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In this study, the effects of oxytocin and an analog of prostaglandin (cloprostenol) on the uterine involution and pregnancy rates were investigated. Mares received 3 ml of 0.9% NaCl in Group C (n=10), 30 IU/mare of oxytocin in Group O (n=10) and 250 microg/mare of cloprostenol in Group P (n=10) within 12h after parturition. The gravid uterine horn's cross-sectional diameter was measured by ultrasonography. The mean uterine diameters did not differ significantly between the treatment (O and P) and the control (C) groups (p>0.05). The difference between the postpartum ovulation periods (Group C: 12.6+/-0.72 days, Group O: 15+/-1.33 days, Group P: 14.6+/-1.11 days), the pregnancy rates at foal heat (Group C: 60%, Group O: 60%, Group P: 80%) and the embryonic death rates at foal heat (Group C: 33.3%, Group O: 16%, Group P: 25%) were not found to be statistically significant between the treatment and the control groups. The mean progesterone concentrations were similar in all groups and decreased continuously from parturition to until foal heat (Group C: from 2.43+/-0.24 to 0.66 ng/ml, Group O: from 3.07+/-0.6 to 0.27+/-0.27 ng/ml and Group P: from 2.8+/-0.44 to 0 ng/ml) (p>0.05). In conclusion, it was decided that the oxytocin and PGF2alpha treatments performed on the mares with the purpose of stimulating involution had no effect on the duration of parturition-first ovulation, the shrinkage of the uterus diameter, the pregnancy and embryonic death rates.  相似文献   

Jamshidi AA  Girard D  Beaudry F  Goff AK 《Steroids》2007,72(13):843-850
Oxytocin receptor (OTR) expression is suppressed by progesterone (P4) during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle and then it increases at the time of luteolysis, but its regulation is still not completely understood. The objective of this work was to characterize P4 metabolism by endometrial cells in vitro and determine if metabolites were able to modify prostaglandin secretion in response to oxytocin (OT). Endometrial epithelial and stromal cells were incubated with 3H-P4 or 3H-pregnenolone (P5) for 6 or 24 h. Metabolites in the medium were separated by HPLC. The results showed that P4 and P5 were converted to two major polar metabolites and a less polar metabolite that was identified as 5alpha- or 5beta-pregnanedione by LC/MS. Progesterone metabolism was similar in both stromal and epithelial cells. To determine if 5alpha- or 5beta-pregnanedione were able to modify PGF(2)alpha synthesis, cells were cultured with P4, 5alpha- or 5beta-pregnanedione (100 ng ml(-1)) for 48 h and then each group of cells was incubated for a further 4-6 h with or without OT (200 ng ml(-1)). Results showed that only P4 caused significant (P<0.001) increase in basal, but not OT-stimulated, PGF(2)alpha synthesis. OT binding assays showed no significant effect of progesterone or its metabolites on OTR concentration. In conclusion, bovine endometrial cells are able to metabolize pregnenolone and progesterone but neither 5alpha- nor 5beta-pregnanedione altered prostaglandin synthesis or OTR number in endometrial epithelial cells. These data suggest that 5-pregnanediones do not play a role in the regulation OT-stimulated PGF(2)alpha secretion during the bovine estrous cycle.  相似文献   

The effect of PGF2 alpha has been evaluated in 11 unanaesthetized unrestrained piglets and in 3 anaesthetized piglets (2-3 days old) using a barometric-plethysmographic technique. PGF2 alpha (mg 0.25/pig) was administered as aerosol for 5 min. In 3 of the unanaesthetized newborn pigs the effect of PGF2 alpha aerosol has been evaluated after indomethacin (mg 1/Kg i.v.). The vagal dependent activity of the prostaglandin was also evaluated after atropine (mg 0.08/Kg i.m.). Our results show that PGF2 alpha in newborn pigs causes hypoventilation due to a decrease in respiratory rate and to a lengthening in TE. The changes in TE are due to an increase in the incidence and duration of apneic events characterizing the respiratory activity at birth. After indomethacin PGF2 alpha does not change the breathing pattern. Atropine only partially reduces the effects of PGF2 alpha while, after anaesthesia, prostaglandin does not change the breathing pattern. Consequently our results show that PGF2 alpha in newborn animals similar to other prostaglandins acts as a depressant of respiratory activity.  相似文献   

To test the endocrine-exocrine theory of maternal recognition of pregnancy in the pig 16 gilts were assigned randomly to a 2 X 2 factorial involving pretreatment with sesame oil (SO) or estradiol valerate (5 mg; EV) injected on Days 11 through 14 of the estrous cycle and an intrauterine injection of saline (5 ml; SA) or prostaglandin F2 alpha (50 micrograms; PGF) on Day 14. Peripheral blood samples were collected for 120 min postinjection and analyzed for 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2 alpha (PGFM). PGFM concentrations were lower in EV than SO gilts (438 vs. 844 pg/ml; p less than 0.05). There was heterogeneity of regression between EV and SO gilts (p less than 0.01), with EV gilts having a slower release of PGF from the uterine lumen into the vasculature. Prostaglandin F2 alpha did not increase mean PGFM concentrations (p greater than 0.10), but resulted in an altered temporal pattern of PGFM (p less than 0.05) compared to SA gilts. There was an interaction between the two treatments over time, with EV-PGF gilts demonstrating a slower, more gradual release of PGFM than SO-PGF gilts. To test whether prostaglandins of the E series were involved in this mechanism, gilts were assigned to two 4 X 4 latin squares balanced for residual effects and treated with saline or flunixen meglumine (Banamine). Each gilt was treated with four PGE:PGF infusion sequences (SEQ) in each uterine horn: phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; PBS-SEQ), PGE1 (50 micrograms), PGE2 (50 micrograms), and PGE1 (25 micrograms) + PGE2 (25 micrograms) (PGE-SEQ), with each infusion followed 15 min later by PGF (25 micrograms).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In intact and vagotomized anesthetized, spontaneously breathing piglets, we investigated the regulation of inspiratory timing evoked by i.v. administration of prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha. The inspiratory time was evaluated from the flow trace as an index of mechanical inspiratory time (Ti) and from costal and crural diaphragmatic EMG (TiEMG) as an index of neural inspiratory time. Our results under control conditions showed that TiEMG was shorter than Ti. Vagotomy abolished the difference, inducing a change in the power spectrum without modifying the centroid frequency (Cf). PGF2 alpha lengthened TiEMG, causing a postinspiratory diaphragmatic discharge to appear, while mechanical inspiratory time decreased significantly. Postvagotomy i.v. administration of PGF2 alpha did not cause any significant changes in inspiratory time and did not evoke the postinspiratory discharge. The i.v. administration of PGF2 alpha before and after vagotomy did not change the centroid frequency in spite of recruitment of new motor units synchronized with those that are active under control conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of acute heat stress (HS) and oxytocin (OT) injection on plasma concentrations of PGF2alpha and OT were examined in cyclic (C; n = 15) and pregnant (P; n = 11) dairy heifers. On Day 17 of synchronized estrous cycles, animals were randomly assigned to either thermoneutral (TN; 20 degrees C, 20% RH) or HS (42 degrees C, 60% RH) chambers. The jugular vein of each heifer was cannulated and blood samples collected hourly for 4 h, then every 15 min for an additional 3 h. Oxytocin (100 IU) was injected (IV) 5 h after the start of blood collection. Plasma samples were assayed subsequently for concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2alpha (PGFM) and OT. During the 7-h experiment, body temperature of HS heifers reached 41.2 degrees C as compared to 38.5 degrees C in control heifers. Plasma concentrations of PGFM increased (P<0.05) and peaked 30 min after OT injection in C (890 pg/ml) and P (540 pg/ml) heifers. In C heifers, heat stress failed to alter PGFM concentrations either before or after OT injection. In the P group, PGFM concentrations following OT injection tended to be higher in HS heifers were further TN heifers (peak values of 690 vs. 410 pg/ml). Pregnant TN and HS heifers were further classified as responders or non-responders to OT challenge according to a cutoff value for PGFM of 193 pg/ml (overall mean of C heifers minus 1 SD). Five of six HS and one of five TN pregnant heifers were classified as responders (P<0.06). Oxytocin concentrations in plasma prior to injection of exogenous OT were not affected by HS or pregnancy status. It is concluded that in C heifers, acute HS in vivo does not cause any further rise in PGF2alpha secretion. However, in P heifers, HS appears to antagonize suppressive effects of the embryo on uterine secretion of PGF2alpha, as indicated by the larger proportion of P heifers responding to OT challenge.  相似文献   

In the present study we have shown that the genetic expression of prostaglandin (PG)F(2alpha) receptor (R) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 increases in laboring rat myometrium. This finding was associated with a relatively weak contractile in vitro response (E:(max)) of isolated uterine strips when challenged with PGF(2alpha). Five days postpartum PGF(2alpha)-R mRNA values exceeded those during labor while COX-2 mRNA was reduced to preparturient values. Maximal contractility of isolated strips stimulated with PGF(2alpha) at this time was enhanced and E:C(50) decreased. Oxytocin treatment of estrogen-primed nonpregnant rats down-regulated uterine contractile responsiveness to PGF(2alpha), leaving mRNA values for this receptor unchanged, whereas oxytocin receptor blockade with atosiban (an oxytocin receptor antagonist) left E:(max) unaltered. In contrast, atosiban treatment of pregnant rats resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in E:(max) and a considerably reduced EC(50) during labor when compared to untreated delivering rats. The increased contractile ability was associated with a threefold increase in PGF(2alpha)-R mRNA production, indicating that the regulation by atosiban of the PGF(2alpha)-induced response is exerted at the genetic level. Based on the present data we suggest that 1) PGF(2alpha)-R stimulation may not primarily exert a contracting role in the normally delivering myometrium, and 2) the presence of the PGF(2alpha)-R system in rat myometrium may explain the apparent functional redundancy of the oxytocinergic system during the process of birth in animals lacking oxytocin or where the oxytocin receptor is blocked. In this context PGF(2alpha) receptor stimulation may, in the absence of oxytocin receptor stimulation, exert the contractile forces needed for proper propulsion of the fetus.  相似文献   

The effects of oxytocin, prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), and clenbuterol on uterine contractility and tone during anestrus and diestrus, and during mobility and postfixation of the embryonic vesicle were studied in 51 pony mares. Contractility was assessed by scoring real-time ultrasound images, and tone was assessed by transrectal digital compression. Scoring was done by an operator who had no knowledge of treatment assignments. In anovulatory mares primed with progesterone for 16 d, oxytocin did not significantly alter contractility but did stimulate an increase in tone, whereas clenbuterol depressed both contractility and tone. The PGF2 alpha given on Days 12, 15, and 18 did not significantly alter uterine contractility in pregnant mares, but it increased contractility on all days in nonpregnant mares. Clenbuterol decreased both tone and contractility when given to pregnant mares on the day of embryonic-vesicle fixation, while it decreased tone but not contractility when given on Day 19. Clenbuterol treatment was associated with dislodgment of the fixed embryo in only 1 of 5 mares. However, on Day 19, clenbuterol treatment was associated with a change in shape of the conceptus when viewed in a cross section of the uterine horn. The conceptus shape became more circular rather than irregular or triangular, as indicated by a significant decrease in the variation in the distances between adjacent walls measured in 4 different directions. Results indicated that: 1) oxytocin increased uterine tone but did not alter contractility in progesterone-primed anestrous mares; 2) on Days 12, 15 and 18, PGF2 alpha increased uterine contractility in nonpregnant mares but not in pregnant mares; 3) clenbuterol decreased both tone and contractility at all reproductive states except for a lack of a decrease in contractility on Day 19 of pregnancy; and 4) reduction in uterine tone from clenbuterol treatment on Day 19 was associated with a change in the two-dimensional shape of the in situ conceptus from irregular to a more circular form.  相似文献   

The effects of administration of progesterone and oestradiol on ovine endometrial oxytocin receptor concentrations and plasma concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGFM) after oxytocin treatment were determined in ovariectomized ewes. Ewes received progestagen pre-treatment, progesterone and/or oestradiol in 11 different treatment schedules. Progestagen pre-treatment decreased oxytocin receptor concentrations in endometrium from ewes treated subsequently with either progesterone for 5 days or progesterone for 5 days plus oestradiol on Days 4 and 5 of progesterone treatment. Oestradiol increased endometrial oxytocin receptor concentrations when administered on Days 4 and 5 of 5 days progesterone treatment. Progestagen pre-treatment followed by progesterone treatment for 12 days caused a large increase in oxytocin receptors and no further increase occurred when ewes were given oestradiol on Days 11 and 12, or when progesterone was withdrawn on Days 11 and 12, or these two treatments were combined. Oxytocin administration caused an increase in plasma PGFM concentrations in ewes which did not receive progestagen pre-treatment, and subsequently received progesterone treatment for 5 days and oestradiol treatment on Days 4 and 5 of progesterone treatment. Similarly treated ewes which received progestagen pre-treatment did not respond to oxytocin. Oxytocin administration also increased plasma PGFM concentrations in ewes which received progestagen pre-treatment followed by progesterone treatment for 12 days, progesterone treatment for 12 days plus oestradiol on Day 11 and 12 of progesterone treatment, progesterone withdrawal on Day 11 and 12, or progesterone withdrawal and oestradiol treatment combined. The results indicate that (1) progesterone pre-treatment affects oxytocin receptor concentrations in the endometrium and uterine responsiveness to oxytocin and (2) progesterone treatment alone for 12 days after a treatment which mimics a previous luteal phase and oestrus is sufficient to induce oxytocin receptors and increase oxytocin-induced PGF release. These results emphasize the importance of progesterone and provide information which can be used to form an hypothesis for control of luteolysis and oestrous cycle length in the ewe.  相似文献   

1. Contractility, in vitro, was examined in uterine horns of rats acclimated to 35 degrees C and controls (22 degrees C). 2. Responses to oxytocin and prostaglandin F2 alpha were measured in the four stages of the estrus cycle and on day 4 of pregnancy. 3. Responses to oxytocin of uteri from heat acclimated rats were significantly depressed in estrus, metestrus and diestrus, while responses to prostaglandin F2 alpha were decreased in estrus and metestrus. 4. Responses to oxytocin and prostaglandin were slightly but insignificantly decreased in uteri from pregnant day 4 heat-acclimated rats.  相似文献   

In experiment (Exp) 1, 12 cyclic ewes had catheters placed into each uterine horn on Day 7 (estrus = Day 0). On Days 11-15, 6 ewes received twice-daily intrauterine infusions of 1.5 mg serum protein (SP) into each uterine horn and 6 ewes received infusions of 1.08 mg SP + 0.42 mg ovine conceptus secretory proteins (oCSP) containing 25 micrograms ovine trophoblast protein-one (oTP-1) as determined by radioimmunoassay (25-35% bioactive by antiviral assay). SP-infused and oCSP-infused ewes had similar plasma 13,14-dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) profiles in response to oxytocin on Day 11, but SP ewes became more responsive (p less than 0.01) to oxytocin on Days 13 and 15 than oCSP ewes. SP ewes also had greater incorporation of [3H]inositol into inositol trisphosphate (IP3) (+3449%, p less than 0.01) and total inositol phosphate (IP) (+760%, p less than 0.08), in response to oxytocin, than did oCSP ewes (+553 and +168% for IP3 and total IP, respectively) in endometrium collected at ovariectomy/hysterectomy on Day 16. Mean CL weights on Day 16 and mean concentrations of progesterone in plasma collected at 12-h intervals on Days 6-16 were not different for SP and oCSP ewes, but concentrations of progesterone were lower (p less than 0.05) in SP ewes on Days 15-16 than for oCSP ewes. These results indicate that oTP-1 may prevent luteolysis by inhibiting development of endometrial responsiveness to oxytocin and, therefore, reduce oxytocin-induced synthesis of IP3 and PGF2 alpha.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In sheep, induction of ovulation during anoestrus is accompanied by a high incidence of short luteal phases, though pre-treatment with progesterone can overcome this problem. We have investigated the effects of supplementing oestradiol during GnRH-induced ovulation on subsequent PGF2alpha release and luteal life span. Thirty anoestrous crossbred ewes received 250 ng GnRH i.v. at 2 h intervals for 48 h to induce ovulation either alone (group 1; n=10) or in association with either an i.m. injection of 20 mg progesterone 3 days earlier (group 2; n=10) or 3 i.m. injections of 10 microg oestradiol at 8 h intervals on the second day of GnRH treatment (group 3; n=10). Laparoscopy, performed 3 days following GnRH to confirm ovulation and 8 days later, coupled with plasma progesterone analysis were used to determine luteal life span. On day 4 following GnRH, plasma samples were collected at 20 min intervals for 8 h to monitor PGF2alpha release. One ewe from group 1 failed to ovulate and was excluded from further analysis. All groups showed an increase (P<0.01) in plasma oestradiol during GnRH treatment, with group 3 showing a marked (P<0.001) increase over that seen in the other two groups. In group 1 there were 1.4+/-0.2 PGF2alpha episodes/ewe/8 h. In group 2, pre-treatment with progesterone caused the complete inhibition of PGF2alpha episodes (0 episodes/ewe/8 h) while in group 3, treatment with oestradiol resulted in a significant reduction (0.3+/-0.1 episodes/ewe/8 h) compared with group 1 (P<0.01). In group 1, 9/9 ewes exhibited short cycles compared with 2/10 ewes in group 2 (P<0.01). In group 3 the proportion of ewes showing short cycles 7/10 ewes was not significantly different from the other groups. While treatment with oestradiol caused a significant attenuation of PGF2alpha release, this was associated with only a partial reduction in the incidence of short cycles.  相似文献   

The oxytocin-neurophysin gene is expressed in several nontraditional sites within the endocrine system. In the ovary its expression in the corpora lutea is initiated by ovulation. Ovarian oxytocin concentrations reach maximal levels around day 11 of luteal cycle and fall to a nadir at estrus. PGF2 alpha has the capacity to release oxytocin from the corpus luteum, and oxytocin in turn releases PGF2 alpha from the uterine endometrium or decidua. This positive feedback loop between the ovary and the uterus ensures the completion of luteolysis in species that depend on the presence of the uterus for the termination of luteal lifespan. Immunization against oxytocin has been shown to disrupt this loop, resulting in much-prolonged luteal cycles. In primates and other species in which luteal life span is independent of the uterus, an oxytocin PGF2 alpha interaction may take place within the ovary itself. At parturition a related interaction takes place which ensures the expulsion of the fetus and placenta in an orderly manner. Oxytocin of both pituitary and ovarian origin reaches the uterus via its blood supply and binds to two types of receptors: one on myometrial cells, the occupation of which initiates contractions, and the other on decidual cells, the occupation of which initiates prostaglandin generation. This prostaglandin diffuses into the adjacent myometrium and augments the oxytocin-induced contractions. In conjunction with a direct softening effect by prostaglandins on the cervix the augmented contractions achieve the force needed to dilate the cervix and expel the fetus. An additional source of oxytocin during labor may be the placenta, another non-traditional site for the occurrence of oxytocin.  相似文献   

Chohan KR 《Theriogenology》1998,50(7):1101-1108
Two experiments were conducted to determine luteal regression, estrous response and fertility in buffalo receiving cloprostenol via 2 routes of administration. In Experiment 1, cyclic buffalo (n = 10) were assigned to 2 equal groups receiving either 500 micrograms i.m. cloprostenol (Estrumate, ICI) or 125 micrograms cloprostenol injected intravulvosubmucosal (ivsm) ipsilateral to the side of the corpus luteum (CL) on Day 11 of an induced estrous cycle. Serum progesterone (P4) concentrations were evaluated immediately before treatment and at 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h after PGF2 alpha administration. The decline in serum P4 concentrations was significantly different (P < 0.05) between groups up to 48 hrs after treatment. However, no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed for the interval from treatment to the onset of estrus (94.9 +/- 10.7 vs 96.0 +/- 15.9 h) for 500 or 125 micrograms of cloprostenol groups, respectively. In Experiment 2, multiparous, lactating subestrous buffaloes (n = 137) were treated either with 125 micrograms ivsm cloprostenol or 500 micrograms i.m. cloprostenol (n = 28 vs 33, respectively) during peak breeding (September-February) or low breeding (March-August) season (n = 37 vs 39, respectively). Buffalo observed in estrus were inseminated twice with frozen-thawed semen at 12 and 22 h after the onset of estrus. Buffalo that failed to exhibit estrus were given a second equal dose of cloprostenol at an 11-d interval and underwent fixed-time insemination at 72 and 96 h. The interval to the onset of estrus was 85.0 +/- 4.4 vs 73.2 +/- 2.6 h during peak breeding and 96.1 +/- 2.6 vs 92.1 +/- 3.8 h during the low breeding season for buffalo treated with 125 and 500 micrograms cloprostenol, respectively. These intervals were different (P < 0.05) between seasons but not between treatments in the same season. Conception rates of 47.8 vs 53.1% during peak breeding and 23.5 vs 25.6% during low breeding season were also different (P < 0.05) between seasons but not between the treatments in the same season for buffalo treated with 125 and 500 micrograms cloprostenol, respectively. These results indicated that 125 micrograms ivsm and 500 micrograms i.m. cloprostenol were equally effective for synchronizing estrus in subestrous buffalo. No negative effect of a lower dose of cloprostenol was observed on estrus synchrony and subsequent fertility; however, season of treatment had a significant effect on conception rates.  相似文献   

Hypercholesterolemia (HC) is characterized by increased circulating 8-epi-prostaglandin-F(2alpha) (isoprostane), a vasoconstrictor, marker, and mediator of increased oxidative stress, whose vascular effects might be augmented in HC. Anesthetized pigs were studied in vivo with electron beam computed tomography after a 12-wk normal (n = 8) or HC (n = 8) diet. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), single-kidney perfusion, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were quantified before and during unilateral intrarenal infusions of U46619 (10 ng x kg(-1) x min(-1)) or isoprostane (1 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)). Basal renal perfusion and function were similar, and isoprostane infusion elevated its systemic levels similarly in normal and HC (333 +/- 89 vs. 366 +/- 48 pg/ml, respectively, P < 0.01 vs. baseline). Both drugs markedly and comparably decreased cortical perfusion and GFR in both groups, whereas medullary perfusion decreased significantly only in HC. Moreover, MAP increased significantly only in HC (+9 +/- 3 and +11 +/- 3 mmHg, respectively, P相似文献   

Prostaglandin F (PGF) is rapidly metabolized in the human body following exogenous administration. Three main metabolites have been isolated and identified: 15-keto-PGF, 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-PGF and 13, 14-dihydro-PGF. One of these metabolites, 13, 14-dihydro-PGF, stimulated human uterine contractility during midpregnancy both following intravenous and intra-amniotic administration. The activity approaches that of the parent compound, PGF. Since the concentration of the metabolites in peripheral serum during continuous intravenous infusion of PGF is only slightly lower than that found for PGF, it is likely that 13, 14-dihydro-PGF is of importance for the stimulatory effect of PGF on human uterine activity in vivo. Intravenous injection of high doses of 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-PGF (2–4 mg) slightly stimulated uterine contractility but most likely this effect was not due to the compound itself but to the formation of its metabolite, 13, 14-dihydro-PGF.  相似文献   

Goff AK  Rannou D  Price CA 《Theriogenology》1996,46(4):617-630
The objective of this study was to determine if the increase in responsiveness to oxytocin toward the time of luteolysis was correlated with an increase in plasma estradiol in the cow. Six heifers each had a cannula placed in the jugular vein on Day 14 of the estrous cycle. Then, beginning on Day 15, growth of the largest follicles was determined by ultrasonography, and a blood sample was taken via the cannula for the measurement of progesterone and estradiol by radioimmunoassay (RIA). After the first blood sample, 3 more samples were taken at 10-min intervals, 100 IU oxytocin were injected into the vein, and a further 3 blood samples were taken at 15, 30 and 60 min after injection. The concentration of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin F2alpha (PGFM) was measured in these frequent samplings and was used to determine the ability of oxytocin to stimulate PGF2alpha release from the uterus. This procedure was repeated daily for at least 7 d. The results showed that the response to oxytocin increased before luteolysis and that there was a significant increase in the response to oxytocin (P<0.05) before any changes in plasma estradiol or progesterone were detected. These data show that an increase in estradiol secretion from the ovulatory follicle does not appear to initiate luteolysis.  相似文献   

Nonlactating Holstein and Jersey cows (n = 24) were superovulated and ovarian follicular development was monitored by transrectal ultrasound during the period after embryo recovery. Luteolysis was induced by two injections of prostaglandin F(2)alpha (PGF; 25 mg Lutalyse; 12-h interval) at specific times after superovulatory induced estrus (Treatment 1, Day 9; Treatment 2, Day 12; Treatment 3, Day 17; Treatment 4, Day 25; superovulatory estrus = Day 0 of Cycle 1). Follicular development was monitored during Cycle 1 before and after PGF injection and continued through the ensuing estrous cycle (Cycle 2). Superovulation led to more than one embryo collected in 14 cows (mean = 8.71 embryos: positive superovulatory response [PSR] cows), while 10 cows were not successfully superovulated (mean = 0.1 embryo; negative superovulatory response [NSR] cows). These cows differed in terms of number of unovulated follicles detected at embryo collection (4.21 vs 17.2, PSR vs NSR) and plasma progesterone during the superovulatory estrous cycle (32.3 ng/ml PSR vs 8.6 ng/ml NSR). Follicular development during Cycle 1 started sooner in NSR than in PSR cows (day by class by response P<0.03) and was initiated on Days 11 to 12 in NSR cows and on Days 19 to 20 in PSR cows. Interval to estrus after PGF averaged 6.3 d. Cows having short intervals to estrus had follicles at the time of PGF injection. Treatment influenced the length of Cycle 1, but it did not affect the interval to estrus after PGF, the length of Cycle 2, or follicular development during Cycle 2. The results indicate that 1) the timing of PGF injection after embryo collection does not influence subsequent follicular populations, 2) elongated estrous cycles and intervals to estrus after PGF in superovulated cattle are a function of decreased follicular activity, and 3) the presence of numerous corpora lutea and not the superovulatory treatment, per se, seem to attenuate follicular growth.  相似文献   

Domestic pigs build a maternal nest in the day preceding parturition. We have shown that prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) induces nest building behaviour in non-pregnant pigs. The aim of this experiment was to examine the effects of different environmental temperatures on PGF(2alpha)-induced nest building. Data were collected from 9 Large White (LW) and 10 Large Black (LB) 8-9-month-old nulliparous sows (gilts). The pigs were housed in social groups between experiments and tested individually in pens (1.8mx1.8m) containing straw, within an environmentally controlled chamber. Pigs were habituated to the testing pens (maintained at 17 degrees C) and tested once at each of three temperatures (low, 5 degrees C; moderate, 17 degrees C; high, 30 degrees C). During testing the temperature of the chamber was adjusted at 09.00h and had reached set point by10.00h. The pigs were injected intramuscularly with 3ml saline at 10.30h and 0.1mg/kg PGF(2alpha) (Lutalyse, Upjohn) at 11.30h. Behaviour was scored for 1h after treatment with saline and 1h after treatment with PGF(2alpha) using one/zero sampling from video recordings. Nest building behaviour (rooting, pawing and gathering straw) was induced by PGF(2alpha) at all temperatures in both LW and LB breeds. There was a significant increase in rooting behaviours with decreasing temperature. No significant effects of temperature were found on the scores for gather or paw. The pigs spent more time lying down at the high compared to the low temperature after both saline and PGF(2alpha) treatment. Other behaviours unrelated to nest building but induced by PGF(2alpha), such as scratching, were unaffected by temperature. The results show that the nest building behaviour of non-pregnant pigs can be induced by exogenous PGF(2alpha) treatment, and that some, but not all, aspects of PGF(2alpha)-induced nest building (rooting but not pawing or gathering) are altered by environmental temperature.  相似文献   

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