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We studied the relationship between the diurnal nectar secretion pattern of flowers of Cayratia japonica and insect visiting patterns to these flowers. Flower morphology of C. japonica changed greatly for about 12 hours after flower-opening and the maximum duration of nectar secretion was 2 days. The nectar volume peaked at 11∶00 and 15∶00, and declined at night and at 13∶00 regardless of time elapsed after flower-opening. The nectar volume at the two peaks was, on average, 0.25 μl on bagged inflorescences and 0.1μl on unbagged inflorescences (both, sugar concentration=60%). The flower secreted nectar compensatory when the nectar was removed. This means that insects consume more nectar than the difference of nectar volume between bagged and unbagged flowers. Apis cerana is a primary visitor of this flower, and was the only species for which we confirmed pollen on the body, among many species of flower visiting insects to this flower. Apis cerana visited intensively at the two peaks of nectar secretion. Visits of the other insects were rather constant or intensive only when there was no nectar secretion. Thus flowers of C. japonica with morphologically unprotected nectaries may increase likelihood that their nectar is used by certain pollinators, by controlling the nectar secretion time in day. In this study the pattern of nectar secretion allowed A. cerana maximum harvest of nectar.  相似文献   

Peng YB  Li YQ  Hao YJ  Xu ZH  Bai SN 《Protoplasma》2004,224(1-2):71-78
Summary. In an effort to gain a greater understanding of nectar production, we studied the dynamic mechanisms of starch accumulation and transformation and nectar transportation in the Cucumis sativus L. female flower. Starch, which is the main precursor of nectar, accumulates in the epidermis and underlying parenchyma, with the most active accumulation occurring in the parenchyma cells within 3 days prior to anthesis. Thereafter, the starch was successively hydrolyzed and the hydrolyte was transported from the amyloplasts to vacuoles, suggesting that amyloplasts and vacuoles are the centers of nectar production. In addition, we observed few plasmodesmata and the presence of invaginated plasmalemma and electron-dense material in the intercellular spaces, suggesting that the apoplast system is involved in nectar transportation in an ATPase-dependent fashion.Correspondence and reprints: College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, Peoples Republic of China  相似文献   

Abstract: The morphological and cytological characteristics of nectaries of Helleborus foetidus and H. bocconei during the secretory period are reported. The nectaries are derived from modified petals and secrete nectar continuously for about 20 days; they consist of a single layered epidermis, nectar-producing parenchyma and photosynthesizing parenchyma. Nectar secretion is holocrine and the nectar is released by rupture of the wall and cuticle of each epidermal cell. The nectaries of the two species differ in number and external morphology. In H. foetidus, secretion begins before anthesis and secretion rate decreases with nectary age. In H. bocconei it begins on the day of anthesis and proceeds at a constant rate. The nectar has a high sugar content, mainly sucrose, and also contains lipids and proteins.  相似文献   

Floral nectary structure and nectar sugar composition were investigated in relation to other floral traits and flower visitors in contrasting species of Nyctaginaceae from southern South America, representing four tribes (Bougainvilleeae, Colignonieae, Nyctagineae, Pisoneae). Our comparative data will aid in the understanding of plant–pollinator interactions and in the development of hypotheses on the origin of floral and reproductive characters in this family. The nectaries are located on the inner side of the staminal tube. The nectariferous tissue is composed of an epidermis and three to ten layers of secretory parenchymal cells, supplied indirectly by the filament vascular bundles. Stomata appear to be associated with nectar secretion. For the first time in Nyctaginaceae, nectary ultrastructure is described in Boerhavia diffusa var. leiocarpa. Nectary parenchyma cells are densely cytoplasmic and contain numerous starch grains. Plasmodesmata connect the nectariferous cells. Flowers of Nyctaginaceae secrete a small volume of nectar of variable concentration (10–47%). Nectar is dominated by hexoses, but Mirabilis jalapa showed a balanced proportion of sucrose and hexoses. Hymenoptera are the most common visitors for most species; nocturnal Lepidoptera are the most common visitors for M. jalapa and Bougainvillea stipitata. We found relatively low variation in the nectary characteristics of Nyctaginaceae compared with broad variation in flower structure, shape, colour and nectar traits. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The breeding system determines different ways whereby seeds will be produced, and the degree of dependency of plants on pollinators for seed set. The genus Chloraea (Orchidaceae) has its main center of diversity in southern South America. There is only poor knowledge concerning its breeding system and pollination. We determined the breeding system of C. crispa, C. chrysantha, C. galeata, and two color forms of C. bletioides (yellow- and white-flowered forms). None of the species in this study produced fruits through apomixis or autogamy, thereby indicating a complete dependency on pollen and pollinators. Geitogamy did not differ significantly with respect to xenogamy excepting in the yellow-flowered form of C. bletioides. Thus, the indexes of self-incompatibility for the white- and yellow-flowered forms of C. bletioides, C. galeata, C. crispa, and C. chrysantha, were 1.00, 0.56, 0.82, 1.09, and 0.81, respectively; indicating that, excluding the yellow-flowered form of C. bletioides which must be regarded as partially self-incompatible, all orchids assessed are totally self-compatible plants. Natural fruiting in the yellow-flowered C. bletioides, C. chrysantha and C. galeata was high, in spite of being nectarless orchids, since the availability of pollinators under natural conditions seemingly resulted unlimited. However, no pollinator was observed visiting C. chrysantha and C. galeata, whereas the yellow-flowered form of C. bletioides was visited by hymenopterans and coleopterans. At contrast, reproductive success of the white-flowered form of C. bletioides and C. crispa was pollen limited, the former being visited by hymenopterans, dipterans, and colepterans; and the latter by two hymenopterans.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Floral nectaries and nectar features were compared between six Argentinian Ipomoea species with differences in their pollinator guilds: I. alba, I. rubriflora, I. cairica, I. hieronymi var. hieronymi, I. indica, and I. purpurea. METHODS: Pollinators were recorded in natural populations. The morpho-anatomical study was carried out through scanning electron and light microscopy. Nectar sugars were identified via gas chromatography. Nectar production and the effect of its removal on total nectar sugar amount were determined by using sets of bagged flowers. KEY RESULTS: Hymenopterans were visitors of most species, while hummingbirds visited I. rubriflora and sphingids I. alba. All the species had a vascularized discoidal nectary surrounding the ovary base with numerous open stomata with a species-specific distribution. All nectar samples contained amino acids and sugars. Most species had sucrose-dominant nectars. Flowers lasted a few hours. Mean nectar sugar concentration throughout the lifetime of the flower ranged from 34.28 to 39.42 %, except for I. cairica (49.25 %) and I. rubriflora (25.18 %). Ipomoea alba had the highest nectar volume secreted per flower (50.12 microL), while in the other taxa it ranged from 2.42 to 12.00 microL. Nectar secretion began as soon as the flowers opened and lasted for a few hours (in I. purpurea, I. rubriflora) or it was continuous during the lifetime of the flower (in the remaining species). There was an increase of total sugar production after removals in I. cairica, I. indica and I. purpurea, whereas in I. alba and I. rubriflora removals had no effect, and in I. hieronymi there was a decrease in total sugar production. CONCLUSIONS: The chemical composition, production dynamics and removal effects of nectar could not be related to the pollinator guild of these species. Flower length was correlated with nectary size and total volume of nectar secreted, suggesting that structural constraints may play a major role in the determination of nectar traits of these species.  相似文献   

 We relate nectar sugar composition with floral visitors in samples from two biogeographic regions from Argentina: Chaco (99 spp. from its southern region) and Patagonia (48 spp. from its central region), using our own data published in earlier papers. The variables to be compared were sugar ratio and sucrose percentage. Differences in the sugar composition were observed when comparing both regions. Bee- and butterfly-visited Patagonian species showed lower sucrose percentages and sugar ratios than Chaquean species; i.e., a convergence in sugar composition was not verified. Moth-visited species showed a wide range of sucrose proportions and sugar ratios in both regions with no significant differences between them. As the differences found in sugar ratio between Chaco and Patagonia, according to the predominant pollinator guilds, may have been influenced by the sample size, we searched for similarities in sugar ratios between plants with the same visitor type in a comparative way, comparing our data pooled together against data by Baker and Baker's (1983a). Our data do not agree with theirs, i.e., no trends can be drawn for bees, moths, and butterflies sugar preferences. The exceptions were the hummingbird-visited species that showed a similar pattern in both cases, i.e., there is a convergence among plants offering nectar with a predominance of sucrose. To evaluate whether closely related species within a family have similar nectar composition and flower visitors, regardless of their region, sugar proportions were compared in several families. Hexose nectars were predominant in Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Verbenaceae, while sucrose nectars prevailed in Bromeliaceae and Onagraceae. Nectar composition seems to be a more conservative trait than flower morphology. This may be a reason to explain the absence of a convergence in sugar composition between plants growing in different biogeographical regions that share the same animal visitor guilds. Received August 27, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

Floral nectar composition has been explained as an adaptation to factors that are either directly or indirectly related to pollinator attraction. However, it is often unclear whether the sugar composition is a direct adaptation to pollinator preferences. Firstly, the lower osmolality of sucrose solutions means that they evaporate more rapidly than hexose solutions, which might be one reason why sucrose‐rich nectar is typically found in flowers with long tubes (adapted to long‐tongued pollinators), where it is better protected from evaporation than in open or short‐tubed flowers. Secondly, it can be assumed that temperature‐dependent evaporation is generally lower during the night than during the day so that selection pressure to secrete nectar with high osmolality (i.e. hexose‐rich solutions) is relaxed for night‐active flowers pollinated at night. Thirdly, the breeding system may affect selection pressure on nectar traits; that is, for pollinator‐independent, self‐pollinated plants, a lower selective pressure on nectar traits can be assumed, leading to a higher variability of nectar sugar composition independent of pollinator preferences, nectar accessibility and nectar protection. To analyse the relations between flower tube length, day vs. night pollination and self‐pollination, the nectar sugar composition was investigated in 78 European Caryophylloideae (Caryophyllaceae) with different pollination modes (diurnal, nocturnal, self‐pollination) using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All Caryophylleae species (Dianthus and relatives) were found to have nectar with more than 50% sucrose, whereas the sugar composition of Sileneae species (Silene and relatives) ranged from 0% to 98.2%. In the genus Silene, a clear dichotomous distribution of sucrose‐ and hexose‐dominant nectars is evident. We found a positive correlation between the flower tube length and sucrose content in Caryophylloideae, particularly in day‐flowering species, using both conventional analyses and phylogenetically independent contrasts.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of feedback structure (endogenous processes) and exogenous (climatic and environmental) factors in shaping the dynamics of natural populations is a central challenge within the field of population ecology. We attempted to explain the numerical fluctuations of two sympatric rodent species in agro-ecosystems of central Argentina using Royama’s theoretical framework for analyzing the dynamics of populations influenced by exogenous climatic forces. We found that both rodent species show a first-order negative feedback structure, suggesting that these populations are regulated by intra-specific competition (limited by food, space, or enemy-free space). In Akodon azarae endogenous structure seems to be very strongly influenced by human land-use represented by annual minimum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), with spring and summer rainfall having little influence upon carrying capacity. Calomys venustus’ population dynamics, on the other hand, seem to be more affected by local climate, also with spring and summer rainfall influencing the carrying capacity of the environment, but combined with spring mean temperature. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In Argentina, the climatic pattern of the olive production areas is characterised by a marked water deficit during winter and spring months. A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of water availability during the pre‐flowering–flowering period on vegetative, reproductive and yield responses of olive trees grown in central Argentina. From the end of autumn to mid‐spring, four irrigation treatments were imposed to olive trees (Olea europaea, cv. Arbequina and Manzanilla) at 0, 25, 50 and 75% estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Also, a control treatment was kept at 100% ETc for the entire year. For the first crop year evaluated, water deficit applied at early June, approximately 4 months prior to bloom, reduced the vegetative shoot growth and delayed the flowering time, resulting in shortening of the fruit maturation period and, ultimately, decreased fructification. Trees irrigated with high (75% of ETc) and full (100% of ETc) winter‐spring water supply presented significantly higher values of flower density, fruit density and final fruit yield which resulted in water productivity (kg fruits mm?1 of irrigation/ha) enhancements of about 500% (cv. Arbequina) and 330% (cv. Manzanilla) with respect to those obtained from the corresponding unirrigated treatments. Differences between treatments in oil content and composition were primarily attributed to variations in fruit maturity. Differences in fatty acid composition were stronger in cv. Arbequina where a gradual increase in oleic acid content was registered in parallel to the increase in irrigation water supply. From a practical stand point, results obtained from most of the analysed parameters were quite similar for both T75 and T100 treatments. Thus, the possible convenience of irrigation at T75% ETc should be considered since it may warrant profitable olive production while saving a considerably quantity of irrigation water in the olive production area in central Argentina.  相似文献   

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