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Five species of cultured Trebouxia—T. anticipata, T. decolorans, T. erici, T. gelatinosa, and T. impressa—were examined with the electron microscope. A comparative examination of their pyrenoids revealed pyrenoglobuli associated with single pyrenoid thylakoids. The pyrenoids of T. decolorans, T. erici, and T. gelatinosa possess single thylakoids that cross or deeply penetrate the pyrenoid matrix and are often disposed in parallel arrays. T. anticipata possesses both single and double pyrenoid thylakoids within the matrix. T. impressa possesses vesiculate invaginations of thylakoid membranes into the pyrenoid matrix. The phycobiont. T. erici was examined in detail at the light and electron microscopic levels for pyrenoid alterations associated, with varied environmental regimes and with cell division. A greater amount of starch is present in cells grown in organic culture at 215 lux light intensity than in cells of similar size grown at 1075 or 3600 lux. Pyrenoglobuli are present throughout the life cycle and occur both in aplanospores and in zoospores.  相似文献   

The thallus of the lichen Ramalina menziesii Tayl. is comprised of subunits which resemble planar nets. The nets arise upon older nets as buds which develop perforations and expand. Microphotographic study of thallus development in the field shows several features which differ from a recently proposed model of development for this species. New perforations develop continually in new tissue produced at the apical margin of the net. The apical margin is inrolled, and may furcate. This type of branching is developmentally distinct from the formation of new nets from buds borne upon expanded parts of the net. Anatomical study of net apices appears to support assertions that programmed tissue necrosis contributes to perforation formation at sites where gaps are present in the algal layer.  相似文献   

The common west coast lichen Ramalina menziesii Tayl. has been studied in an attempt to determine the extent of morphological variation and to understand the factors that determine its form. An analysis of a typical population near Santa Barbara, CA, suggested that intrapopulation variation in form was controlled primarily by size increase during growth. Test populations obtained from latitudes as far north as 54°N and as far south as 28°N had values for various morphological characters that were very similar to the Santa Barbara population. It is concluded that variation in form may be the result of differential rates of growth and possibly varying frequency of environmental stresses which disintegrate the thallus.  相似文献   

The pyrenoid structure in 15 species of the Monostroma complex is very diverse us revealed by a study of the morphology of the pyrenoid matrix, associated starch shell, and pattern of intrapyrenoidalthylakoid bands. From these characteristics 8 types of pyrenoid structure were classified. The variation of pyrenoid structure was shown not only among the species studied, but also between the alternation of generations (M. angicava and M. nitidum). In M. fuscum var. splendens, M. groenlandicum, M. undulatum, and M. zostericola pyrenoid structure is the same throughout the life cycle. The pyrenoid matrix of M. zostericola is surrounded by a double membrane that prevents the direct connection of the pyrenoid matrix with chloroplast thylakoids. The pyrenoid also lacks a starch shell. These findings support the establishment of a new genus Kornmannia by Bliding to include M. zostericola. In addition, similarities in pyrenoid ultrastructure suggest an affinity of Capsosiphon fulvescens with M. groenlandicum.  相似文献   

几种藻类蛋白核的超微结构研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
应用电镜及免疫电镜技术对莱茵藻、小球藻、条浒苔和紫菜等藻类的叶绿体蛋白核的超微结构及主要组成成分进行了观察和研究。结果显示:不同藻类的蛋白核结构不同,显示了藻类蛋白核的多样性。蛋白核为球形或椭圆形,由蛋白质组成。莱茵藻、小球藻和条浒苔的蛋白核外围被淀粉鞘所包围,而紫菜的蛋白核外围无淀粉鞘而直接被叶绿体的类囊体所包围。淀粉鞘由淀粉组成,淀粉鞘的厚薄与藻体藻龄及增养状态有关系。在蛋白核中央,一般都具有由类囊体形成的孔道,使蛋白核与外界联系,小球藻和条浒苔蛋白核具有1条纵向孔道,而莱茵藻和紫菜为多条孔道。金相免疫技术检测结果显示Rubisco和Rubisco活化酶均在蛋白核及淀粉鞘区域中定位,表明蛋白核具有光合作用功能.  相似文献   

Gametophyte germlings from unialgal cultures of Membranoptera platyphylla were examined with the electron microscope. The events of mitosis were observed in dividing cells near the thallus apex. In prophase the nucleus is spindle-shaped and surrounded by microtubules and a layer of endoplasmic reticulum. A unique organelle, the polar ring, is present at each pole; its junction is not clear. At metaphase the nuclear envelope is intact except for fenestrations at the poles. Spindle microtubules are attached to distinct kinetochores on the chromosomes and continuous pole-to-pole microtubules are present. The nucleolus has dispersed but, its granular components are still evident in the nucleoplasm. As the chromosomes separate, the nucleus elongates and finally constricts in the middle to produce 2 daughter nuclei.  相似文献   

The apical meristems of one-year-old container-grown seedlings of coastal Douglas fir were studied in two years during embryonic shoot development, dormancy, and dormancy release by light and electron microscopy. Apical zonation was evident at all times but prominence of some zones varied. Vacuolation was an important zone-characteristic and was not an artifact created by lipid extraction. During late summer and fall the plasma membrane was relatively smooth, ER not abundant, nuclear membranes irregular, and lipid bodies sparse. Numerous autophagic vacuoles occurred in apical cells. These diminished after bud scale initiation was completed in September and reappeared again in midwinter. Maximum starch accumulation was in the fall then it decreased during the winter and remained low during cold storage. The number of lipid bodies gradually increased in late fall and was large in winter. A single night of –1 C caused an increase in the number of lipid bodies. Plastids contained electron-dense material which accumulated further under subfreezing temperatures and eventually appeared to be released during winter into the cytoplasm and arranged into small globules along the cisternae of the ER. Granular protein bodies were observed at this time as well as deposits of electron-dense material on the outer surface of the plasma membrane and in cell walls. During winter, the plasma membrane became convoluted, short cisternae of the ER abundant, the nuclear membranes evenly separated, and nucleolar components aggregated. At the end of dormancy, ribosomes and starch grains became very abundant. Most lipid bodies diminished by budbreak.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the pyrenoid in the mature vegetative cell of Tetracystis excentrica Brown and Bold is described. During zoosporogenesis, the pyrenoid undergoes regression, and the ultrastructure of this process is described in detail. The ground substance undergoes dissolution, and reticulate fibrillar structures appear as well as intruding chloroplast thylakoids. Pyrenoid-associated starch plates diminish, and quantities of starch not associated with the pyrenoid are produced. New pyrenoids appear late in the division cycle after all other major organelles associated with the motile cell have been formed. Zoospore pyrenoids develop in thylakoid-free spaces of the chloroplast which are similar to the DNA-containing regions. The new pyrenoid ground substance, which is loosely fibrillar, arises in close proximity to starch grains which may be formed in the stroma. Then the zoospore pyrenoid produces 2 hemispherical starch plates identical to those in the mature vegetative cell. Zoospore pyrenoids lack the 2 convoluted thylakoids between the starch plates and the ground substance characteristic of those in the mature vegetative cell. Instead, the thylakoids are identical to those of the chloroplast at first, and then develop into a convoluted state in the vegetative cell. Cytochemical tests for DNA, RNA, and protein were made for the cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, and pyrenoid. Conclusive evidence is presented for the presence of RNA in the cytoplasm and nucleolus, DNA in the nucleus, and protein in the pyrenoid. The tests did not conclusively demonstrate the presence or absence of DNA and RNA in the pyrenoid; however, they suggested that small amounts of both DNA and RNA may be present.  相似文献   

The dormant (mid-November to mid-February) microsporangia of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) contain pollen mother cells (PMC's) in diffuse diplotene, surrounded by 1–2 layers of tapetal cells and 3–4 layers of microsporangial wall cells. At the beginning of dormancy, PMC's are large and their walls are lysed. The cell walls contain a thick layer of loosely-arranged fibrils which are produced in large vesicles in the PMC cytoplasm and are secreted across the plasma membrane. PMC's contain several layers of rough ER. The inner tangential and the radial walls of the tapetal cells are lysed. During dormancy the PMC's form many new autophagic vacuoles, the chromatin consists of a network of fine threads comprised of medium-sized granules of uniform size and the nucleoli split. The outer tapetal wall is thick and becomes encrusted by an irregular lipid layer. The tapetal cytoplasm is similar to the PMC cytoplasm but is devoid of amyloplasts. The tapetal cytoplasm shows secretory activity at the beginning of dormancy and again near the end of dormancy. The later secretory activity results in the deposition of a spongy material, especially along the radial and inner walls of the tapetal cells. Tapetal cells contain 1–2 large nuclei which show prominent and irregular clumps of chromatin. Subcellular developmental changes occur in the dormant microsporangia of Pseudotsuga in much the same manner as has been reported for Pinus.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the primary nucleus in Bryopsis hypnoides was compared with that of the primary nucleus in Acetabularia calyculus and Batophora oerstedii. In Bryopsis the mature primary nucleus contains a peripheral reticulum composed of 4–6 layers of 200 A diameter fibrils. The nuclear membrane has numerous nuclear pores that are located adjacent to the openings in the layers of the reticulum. Each nuclear pore is constituted of peripheral globular elements and a central granule. Although pores of similar structure are present in the nuclear envelope of Acetabularia and Batophora, a fibrillar reticulum is absent.  相似文献   

Pyrenoid material of micromonas squamata Manton & Parke was obtained free of cell and subcellular particle conamination by differential centrifugation of brei from osmoically lysed cells. The isolated pyrenoid particles were characterized by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of pyrenoid extracts revealed a compled polypeptide composition with major components of 12, 54 and 66 kilodalton mol wt. Whole pyrenoids possessed the enzymatic properties of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase and fixed carbon dioxide with specific activity 10 times greaer than that of a pyrenoid-free high speed supenaant fracion of cell brei. Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis revealed he presence of copper in masses of cryo-impacted pyrenoid material. Ultrastrucural cytochemistry was employed o determine he chemical nature of the reserve carbohydrate shell. Also, the pyrenoid of the intact cell was characterized by transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The development of the pyrenoid of Scenedesmus quadricauda from the time of its initiation and its subsequent activities is described in some detail. Correlation is made between the evidence from light and electron microscopy. The pyrenoid is a dynamic organelle which continues to change its appearance throughout the development of the algal cell due to the following factors: the deposition of starch platelets within the periphery of the expanding matrix; the separation of starch grains into individual pockets by the intrusive growth of the chloroplast lamellae in centripetal fashion; and the transition of the shape of the starch from concavo-convex platelets to lenticular grains. By these processes starch grains are continuously formed by deposition of carbohydrates within the matrix. The grains accumulate within the chloroplast, maintaining an organic connection with each other by slender starch bridges. Some parental starch grains are passed on to daughter cells during cell division. By taking into account the planes of cleavage during cell division, it is not difficult to see that pyrenoid starch grains could become distributed throughout the daughter chloroplast, regardless of their distance from the pyrenoid.  相似文献   

New structural details of the frustules of the diatom Triceratium favus Ehrenberg seen in the scanning electron microscope are reported. Significant new observations concern the pores of the hexagonal chambers, accessory structures (spines, dendritic processes) on the outer surfaces of the hexagonal chambers, the value margins and girdle structure.  相似文献   

Small fragments of superficial neuropil and fragments of deeper layers from various regions of the brains of Xenopus laevis Daud. and Rana esculenta L. were fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide, embedded in Vestopal W or methacrylate, and studied with the electron microscope. The glial fibers and their meningeal end-feet contain numerous large mitochondrion-like dense bodies for which the term "gliosome" has been adopted. Gliosomes have a specific and constant structure characterized by the presence of a row of peripheral and circular canaliculi and an electron-opaque fibrous or finely granular matrix. Also, another less frequently found type of gliosome is present which contains regular lamellar structures. The gliosomes vary considerably in size and may be very large, up to 9 µ in length. Numerous and various intermediate forms between mitochondria and gliosomes can be seen. Gliosomes are largest and most numerous in the distal portions of the glial fibers and in the meningeal end-feet.  相似文献   

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