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卷丝苣苔和勐醒芒毛苣苔抗氧化活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用3种方法DPPH、ABTS和FRAP分析两种苦苣苔科植物卷丝苣苔和勐醒芒毛苣苔提取物总抗氧化作用.在4种提取物中,卷丝苣苔甲醇提取物对DPPH自由基的清除能力(IC50=4.92μg/mL)比阳性对照BHT作用强(IC50=18.79 μg/mL);卷丝苣苔甲醇提取物对ABTS自由基的清除能力(IC50=11.10 μg/mL)比BHT(IC50=6.04 μg/mL)略低;卷丝苣苔甲醇提取物还原Fe3+的能力(FRAP=2403.77±38.05 μmol TE/g)比BHT(FRAP=1748.49±3.46 μmol TE/g)高.在4种提取物中,卷丝苣苔甲醇提取物抗氧化能力最高.  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》1989,9(4):21-28
本文发表于湖南的唇柱苣苔属三新种:宽脉唇柱苣苔Chirita latinervis W.T.Wang、新宁唇柱苣苔C.xinningensis W.T.Wang和粗筒唇柱苣苔C.crassitubaW.T.Wang。  相似文献   

乳苣一新变型——白花乳苣   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
描述了乳苣属(Mulgedium)乳苣[Mulgedium tataricum(L.)DC.]的一个新变型即白花乳苣[Mulgedium tataricum(L.)DC.f.albi florum Q.Zhu],该变型与原变型的区别在于花冠为白色.  相似文献   

黄翠莹  孟开开  郭剑强  陈昉  廖文波  凡强 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1429-1437
该文报道了在广东丹霞山发现的报春苣苔属一新种——黄进报春苣苔(Primulina huangjiniana),并对其进行了描述。该新种与同属物种短序报春苣苔(P. depressa)最为相似,但两者在形态特征上能够很好地区别:黄进报春苣苔具有更短的、长2.5~6 mm的苞片(vs. 短序报春苣苔具有长15~30 mm的苞片,顺序下同); 花萼裂片等长(vs. 不等长),花丝基部附近膝状突起,中部以上具腺毛(vs. 于中部膝状突起且无毛); 柱头倒三角形,深2裂成2线形裂片(vs. 片状,稍2浅裂,裂片为三角形),侧膜胎座(vs. 中轴胎座)。加上该新种在内,丹霞山目前共记录有6种报春苣苔属植物,其中丹霞小花苣苔(P. danxiaensis)和该新种均为丹霞地貌特有植物。黄进报春苣苔目前在丹霞山的两个地方有发现,成年植株不超过200株,根据IUCN红色名录标准,属于极危种。  相似文献   

异叶苣苔属(苦苣苔科)的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首次报道了中国特有异叶苣苔属的染色体数目及核型。该属所研究种类的染色体数目均为 2n=18,染色体长度在2.0µm以上,在尖舌苣苔族所报道的染色体中显示出较原始的性状。尖舌苣苔 族的染色体基数可能是x=9。异叶苣苔属的间期核均为复杂型;前期染色体呈渐变型。核型从对称型 向不对称型的演化主要表现在近中部着丝粒,尤其是近端部着丝粒染色体比例的增大。毕节异叶苣苔 W.bljieensis和峨眉异叶苣苔W.tsiangiana var.wilsonii的核型分别为2n=2m+8m+8sm(1sat)和 2n=2m+8m(1sat)+8sm(2sat),较为对称。紫红异叶苣苔W.purpurascens和白花异叶苣苔W. tsiangiana var. tsiangiana的核型分别为2n=4m+6sm+8st(1sat)和2n=4m+8sm(2sat)+6st,比较 特化。河口异叶苣苔W.hekouensis的核型是2n=4m+10sm(1sat)+4st,处于二者之间。峨眉异叶苣 苔和原变种白花异叶苣苔的核型差异较大,在外部形态方面二者之间的性状变异也间断较大。本文建 议将该变种从白花异叶苣苔W.tsiangiana中移出自成一种,并和毕节异叶苣苔近缘。  相似文献   

本文报道了苦苣苔科直瓣苣苔属Ancylostemon、筒花苣苔属Briggsiopsis和吊石苣苔属Lysionotus 中4个种的染色体数目和核形态。凹瓣苣苔A.aureus的染色体数目为n=34,与其近缘种凸瓣苣苔 A.convexus的染色体数目相同。该种的核型公式为2n=20m(1sat)+14sm,核型类型属于2A。间期核 为复杂染色中心型(complex chromocenter type);细胞有丝分裂前期的染色体为近基型(proximal type) 我国特有单种属筒花苣苔属Briggsiopsis的间期核为简单—复杂染色中心型(simple-complex chromocenter type);细胞有丝分裂前期的染色体为中间—渐变型(interstitial—gradient type);核型公式为2n=34=25m +6sm+3st,与近缘类群——粗筒苣苔属Briggsia染色体数目2n=34,68相比,无论染色体数目还是核 型均显示比较原始的特征。吊石苣苔属的蒙自吊石苣苔L.carnosus和翅茎吊石苣苔L.serratus D. Don var.pterocaulis的核型公式分别是2n=30=21m+5sm+3st+1t和2n=32=21m+10sm+1t。核 型类型分别属于2A和2B。间期核均为简单—复杂染色中心型(simple-complex chromocenter type);细胞 有丝分裂前期的染色体为渐变型(gradient type)。  相似文献   

报道了在中国广西发现的苦苣苔科一新属即方鼎苣苔属Paralagarosolen Y. G. Wei 和一新种方鼎苣苔P. fangianum Y. G. Wei。方鼎苣苔属与细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W. T. Wang近缘,它们的共同特征是花筒细筒状,不肿胀,柱头2;不同点是方鼎苣苔属叶基部有时盾状,聚伞花序具1朵花,花冠裂片顶端圆钝,蒴果宽卵状椭圆球形。  相似文献   

报道了中国苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)喜鹊苣苔属(Ornithoboea Parish ex C.B.Clarke)一新记录种——雷氏喜鹊苣苔(O.lacei Craib),该种与滇桂喜鹊苣苔(O.wildeana Craib)近似,其区别特征在于花冠下唇裂片顶端凹陷,退化雄蕊3。凭证标本存放于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

报道了分布于广西石灰岩山地及岩溶洞穴的苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae报春苣苔属Primulina Hance一新种——泡叶报春苣苔P.bullata S.N.Lu & Fang Wen。泡叶报春苣苔与荔波报春苣苔P.liboensis(W.T.Wang & D.Y.Chen)Mich.Mller & A.Weber和桂林报春苣苔P.gueilinensis(W.T.Wang)Y.Z.Wang相近,以叶两面均具直立柔毛,叶上面呈显著泡状,具较多花序,(1)2~9条,花序梗较长,(4.0)8.5~15 cm,苞片线形或线状披针形,大小为7 mm×1 mm,花大,长4.2~5.3 cm,粉紫色,退化雄蕊较长,13~15 mm,花期在11月而区别。  相似文献   

作者于2020年在福建长汀进行林木种质资源调查时发现了一种苦苣苔科异叶苣苔属植物,经过2年多次跟踪调查鉴定,确认为苦苣苔科一新种——闽西异叶苣苔(Whytockia minxiensis),并提供了该新种的描述和图片资料。闽西异叶苣苔子房2室,雌蕊柱头椭圆形,叶背密被短柔毛,花萼具毛,可与相近种台湾异叶苣苔(Whytockia sasakii)区分。模式标本存放于福建农林大学林学院标本馆(FJFC)。  相似文献   

裂叶苣荬菜的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对裂叶苣荬菜(Sonchus arvensis L)进行了初步研究。考察了它的植物生态特征和分布环境,预试了化学成分并进行了临床病例观察。为裂叶苣荬菜以其本名作为治疗肝炎的草药入药提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

广东8种野菜中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐及Vc的含量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定了广东菊科8种野菜中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和维生素C的含量,结果表明:革命菜、一点红、苣荬菜的硝酸盐含量低于轻度污染水平,属于一级野菜;山莴苣、地胆草、加拿大蓬和艾的硝酸盐含量低于785mg/kg,达中度污染水平,属二级蔬菜范围,不宜生食,煮熟或盐渍可安全食用;甜菜籽属于三级蔬菜,不可生食和盐渍,可熟食.这些野菜维生素C的含量均低于50mg/100g(鲜重),属于中、低维生素C含量的野菜.  相似文献   

通过对蓬蘽氨基酸成分分析,蓬蘽果实与叶片均含有17种氨基酸,其中7种为人体必需氨基酸。其果实不同类型氨基酸之间的配比及含量达到或接近FAO/WHO提出的理想蛋白质模式谱标准[1]。谷氨酸含量最高,蛋氨酸含量最低,其中谷氨酸、天冬氨酸、亮氨酸居前三位。蓬蘽叶片氨基酸总含量显著高于鲜果,谷氨酸含量最高,丙氨酸含量最低,谷氨酸、赖氨酸、苏氨酸居前三位,均衡度稍逊于果实。作为对照,测定了草莓果叶、茶叶的相关数据。  相似文献   

红瓜叶营养成分及作为野生蔬菜的评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
分析了红瓜(Coccinia gradis)嫩茎叶的矿物质、微量元素、蛋白质、氨基酸和维生素含量,并与常用7种栽培蔬菜的含量进行了比较。结果发现,红瓜嫩茎叶中矿物质K、P(除芹菜),微量元素Fe、Mg(除蕹菜)、Se和Zn的含量均高于7种蔬菜。红瓜嫩叶中硫氨素、核黄素和尼克酸含量远高于对照的7种栽培蔬菜。采用模糊识别法和氨基酸系数比值法,分别以鸡蛋蛋白质为标准蛋白,以WHO/FAO必需氨基酸参考模式为评价标准,对红瓜嫩茎叶中蛋白质营养价值进行了评价,并与7种栽培蔬菜蛋白质进行对照比较。结果表明红瓜嫩茎叶蛋白质含量为2.1%(鲜重),蛋白质中氨基酸种类齐全,氨基酸含量93.8%,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的42%,第一限制性氨基酸为含硫氨基酸(Met Cys)。红瓜嫩茎叶蛋白质中必需氨基酸贴近度(以鸡蛋蛋白质为标准)0.8070,氨基酸比值系数分(以WHO/FAO必需氨基酸参考模式)71.946,均高于对照的7种栽培蔬菜。  相似文献   

The present study was performed to test the hypothesis that orally administered essential amino acids, in combination with carbohydrate, will stimulate net muscle protein synthesis in resting human muscle in vivo. Four volunteers ingested 500 mL of a solution containing 13.4 g of essential amino acids and 35 g sucrose (EAA). Blood samples were taken from femoral arterial and venous catheters over a 2-hour period following the ingestion of EAA to measure arteriovenous concentrations of amino acids across the muscle. Two muscle biopsies were taken during the study, one before administration of the drink and one approximately 2 hours after consumption of EAA. Serum insulin increased from normal physiologic levels at baseline (9.2 +/- 0.8 microU/mL) and peaked (48 +/- 7.1 microU/mL) 30 minutes after EAA ingestion. Arterial essential amino acid concentrations increased approximately 100 to 400% above basal levels between 10 and 30 minutes following drink ingestion. Net nitrogen (N) balance changed from negative (-495 +/- 128 nmol/mL) prior to consumption of EAA to a peak positive value (416 +/- 140 nmol/mL) within 10 minutes of ingestion of the drink. EAA resulted in an estimated positive net N uptake of 307.3 mg N above basal levels over the 2-hour period. Muscle amino acid concentrations were similar prior to and 2 hours following ingestion of EAA. We conclude that ingestion of a solution composed of carbohydrates to stimulate insulin release and a small amount of essential amino acids to increase amino acid availability for protein synthesis is an effective stimulator of muscle protein anabolism.  相似文献   

为了优化鲆鱼类的营养结构及饲料配制,本文利用氨基酸分析及统计学分析研究了同规格鲆鱼类氨基酸组成模式。结果表明,两者必需氨基酸/总氨基酸为47%~48%、必需氨基酸/非必需氨基酸是87%~93%,相对稳定,符合FAO/WHO氨基酸理想模式;大菱鲆必需氨基酸的组成模式为苏氨酸4.17,异亮氨酸4.06,赖氨酸8.78,苯丙氨酸4.06,蛋氨酸2.72,缬氨酸4.22,亮氨酸8.06,组氨酸2.33,精氨酸5.94。牙鲆必需氨基酸的组成模式为苏氨酸4.10,异亮氨酸4.00,赖氨酸8.85,苯丙氨酸3.70,蛋氨酸2.85,缬氨酸3.95,亮氨酸7.85,组氨酸1.95,精氨酸6.20。鲆鱼类营养价值较高,必需氨基酸组成模式接近。  相似文献   

This study was done to evaluate the effects of two sublethal doses of gossypol (4 and 20 mg/kg of BW, every other day) on some amino and fatty acid concentrations in male rabbit seminal plasma. Rabbits were chosen as an experimental animal owing to the fact that they are excellent model for reproductive toxicological effects. The experiment lasted 16 weeks and included two periods: a treatment period (first 8 weeks) where the animals were given the tested product, and a recovery period (second 8 weeks) where all drugs were withdrawn. Results showed that total amino acids (TAA), total essential amino acids (EAA), total non-essential amino acids (non-EAA) and EAA/non-EAA ratio were decreased in a dose-dependent manner during gossypol treatment. The deleterious effect on TAA concentrations was mainly due to the reduction in total EAA. However, these concentrations regained their normal values after gossypol cessation. Basic, acidic, neutral amino acids and basic/acidic amino acids ratio decreased in a dose-dependent manner by gossypol treatment. Additionally, gossypol administration caused decreases in total unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) and increases in total saturated fatty acids (SFA) and the SFA/USFA ratio in a dose-dependent manner. During the recovery period, total SFA and USFA showed significant reduction and significant increase, respectively, after gossypol withdrawal. In conclusion, gossypol administration affected rabbit seminal plasma concentrations of amino and fatty acids in a dose-dependant manner. Gossypol reduced TAA, total EAA and total non-EAA. Additionally, gossypol caused decreases in total USFA and increases in total SFA. These deleterious effects were associated with poor-quality semen observed in our previous studies.  相似文献   

Peschken  D. P. 《BioControl》1979,24(4):455-461
BioControl - The host specificity and suitability ofTephritis dilacerata Loew, a promising biocontrol agent of perennial sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis L.), were investigated. Sow-thistle is a...  相似文献   

For about twenty-five years a fairly widespread disease of bulbous iris has been known, the cause of which has always been attributed to a biologic race of the stem eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn, 1857), Filipjev, 1936.
Thorne (1945) showed that the nematode causing rot in potato tubers is different from D. dipsaci and named it D. destructor. This nematode has since been reported from Mentha arvensis L. by Hurst (1948) and from Sonchus arvensis L. by Goodey & Goodey (1949).
Examination of nematodes from diseased iris bulbs showed them to possess rounded tail tips and six incisures on each lateral field; characters by which Ditylenchus destructor is distinguished from D. dipsaci.
Cross-inoculation experiments showed that the eelworm causing disease in potato tubers would invade and set up characteristic symptoms in iris bulbs and, in the opposite direction, the eelworm responsible for disease in iris bulbs would give rise to characteristic symptoms in potato tubers. Transfer was also effected from potato and iris to Mentha arvensis and from iris to Sonchus arvensis.
The history of the disease in bulbous iris is briefly reviewed and the biology of Ditylenchus destructor discussed and compared with that of D. dipsaci.
The conclusion that D. destructor is the nematode causing eelworm disease of bulbous iris has been reported earlier (Goodey, J. B. 1950).  相似文献   

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