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We characterized the uptake of carnitine in brush-border membrane (BBM) and basolateral membrane (BLM) vesicles, isolated from mouse kidney and intestine. In kidney, carnitine uptake was Na(+)-dependent, showed a definite overshoot and was saturable for both membranes, but for intestine, it was Na(+)-dependent only in BLM. The uptake was temperature-dependent in BLM of both kidney and intestine. The BBM transporter in kidney had a high affinity for carnitine: apparent K(m)=18.7 microM; V(max)=7.85 pmol/mg protein/s. In kidney BLM, similar characteristics were obtained: apparent K(m)=11.5 microM and V(max)=3.76 pmol/mg protein/s. The carnitine uptake by both membranes was not affected within the physiological pH 6.5-8.5. Tetraethylammonium, verapamil, valproate and pyrilamine significantly inhibited the carnitine uptake by BBM but not by BLM. By Western blot analysis, the OCTN2 (a Na(+)-dependent high-affinity carnitine transporter) was localized in the kidney BBM, and not in BLM. Strong OCTN2 expression was observed in kidney and skeletal muscle, with no expression in intestine in accordance with our functional study. We conclude that different polarized carnitine transporters exist in kidney BBM and BLM. L-Carnitine uptake by mouse renal BBM vesicles involves a carrier-mediated system that is Na(+)-dependent and is inhibited significantly by specific drugs. The BBM transporter is likely to be OCTN2 as indicated by a strong reactivity with the anti-OCTN2 polyclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Characteristics of succinate transport were determined in basolateral and brush-border membrane vesicles (BLMV and BBMV, respectively) isolated in parallel from rabbit renal cortex. The uptake of succinate was markedly stimulated by the imposition of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient, showing an "overshoot" phenomenon in both membrane preparations. The stimulation of succinate uptake by an inwardly directed Na+ gradient was not significantly affected by pH clamp or inhibition of Na(+)-H+ exchange. The Na(+)-dependent and -independent succinate uptakes were not stimulated by an outwardly directed pH gradient. The Na dependence of succinate uptake exhibited sigmoidal kinetics, with Hill coefficients of 2.17 and 2.38 in BLMV and BBMV, respectively. The Na(+)-dependent succinate uptake by BLMV and BBMV was stimulated by a valinomycin-induced inside-negative potential. The Na(+)-dependent succinate uptake by BLMV and BBMV followed a simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with an apparent Km of 22.20 +/- 4.08 and 71.52 +/- 0.14 microM and a Vmax of 39.0 +/- 3.72 and 70.20 +/- 0.96 nmol/(mg.min), respectively. The substrate specificity and the inhibitor sensitivity of the succinate transport system appeared to be very similar in both membranes. These results indicate that both the renal brush-border and basolateral membranes possess the Na(+)-dependent dicarboxylate transport system with very similar properties but with different substrate affinity and transport capacity.  相似文献   

Biotin transport was studied using brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles isolated from rabbit kidney cortex. An inwardly directed Na+ gradient stimulated biotin uptake into brush-border membrane vesicles and a transient accumulation of the anion against its concentration gradient was observed. In contrast, uptake of biotin by basolateral membrane vesicles was found to be Na+-gradient insensitive. Generation of a negative intravesicular potential by valinomycin-induced K+ diffusion potentials or by the presence of Na+ salts of anions of different permeabilities enhanced biotin uptake by brush-border membrane vesicles, suggesting an electrogenic mechanism. The Na+ gradient-dependent uptake of biotin into brush-border membrane vesicles was saturable with an apparent Km of 28 microM. The Na+-dependent uptake of tracer biotin was significantly inhibited by 50 microM biotin, and thioctic acid but not by 50 microM L-lactate, D-glucose, or succinate. Finally, the existence in both types of membrane vesicles of a H+/biotin- cotransport system could not be demonstrated. These results are consistent with a model for biotin reabsorption in which the Na+/biotin- cotransporter in luminal membranes provides the driving force for uphill transport of this vitamin.  相似文献   

Sugar uptake by intestinal basolateral membrane vesicles   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A high yield of membrane vesicles was prepared from the basolateral surface of rat intestinal cells using an N2 cavitation bomb and density gradient centrifugation. The membranes were enriched 10-fold and were free of significatn contamination by brush border membranes and mitochondria. The rate of D-E114C]glucose and L-E13H]glucose uptake into the vesicle was measured using a rapid filtration technique. D-Glucose equilibrated within the vesicles with a half-time 1/25th that for L-glucose. The stereospecific uptake exhibited saturation kinetics with a Km of approx. 44 mM and a V of approx. 110 nmol . mg-1 min-1 at 10 degrees C. The activation energy for the process was 14 kcal . mol-1 below 15 degrees C and it approached 3 kcal . mol-1 above 22 degrees C. Carrier-mediated uptake was eliminated in the presence of 1 mM HgCl2 and 0.5 mM phloretin. The rate of transport was unaffected by the absence or presence of sodium concentration gradients. Competition studies demonstrated that all sugars with the D-glucose pyranose ring chair conformation shared the transport system, and that, with the possible exception of the -OH group at carbon No. 1, there were no specific requirements for an equatorial -OH group at any position in the pyranose ring. In the case of alpha-methyl-D-glucoside its inability to share the D-glucose transport system may be due to steric hindrance posed by the -OCH3 group rather than by a specific requirement for a free hydroxyl group at the position in the ring. It is concluded that sugars are transported across the basolateral membrane of the intestinal epithelium by a facilitated diffusion system reminiscent of that in human red blood cells.  相似文献   

The uptake of spermine by isolated rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles was studied. Uptake was biphasic, with an initial rapid uptake followed by a prolonged slower phase. Spermine uptake was not affected by a Na+ electrochemical gradient. The equilibrium uptake of spermine was considerably dependent upon the medium pH. At pH 7.5 the degree of uptake was higher than that at pH 6.5 and was inversely proportional to the extravesicular osmolarity with a relatively high binding, which was estimated by extraporation to infinite extravesicular osmolarity (zero intravesicular space), while the uptake at pH 6.5 was not altered under the various medium osmolarities. A kinetic analysis of the initial uptake rate of spermine at 37 degrees C gave a Km of 24.2 microM and Vmax of 206.1 pmol/mg protein per min. Furthermore, the uptake at 4 degrees C was nonlinear, providing evidence for saturability. These findings suggest that spermine was associated with intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles in two ways, by binding to the outside and inside of membrane vesicles. The interaction of spermine and the apical membrane can be a contributory factor in the accumulation of this polyamine in the intestine of the intact animal.  相似文献   

Biotin transport in rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transport of biotin across rat intestinal brush-border membrane was examined using the brush-border membrane vesicle (BBMV) technique. Uptake of biotin by BBMV is the result of transport of the substrate into the intravesicular space with negligible binding to membrane surfaces. In the presence of a Na+ gradient (out greater than in), transport of biotin was higher with a transient 'overshoot' phenomenon. In comparison, transport of biotin in the presence of a choline gradient (out greater than in) was lower with no 'overshoot' phenomenon. In both jejunal and ileal BBMV, the transport of biotin as a function of concentration was saturable in the presence of a Na+ gradient (out greater than in) but was linear in the presence of a choline gradient (out greater than in). Vmax of the Na+-dependent transport system was 0.88 and 0.37 pmol/mg protein per s and apparent Kt was 7.57 and 7.85 microM in jejunal and ileal BBMV, respectively. Structural analogues inhibited the transport process of biotin. Unlike the electrogenic transport of D-glucose, the transport of the anionic biotin was not affected by imposing a relatively positive intravesicular potential with the use of valinomycin and an inwardly-directed K+ gradient, suggesting that biotin transport is most probably an electroneutral process. This suggestion was further supported by studies on biotin transport in the presence of anions of different lipid permeability. The results of this study demonstrate that biotin transport across rat intestinal brush-border membrane is by a carrier-mediated, Na+-dependent and electroneutral process. Furthermore, transport of biotin is higher in the jejunum than the ileum.  相似文献   

Vesicles of brush-border and basolateral plasma membrane were prepared from enterocytes of the rat small intestine. The separateness of these two varieties of plasma membrane was confirmed by appropriate enzyme assays. The uptake of Fe2+ by these membrane vesicles was studied, and the results suggest differences between the two types of membrane in both the amount of Fe2+ taken up and in the rate of uptake. At low (up to 3 micrometer) concentrations of Fe2+, uptake by both membrane types showed evidence of saturation and could be blocked with the thiol inactivator N-ethylmaleimide. The studies suggest that Fe2+ is taken into an osmotically active space by a process of facilitated diffusion at low concentrations, but that at higher concentrations the process appeared to obey first-order kinetics. The data provide further evidence for the existence of functional polarity in the epithelial cell of the small intestine.  相似文献   

The characteristics of carnosine (β-alanyl-l-histidine) transport have been studied using purified brush-border membrane vesicles from mouse small intestine. Uptake curves did not exhibit any overshoot phenomena, and were similar under Na+, K+ or choline+ gradient conditions (extravesicular > intravesicular). However, uptake of histidine showed an overshoot phenomenon in the presence of a Na+-gradient. There was no detectable hydrolysis of carnosine during 15 min of incubation with membrane vesicles under conditions used for transport experiments. Analysis of intravesicular contents further showed the complete absence of the constituent free amino acids of carnosine, and indicates that intact carnosine is transported. Studies on the effect of concentration on peptide uptake revealed that transport occurred by a saturable process conforming to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km of 9.6 ± 1.4 mM and a Vmax of 2.9 ± 0.2 nmol / mg protein per 0.4 min. Uptake of carnosine was inhibited by both di- and tripeptides with a maximum inhibition of 68% by glycyl-l-leucyltyrosine. These results clearly demonstrate that carnosine is transported intact by a carrier-mediated, Na+-independent process.  相似文献   

Transport of carnosine by mouse intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) transport have been studied using purified brush-border membrane vesicles from mouse small intestine. Uptake curves did not exhibit any overshoot phenomena, and were similar under Na+, K+ or choline+ gradient conditions (extravesicular greater than intravesicular). However, uptake of histidine showed an overshoot phenomenon in the presence of a Na+-gradient. There was no detectable hydrolysis of carnosine during 15 min of incubation with membrane vesicles under conditions used for transport experiments. Analysis of intravesicular contents further showed the complete absence of the constituent free amino acids of carnosine, and indicates that intact carnosine is transported. Studies on the effect of concentration on peptide uptake revealed that transport occurred by a saturable process conforming to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km of 9.6 +/- 1.4 mM and a Vmax of 2.9 +/- 0.2 nmol/mg protein per 0.4 min. Uptake of carnosine was inhibited by both di- and tripeptides with a maximum inhibition of 68% by glycyl-L-leucyltyrosine. These results clearly demonstrate that carnosine is transported intact by a carrier-mediated, Na+-independent process.  相似文献   

Transport of [3H]tetraethylammonium, an organic cation, has been studied in brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex. Some characteristics of carrier-mediated transport for tetraethylammonium were demonstrated in brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles; the uptake was saturable, was stimulated by the countertransport effect, and showed discontinuity in an Arrhenius plot. In brush-border membrane vesicles, the presence of an H+ gradient ( [H+]i greater than [H+]o) induced a marked stimulation of tetraethylammonium uptake against its concentration gradient (overshoot phenomenon), and this concentrative uptake was completely inhibited by HgCl2. In contrast, the uptake of tetraethylammonium by basolateral membrane vesicles was unaffected by an H+ gradient. Tetraethylammonium uptake by basolateral membrane vesicles was significantly stimulated by a valinomycin-induced inside-negative membrane potential, while no effect of membrane potential was observed in brush-border membrane vesicles. These results suggest that tetraethylammonium transport across brush-border membranes is driven by an H+ gradient via an electroneutral H+-tetraethylammonium antiport system, and that tetraethylammonium is transported across basolateral membranes via a carrier-mediated system and this process is stimulated by an inside-negative membrane potential.  相似文献   

We characterized the uptake of carnitine in brush-border membrane (BBM) and basolateral membrane (BLM) vesicles, isolated from mouse kidney and intestine. In kidney, carnitine uptake was Na+-dependent, showed a definite overshoot and was saturable for both membranes, but for intestine, it was Na+-dependent only in BLM. The uptake was temperature-dependent in BLM of both kidney and intestine. The BBM transporter in kidney had a high affinity for carnitine: apparent Km=18.7 μM; Vmax=7.85 pmol/mg protein/s. In kidney BLM, similar characteristics were obtained: apparent Km=11.5 μM and Vmax=3.76 pmol/mg protein/s. The carnitine uptake by both membranes was not affected within the physiological pH 6.5-8.5. Tetraethylammonium, verapamil, valproate and pyrilamine significantly inhibited the carnitine uptake by BBM but not by BLM. By Western blot analysis, the OCTN2 (a Na+-dependent high-affinity carnitine transporter) was localized in the kidney BBM, and not in BLM. Strong OCTN2 expression was observed in kidney and skeletal muscle, with no expression in intestine in accordance with our functional study. We conclude that different polarized carnitine transporters exist in kidney BBM and BLM. L-Carnitine uptake by mouse renal BBM vesicles involves a carrier-mediated system that is Na+-dependent and is inhibited significantly by specific drugs. The BBM transporter is likely to be OCTN2 as indicated by a strong reactivity with the anti-OCTN2 polyclonal antibody.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the metabolic consequences of feeding rats Steenbock and Black's rickets-inducing diet, deficient in vitamin D and with an altered Ca/P ratio. Using isolated brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from the jejunum, ileum and duodenum of control and rachitic rats, we have demonstrated a marked decrease of Na+-dependent D-glucose uptake at jejunum-ileum level of rachitic rats. At duodenum level Na+-dependent D-glucose transport was not influenced by rickets. A lack of any significant difference between the two animal groups was observed studying the facilitated transport of D-glucose, the diffusion of L-glucose and the Na+-dependent uptake of phenylalanine and aspartate.  相似文献   

Fe2+ uptake by mouse intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles consists of two components: a rapid, high affinity (Kd less than 1 microM), low capacity binding (less than 2 nmol/mg protein), presumably to the outside of the vesicles, and a second, large capacity component with an initial rate showing a hyperbolic dependence on medium Fe2+ (Km 35-90 microM). The latter, predominant process is relatively independent of medium ascorbate: Fe2+ ratio, is inhibited by Co2+ and Mn2+ but varies greatly from one membrane preparation to another. This component is strongly inhibited by large extravesicular NaCl and KCl concentrations and may represent transport into the vesicles. No significant change in uptake could be observed in vesicles prepared from hypoxic mice.  相似文献   

The effect of membrane potential on the uptake of tryptamine, an organic cation, by rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles was studied. In the presence of an outwardly directed H(+)-gradient, the initial uptake of tryptamine was stimulated remarkably and the overshoot phenomenon was observed. In contrast, the uptake was depressed by an inwardly-directed H(+)-gradient. The effect of H(+)-gradient on the uptake of tryptamine was maintained in the presence of FCCP, whereas it vanished when voltage-clamped vesicles were used. Moreover, the uptake of tryptamine was linearly augmented with increase of the valinomycin-induced inside-negative K+ diffusion potential. These results suggest that tryptamine is taken up into intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles depends upon the ionic diffusion potential. The effect of several indole derivatives and amine compounds on the uptake of tryptamine was also examined. The uptake of tryptamine was inhibited by all amine compounds used, but anionic and zwitterionic compounds had no effect, suggesting that these amines interact on brush-border membrane and cause an inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

The characteristics of uridine transport were studied in rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles. Uridine was taken up into an osmotically active space in the absence of metabolism and there was no binding of uridine to the membrane vesicles. Uridine uptake was markedly enhanced by sodium, but showed no significant stimulation by other monovalent cations tested. Kinetic analysis of the sodium-dependent component of uridine flux indicated a single system obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Km value of 6.4 +/- 1.4 microM with a Vmax of 9.1 +/- 3.6 pmol/mg protein per s as measured under zero-trans conditions with a 100 mM NaCl gradient at 24 degrees C). A variety of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides were able to inhibit sodium-dependent uridine transport, suggesting that these nucleosides are also permeants for the same system. Consistent with this suggestion was the finding that these nucleosides also stimulated uridine efflux from the brush-border membrane vesicles. The sodium: uridine coupling stoichiometry was found to be 1:1 as measured by the activation method. From these results it is concluded that a broad specificity sodium-dependent nucleoside transporter is present at the brush-border membrane surface of rabbit enterocytes.  相似文献   

D-Glucose transport was investigated in isolated brush-border membrane vesicles from human small intestine. Characteristics of D-glucose transport from the jejunum were compared with that in the mid and terminal ileum. Jejunal and mid-ileal D-glucose transport was Na+-dependent and electrogenic. The transient overshoot of jejunal D-glucose transport was significantly greater than corresponding values in mid-ileum. The terminal ileum did not exhibit Na+-dependent D-glucose transport, but did exhibit Na+-dependent taurocholate transport. Na+-glucose co-transport activity as measured by tracer-exchange experiments was greatest in the jejunum, and diminished aborally. We conclude that D-glucose transport in man is Na+-dependent and electrogenic in the proximal intestine and directly related to the activity of D-glucose-Na+ transporters present in the brush-border membranes. D-Glucose transport in the terminal ileum resembles colonic transport of D-glucose.  相似文献   

Iron uptake from Fe/ascorbate by mouse brush-border membrane vesicles is not greatly inhibited by prior treatment with a variety of protein-modification reagents or heat. Non-esterified fatty acid levels in mouse proximal small intestine brush-border membrane vesicles show a close positive correlation with initial Fe uptake rates. Loading of rabbit duodenal brush-border membrane vesicles with oleic acid increases Fe uptake. Depletion of mouse brush-border membrane vesicle fatty acids by incubation with bovine serum albumin reduces Fe uptake. Iron uptake by vesicles from Fe/ascorbate is enhanced in an O2-free atmosphere. Iron uptake from Fe/ascorbate and Fe3+-nitrilotriacetate (Fe3+-NTA) were closely correlated. Incorporation of oleic acid into phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (4:1) liposomes leads to greatly increased permeability to Yb3+, Tb3+, Fe2+/Fe3+ and Co2+. Ca2+ and Mg2+ are also transported by oleic acid-containing liposomes, but at much lower rates than transition and lanthanide metal ions. Fe3+ transport by various non-esterified fatty acids was highest with unsaturated acids. The maximal transport rate by saturated fatty acids was noted with chain length C14-16. It is suggested that Fe transport can be mediated by formation of Fe3+ (fatty acid)3 complexes.  相似文献   

Differentiation and maturation of enterocytes occur with migration from the crypt to villus compartments. To investigate the effect of epithelial cell differentiation on sodium-dependent D-glucose transport, brush-border membrane vesicles were prepared from small intestinal epithelial cell suspensions selectively isolated from villus and crypt populations. Enterocytes were isolated with a morphologically monitored sequential cell dissociation method. Thymidine kinase, sucrase, and alkaline phosphatase activities were measured as differentiation markers of specific cell populations. Brush-border membrane vesicles were purified and their kinetic characteristics defined with a rapid filtration method under conditions of a zero-trans, 100 mM cis-NaSCN gradient. Typical "overshoot" phenomena characteristic of sodium D-glucose cotransport were observed for both villus (five- to eight-fold equilibrium values) and crypt brush-border membrane vesicles (two- to four-fold equilibrium values). Kinetics analyses of the initial D-glucose flux in brush-border membrane vesicles suggested the presence of at least two sodium-dependent D-glucose carriers in the villus and only a single carrier in the crypt compartments. These data indicate that sodium D-glucose cotransport occurs in brush-border membranes of both villus and crypt populations. Moreover, quantitative and qualitative differences between these two membrane populations suggest that epithelial D-glucose transport processes are differentiation dependent and reflect the degree of enterocyte development.  相似文献   

Peptide transport in purified rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles has been studied using a potential-sensitive fluorescent dye, di-S-C3(5). Transport of dipeptides is accompanied by an increase in the fluorescence of the dye in the presence and absence of Na+, indicating electrogenic, Na+-independent peptide transport. Dipeptides containing D-amino acids also increase the fluorescence, showing that these peptides too possess significant affinity for the peptide transport system. beta-Alanylglycylglycine and prolylglycylglycine, very much like the dipeptides, increase the fluorescence even in the absence of Na+ which demonstrates the Na+-independent, electrogenic transport of tripeptides. However, concentrations needed for half-maximal fluorescence changes are higher for tripeptides than for dipeptides suggesting different affinities for the carriers. The studies, in addition, provide evidence for the existence of more than one carrier system for translocation of small peptides in rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

In vivo kinetics of mucosal uptake of luminal 59Fe2+ by tied segments of normal mouse duodenum are characterised by a Km of approx. 100 μM and a Vmax of approx. 9 pmol/min per mg wet weight of intestine. These values were determined at pH 7.25 in the presence of excess sodium ascorbate. Studies with luminal Fe2+ concentrations of 100 μM reveal: (1) uptake is relatively independent of ascorbate: Fe ratio and luminal pH and (2) uptake is potently inhibited by 1 mM Co2+ or Mn2+ and large luminal NaCl concentrations but not by Ca2+. 3 days of hypoxia (0.5 atmospheres) yields no significant increase in subsequent total mucosal uptake by in vivo tied segments while uptake is significantly reduced by semi-starvation. Quantitative comparison of in vivo mucosal uptake with subsequent determination of isolated brush-border membrane 59Fe2+ transport in individual mice reveals a positive correlation (P < 0.01) between the two parameters. These results, in conjunction with studies of isolated mouse duodenal brush-border membrane (Simpson, R.J. and Peters, T.J. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 814, 381–388 and (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 856, 109–114) suggest that the Fe2+ transport properties of isolated brush-border membrane are quantitatively adequate to explain in vivo mucosal uptake in normal and hypoxic mice at Fe2+ concentrations up to 100 μM.  相似文献   

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