗族,其次为河南汉族、黑龙江汉族、陕西汉族,福建畲族及上海汉族,而与云南白族、辽宁满族、甘肃汉族、广西瑶族、广西壮族、内蒙汉族及四川彝族的遗传距离较远。与客家人遗传距离最远的是湖南土家族、海南苗族及海南黎族。  相似文献   

Clusters of ribosomes observed by electron microscopy in thin sections of rabbit reticulocytes are of the same order of size as the section thickness of 600 A. Many of the observed clusters must therefore have been transected by the section surfaces and observed as clusters containing fewer ribosomes. A probability method of correcting for this effect is given. Comparison of the results with grid observations of ribosome distributions indicates sufficiently good agreement for application to cell section observations.  相似文献   

Cultures of normally proliferating Hela cells have been examined in thin sections by electron microscopy following glutaraldehyde fixation, staining in Wachstein and Meisel's adenosine triphosphate containing medium, postosmication, and embedding in an epoxy resin. The cells were stained in suspension in order to ensure uniform accessibility to reagents. Discrete localization of the enzyme reaction product (lead phosphate) was found at the plasma membranes of about half the cells, but nowhere else. It appeared in the form of an intensely electron-opaque deposit lying close against the outer surface of the cells and varying in amount from a chain of small particles to a dense band about 30 mµ in width. This opaque reaction product was present over microvilli when absent elsewhere on a cell, was heaviest where microvilli and processes were profuse, and was minimal or lacking where cell surfaces were smooth. These observations are discussed in relation to both the idea that surface enzyme activity varies with the physiological phase of individual cells in a population, and the problem of how such enzyme activity becomes manifest at a given site on a morphologically changing membrane system.  相似文献   

1. There are 7 well-established red-cell antigen (blood group) loci. The R-O system has 3 phenotypes, R, O and i, identified by the ‘naturally occurring’ antibodies, anti-R and anti-O. The R and O substances are also present in soluble form in some body secretions. The expression of R and O is controlled by a dominant gene I, epistatic in effect, at an independent locus from that of R. The systems, A, C, M-L, B, D and X-2 are identified by means of ‘immune-type’ antibodies, and several of the loci have multiple alleles. An isoenzymic form of serum alkaline phosphatase is associated with the R-O system. The frequency for the genes at the various loci has been determined in a limited number of breeds. 2. Some sheep red cells have high K+ and low Na+ concentrations (HK type, or Key), others have low K+ and high Na+ concentrations (LK type or Kea). Two other rare forms exist; Key type which is HK but with lower than normal K+ values, and Kep type which has approximately equal Na+ and K+ concentrations. The red cells of foetuses and newborn lambs have high K+ levels irrespective of their potassium genotype. HK cells have 3–4 times greater (Na+-K+)-activated ATPase activity, a 3–4 times increased rate of active K+ transport and a larger number of ouabain-binding sites than LK cells. Antigen M is present on homozygous HK and heterozygous LK red cells, and antigen L is present on homozygous and heterozygous LK red cells. Sensitization of LK cells with anti-L stimulates active K+ transport and ATPase activity and exposes a larger number of ouabain-binding sites in these cells. Anti-M has no effect. The red cells of newborn lambs only show weak L and M antigen activity. It is postulated that L antigen inhibits cation transport in LK cells by masking the pump sites on the membrane. Immature red cells in LK-type sheep have a high rate of active K+ transport and yet have L antigen present. No satisfactory explanation for this has yet been advanced. There is no conclusive evidence that the potassium types have any significance from the point of view of adaptation or sheep breeding. The potassium-gene frequencies are known for a large number of breeds. 3. Two allelic genes, Hb4 and HbB control 3 haemoglobin phenotypes, A, AB, and B. Foetal haemoglobin (HbF) is present in foetuses and newborn lambs. Sheep with HbA also synthesize small amounts of another haemoglobin (HbC) and under conditions of severe anaemia, synthesis of HbC takes over from that of HbA. No change in HbB is observed in anaemia. A rare haemoglobin (HbD) has been found in 3 Yugoslavian sheep. Hbs A, B, C and F differ in their physicochemical properties; they share the same alpha chains but their non-alpha chains differ in a number of amino acids. HbD differs from HbA in one amino acid in the alpha chain. Certain genetic aspects are discussed. There is some evidence that sheep with HbA are less fertile than those with HbB. The gene frequencies for Hb are known for a large number of breeds. 4. Two isoenzymic forms of carbonic anhydrase are found in red-cell lysates and these are controlled by a pair of allelic autosomal genes, producing 3 phenotypes, CAF, CAFS and CAS. Only a few breeds have been studied but CAF is apparently quite rare. 5. An unidentified protein, designated ‘X’ is present in electrophoretic separations of haemolysates from some sheep. Its presence is dominant to its absence. Polymorphism at this locus is present in all breeds so far studied. 6. A deficiency of reduced glutathione (GSH) in red cells is found in some sheep and is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder. Sheep with this deficiency have lower red-cell K+ and Naf concentrations than normal and it is suggested that the HK GSH-deficient sheep may be Ked type sheep. This deficiency has so far only been found with certainty in one breed of sheep. 7. In sheep twin chimeras, admixture of red-cell antigens, haemoglobin and ‘X’ protein types has been found. Various aspects of chimerism, which occurs only rarely in sheep, are discussed. 8. The significance of the genetic variation is discussed in the light of the physiology and immunology of the red cell and of the sheep itself.  相似文献   

The uptake of glutaraldehyde by human red blood cells has been measured as a function of time by a freezing point osmometer. The rate of attachment of glutaraldehyde to the cell proteins is high over the first hour, declining to zero over a period of a few days. The number of glutaraldehyde molecules cross-linking with each hemoglobin molecule is of the order of 200, in reasonable agreement with the calculated number of attachment sites. The cell membrane is immediately highly permeable to glutaraldehyde. Selective permeability to ions is lost during fixation. Ionic equilibrium is obtained only after a few hours. An optimum fixation technique for shape preservation is suggested.  相似文献   

A major methodological problem in the intracellular localization of cholesterol is the nearly complete extraction of sterols during routine dehydration and embedding procedures for electron microscopy. Cholesterol digitonide (a sterol complex with digitonin), however, is qualitatively insoluble in these solvents. Mouse liver has been prepared as follows: (a) Flickinger's aldehyde fixative, 20 hr; (b) Flickinger's fixative containing 0.2% digitonin, 24 hr; (c) cacodylate wash, 24 hr; (d) 1% OsO4, 2 hr; (e) acetone dehydration; and (f) Epon 812 infiltration under vacuum, 28 hr. After the last step, an analysis of the tissue for sterol content under optimal analytical conditions demonstrates a retention of 99% of the unesterified cholesterol present in unfixed mouse liver. Liver prepared in an identical manner except for omission of digitonin is essentially devoid of sterols. Cholesterol isolated chromatographically from liver processed as outlined above has been identified unequivocally by mass spectrometry. Liver from step (f) also has been polymerized, thin-sectioned, and examined in the electron microscope. A remarkable quality of fine-structural preservation is obtained. The major alteration encountered is the presence of small cylindrical "spicules," often occurring as tightly packed concentric lamellae, at membrane surfaces.  相似文献   

汞化合物对红细胞膜作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了汞化合物对红细胞膜作用的光谱变化,观察了膜蛋白的荧光和磷光,膜上DPH的荧光偏振和ANS与红细胞膜的结合,以及他们与汞产生红血球溶血的关系。 在5P7.5缓冲液中红细胞膜蛋白的荧光随HgCl_2 Hg(AC)_2和PCMB的浓度加大而降低,表现为快和慢双相变化的过程,其淬灭作用的大小为HgCl_2>Hg(AC)_2PCMB,这是由于膜上形成了不发荧光的R—Trp—Hg~ 络合物以及能量从Trp转移到R—S—Hg~ 络合物上。HgCl_2对膜蛋白磷光的作用也是随汞离子浓度加大而降低,但磷光/荧光比则是增加的。标记红细胞膜的DPH偏振度是随HgCl_2浓度增加,表明膜流动性是随汞离子浓度加大而降低。标记膜上的ANS的荧光强度随HgCl_2和Hg(AC)_2的浓度加大而增加,这是由于ANS与膜的结合数随汞离子浓度加大而增加的缘故。上述各种变化是与汞离子对红血球溶血的作用一致的。  相似文献   

Miller, Norman G. (University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha) and Richard B. Wilson. In vivo and in vitro observations of Leptospira pomona by electron microscopy. J. Bacteriol. 84:569-576. 1962.-Leptospira pomona 3341 was observed by electron microscopy, after the preparation of thin sections from culture material and from infected hamster tissue. The external membrane of low electron density envelops the entire leptospire and appears to be quite flexible, as suggested by its many folds. The spiral protoplasmic body is tubular in structure with a relatively dense wall and a central area of low electron density. Occasionally, very dark circumscribed bodies were seen imbedded in the protoplasmic wall. Detailed morphology is presented of a knoblike structure located at the end of the axial filament. Bifurcation of the axial filament could be demonstrated in leptospires from cultures. Leptospires were observed free or enclosed in vesicles within the cytoplasm of liver parenchymal and renal tubule cells. Erythrocytes located in kidney tissue also contained leptospires within the cytoplasm. The appearance of intracellular leptospires is much the same as those seen extracellularly or from culture.  相似文献   

肾性贫血红细胞膜蛋白巯基结合位置性质的ESR研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用四种不同链长的马来酰亚胺氮氧自由基标记物研究了慢性肾衰竭(CRF)贫血病人红细胞膜蛋白巯基结合位置的性质。从所得的ESR波谱计算了弱、强固定化成分之比(W/S)。结果表明,由M(Ⅰ)、M(Ⅱ)和M(Ⅲ)标记病人红细胞膜所得的W/S值都比标记正常人红细胞膜得到的W/S位高(P<0.05),这说明慢性肾衰竭贫血病人红细胞膜蛋白的巯基结合位置的构象发生了变化;用M(Ⅳ)标记正常人红细胞和病人红细胞所得到的ESR波谱都只含有弱固定化波谱,没有强固定化波谱。得出的这个结果将为探讨CRF贫血的发病机理提供理论证据。  相似文献   

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