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During the first 6 hr of sporulation, infection of Bacillus subtilis by by phi105 wild type or the clear-plaque mutant phi105 c30 was nonproductive, but phage DNA was trapped inside developing spores. After infection with either wild-type or mutant phage at early times of sporulation (T1-T3), phage DNA entered the developing spores in a heat-stable form, which may represent integration of the phage DNA into the host chromosome. Phage DNA in carrier spores produced by infection at later times (T4-T6) was much more heat sensitive. Spore preparations containing either phi105 wild type or phi105 c30 carrier spores gave rise to a spontaneous burst of phage during outgrowth, although the fraction of carried wild-type phage that chose lysis over lysogeny at germination has not been determined. Heat induction of the thermoinducible lysogen 3610 (phi105 cts23) was also abortive during sporulation. Furthermore, induction neither prevented eventual spore formation nor resulted in the conversion of prophage DNA to the carrier state; during outgrowth, the previously induced lysogenic spores remained stable lysogens. However, if the sporulating lysogenic cells were plated immediately after induction, they did not form colonies at high efficiency, as though transfer to fresh medium allowed sufficient phage expression to kill the host.  相似文献   

Summary Six deletion mutants of temperate Bacillus subtilis phage 105 have been isolated on the basis of their increased resistance to chelating agents. The size and position of the deletions was determined by electronmicroscopy of DNA heteroduplexes. All deletions are located in a region about 55–70% from one end of the DNA molecule, in the right half of the known genetic map of the phage. The segment 55–65% does not contain any genes essential for lytic growth or lysogenization. A gene(s) for immunity is located in a segment 65–70% from the left end.By electronmicroscopy of partially denatured 105 DNA two A-T rich regions have been localized in the right half of the molecule. One of these regions falls within the non-essential 55–65% DNA segment.  相似文献   

New temperate bacteriophage for Bacillus subtilis, rho 11.   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A new temperate bacteriophage, rho11, isolated by J. Hoch, has been characterized. This new phage is very similar to the temperate phage phi3T in size (380 nm), host range, homoimmunity, DNA buoyant density (1.694 g/ml), antigenicity, and molecular weight (around 6.0 X 10(7)) as determined in gels. Like phi3T, rho11 converts thymine auxotrophs to prototrophy at high frequency (250 out of 250 tested). Phage rho11 differs from phi3T in plaque morphology and in the endonuclease R-EcoRI digest pattern. Sixteen of the 20 rho11 DNA fragments have migration patterns corresponding to those of the 21 fragments of phi3T. The close similarities yet clear differences between these phages suggest that the two phages have a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Y Yoneda  S Graham  F E Young 《Gene》1979,7(1):51-68
The endonucleases BglI, BglII, EcoRI, SalI, SmaI, and XbaI were used to fragment the phage SPO2 DNA. Electrophoretic analysis using ethidiumbromide agarose gels showed the phage to have nine BglI sites, one BglII site, four EcoRI sites, one SalI site, one SmaI site, and six XbaI sites. Using partial digestions, multiple endonuclease digestion, and autoradiography the fragments were sized and ordered into a circular map of 23 Md. Such an analysis locates the endonuclease sites, indicates which endonucleases are potentially useful in cloning with SPO2, and allows insertions and/or deletions in the SPO2 DNA to be characterized.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of a novel bacteriophage active against the obligately alkaliphilic bacterium Bacillus clarkii is described. The bacteriophage, designated BCJA1, is a member of the Siphoviridae family with a B1 morphology. It possesses an isometric head, which measures 65 nm between opposite apices, and a noncontractile tail of 195 nm length. It had a buoyant density of 1.518 g/ml and an estimated particle mass of 37 × 107 daltons. BCJA1 was stable over the pH range of 6–11. A one-step growth experiment conducted at pH 10 demonstrated a latent period of about 40 min and a burst size of approximately 40. The purified bacteriophage appeared to consist of 10 proteins with the major head and tail proteins likely to be of molecular weight 36 500 and 28 000, respectively. The genome size was estimated to be between 32.1 and 34.8 kb. The percent G + C content of purified bacteriophage DNA was 45.6. The wildtype bacteriophage is temperate but a clear plaque mutant was isolated. Received: May 25, 1997 / Accepted: August 5, 1997  相似文献   

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain H is lysogenic for a large temperate phage we call H2. H2 has a polyhedral head 85 nm in diameter and a tail of about 17 x 434 nm. H2 lysogenizes Bacillus subtilis between the tyrA and metB genes, and gives specialized transduction of metB and, at lower frequencies, of ilvD and ilvA. The phage carries a thymidylate synthase gene and converts thymine auxotrophs of B. subtilis to prototrophy. The H2 genome is a linear DNA molecule about 129 kb in length. DNA extracted from phage particles grown in B. subtilis is not cut by the restriction endonucleases HaeIII, Fnu4HI, Bsp1286I, and BamHI; the latter enzyme is produced by B. amyloliquefaciens strain H. The prophage in lysogenic B. subtilis cells can be cut by these enzymes. We have isolated H2 mutants that carry the transposon Tn917, or a mutation resulting in clear-plaque morphology, or both.  相似文献   

Two restriction endonucleases with new sequence specificities have been isolated from Acetobacter aceti IFO 3281 and Bacillus aneurinolyticus IAM 1077 and named AatII and BanII, respectively. Based on analysis of the sequences around the restriction sites, the recognition sequences and cleavage sites of these endonucleases were deduced as below: (formula; see text)  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNAs of lysogens of phi 105 and phi 105 DI:1t were digested with restriction enzymes EcoRI and HpaI and were probed with nick-translated mature phi 105 DNA. Altered bacteriophage-specific bands in the lysogens were detected, indicating that the phage integrates into the host chromosome at a single site, probably via a Campbell-type circular intermediate. The phage attachment site is centrally located in the phage genome and lies between the phage immunity region and the nonessential deletable region of phi 105.  相似文献   

E Díaz  R Lpez    J L García 《Journal of bacteriology》1992,174(17):5516-5525
The first temperate bacteriophage (EJ-1) of Streptococcus pneumoniae with Myoviridae morphotype A1 isolated from a clinical atypical strain has been purified and characterized. This phage has a double-stranded linear genome about 42 kb long, but in contrast to the other pneumococcal temperate phages that have been characterized so far, EJ-1 does not contain any protein covalently linked to it. We have sequenced a fragment of EJ-1 DNA containing the ejl gene, encoding a cell wall lytic enzyme (EJL amidase). This gene has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, and the EJL enzyme was purified and biochemically characterized as an N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase that shares many similarities with the major pneumococcal autolysin. The EJL amidase is a choline-dependent enzyme that needs the process of conversion to achieve full enzymatic activity, but in contrast to the wild-type pneumococcal LYTA amidase, this process was found to be reversible. Comparisons of the primary structure of this new lytic enzyme with that of the other cell wall lytic enzymes of S. pneumoniae and its bacteriophages characterized so far provided new insights as to the evolutionary relationships between phages and bacteria. The nucleotide sequences of the attachment site (attP) on the phage genome and one of the junctions created by the insertion of the prophage were determined. Interestingly, the attP site was located near the ejl gene, as previously observed for the pneumococcal temperate bacteriophage HB-3 (A. Romero, R. López, and P. García, J. Virol. 66:2860-2864, 1992). A stem-and-loop structure, some adjacent direct and inverted repeats, and two putative integration host factor-binding sites were found in the att sites.  相似文献   

During the course of extending the physical map of Bacillus subtilis temperate bacteriophage phi 105 to include SstI, XhoI, and HpaI, we recognized that the previous physical map for EcoRI was incorrect. The new enzyme maps were determined by single, double, and partial enzyme digestions, redigestion of purified phage fragments, end joint analysis, and DNA-DNA hybridization. The EcoRI physical map was corrected by double digestion of isolated fragments, DNA hybridization, and physical mapping by partial digestion of end-labeled fragments. EcoRI fragment G was repositioned to give the order D-G-I-E-B-H-F-C.  相似文献   

Plasmid pPL1010 is a 7.0-kilobase derivative of plasmid pUB110 that harbors the cohesive end site of the bacteriophage SP02 genome. Plasmid pPL1017 is a 6.8-kilobase derivative of plasmid pC194 that contains the immunity region of bacteriophage phi 105 and the cohesive end site of bacteriophage SP02. These plasmids are transducible by bacteriophage SP02 at a frequency of 10(-2) transductants per PFU among mutant derivatives of Bacillus subtilis 168 and have been transferred to other strains of B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens by means of bacteriophage SP02-mediated transduction, with frequencies ranging from 10(-5) to 10(-7) transductants per PFU. The introduced plasmids were stably maintained in nearly all new hosts in the absence of selective pressure. An exception was found in B. subtilis DSM704, which also harbored three cryptic plasmids. Plasmids pPL1010 and pPL1017 were incompatible with a 7.9-kilobase replicon native to strain DSM704. Furthermore, plasmid pPL1017 was processed by strain DSM704 into a approximately 5.3-kilobase replicon that was compatible with the resident plasmid content of strain DSM704. The use of bacteriophage SP02-mediated plasmid transduction has allowed the identification of Bacillus strains that are susceptible to bacteriophage SP02-mediated genetic transfer but cannot support bacteriophage SP02 lytic infection.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PBS 1 adsorbs initially on the flagella of its host, Bacillus subtilis (stage I). The phage can adsorb to both active and inactive flagella. Flagellar attachment is nonspecific as PBS 1 was shown to attach to the flagella of Bacillus species other than the normal host B. subtilis. The phage particle then quickly moves down the length of the flagellum to its base, the final adsorption site. Flagellar motion is required for flagellar base attachment (stage II). After proper attachment at the flagellar base, the phage tail sheath contracts sending the tail core through the final adsorption site (stage III). The phage DNA is then injected at this site (stage IV). Stage I adsorption does not cause loss of motility in PBS 1 -- resistant bacilli. The loss of motility observed upon infection of sensitive cells by PBS 1 may be associated with either stage II or stage III of adsorption.  相似文献   

Virulent bacteriophage phi 1 grows on a variety of Bacillus subtilis strains, mutants of this virus which abortively infect the transformable bacillus. B. subtilis 168, while retaining the ability to productively infect related bacteria have been found. In the present study, we demonstrate that the inability of one such variant, phi 1m, to develop normally in strain 168 is mediated by cryptic prophage SP beta. The latter is a temperate bacteriophage which is carried by B. subtilis 168 and most strains derived from this bacterium. Phi 1 m infection of SP beta lysogens begins with apparently normal adsorption, penetration, and inititaion of virus-directed syntheses. At about the 20th min of the latent period, however, there is an abrupt cessation of nucleic acid synthesis and cellular respiration, accompanied by a change in cell permeability. This course of events can be altered to a permissive infection by mutation in the mpi gene of SP beta, by mutation in the spoOA gene of the host, or by growing SP beta lysogens at high temperature. In addition, we found a second class of phi 1 mutants which abortively infect B. subtilis 168 derivatives even in the absence of the SP beta prophage.  相似文献   

The cohesive single-stranded ends of temperate Bacillus subtilis phage phi 105 were analyzed with the exonuclease activities of the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I and with exonuclease III and were found to be 3' extensions. Chemical sequencing of 3'-end-labeled fragments showed that the ends are 7-base extended 3' single strands and have the sequence: 5'-GCGCTCC-3'. 3'-CGCGAGG-5'  相似文献   

S P Kuhn  J S Lampel    W R Strohl 《Applied microbiology》1987,53(12):2708-2713
A new temperate actinophage from Streptomyces galilaeus ATCC 31133 was purified after that strain was crossed with S. peucetius ATCC 29050. Sensitive hosts became lysogenized and yielded turbid plaques of 2 to 3 mm in diameter. Host-range analysis indicated that 16 of 27 Streptomyces strains tested were sensitive to infection on solid medium. S. lividans and S. coelicolor A3(2) were among those not infected by this new actinophage. The new actinophage, designated phi SPK1, belongs to the Bradley group B morphological type, the pH optimum for infection is 6.75 to 7.0, it is not efficiently induced by mitomycin C or UV irradiation, it has a circular chromosome of 35.8 +/- 0.5 kilobase pairs in length containing overlapping (cohesive) ends, and the G+C content of its DNA was calculated from the buoyant density of 1.7240 to be 69 mol%. The DNA of phage phi SPK1 was cleaved by the restriction endonucleases ApaI, AluII, EcoRI, PvuII, and SalI, but, in all cases except that with EcoRI, treatment yielded greater than 20 restriction fragments. No sites were detected for BamHI, BclI, BglII, ClaI, HindIII, MluI, PstI, SmaI, SphI, SstI, XbaI, or XhoI.  相似文献   

The d gene from the Bacillus subtilis temperate bacteriophage SP beta was isolated. When introduced into an SP beta-sensitive strain of B. subtilis, the cloned d gene directed the synthesis of a 22-kilodalton protein and conferred on the host immunity to SP beta phage. A frameshift mutation, designated d2, was introduced into the cloned d gene, and it was subsequently crossed back into the SP beta phage genome. The resulting SP beta phage grew lytically and formed clear plaques on sensitive bacteria. Although the cloned d gene confers immunity to the host, we could not detect complementation of the d gene by mixed infection with SP beta d2 and various SP beta c mutants. The nucleotide sequence of the 1,033-base-pair PstI-to-EcoRI fragment containing the d gene was determined; it includes an open reading frame that could potentially encode a protein of 227 amino acids. The gene was mapped within the PstI H fragment on the phage genome, which positions the d gene about 25 kilobases from the right end of the phage genome. It is transcribed from right to left.  相似文献   

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