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刘萍  苏晓庆 《微生物学报》2007,26(3):440-447
为了解灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉Pythium guiyangense对大鼠是否有长期毒性作用。将大鼠120只随机分4组,经饮水口服贵阳腐霉菌丝体。菌丝剂量分别为200mg/kg、100mg/kg、50mg/kg,对照组饮自来水。分别于试验期的90d和180d各组取鼠总数的1/3处死进行检查,剩余1/3大鼠待停用菌丝体悬液2周后处死。观察大鼠一般情况、血常规、肝肾功能等各项生化和组织学指标。结果表明各组大鼠均发育正常,精神食欲好,体重增加;血液学、生化指标变化无明显的剂量-效应关系;内脏系数无异常;对重要脏器的解剖学及组织学检查未见明显异常。本研究结果证明灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉对大鼠是安全的,从而为其在防治蚊虫的推广应用中的安全性提供了重要的毒理学依据。  相似文献   

刘萍  苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2007,26(3):440-447
为了解灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉Pythium guiyangense对大鼠是否有长期毒性作用。将大鼠120只随机分4组,经饮水口服贵阳腐霉菌丝体。菌丝剂量分别为200mg/kg、100mg/kg、50mg/kg,对照组饮自来水。分别于试验期的90d和180d各组取鼠总数的1/3处死进行检查,剩余1/3大鼠待停用菌丝体悬液2周后处死。观察大鼠一般情况、血常规、肝肾功能等各项生化和组织学指标。结果表明各组大鼠均发育正常,精神食欲好,体重增加;血液学、生化指标变化无明显的剂量-效应关系;内脏系数无异常;对重要脏器的解剖学及组织学检查未见明显异常。本研究结果证明灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉对大鼠是安全的,从而为其在防治蚊虫的推广应用中的安全性提供了重要的毒理学依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether Pythium guiyangense, a mosquito-killing fungus isolated in Guiyang, Guizhou Province of China in 1994, is pathogenic to plants. Six common crops, Cucumis sativa, Lycopersicon esculentum, Capsicum annuum, Nicotiana tabacum, Brassica campestris and Oryza sativa were used as subjects for test. Zoospores of the fungus were used to infect the plants with soil inoculation method, caudex injection method and foliage spray method. Both positive control (using P. aphanidermatum) and negative control (using sterile water) were set up in all the experiments. The results showed that no infection was found on the tested plants in soil inoculation experiments. In caudex injection test, callus grew around the wounded tissue in most of the plants. Brownish rottenness could be found only in the injected wounds in a few plants, probably caused by saprophytic bacteria or other fungi, and the germ-carrying plants grew normally. No abnormal appearance was found on the six crops in foliage spray test. It was demonstrated that P. guiyangense could hardly infect plants in nature, and was a safe and promising agent for mosquito biological control.  相似文献   

苏晓庆  黄江海  夏嫱 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):244-248
贵阳腐霉是很有应用前景的灭蚊真菌.其无性繁殖的游动孢子是其侵犯蚊虫体壁的生理阶段.观察了孢子囊形成的时间及影响因素,并观察了游动孢子形成的动态过程.研究结果为其在灭蚊的实际应用提供了有价值的参考资料.  相似文献   

赵竟男  苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2008,27(4):594-600
Pythium guiyangense is a mosquito pathogen, and has been proved to be a promising agent for biological control of mosquitoes. In order to develop the strains adaptable to different ecological environment having stable virulence to mosquito larvae, and being able to prolong the shelf life, an effort was made on transforming the fungus by using homologous or heterologous virulence genes. In this paper, a genetic transformation experiment of P. guiyangense mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens is reported. As a result, an A. tumefaciens mediated genetic transformation system was established successfully.  相似文献   

夏嫱  胡慧  黄江海  苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):249-254
研究不同浓度NaCl溶液对贵阳腐霉菌丝生长、产孢能力及灭蚊能力的影响,探讨贵阳腐霉对NaCl溶液的耐受性,为其在含盐水体中控制蚊虫种群的应用提供理论依据。结果表明:低浓度NaCl溶液可以促进贵阳腐霉菌丝生长及孢子囊形成,高浓度NaCl溶液则抑制菌丝生长及孢子囊形成。于0.01%浓度NaCl溶液中培养24h菌丝生长速度最快,产孢子囊数量最多,与对照相比差异显著。随着NaCl浓度升高,菌丝及孢子囊形成均受影响。菌丝生长速度降低,孢子囊形成数量减少。在0.75% NaCl溶液中贵阳腐霉的菌丝生长严重受抑制,且产孢子囊能力为零。灭蚊实验表明,0.01% NaCl溶液中贵阳腐霉的灭蚊能力在72–96h时均比蒸馏水对照组强,但二者未有显著差异,120h蒸馏水对照组灭蚊能力均明显高于各浓度NaCl溶液处理组;蚊虫总感染率蒸馏水对照组均显著高于NaCl溶液处理组。  相似文献   

为了开发灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉Pythium guiyangense用于蚊虫防治,对贵阳腐霉生物学特性进行了研究。采用菌丝生长率、真菌产孢情况以及对致倦库蚊Culex quinquefaciatus1龄幼虫的毒力作为评价的指标。测试了7种人工培养基、7种单糖、7种氮源、真菌生长所需的pH范围和温度范围、以及4种光-暗比的光照程序对真菌的影响。结果证明该真菌生长的适合温度为5℃~35℃,最佳温度为25℃~30℃;适合pH范围是5~12;在pH 9~11范围内菌丝和游动孢子生长最好;测试的人工培养基中,按照菌丝生长速度从高到低排列,依次为Czapek’SFE、PYG、KPYG2、SDAY、CMA和PDA。其中从真菌的游动孢子形成量和对蚊幼虫的毒力来看,最佳培养基为SFE;葡萄糖、果糖、乳糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、甘露糖和可溶性淀粉都是本真菌的合适碳氢营养源;含有机氮的培养基比含无机氮的培养基好;不同的光照程序没有表现明显的影响,但是观察到紫外光对本真菌有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

蚊幼虫病原真菌贵阳腐霉的生物学研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
黄盛文  苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2007,26(3):380-388
为了开发灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉Pythiumguiyangense用于蚊虫防治,对贵阳腐霉生物学特性进行了研究。采用菌丝生长率、真菌产孢情况以及对致倦库蚊Culexquinquefaciatus1龄幼虫的毒力作为评价的指标。测试了7种人工培养基、7种单糖、7种氮源、真菌生长所需的pH范围和温度范围、以及4种光-暗比的光照程序对真菌的影响。结果证明该真菌生长的适合温度为5℃~35℃,最佳温度为25℃~30℃;适合pH范围是5~12;在pH9~11范围内菌丝和游动孢子生长最好;测试的人工培养基中,按照菌丝生长速度从高到低排列,依次为Czapek’SFE、PYG、KPYG2、SDAY、CMA和PDA。其中从真菌的游动孢子形成量和对蚊幼虫的毒力来看,最佳培养基为SFE;葡萄糖、果糖、乳糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、甘露糖和可溶性淀粉都是本真菌的合适碳氢营养源;含有机氮的培养基比含无机氮的培养基好;不同的光照程序没有表现明显的影响,但是观察到紫外光对本真菌有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

张传博  苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2008,27(4):567-573
The aim of this study is to investigate whether Pythium guiyangense,a mosquito-killing fungus isolated in Guiyang,Guizhou Province of China in 1994,is pathogenic to plants.Six common crops,Cucumis sativa,Lycopersicon esculentum,Capsicum annuum,Nicotiana tabacum,Brassica campestris and Oryza sativa were used as subjects for test.Zoospores of the fungus were used to infect the plants with soil inoculation method,caudex injection method and foliage spray method.Both positive control(using P.aphanidermatum)and negative control(using sterile water)were set up in all the experiments.The results showed that no infection was found on the tested plants in soil inoculation experiments.In caudex injection test,callus grew around the wounded tissue in most of the plants.Brownish rottenness could be found only in the injected wounds in a few plants,probably caused by saprophytic bacteria or other fungi,and the germ-carrying plants grew normally.No abnormal appearance was found on the six crops in foliage spray test.It was demonstrated that P guiyangense could hardly infect plants in nature,and was a safe and promising agent for mosquito biological control.  相似文献   

本文报道迄今为止在我国云南省发现的腐霉属真菌19个种,其中1个新种,3个中国新记录,5个云南新记录。新种为下雄腐霉Pythium hypoandrum Yu & Y.L.Wang sp.nov.; 云南新记录为:旋柄腐霉P.helicoides、长井腐霉P.nagaii、周雄腐霉P.periilum、喙腐霉P.rostratum和钟器腐霉P.vexans,前3者还是中国新记录。有分种检索表,对其中12个种进行了描述并附形态图。  相似文献   

分离自蚊幼虫的腐霉一新种及其rDNA的ITS区段分析   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2006,25(4):523-528
在一次室外蚊虫生物防治实验中,从被病菌感染的蚊幼虫体中分离到一株卵菌。根据其形态特征及其rDNA的ITS区段的碱基系列,鉴定为腐霉属一新种,命名为贵阳腐霉Pythiumguiyangense。对新种作了拉丁文描述。对新种与其近似种卡地腐霉P.carolinianum、奇雄腐霉P.middletonii和多卵腐霉P.multisporum的区别进行了讨论。模式标本(干培养物)保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS),活培养物保存在贵阳医学院。  相似文献   

Interactions of Pythium oligandrum and four plant‐pathogenic Pythium spp. (P. ultimum, P. vexans, P. graminicola and P. aphanidermatum,) were studied in vitro by (i) video microscopy of hyphal interactions on water agar films, (ii) counting of host and mycoparasite propagules in different regions of opposing colonies on sunflower‐seed extract agar films and (Hi) ability of P. oligandrum to overgrow plates of potato‐dextrose agar previously colonized by Pythium spp. Pythium oligandrum typically coiled round the hyphae of Pythium hosts and penetrated the host hyphae after approximately 50 min from the hyphal coils, causing disruption of host hyphal tips up to 1.2 mm ahead of contact points. The relative growth rates of mycoparasite and host hyphae, timing of penetration and distance (sub‐apical) at which penetration led to host tip disruption were used to assess the potential of mycoparasitism by P. oligandrum to prevent the growth of Pythium hosts. P. aphanidermatum was unique among the ‘host’ Pythium spp. in being largely unaffected by P. oligandrum and in antagonizing the mycoparasite by coiling and penetrating the mycoparasite hyphae. Other host Pythium spp. apparently differed in susceptibility, the most susceptible being P. vexans and P. ultimum, whereas P. graminicola was more resistant. The results are discussed in relation to the role of P. oligandrum as a biocontrol agent, especially for limiting the ability of other Pythium spp. to increase their propagule populations in crop residues.  相似文献   

The fungus gnat (Bradysia impatiens) was examined for its ability to transmit Pythium aphanidermatum to cucumber plants. Larvae that had ingested oospores and mycelium, and then fed on the roots of young cucumber plants growing in rockwool readily introduced the fungus to them. Trans-stadial transmission of oospores from the larval to the adult stage of B. impatiens was demonstrated, although decreasing to a very low level (1.67%) in adults. However, external transmission of P. aphanidermatum on the surface of adults could not be shown. These results suggest that the larval stages of fungus gnats play a role in the dissemination of the fungus between cucumber plants but that adults probably play only a minor role.  相似文献   

Mycelium, oospores and zoospore cysts of Pythium spp. were fed to larvae of the fungus gnat Bradysia impatiens. The fungal structures were all ingested and provided a complete nutritional source for the insect's development from egg to adult. Mycelium seemed the major source of food as only empty fragments were found either in the digestive tract or in larval faeces. Oospores appeared intact and were viable both during passage through the tract and when expelled. Germination of oospores was normal. Most encysted zoospores also survived passage through the gut, although some appeared damaged. After transferring recently-fed larvae to a new food source, oospores were still detected in the digestive tract 48 h later. These results show that the larval stage of B. impatiens may serve as an important vector for Pythium spp.  相似文献   

玉米对青枯病抗性遗传规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者在玉米对青枯病抗性鉴定的基础上,选用6个抗性不同的自交系,按完全双列杂交设计,进行了玉米对肿囊腐霉菌(Pythium inflatum Matthews )青枯病的抗性遗传研究。首次证明:玉米对肿囊腐霉菌青枯病的遗传方式因自交系而异, 有的自交系具数量性状遗传特点,有的则具质量性状遗传特点。属数量性状遗传的自交系,其抗性主要是受加性基因控制。 Abstract:Based on the identification of resistance,six inbreds with defferent degrees of resistance were used in the inheritance experiment dexigned by a complete diallel cross.Genetic study on maize resistance to Pythium inflatum Matthews was carried out.The results showed for the first time that different maize inbreds may have different genetic patterns in resistance to Pythium inflatum Matthews.Some inbreds showed characteristics of quantitative inheritance,while some inbreds showed characteristics of qualitative inheritance.Resistance based on quantitative inheritance was mainly controlled by additive genes.  相似文献   

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