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Responses of eight adult cats to one or two infections with larvae of Toxocara canis were studied up to 39 days post infection (DPI). Clinically, all cats remained normal throughout the study. The major necropsy finding was multifocal, white to grey nodules mainly within the liver, lungs and kidneys; live larvae were found in liver nodules. Histologically, the nodules were eosinophilic granulomas. Granulomas containing a larval section were observed mainly within the liver. All infected cats had variably severe, eosinophilic arteritis and bronchiolitis and medial hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the pulmonary arteries. No inflammatory eye lesions were detected. Circulating eosinophil levels increased in all infected cats; peak values of 15,790 and 10,050 eosinophils microliters-1 were observed at 25 or 32 DPI in cats receiving a single or double infection, respectively. Bone marrow of all infected cats exhibited marked eosinophilic hyperplasia which did not correlate with the level of circulating eosinophilia. Thus, infection of cats by the larvae of T. canis causes disseminated eosinophilic and granulomatous disease with marked pulmonary artery and airway lesions.  相似文献   

During necropsy of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) heart an adult, male Toxocara canis was found under the pericardium at the junction of the right ventricle and right atrium. The life cycle of T. canis is complex and includes tracheal and somatic migrations of larvae, and they can be found in many tissues throughout the host's body. However, it is rare for adult ascarids to be recovered outside of the small intestine. This is the first report of an adult T. canis inside the pericardial space.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the nature of the immunological responses which took place in a child who had recently recovered from toxocariasis. She had developed a marked eosinophilia and had high titers of toxocara antibodies. Experiments were performed to examine whether Toxocara canis infective larvae could be killed in the presence of her serum and human eosinophils. Eosinophils with human complement, or this patient's serum, adhered to the surface of the larvae within 10 min. By 40 min, using both light and electron microscopy, it was shown that the cells had flattened against the cuticle and degranulated. However, by 3 hr, eosinophils had begun to detach, and the larvae remained alive for at least 1 week afterward. Further addition of serum or of eosinophils, which were shown to be able to immobilize T. spiralis infective larvae, failed to kill the T. canis larvae. It was concluded that, in this patient, the development of an inflammatory response to a T. canis infection was not associated with the appearance of antibodies capable of inducing eosinophil dependent toxicity to the larvae in vitro. Eosinophil dependent killing mechanisms may be less important than other components of the immune response, in immunity to this parasite in humans.  相似文献   

Benzimidazole carbamates (mebendazole, albendazole and fenbendazole) are the most commonly used anthelmintic drugs for the treatment of larval toxocariasis (Toxocara canis) in paratenic hosts. However, the bioavailability of these drugs for tissues is very low due to their extremely low solubility, resulting in the administration of relatively high doses over a long period. To overcome this problem, neutral, negatively or positively charged and stabilized liposome drug carriers were examined in the chronic phase of T. canis infections in mice each orally inoculated with 1000 eggs. Moreover, liposomized albendazole and fenbendazole were co-administered with liposomized immunomodulator glucan. The highest efficacy of both drugs, evaluated 4 weeks after treatment, was recorded after their subcutaneous administration (ten doses of 25 mg kg(-1)) in stabilized liposomes and intramuscular co-administration of liposomized glucan (two doses of 5 mg kg(-1)). Fenbendazole was more effective in muscles (91.5%) whereas albendazole was more effective in the brain (92.2%). Liposomes with incorporated benzimidazole carbamate anthelmintics provide sustained drug-release reservoirs and can considerably enhance drug efficacy. Moreover, despite suppression by T. canis antigens, stimulation of the immune system by the immunomodulator glucan potentiates the effects of these antiparasitic drugs.  相似文献   

The prevalence and potential zoonotic risk factors of intestinal nematodes of military working dogs, which are used for different military purposes, were assessed. Faecal samples from 352 defined-breed Turkish military dogs were investigated and 107 (30.4%) dogs were found to be infected with one or two nematode species. The following nematodes, with their respective prevalences, were diagnosed in the faecal samples: Toxascaris leonina (21.8%), Toxocara canis (13.3%), Trichuris vulpis (2.9%) and Uncinaria stenocephala (1.2%). Toxocara canis infections were more frequently seen in puppies (0-6 months old). The prevalence of T. canis was significantly higher in male than in female dogs and also higher in dogs which were exercised daily than in those without exercise. The highest prevalence was found in Belgian malinois breed dogs. Toxocara canis infections were not influenced by the floor type of the kennels (i.e. concrete or soil floor). There was no difference in the occurrence of T. canis infection when the last anthelmintic treatment was carried out less or more than 3 months prior to sampling. It is suggested that T. canis infected military dogs would be a threat not only for dog trainers but also for military personnel, notably during national and international operations.  相似文献   

Summary The authors relate the first isolation ofM. canis from a pig in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Sumário Os autores relatam a primeiro isolamento doM. canis de um suino no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Prevalence of Toxocara canis antibodies was studied in a poor community of Bogotá, Colombia. Two-hundred-seven patients, from both sexes and all age groups, were studied. Positive ELISA titers were found in 47.5% of the population, a high prevalence compared with reports from developed countries. T. canis ova were positive in 43.6% of fecal samples from dog puppies. An endemic pattern of the disease is described: socioeconomic status, weather, pollution, poor hygiene and a significant population of infected dogs. Neither the physical examination nor ELISA titers could detect any case of T. canis disease.  相似文献   

The possible role of the cockroach Periplaneta americana in the transmission of Toxocara canis eggs and larvae via faeces and tissue migration was studied. Cockroaches fed with 3 x 105 and 5 x 105 embryonated eggs were found to harbour viable eggs and larvae from days 1 to 5 post-infection (DPI). At necropsy on 5 DPI, eggs and larvae were also recovered from the rectal contents but not from the tissues of cockroaches. In addition patent infections were established in pups fed on infected faeces of cockroaches, with eggs first appearing in the faeces of pups at 38 DPI. Adult worms of T. canis were also recovered at necropsy. Therefore the importance of cockroaches as good mechanical disseminators of ascarid eggs, especially T. canis, is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify whether cross-reactivity appeared between Toxocara canis and Anisakis simplex in an experimental rodent model. No cross-reactions were detected using sera from mice infected with T. canis eggs. When responses obtained against T. canis ES antigen using sera from BALB/c and C57BL/10 mice infected with T. canis eggs were compared with those obtained by testing sera from mice infected with one A. simplex L3, an increase in cross-reactions was observed using the C57BL/10 strain.  相似文献   

Fungi have showed a great potential for the biological control of nematodes. However, they have not been evaluated for the control of animal and/or human parasites transmitted by egg contaminated soils. Environmental contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs is a public health problem. Accidental swallowing of Toxocara canis eggs (a nematode of dogs) usually results on a zoonotic infection (toxocarosis). The objectives of this research were: 1) To test the presence of antagonistic fungi against T. canis in the soil in public places of La Plata city, Argentina, infected with eggs of this parasite, 2) To determine the possible association between biotic and abiotic factors of the soil with the presence of fungal parasites of egg nematodes. Soil samples were tested for: textural type, organic matter (%), pH, presence of egg-parasite fungi, of larvae and of nematode eggs, in particular of Toxocara spp. The studied area showed the following characteristics: pH: 6.6-8.0, organic matter: 1.2-70%, with a predominantly loam texture. The following antagonistic fungal genera were identified: Acremonium, Aspergillus, Chrysosporium, Fusarium, Humicola, Mortierella, Paecilomyces and Penicillium. A prevalence of 70% was detected for nematode eggs, of 33% for Toxocara spp. eggs and of 90% for larvae. No association between the presence of egg-parasite fungi and the considered factors was found. More studies are necessary to know the natural antagonism factors to T. canis eggs for its in situ biological control.  相似文献   

Second-stage larvae of the dog nematode Toxocara canis are infective to man and cause the syndromes of visceral larva migrans and ocular toxocariasis. Larvae cultured in vitro secrete proteases which degrade components of a model of extracellular matrix and basement membranes. These enzymes have been characterized using a variety of techniques. Multiple enzyme activities were demonstrated by substrate gel electrophoresis, associated with proteins of molecular weights of 120 and 32 kDa. The enzyme activity was inhibited both in substrate gels and in a radiogelatin microplate assay by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. Optimal activity occurred at pH 9, with minor activities apparent at pH 5 and 7; the relationship between these proteolytic activities is currently under investigation.  相似文献   

Visceral larva migrans: migratory pattern of Toxocara canis in pigs.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The migratory pattern of Toxocara canis was investigated following infection of pigs with 60000 infective eggs. Groups of six pigs were slaughtered at 7, 14 and 28 days after infection (p.i.), and the number of larvae in selected organs and muscles was determined by digestion. A group of uninfected pigs was used as negative controls for blood parameters and weight gain. Toxocara canis migrated well in the pig, although the relative numbers of larvae recovered decreased significantly during the experiment. On day 7 p.i., high numbers of larvae were recovered from the lymph nodes around the small intestine and to some extent also from the lymph nodes around the large intestine, and from the lungs and the liver. On day 14, the majority of larvae were recovered from the lungs and the lymph nodes around the small intestine, and by day 28 p.i. most larvae were found in the lungs. Larvae were recovered from the brain on days 14 and 21, with a maximum on day 14 p.i. No larvae were found in the eyes. Severe pathological changes were observed in the liver and lungs, especially on day 14 p.i.; also, development of granulomas was observed in the kidneys. Finally, a strong specific antibody response towards T. canis L2/L3 ES products was observed from day 14 p.i. until termination of the experiment, and the maximum eosinophil response was observed 14 days p.i. The pig is a useful non-primate model for human visceral larva migrans, since T. canis migrate well and induce a strong immunological response in the pig. However, the importance of the pig as a paratenic host is probably minor, because of the relatively early death of most of the larvae.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to search for new treatments for Toxocara canis using both in vitro and in vivo experiments. We specifically looked for a treatment for T. canis larva migrans, and examined beta-carboline alkaloids (17 compounds) with various structural modifications, both in in vitro and in vivo experiments. In the in vitro experiments, screening for nematocidal activity on the T. canis second stage larvae, cytotoxic activity, and immune activity in the host were undertaken. Compound 17 was selected, as it exhibited nematocidal activity for T. canis larvae and did not have any cytotoxic or immunosuppressive activity in the host. The effectiveness of compound 17 was then examined using T. canis larvae infected mice in in vivo experiments. To evaluate the anthelmintic effect, the relative mobility value for the larvae was examined in addition to the number of larvae in the brain, skeletal muscle, and liver. Compound 17 was also examined in both free and liposome-entrapped (LE) forms. Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-LE compound 17 showed an anthelmintic effect in which the number of larvae in the brain was decreased compared free albendazole. PEG-LE compound 17 also effectively suppressed the mobility of the larva in brain and skeletal muscle. The experimental procedure employed assisted in the discovery of this potential candidate and is a promising approach for finding alternative therapeutic regimens for T. canis larva migrans.  相似文献   

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