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Blood flow and glycogen use in hypertrophied rat muscles during exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous findings suggest that skeletal muscle that has enlarged as a result of removal of synergistic muscles has a similar metabolic capacity and improved resistance to fatigue compared with normal muscle. The purpose of the present study was to follow blood flow and glycogen loss patterns in hypertrophied rat plantaris plantaris and soleus muscles during treadmill exercise to provide information on the adequacy of perfusion of the muscles during in vivo exercise. Thirty days following surgical removal of gastrocnemius muscle, blood flows (determined with radiolabeled microspheres) and glycogen concentrations were determined in all of the ankle extensor muscles of experimental and sham-operated control rats during preexercise and after 5-6 min of treadmill exercise at 15 m/min. There were no differences (P greater than 0.05) in blood flows per unit mass or glycogen concentrations between control and hypertrophied plantaris or soleus muscles at either time, although both muscles were larger (P less than 0.05) in the experimental group (plantaris: 95%; soleus: 40%). None of the other secondary ankle extensor muscles (tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus or flexor hallicus longus) hypertrophied in response to removal of gastrocnemius. These results provide indirect evidence that O2 delivery in the enlarged muscles is not compromised during low-intensity treadmill exercise due to limited perfusion.  相似文献   

We used 15-microns radiolabeled microspheres to study the regional distribution of blood flow (Q) among parasternal (PS), transversus thoracis, and external (EI) and internal intercostal muscles (II) in nine anesthetized supine mongrel dogs. We measured Q (ml.min-1.100 g-1) in each intercostal space (ICS) during spontaneous breathing, inspiratory resistive loading, and mechanical ventilation following paralysis. At necropsy the EI, II, and PS were excised and sampled separately for each ICS. During paralysis there was no consistent gradient in Q among the PS, II, and EI muscles. During spontaneous breathing, Q to PS increased linearly by 125% between the first and fourth to sixth ICS, Q to EI decreased progressively from the first/second ICS to the fifth/sixth ICS, whereas Q to the II was uniform. During inspiratory resistive loading, in which mouth pressures of -16 +/- 4 cmH2O were generated, the PS gradient was similar to that during spontaneous breathing. Also, Q to the EI increased in the cranial interspaces (P less than 0.02), whereas Q to the II of the seventh/eighth ICS was greater than that of the first/second ICS (P less than 0.001). Furthermore, with loading, ventrodorsal gradients in Q appeared within both EI and II interspaces. There was no consistent gradient in Q within the transversus thoracis muscle during any of the interventions. Our results demonstrate nonuniform Q within PS, EI, and II during both spontaneous and inspiratory resistive loaded breathing. On the assumption that changes in Q reflect changes in activation, our results suggest systematic topographical patterns of recruitment of rib cage respiratory muscles.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of upper airway negative pressure and hypercapnia on the pattern of breathing were assessed in pentobarbital-anesthetized cats. At any given level of pressure in the upper airway, hypercapnia increased respiratory rate, reduced inspiratory time, and augmented tidal volume, inspiratory airflow, and the peak and rate of rise of diaphragm electrical activity. Conversely, at any given level of CO2, upper airway negative pressure decreased respiratory rate, prolonged inspiratory time, and depressed inspiratory airflow and diaphragm electromyogram (EMG) rate of rise. Application of negative pressure to the upper airway shifted the relationship between tidal volume and inspiratory time upward and rightward. The relationship between inspiratory and expiratory times, however, was linearly correlated over a wide range of chemical drives and levels of upper airway pressure. These results suggest that in the anesthetized cat upper airway negative pressure afferent inputs 1) interact in an additive fashion with hypercapnia to alter the pattern of breathing, 2) interact multiplicatively with CO2 to influence mean inspiratory airflow and diaphragm EMG rate of rise, 3) depress the generation of central inspiratory activity, 4) increase the time-dependent volume threshold for inspiratory termination, and 5) affect the ratio between inspiratory and expiratory times in a similar manner as alterations in PCO2.  相似文献   

The distribution of blood flow within the isolated perfused dog gastrocnemius muscle (weight 100-240 g) was studied by intra-arterial injection of radioactively labeled microspheres (diameter 15 micron) at rest and during supramaximal stimulation to rhythmic isotonic tetanic contractions of varied frequency against varied loads. After the experiment the muscle was cut into 180-250 pieces of approximately 0.75 g each, and the blood flow to each muscle piece was determined from its radioactivity. The inhomogeneity of blood flow was represented as the frequency distribution of the ratios of regional specific blood flow, i.e., blood flow per unit tissue weight of the piece, QR, to the overall specific blood flow of the muscle, Q. The QR/Q values for the individual pieces of a muscle were found to vary widely both at rest and during stimulation. With rising work load the frequency distribution had a tendency to broaden and flatten, indicating increasing perfusion inhomogeneity. On the average of the experiments, there was no significant difference in specific blood flow between the three anatomic components of the gastrocnemius (lateral and medial heads of gastrocnemius and flexor digitorum superficialis) nor between the superficial and deep portions within these anatomic components, only the distal third of the muscle was relatively less perfused compared with the proximal two-thirds. The considerable inhomogeneity of blood flow as revealed by microsphere embolization and by other methods is expected to exert important limiting effects on local O2 supply, particularly during exercise. Its neglect would lead to serious errors in the analysis of O2 supply to muscle tissue.  相似文献   

The accuracy of muscle blood flow measurement by the 133Xe clearance method (QXe) was assessed against direct venous outflow (Qv) and microsphere trapping flow (Q mu) determinations in isolated perfused dog gastrocnemius both at rest and during graded stimulation [O2 consumption (VO2) up to 12 ml X 100 g-1 X min-1] and in the gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, and triceps of intact dogs at rest and while running on a treadmill at varied speeds up to maximum VO2. In 29 measurements performed in 11 isolated muscles, Q mu was in good agreement with Qv at rest and at all stimulation levels (Q mu/Qv = 1.0; r = 0.98). 133Xe clearance yielded much lower blood flows than the venous outflow and the microsphere trapping methods. In 43 measurements in 11 muscles, the mean QXe/Qv ratio was 0.57 +/- 0.03 (SE), independent of blood flow. Similarly, in 65 measurements in 2 intact dogs, the mean QXe/Q mu ratio in all tested muscles was 0.49 +/- 0.02 (SE), independent of blood flow. These results show that the 133Xe clearance method considerably underestimates blood flow in dog muscles.  相似文献   

Blood flow distribution and tissue allometry in channel catfish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Blood flow (as percentage of cardiac output) in fasted channel catfish acclimated to 21°C was directed primarily to white muscle (72%) followed by head kidney (5·7%), red muscle (5·5%), trunk kidney (3·1%), liver (2·2%), swim bladder (1·4%) and skin (1·1%). The stomach, intestines, pyloric caeca, gonads, brain, abdominal fat and spleen contained <0·5% of blood flow. There was considerable interfish variation among blood flow distribution to visceral organs with substantial spatial heterogeneity of blood flow to white muscle. The spatial heterogeneity of flow to muscle prevented accurate estimation of total flow to this tissue based on the microsphere deposition of a few sub-samples. Instead, a novel approach, based on the whole animal counting of the eviscerated carcass was used to measure blood flow to white muscle. The scaling relationships for tissue mass in catfish (63–1873 g) followed the allometric equation (aWb) and tended to exhibit negative allometry, with organ weight decreasing in proportion to body weight. The b values for most tissues ranged between 0·83 and 1·0. The relative mass of the brain showed the greatest decline and with a b value of 0·32. The results, together with previous data on cardiac output, permitted calculation of organ blood flow rates in channel catfish. © 1999 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of three myofibrillar M-band proteins, myomesin, M-protein and the muscle isoform of creatine kinase, was investigated with immunocytochemical techniques in skeletal muscles of embryonic, fetal, newborn and four-week-old rats. Furthermore, muscles of newborn rats were denervated and examined at four weeks of age. In embryos, myomesin was present in all myotome muscle fibres of the somites, whereas M-protein was detected only in a small proportion of the myotome muscle fibres and muscle creatine kinase was not detected at all. In fetal and newborn muscles, all fibres contained all three M-band proteins. At four weeks of age, when fibre types (type 1 or slow twitch fibres and type 2 or fast twitch fibres) were clearly discernable, the pattern was changed. Myomesin and muscle creatine kinase were still observed in all fibres, whereas M-protein was present only in type 2 fibres. On the other hand, in muscle fibres denervated at birth all three M-band proteins were still detected. Our results suggest 1) that during the initial stages of myofibrillogenesis expression and incorporation of myomesin into the M-band precede that of M-protein and muscle creatine kinase; 2) that expression and incorporation of all three M-band proteins during fetal development is nerve independent and non coordinated to the expression of different forms of myosin heavy chains, and 3) that the suppression of M-protein synthesis during postnatal development is nerve dependent and reflects the maturation of slow twitch motor units.  相似文献   

Altered perfusion of the bronchial mucosal plexus relative to the adventitial plexus may contribute to geometric changes in the airway wall and lumen. We studied bronchial perfusion distribution in sheep by using fluorescent microspheres at baseline and during intrabronchial artery challenge with methacholine chloride (MCh; n = 7). Additionally, we measured airway resistance (Raw) during MCh with control or increased perfusion (n = 9). Raw with MCh was significantly greater for high than control flow. Microspheres in histological sections lodged predominantly in the mucosa (60%), and this was not altered by MCh. However, more microspheres lodged in airways >1-mm in diameter during MCh and increased perfusion than MCh and control flow. In airways < or =1 mm in diameter, fewer microspheres lodged during control than increased flow. If the number of microspheres represents regional agonist access to airway smooth muscle, then the differences observed in Raw can be explained by the distribution of agonist. During challenge, there was greater MCh delivery to larger airways during increased flow and less delivery to smaller airways during control flow. The results demonstrate the effects of axial perfusion distribution on Raw.  相似文献   

Glycogen concentration in the adult rat diaphragm and intercostal muscles has been examined following heavy treadmill exercise to determine the recruitment strategy and the significance of glycogen as a substrate to satisfy the elevated energy requirements accompanying hyperpnea. Short-term continuous running at 60 m/min and a 12 degree grade resulted in a reduction (p less than 0.05) in the concentration of glycogen (39%) in the costal region of the rat diaphragm. Similarly, glycogen concentration was significantly reduced (p less than 0.05) with this exercise protocol in all respiratory muscles studied, with the exception of the sternal region of the diaphragm. With the less intense running protocols, glycogen degradation continued to be pronounced (p less than 0.05) in the majority of the respiratory muscles sampled. The significance of muscle glycogen as a substrate for energy metabolism in the respiratory muscles was not affected by the procedure used to prepare the animal for tissue sampling (Somnitol, diethyl ether, decapitation). Examination of selected locomotor muscles revealed extensive glycogen loss in muscles composed of essentially slow oxidative fibres (soleus), fast oxidative glycolytic fibres (vastus lateralis red), and fast glycolytic fibres (vastus lateralis white). It is concluded that during heavy exercise in the rat, recruitment of motor units occurs in all regions of the diaphragm and in the intercostal muscles. At least for the costal region of the diaphragm and as evidenced by the modest (two- to four-fold) but significant (p less than 0.05) increases in lactate concentration, the increased ATP requirements in these muscles are met to a large degree by increases in aerobic metabolism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Superficial fibular nerve stimulation (SFNS) causes increased pre- and post-capillary resistances as well as increased capillary permeability in the dog hind paw. These responses indicate possible adrenergic and histaminergic interactions. The distribution of blood flow between capillaries and arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA) may depend on the relative effects of these neural inputs. Right hind paws of anesthetized heparinized dogs were vascularly and neurally isolated and perfused with controlled pressure. Blood flow distribution was calculated from the venous recovery of 85Sr-labeled microspheres (15 microns). The mean transit times of 131I-albumin and 85Sr-labeled microspheres were calculated. The effects of adrenergic and histaminergic antagonists with and without SFNS were determined. Phentolamine blocked the entire response to SFNS. Prazosin attenuated increases in total and AVA resistance. Yohimbine prevented increased total resistance, attenuated the AVA resistance increase, and revealed a decrease in capillary circuit resistance. Pyrilamine attenuated total resistance increase while SFNS increased capillary and AVA resistances. Metiamide had no effect on blood flow distribution with SFNS. The increase in AVA resistance with SFNS apparently resulted from a combination of alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptor stimulation but not histaminergic effects.  相似文献   

In chicken Leghorn, blood flow volume speed in pectoralis and gastrocnemius muscles was measured on 15 and 19 day-old embryos and at the 1st and the 10th days alter hatching. It was revealed that in the last quarter of embryogenesis BF in muscles did not vary remaining in both muscles in identical limits. Similar BF parameters in pectoralis and gastrocnemius muscles and their age-dependent dynamics were observed at embryos with the detained development (with the body weight 2-fold less than the norm). After hatching, the blood flow in both muscles was grown, on the average, 2.4-fold and remained high by the 10th day, a little decreasing in the pectoralis muscle. It was shown, that increase of a muscular blood flow after hatching was accompanied by different changes of anatomic lumen of the arteries addressed in pectoralis and gastrocnemius muscles: in the former it decreased, in the latter--increased.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the increased sympathetic activity elicited by the upright posture on blood flow to exercising human forearm muscles. Six subjects performed light and heavy rhythmic forearm exercise. Trials were conducted with the subjects supine and standing. Forearm blood flow (FBF, plethysmography) and skin blood flow (laser Doppler) were measured during brief pauses in the contractions. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate were also measured. During the first 6 min of light exercise, blood flow was similar in the supine and standing positions (approximately 15 ml.min-1.100 ml-1); from minutes 7 to 20 FBF was approximately 3-7 ml.min-1.100 ml-1 less in the standing position (P less than 0.05). When 5 min of heavy exercise immediately followed the light exercise, FBF was approximately 30-35 ml.min-1.100 ml-1 in the supine position. These values were approximately 8-12 ml.min-1.100 ml-1 greater than those observed in the upright position (P less than 0.05). When light exercise did not precede 8 min of heavy exercise, the blood flow at the end of minute 1 was similar in the supine and standing positions but was approximately 6-9 ml.min-1.100 ml-1 lower in the standing position during minutes 2-8. Heart rate was always approximately 10-20 beats higher in the upright position (P less than 0.05). Forearm skin blood flow and mean arterial pressure were similar in the two positions, indicating that the changes in FBF resulted from differences in the caliber of the resistance vessels in the forearm muscles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to address discrepant findings in the literature regarding coupling between decreased functional demand during disuse and reduced capillarity. We previously reported [K. Tyml, O. Mathieu-Costello, and E. Noble. Microvasc. Res. 49: 17-32, 1995] that severe disuse of rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle caused by a 2-wk application of tetrodotoxin (TTX) on the sciatic nerve is not accompanied by capillary loss. Using the same animal model, the present study examined whether this absence of coupling could be explained in terms of 1) too short a duration of disuse and 2) muscle-specific response to disuse. Fischer 344 rats were exposed to either no treatment (control) or to 2- or 8-wk TTX applications. Fiber size, capillary density per fiber cross-sectional area, and capillary-to-fiber (C/F) ratio were determined by morphometry in the EDL muscle (control, 2- and 8-wk groups) and in the superficial portion of medial gastrocnemius (Gas) muscle (control, 2 wk). In both muscles, microvascular blood flow was evaluated by intravital microscopy [red blood cell velocity in capillaries (V(RBC))] and by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Regardless of duration of TTX application or muscle type, TTX-induced disuse resulted in a significant reduction of fiber area (44-71%). However, capillary density increased in EDL muscle (both at 2 and 8 wk) but not in Gas muscle. C/F ratio decreased in EDL muscle at 8 wk (18%) and in Gas muscle (39%). This indicates that the effect on capillarity depended on duration of disuse and on muscle type. V(RBC) and LDF signal were significantly larger in EDL than in Gas muscle. Analysis of change in capillarity vs. V(RBC) suggested that the outcome of disuse may be modulated by blood flow. We conclude that the duration of skeletal muscle disuse per se does not dictate capillary loss, and we hypothesize that discrepant findings of coupling between functional demand and capillarity could be due to the presence/absence of flow-related angiogenesis superimposed on the capillary removal process during disuse.  相似文献   

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