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破骨细胞是一种多核的,具有骨吸收功能的骨组织细胞,在骨吸收过程中起着至关重要的作用.破骨细胞骨吸收功能的异常会引发一系列的临床病症,如骨质疏松症、关节置换术后假体松动、骨硬化症和牙周病变等.破骨细胞骨吸收功能的进一步研究对于各类骨疾病的防治具有重要的意义.然而破骨细胞骨吸收功能的检测方法一直以来是制约破骨细胞研究的瓶颈之一.为此,围绕破骨细胞骨吸收功能的检测方法做一综述.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are large multinucleated cells responsible for bone resorption. Bone resorption is dependent on the liberation of calcium by acid and protease destruction of the bone matrix by proteinases. The key proteinase produced by the osteoclast is cathepsin K. Targeted knock-down of cathepsin K was performed using small inhibitory RNA (siRNA). siRNA is a method that introduces short double-stranded RNA molecules that instruct the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) to degrade mRNA species complementary to the siRNA. Transfection of siRNA by lipid cations allows for short-term inhibition of expression of the targeted gene. We show that transfection of primary human osteoclasts with siRNA to cathepsin K reduces expression by > or = 60% and significantly inhibits bone resorption with a reduction of both resorption pit numbers (P = 0.018) and resorbed area (P = 0.013). We also show that FuGENE 6 is an effective lipid transfection reagent with which to transfect primary human osteoclasts, that does not produce off-target effects.  相似文献   

The endocytic and exocytic/secretory pathways are two major intracellular membrane trafficking routes that regulate numerous cellular functions in a variety of cell types. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts, two major bone cells responsible for bone remodeling and homeostasis, are no exceptions. During the past few years, emerging evidence has pinpointed a critical role for endocytic and secretory pathways in osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation and function. The endosomal membrane provides a platform to integrate bone tropic signals of hormones and growth factors in osteoblasts. In osteoclasts, endocytosis, followed by transcytosis, of degraded bone matrix promotes bone resorption. Secretory pathways, especially lysosome secretion, not only participate in bone matrix deposition by osteoblasts and degradation of mineralized bone matrix by osteoclasts; they may also be involved in the coupling of bone resorption and bone formation during bone remodeling. More importantly, mutations in genes encoding regulatory factors within the endocytic and secretory pathways have been identified as causes for bone diseases. Identification of the molecular mechanisms of these genes in bone cells may provide new therapeutic targets for skeletal disorders.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are large multinucleate cells unique in their capacity to resorb bone. These cells are exposed locally to high levels of ionised calcium during the process of resorption. We have therefore examined the effect of elevated extracellular calcium on the morphology and function of freshly disaggregated rat osteoclasts. Cell size and motility were quantitated by time-lapse video recording together with digitisation and computer-centred image analysis. In order to assess the resorptive capacity of isolated osteoclasts, we measured the total area of resorption of devitalised cortical bone by means of scanning electron microscopy and computer-based morphometry. The results show that elevation of the extracellular calcium concentration causes a dramatic reduction of cell size, accompanied by a marked diminution of enzyme release and abolition of bone resorption. We propose that ionised calcium might play an important role in the local regulation of osteoclastic bone resorption.  相似文献   

Gallium(III) is a new therapeutic agent for hypercalcemia. Ga3+ reduces osteoclast action, but how it inhibits the cell's physiology is unknown. In vivo, 7-12 microM Ga(III) reduces calcium release from bone, but surprisingly, 10-100 microM Ga3+ added to isolated avian osteoclasts did not reduce their degradation of L-(5-3H)-proline bone. 3H-proline labels bone collagen specifically, and collagenolysis is an excellent indicator of bone dissolution because collagen is the least soluble component of bone. Ga(III) greater than 100 microM inhibited osteoclasts in vitro, but also killed the cells. To resolve this apparent conflict, we measured 67Ga distribution between bone, cells, and media. Gallium binds avidly but slowly to bone fragments. One hundred micrograms of bone clears 60% of 1 microM gallium from 500 microliters of tissue culture medium, with steady state at greater than 24 h. Osteoclasts on bone inhibited gallium binding capacity approximately 40%, indicating a difference in available binding area and suggesting that osteoclasts protect their substrate from Ga binding. Less gallium binds to bone in serum-containing medium than in phosphate-buffered saline; 30% reduction of the affinity constant suggests that the serum containing medium competes with bone binding. Consequently, the effect of [Ga] on bone degradation was studied using accurately controlled amounts of Ga(III) pre-bound to the bone. Under these conditions, gallium sensitivity of osteoclasts is striking. At 2 days, 100 micrograms of bone pre-incubated with 1 ml of 1 microM Ga3+, with 10 pmoles Ga3+/micrograms bone, was degraded at 50% the rate of control bone; over 50 pM Ga3+/micrograms bone, resorption was essentially zero. In contrast, pre-treatment of bone with [Ga3+] as high as 15 microM had no significant effect on bone resorption rate beyond 3 days, indicating that gallium below approximately 150 pg/micrograms bone acts for a limited time and does not permanently damage the cells. We conclude that bone-bound Ga(III) from medium concentrations less than 15 microM inhibits osteoclasts reversibly, while irreversible toxicity occurs at solution [Ga3+] greater than 50 microM.  相似文献   

Cancer cells metastasized to bone stimulate osteoclastogenesis resulting in bone destruction. However, the influence of tumor cells on fully differentiated osteoclasts is much less known. We postulated that breast cancer cells directly stimulate the survival of mature osteoclasts. We thus tested the effect of conditioned media (CM) prepared from MDA-MB-231 cells on the activity and apoptosis of osteoclasts isolated from 10-day-old rabbit long bones. First, we demonstrated that CM increased the bone resorbing activity in our cell model of rabbit mature osteoclasts. Using a highly purified osteoclast cell population, we found that MDA-MB-231 CM dramatically inhibited osteoclast apoptosis. In the presence of 20% CM, apoptosis was decreased by approximately 60%. LY294002, a PI3 kinase inhibitor, strongly prevented the CM anti-apoptotic effect. Neutralizing experiments with human antibody revealed that macrophage-colony stimulating factor originating from MDA-MB 231 cells was possibly involved in the CM anti-apoptotic effect. These results suggest that breast cancer cells, in addition to stimulating osteoclastogenesis, potently inhibit mature osteoclast apoptosis, a mechanism which may greatly contribute to their osteolytic potential.  相似文献   

The anthocyanin delphinidin is a natural compound found as water-soluble pigment in coloured fruits and berries. Anthocyanin-rich diets have been proposed to have bone protective effects in humans and mice, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we used a medaka (Oryzias latipes) osteoporosis model to test the effects of delphinidin on bone cells in vivo. In this model, inducible transgenic expression of receptor-activator of NF-kβ ligand (Rankl) leads to ectopic formation of osteoclasts and excessive bone resorption, similar to the situation in human osteoporosis patients. Using live imaging in medaka bone reporter lines, we show that delphinidin significantly reduces the number of osteoclasts after Rankl induction and protects bone integrity in a dose-dependent manner. Our in vivo findings suggest that delphinidin primarily affects the de novo differentiation of macrophages into osteoclasts rather than the recruitment of macrophages to sites of bone resorption. For already existing osteoclasts, delphinidin treatment affected their morphology, leading to fewer protrusions and a more spherical shape. Apoptosis rates were not increased by delphinidin, suggesting that osteoclast numbers were reduced primarily by impaired differentiation from macrophage progenitors and reduced maintenance of pre-existing osteoclasts. Importantly, and in contrast to previously reported cell culture experiments, no effect of delphinidin on osteoblast differentiation and distribution was observed in medaka in vivo. Our study is the first report on the effects of delphinidin on bone cells in fish embryos, which are a unique model system for compound testing that is suitable for live imaging of bone cell behaviour in vivo.  相似文献   

Nutritional factors influence bone development. Previous studies demonstrated that bone mass significantly increased with suppressed bone resorption in early life of rats fed with AIN-93G semi-purified diets supplemented with 10% whole blueberry (BB) powder for 2 weeks. However, the effects of increased phenolic acids in animal serum due to this diet on bone and bone resorption were unclear. This in vitro and in ex vivo study examined the effects of phenolic hippuric acid (HA) and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid (3-3-PPA) on osteoclastic cell differentiation and bone resorption. We cultured murine osteoclast (macrophage) cell line, RAW 264.7 cells, and hematopoietic osteoclast progenitor cells (isolated from 4-week-old C57BL6/J mice) with 50 ng/ml of receptor activator of nuclear factor κ-Β ligand (RANKL). Morphologic studies showed decreased osteoclast number with treatment of 2.5% mouse serum from BB diet–fed animals compared with those treated with serum from standard casein diet–fed mice in both RAW 264.7 cell and primary cell cultures. HA and 3-3-PPA, but not 3–4-PPA, had dose-dependent suppressive effects on osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast resorptive activity in Corning osteo-assay plates. Signaling pathway analysis showed that after pretreatment with HA or 3-3-PPA, RANKL-stimulated increase of osteoclastogenic markers, such as nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 1 and matrix metallopeptidase 9 gene/protein expression were blunted. Inhibitory effects of HA and 3-3-PPA on osteoclastogenesis utilized RANKL/RANK independent mediators. The study revealed that HA and 3-3-PPA significantly inhibited osteoclastogenesis and bone osteoclastic resorptive activity.  相似文献   

We compared the effect of conditioned medium (CM) from several human breast carcinoma cell lines on osteoclast bone resorbing activity and osteoclast apoptosis. Our findings indicate that ability of cancer cell line to increase the in vitro bone resorbing activity is linked to their potential to inhibit osteoclast apoptosis. Cancer cells producing the higher level of M-CSF have the higher osteolytic activity, suggesting that M-CSF originating from cancer cells may contribute, at least in part, to the osteoclast activity at the metastatic site by enhancing their survival. Given that M-CSF plays an important role in the anti-apoptotic effect, we speculated that blocking M-CSF pathway would prevent the CM effects. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting M-CSF and imatinib, a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting M-CSF receptor, almost completely reversed the CM effect on both osteoclast apoptosis and bone resorption. Blockade of M-CSF pathway could be thus of clinical value in the treatment of breast cancer related bone destruction.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells that derive from hematopoietic progenitors in the bone marrow which also give rise to monocytes in peripheral blood, and to the various types of tissue macrophages. Osteoclasts are formed by the fusion of precursor cells. They function in bone resorption and are therefore critical for normal skeletal development (growth and modeling), for the maintenance of its integrity throughout life, and for calcium metabolism (remodeling). To resorb bone, the osteoclasts attach to the bone matrix, their cytoskeleton reorganizes, and they assume polarized morphology and form ruffled borders to secrete acid and collagenolytic enzymes and a sealing zone to isolate the resorption site. Identification of the osteoclastogenesis inducer, the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL), its cognate receptor RANK, and its decoy receptor osteoprotegerin (OPG), has contributed enormously to the dramatic advance in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in osteoclast differentiation and activity. This explosion in osteoclast biology is reflected by the large number of reviews which appeared during the last decade. Here I will summarize the "classical" issues (origin, differentiation, and activity) in a general manner, and will discuss an untouched issue (multinucleation) and a relatively novel aspect of osteoclast biology (osteoimmunology).  相似文献   

One of the universal characteristics of the long bones and spines of middle-age and older mammals is a loss in bone mass (osteopenia). In humans, if this bone loss is severe enough, it results in osteoporosis, a skeletal disorder characterized by a markedly increased incidence of fractures with sequelae that may include pain, loss of mobility, and in the event of hip fracture, even death within a relatively few months of injury. An important contributing factor to the development of osteopororsis appears to be a diminution in the number and activity of osteoblasts responsible for synthesizing new bone matrix. The findings in the present and other similar studies suggest that this reduction in osteoblast number and activity is due to an age-related diminution in the size and osteogenic potential of the bone marrow osteoblast progenitor cell (OPC or CFU-f) compartment. We previously postulated that these regressive changes in the OPC/CFU-f compartment occurred in old animals because of a reduction in the amount and/or activity of TGF-β1, an autocrine growth factor important in the promotion of OPC/CFU-f proliferation and differentiation. In support of this hypothesis, we now report that (1) the osteogenic capacity of the bone marrow of 24-month-old BALB/c mice, as assessed in vivo, is markedly reduced relative to that of 3–4-month-old animals, (2) that the matrix of the long bones of old mice contains significantly less TGF-β than that of young mice, (3) that OPC's/CFU-f's isolated from old mice produce less TGF-β in vitro than those recovered from young mice, and (4) that OPC's/CFU-f's from old mice express significantly more TGF-β receptor (Types I, II, and III) than those of young animals and that such cells are more responsive in vitro to exogenous recombinant TGF-β1. We also find that colony number and proliferative activity of OPC's/CFU-f's of young mice and old mice, respectively, are significantly reduced when incubated in the presence of neutralizing TGF-β1 antibody. Collectively, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that in old male mice the reduction in the synthesis and, perhaps, availability from the bone matrix of TGF-β1 contributes to a diminution in the size and development potential of the bone marrow osteoprogenitor pool. J. Cell. Biochem. 70:478–488. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aging population and the incidence of aging-related diseases such as osteoporosis are on the rise. Aging at the tissue and organ levels usually involves tissue stem cells. Human and animal model studies indicate that aging affects two aspects of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC): a decrease in the bone marrow MSC pool and biased differentiation into adipocyte at the cost of osteoblast, which underlie the etiology of osteoporosis. Aging of MSC cells is also detrimental to some non-skeletal tissues, in particular the hematopoietic system, where MSCs serve as a niche component. In addition, aging compromises the therapeutic potentials of MSC cells, including cells isolated from aged individuals or cells cultured for many passages. Here we discuss the recent progress on our understanding of MSC aging, with a focus on the effects of MSC aging on bone remodeling and hematopoiesis and the mechanisms of MSC aging.  相似文献   

Histology of gonads of Oreochromis karongae was undertaken to study internal cell characteristics during maturation. This study was necessitated by low spawning output of the fish species. Several oocyte stages, ranging from primary forms to vitellogenesis, suggest that the maturation was generally succesfully attained in the fish ponds. Pre‐vitellogenesis oocytes (oogonia to perinuclear stage) and more advanced vitellogenesis (primary vesicle to tertiary yolk vesicle) oocyte stages were all found in the same gonads. However, there were some discontinuities observed during stages 3 and 4, suggesting selective maturation. Failure of gonads to mature normally is attributed to an ecological crunch that was in a previous study associated with environmental factors. Atretic oocytes were also recorded in the same gonads, a sign that some oocytes failed to mature normally. This indicates insufficient stimuli for normal gonad development. Several stages of spermatogenesis (spermatocytes, spermatid and spermatozoa) were also found in the same gonads. Selective recrudescence was more pronounced in O. karongae because generally less oocytes attained final maturation stages compared to Oreochromis niloticus and other tilapias. This could be the main reason for low natural breeding that has been observed in both wild and captive stocks, and led to the abandonment of its use in aquaculture. This study corroborates findings of previous studies that depended solely on external gonad characteristics. Histology provides conclusive evidence from internal cell characteristics that other techniques are unable to show.  相似文献   

Summary LDH is localized along various intracytoplasmatic membranes of osteoclasts. Macrophages show membrane-bound LDH only after phagocytosis of calcium hydroxylapatite, the main mineral constituent of bone. The localization of LDH in these macrophages is almost the same as in osteoclasts. The significance of this finding, and its possible implication in the process of bone resorption and the origin of osteoclasts are discussed. Present Adress: Department of Oral Microbiology, School of Dentistry, Vrije Universiteit, P.O. Box 7161, 1007 MC Amsterdam, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 23 is a member of the FGF family involved in bone development by interacting with FGFRs. In a previous study, we discovered a mutant human FGF (hFGF) 23 (A12D) in the mandibular prognathism (MP) pedigree. However, the exact role of hFGF23(A12D) during bone formation remains unclear. The aim of this study was to identify the function of hFGF23(A12D) in bone formation. We infected isolated rat calvaria (RC) cells with the recombinant lentivirus containing mutant hFGF23(A12D) and WT hFGF23 respectively. Real‐time PCR, western blot and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay confirmed that hFGF23(A12D) failed to be secreted. We measured cell growth via the CCK‐8 assay based on Zsgreen expression, detected cell differentiation ability via alkaline phosphatase staining, performed RT‐PCR and found that hFGF23(A12D) inhibited proliferation of RC cells and stimulated the differentiation of RC cells to osteoblasts. Through RNA sequencing, RT‐PCR and western blot, we found increased expression of FGFR3. Through co‐immunoprecipitation assays and immunofluorescence staining, we revealed that hFGF23(A12D) activated the mitogen‐activated protein kinase signalling pathway through interactions with the intracellular domain of FGFR3. In summary, we determined the mechanisms of hFGF23(A12D) involved in osteoblast generation and formation which is specifically due to its interaction with FGFR3.  相似文献   

Organization of the genome is critical for maintaining cell-specific gene expression, ensuring proper cell function. It is well established that the nuclear lamina preferentially associates with repressed chromatin. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying repressive chromatin formation and maintenance at the nuclear lamina remain poorly understood. Here we show that emerin binds directly to HDAC3, the catalytic subunit of the nuclear co-repressor (NCoR) complex, and recruits HDAC3 to the nuclear periphery. Emerin binding stimulated the catalytic activity of HDAC3, and emerin-null cells exhibit increased H4K5 acetylation, which is the preferred target of the NCoR complex. Emerin-null cells exhibit an epigenetic signature similar to that seen in HDAC3-null cells. Emerin-null cells also had significantly less HDAC3 at the nuclear lamina. Collectively, these data support a model whereby emerin facilitates repressive chromatin formation at the nuclear periphery by increasing the catalytic activity of HDAC3.  相似文献   

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