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Tensile experiments and SEM fractography on bovine subchondral bone   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Subchondral bone undecalcified samples, extracted from bovine femoral heads, are subjected to a direct tensile load. The Young's modulus of each sample is determined from repeated tests within the elastic limit. In a last test, the tensile load is increased up to the specimen failure, determining the ultimate tensile strength. The investigation is performed on both dry and wet specimens. The measured Young's modulus for dry samples is 10.3+/-2.5GPa, while that of wet samples is 3.5+/-1.2GPa. The ultimate tensile strengths are 36+/-10 and 30+/-7.5MPa for dry and wet specimens, respectively. SEM micrographs of failure surfaces show characteristic lamellar bone structures, with lamellae composed of calcified collagen fibers. Rudimentary osteon-like structures are also observed. Failure surfaces of wet samples show a marked fiber pull-out, while delamination predominates in dry samples. The obtained results are interpreted on the basis of the deformation mechanisms typical of fiber-reinforced laminated composite materials.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric separation was performed on the normal human bone marrow (BM) by using the low-angle (0 degrees) or high-angle (90 degrees) light scatter. Four distinct subpopulations of cells can be enriched from normal human BM and these fractions were subsequently evaluated for their morphological properties as well as their clonogenic capacity in various progenitor cell assays. Our results indicate that human erythroid and granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells can be separated from BM low-density cells by cell sorting, and these cells show similar 0 degrees and 90 degrees light scatter properties to those observed with murine bone marrow studies. Flow cytometric analysis also suggests that the majority of sorted BFU-E and CFU-GM resides in the blast cell subset of human BM mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

6种松科植物叶表皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
邵邻相  张凤娟 《植物研究》2005,25(3):281-285
应用扫描电子显微镜,观察了松科(Pinaceae)3个属6种植物叶表皮特征。金钱松气孔带位下表面,气孔区与非气孔区表皮细胞形态差异很大,气孔细缝状;雪松针叶四面都具气孔线,气孔下陷,孔口光滑,针叶表面具较厚的角质层,表皮细胞形状观察不清;五针松针叶仅两腹面有气孔线,气孔有隆起的圆环围绕,表面角质层呈条纹状排列,形成一种沟槽;黑松、湿地松、马尾松针叶腹背面都有气孔线,气孔呈蜂窝状排列成行,气孔下陷,孔口角质化强烈。结果表明松科3个属植物叶表皮的形态结构及气孔器差异显著,一定程度上证实了3属是自然的分类群。  相似文献   

香茶菜属3种植物花粉形态的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
应用扫描电子显微镜对香茶菜(Isodon amethystoides)、大萼香茶菜(I. macrocalyx)、显脉香茶菜(I. nervosa)8个居群的花粉进行了形态观察.结果表明,不同居群的香茶菜的花粉在形态上具有一定共同特性 ,但在外壁纹饰、大小、穴的形状上存在差异.香茶菜属不同种在花粉形态、大小、外壁纹饰、穴分布情况存在较明显的差异.这些花粉表面微观形态的差异可为品种鉴定提供依据.  相似文献   

Variations in the mode of preparation, type of fixation and leukocyte collection can plan an important part in the determination of the surface structure of a given population, and can result in modifications of the microprojections, and their number, evident on the cell surface. We present preparatory modes that circumvent these difficulties, and the results obtained clearly show that the techniques are profitable, appear essential for the preservation of cell population and integrity, and allow accurate scanning electron microscopy observations without resort to time consuming procedures. Indeed, the entire process can be completed in one day.  相似文献   

We developed a method involving air-drying of a rubber suspension after fixation in glutaraldehyde-tannic acid and postfixation in osmium tetroxide for SEM observation. For TEM immunolabeling the suspension was air-dried after osmium-only fixation. Whereas conventional methods failed to satisfactorily stabilize rubber particles, the methods described here proved successful in preserving their integrity.  相似文献   

Seed morphology was studied in 15 species of four subgenera ofJuncus occurring in Kansas, to determine if seeds provide traits useful in assessing systematic relations within the genus. In this study seed size and shape were of limited value, while surface ornamentation of the hard inner seed coat provided encouraging results. SubgenusPoiophylli showed little variation in surface ornamentation among taxa; similar ornamentation was observed in subgenusGenuini. SubgeneraGraminifolii andSeptati were separately distinct with the taxa in theSeptati forming a continuum of variation.  相似文献   

  1. While the effects of irradiance on coral productivity are well known, corals along a shallow to mesophotic depth gradient (10–100 m) experience incident irradiances determined by the optical properties of the water column, coral morphology, and reef topography.
  2. Modeling of productivity (i.e., carbon fixation) using empirical data shows that hemispherical colonies photosynthetically fix significantly greater amounts of carbon across all depths, and throughout the day, compared with plating and branching morphologies. In addition, topography (i.e., substrate angle) further influences the rate of productivity of corals but does not change the hierarchy of coral morphologies relative to productivity.
  3. The differences in primary productivity for different coral morphologies are not, however, entirely consistent with the known ecological distributions of these coral morphotypes in the mesophotic zone as plating corals often become the dominant morphotype with increasing depth.
  4. Other colony‐specific features such as skeletal scattering of light, Symbiodiniaceae species, package effect, or tissue thickness contribute to the variability in the ecological distributions of morphotypes over the depth gradient and are captured in the metric known as the minimum quantum requirements.
  5. Coral morphology is a strong proximate cause for the observed differences in productivity, with secondary effects of reef topography on incident irradiances, and subsequently the community structure of mesophotic corals.

本文对不同培养条件下稻曲病菌菌落及稻曲球的微结构进行了扫描电镜比较研究。在PS培养液里进行液体培养时,稻曲病菌很少产生分生孢子和厚垣孢子,只有培养后期漂浮在培养液表面的菌落可以产生大量的厚垣孢子。病原菌在进行PSA固体培养时,大部分菌株在培养后期产生大量的成堆分布的厚垣孢子,少部分菌株在菌落上产生散生的厚垣孢子。说明暴露于空气有助于稻曲病菌产生厚垣孢子。在煮熟的带壳谷粒上稻曲病菌的生长明显比在去壳上的要慢得多。微结构分析表明,稻曲球表面是一层密集的厚垣孢子,菌丝与稻粒的胚乳层界限分明,大部分稻曲球中部有大块的发育良好的胚乳,并充满密集的淀粉粒。说明稻曲病菌可能在开花灌浆后开始侵染,而且至少后期是腐生的。  相似文献   

稻曲球及稻曲病菌菌落微结构的SEM观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对不同培养条件下稻曲病菌菌落及稻曲球的微结构进行了扫描电镜比较研究。在PS培养液里进行液体培养时,稻曲病菌很少产生分生孢子和厚垣孢子,只有培养后期漂浮在培养液表面的菌落可以产生大量的厚垣孢子。病原菌在进行PSA固体培养时,大部分菌株在培养后期产生大量的成堆分布的厚垣孢子,少部分菌株在菌落上产生散生的厚垣孢子。说明暴露于空气有助于稻曲病菌产生厚垣孢子。在煮熟的带壳谷粒上稻曲病菌的生长明显比在去壳上的要慢得多。微结构分析表明,稻曲球表面是一层密集的厚垣孢子,菌丝与稻粒的胚乳层界限分明,大部分稻曲球中部有大块的发育良好的胚乳,并充满密集的淀粉粒。说明稻曲病菌可能在开花灌浆后开始侵染,而且至少后期是腐生的。  相似文献   

Direct observation of molecular motility by light microscopy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We used video-fluorescence microscopy to directly observe the sliding movement of single fluorescently labeled actin filaments along myosin fixed on a glass surface. Single actin filaments labeled with phalloidin-tetramethyl-rhodamine, which stabilizes the filament structure of actin, could be seen very clearly and continuously for at least 60 min in 02-free solution, and the sensitivity was high enough to see very short actin filaments less than 40 nm long that contained less than eight dye molecules. The actin filaments were observed to move along double-headed and, similarly, single-headed myosin filaments on which the density of the heads varied widely in the presence of ATP, showing that the cooperative interaction between the two heads of the myosin molecule is not essential to produce the sliding movement. The velocity of actin filament independent of filament length (greater than 1 micron) was almost unchanged until the density of myosin heads along the thick filament was decreased from six heads/14.3 nm to 1 head/34 nm. This result suggests that five to ten heads are sufficient to support the maximum sliding velocity of actin filaments (5 micron/s) under unloaded conditions. In order for five to ten myosin heads to achieve the observed maximum velocity, the sliding distance of actin filaments during one ATP cycle must be more than 60 nm.  相似文献   

四种补血草属植物叶片泌盐结构的扫描电镜观察   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
周玲玲  刘萍  陆嘉惠 《植物研究》2006,26(6):667-671
利用扫描电镜技术,对4种补血草属植物大叶补血草(Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) Kuntze)、耳叶补血草(Limoniu otolepis (Schrenk) Kuntze)、繁枝补血草(Limonium myrianthum (Schrenk) Kuntze)和簇枝补血草(Limonium auream)的叶表面进行了研究,以探讨植物微形态结构与生态环境的关系。结果表明,这4种植物的上下表皮都分布有盐腺,且上表皮的盐腺密度大于下表皮,盐腺的基本结构相同,多由20个细胞构成,其中4个分泌细胞顶端的角质层中央有一小孔,植物体靠盐腺的泌盐孔泌盐。但4种植物在盐腺的密度、盐腺的大小、盐腺与周围表皮细胞的位置等方面存在差异。植物在对盐碱生境的长期适应过程中,促使其强烈地分化出泌盐结构,因而,具有明显的生态适应性。  相似文献   

The NaOH sonication digestion technique permits rapid isolation and exposure of intact networks of elastic fibers in vascular tissue for 3-dimensional observation with the SEM. The configuration of the network of elastic fibers within the vascular wall of large elastic arteries (aorta) is generally agreed to be a flexible framework through which smooth muscle cells and collagenous fibers are interwoven. However, the configuration of elastic fiber networks in muscular arteries, medium sized veins and smaller vessels remains unknown. When the lengthy standard biochemical elastin purification techniques were applied to vessels containing lesser amounts of elastic tissue and finer elastic fibers, the vessels were completely digested. In contrast, the digestion and sonication technique isolated and exposed intact networks of delicate elastic fibers in blood vessels which do not contain large amounts of elastic tissue. Unfixed vessels were cut into short segments, placed in 0.5 N NaOH and sonicated for 20-40 min. The specimens were rinsed in deionized distilled H2O, then autoclaved for 30 min. The tissue was rinsed a second time, fixed and processed routinely for SEM. Elastic stains and enzymatic digestion with chromatographically purified elastase and collagenase confirmed that the digestion and sonication technique produced clean, isolated networks of elastic fibers. Knowledge of the configuration of the networks of elastic fibers in different vessels enhances understanding of distensibility characteristics of individual vessels and serves as a baseline for studying alterations in the elastic framework which occur during aging and disease processes such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and aneurysms.  相似文献   

It remains controversial whether the thymus-colonizing progenitors are committed to the T cell lineage. A major problem that has impeded the characterization of thymic immigrants has been that the earliest intrathymic progenitors thus far identified do not necessarily represent the genuine thymic immigrants, because their developmental potential should have been influenced by contact with the thymic microenvironment. In the present study, we examined the developmental potential of the ontogenically earliest thymic progenitors of day 11 murine fetus. These cells reside in the surrounding mesenchymal region and have not encountered thymic epithelial components. Flow cytometric and immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated that these cells are exclusively Lin(-)c-kit(+)IL-7R(+). Limiting dilution analyses disclosed that the progenitors with T cell potential were abundant, while those with B cell potential were virtually absent in the region of day 11 thymic anlage. Clonal analyses reveled that they are restricted to T, NK, and dendritic cell lineages. Each progenitor was capable of forming a large number of precursors that may clonally accommodate highly diverse TCRbeta chains. These results provide direct evidence that the progenitors restricted to the T/NK/dendritic cell lineage selectively immigrate into the thymus.  相似文献   

In the past, ultrastructural studies on chromosome morphology have been carried out using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy of whole mounted or sectioned samples. Until now, however, it has not been possible to use all of these techniques on the same specimen. In this paper we describe a specimen preparation method that allows one to study the same chromosomes by transmission, scanning-transmission and scanning electron microscopy, as well as by standard light microscopy and confocal microscopy. Chromosome plates are obtained on a carbon coated glass slide. The carbon film carrying the chromosomes is then transferred to electron microscopy grids, subjected to various treatments and observed. The results show a consistent morphological correspondence between the different methods. This method could be very useful and important because it makes possible a direct comparison between the various techniques used in chromosome studies such as banding, in situ hybridization, fluorescent probe localization, ultrastructural analysis, and colloidal gold cytochemical reactionsAbbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscope - EM electron microscopy - kV kilovolt(s) - LM light microscope - SEM scanning electron microscope - STEM scanning-transmission electron microscope - TEM transmission electron microscope  相似文献   

An elderly male skeleton from medieval Canterbury displayed evidence of DISH and metastatic carcinoma. The dry bone findings, SEM, and radiography suggest a primary focus in the prostate. A review of the palaeopathological literature has shown that such a finding is extremely rare in archaeological remains. This is the first reported case of prostatic carcinoma from medieval England.  相似文献   

The lignin distribution in cell walls of spruce and beech wood was determined by high-voltage transmission-electron-microscopy (TEM) in sections stained with potassium permanganate as well as by field-emission-scanning-electron-microscopy (FE-SEM) combined with a back-scattered electron detector on mercurized specimens. The latter is a new technique based on the mercurization of lignin and the concomitant visualization of mercury by back-scattered electron microscopy (BSE). Due to this combination it was possible to obtain a visualized overview of the lignin distribution across the different layers of the cell wall. To our knowledge, this combined method was used the first time to analyse the lignin distribution in cell walls. In agreement with previous work the highest lignin levels were found in the compound middle lamella and the cell corners. Back-scattered FE-SEM allows the lignin distribution in the pit membrane of bordered pits as well as in the various cell wall layers to be shown. In addition, by using TEM as well as SEM we observed that lignin closely follows the cellulose microfibril orientation in the secondary cell wall. From these observations, we conclude that the polymerisation of monolignols is affected by the arrangement of the polysaccharides which constitute the cell wall.  相似文献   

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