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The polyamine content of Entamoeba was measured by a procedure that involved benzoylation followed by high performance liquid chromatography (h.p.l.c.). A high concentration of putrescine and significant amounts of spermidine and spermine were found in actively growing trophozoites and in the cyst forms of the organism. In contrast, trophozoites in stationary phase had greatly reduced amounts of putrescine and exhibited peaks in h.p.l.c., possibly indicative of acetylated polyamines. alpha-D,L-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) lowered the concentration of polyamines in growing trophozoites, but did not inhibit the degree of proliferation. There is evidence for pathways of polyamine biosynthesis in Entamoeba other than through ornithine decarboxylase (ODC).  相似文献   

Knowledge of the biology and pathogenesis of the human parasite Entamoeba histolytica has been limited by the lack of efficient procedures to induce axenic encystation in the laboratory. However, such methods have been developed for E. invadens, a reptilian parasite, for which encystation can be induced by mechanisms that are as yet poorly defined. This has allowed the analysis of some morphological, physiological and biochemical events that accompany differentiation into cysts. Elucidation of these changes will lead to a better understanding of the process and therefore to the possibility of controlling it. Here, Everardo López-Romero and Julio Cézar Villagómez-Castro emphasize the metabolism of cyst-wall polymers as a potential target to inhibit cyst formation with specific drugs that would be in principle, harmless to the host.  相似文献   

The major phosphoglycerides present in Entamoeba invadens are phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol. Furthermore, three different sphingolipids could be isolated from the amoeba. In addition to sphingomyelin and a phosphonolipid, ceramide phosphonylethanolamine, a previously unknown sphingolipid was present. This sphingolipid contained a long chain base, inositol, and phosphorus in the ratio of 0.97:0.97: 1.0 and could be identified as ceramide phosphorylinositol. The various individual phospholipids showed different rates of turnover. Phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol had, relative to the other phospholipids, a short half-time of about 12 h. Phosphatidylethanolamine and ceramide phosphorylinositol had a half-time of about 24 and 30 h, respectively. The major phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine and also sphingomyelin and phosphatidylserine showed no turnover. In contrast to the phosphoglycerides, the sphingolipid composition of the amoeba cultivated in different media was rather variable, while the total sphingolipid content remained at 21% of the total amount of phospholipids. The amount of ceramide phosphorylinositol was almost doubled in the cells cultivated on the serum-free medium (T), whereas the amount of sphingomyelin and ceramide phosphonylethanolamine decreased. Evidence is presented that these alterations in the sphingolipid composition of E. invadens are related to the amount of unsaturated fatty acids which were present in the culture medium.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical tests have shown that the chromatoid bodies contain mainly ribonucleic acid and protein. There is no evidence to suggest the presence of any desoxyribonucleic acid, lipid, glycogen, neutral fat, or metaphosphate. The cyclic changes in the chromatoid body have been studied by means of light and electron microscopy and estimations of the total RNA present. The results indicate that the chromatoid bodies arise by a process of aggregation of small groups of 250–300 A units form polycrystalline masses in precystic and early cysts. At the same time there is a steady rise in the amount of RNA present. In the maturing cysts, the crystalline masses fragment into separate particles, but there is no corresponding fall in the amount of RNA. The significance of these results in relation to the previous literature on chromatoid bodies and similarly named cellular inclusions in spermatogenic and plant cells, as well as in the protozoa, is discussed. Attention is drawn to the striking similarity of composition, formation, development and ultimate fate of these various inclusion bodies but as the terminology is still confused it is proposed that the term chromatoid body be retained solely for particulate or lamellar ribonucleo-protein accumulations. Acknowledgements. Most of this study was presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. I should like to express my deep appreciation to Prof. M. M. Swann F. R. S. for his interest and helpful guidance in this work. I am grateful to the Melville Trust for Cancer Research who provided the electron microscope.  相似文献   

A quantitative study on digestion of erythrocytes by Entamoeba invadens was attempted. Trophozoites of the IP-1 strain were fed red blood cells for 30 min, and subsequently phagocytosis was stopped by means of osmotic shock; post-phagocytosis incubations for up to 15 h were made in order to evaluate intracellular digestion, after staining the red blood cells with benzidine. Eighty-two per cent of trophozoites were capable of phagocytosing erythrocytes, containing an average of 5.5 erythrocytes per amoeba. Erythrocyte digestion within amoebae was shown by loss of benzidine-stainable material and proceeded with a first-order kinetics, with a t1/2 approximately 7 h. Within 15 h there were no amoebae containing erythrocytes. The procedure described may be useful for the evaluation of intracellular digestion in other Entamoeba species.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Malic enzyme (EC of Entamoeba invadens seems to be a single species of protein on zone-sedimentation, gel filtration, and gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 120,000 and sedimentation coefficient close to 6S. Isoelectric focusing, however, showed malic enzyme to be composed of three isoenzymes of pI 5.8, 6.0, and 6.3. A procedure is described that yields an electrophoretically pure sample of each of the isoenzymes suitable for physical and chemical studies.  相似文献   

The current media for axenic cultivation of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba invadens are supplemented with bovine or equine serum, which provides several essential nutrients to amoebas. Serum has also been considered an essential component in encystation media for E. invadens. A substitute of serum, PACSR has been described as an alternative for growth of E. histolytica and also maintains growth of E. invadens. When PACSR was used instead of serum for encystation of E. invadens the efficiency was the same as for serum. Our present data show that PACSR can support the growth and induction of encystation of E. invadens strain IP-1.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Growth curves in a monophasic, polyxenic medium are presented for a strain of Entamoeba invadens. Three characteristics of these curves are: 1) the increase in numbers of trophozoites is linear with time; 2) the increase in numbers of cysts is linear with time; and 3) the durations of these 2 periods are equal to each other. Additional experiments are described in which variations of the culture conditions do not alter these 3 characteristics. Because of these data, we propose that, under the cultural conditions we have used, division of the trophozoites of Entamoeba invadens is coupled to the differentiation of these cells into cysts.  相似文献   

Sialic acid is a cell surface component of Entamoeba invadens trophozoites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The surface anionic groups of Entamoeba invadens were analysed by cell electrophoresis, by ultrastructural cytochemistry, and by identification of sialic acids using paper and gas-liquid chromatography. Binding of colloidal iron hydroxide (CIH) and of cationized ferritin (CF) particles at pH 1.8 and 7.2, respectively, was observed on the cell surface. E. invadens has a highly negative surface charge (-0.96 microns s-1 V-1 cm). Treatment of the cells with trypsin and neuraminidase significantly reduced the electrophoretic mobility by 24% and 40%, respectively. Treatment of the amoebae with neuraminidase also markedly decreased the binding of CIH to the cell surface. This finding suggests that sialic acid residues are the major anionogenic groups exposed on the surface of E. invadens. Paper and gas-liquid chromatography showed that N-acetylneuraminic acid was the only derivative characterized in E. invadens.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. 2,4-Dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) in substrate level concentrations (200 μM-1 mM) temporarily inhibits H2 production by Tritrichomonas foetus and Trichomonas vaginalis as well as the accumulation of metronidazole, dependent on its reduction by the two trichomonad species and by Entamoeba invadens.
  • 2.2. 2,4-DNP competes for the reducing equivalents which are necessary for H2 production or for the reduction of metronidazole, thereby inhibiting these processes. 2,4-DNP is reduced to 2-amino, 4-nitrophenol.
  • 3.3. 2,4-DNP in concentrations up to 800 μM has no effect on the uptake of O2 by these organisms.
  • 4.4. 2,4-DNP has some toxicity for T. foetus.

Entamoeba parasites multiply as trophozoites in the layer of mucus that overlies the colonic epithelium. In response to stimuli that are not understood, trophozoites stop multiplying and differentiate into cysts that are released to infect another host. In the colon, Entamoeba trophozoites are exposed to the large variety of biochemicals that are carried into or are produced within this organ. The normal bacterial population of the colon releases large amounts of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These compounds have effects on the growth, differentiation and repair of the colonic epithelium that correlate with de-creased activity of a Class I/II histone deacetylase (HDAC). We found that the formation of cysts, but not the growth of trophozoite-stage Entamoeba invadens parasites, was inhibited by physiologic concentrations of SCFAs. Variable levels of cyst formation did occur if SCFA concentrations were lowered. Specific inhibitors of Class I/II-type HDACs also prevented encystation, and trophozoites exposed to these compounds had increased levels of acetylation of histone H4 and other nuclear proteins. These results suggest that production of the infectious cyst stage of Entamoeba parasites is regulated in part by the levels of SCFAs made by the bacterial population of the colon.  相似文献   

A method is described for the isolation of subcellular membranes of Entamoeba invadens. Plasma membranes were obtained by rate centrifugation followed by isopycnic centrifugation on a sucrose gradient. Intact phagolysosomes floated in a 10% sucrose solution providing a simple technique for isolation. Phagolysosomal membranes were collected by isopycnic centrifugation, after lysis of the phagolysosomes. Microsomes were obtained by differential centrifugation. Membrane fractions were examined by electron microscopy, and the contamination of each fraction was determined with marker enzymes. Mg2+-ATPase is associated with the plasma membrane. Acid phosphatase (beta-glycerophosphate) was associated mainly with phagolysosmal membranes. Plasma membranes also contained acid phosphatase activity which hydrolyzes p-nitrophenylphosphate but not beta-glycerophosphate. The localization of the two phosphatases was confirmed cytochemically. Isolated plasma membranes were contaminated with phagolysosomal membranes (15%) and with microsomes (25%). No more than 5% of the phagolysosomal membrane fraction consisted of plasma membranes. Contamination of the microsomes by plasma and phagolysosomal membranes was 10% and 7%, respectively. Plasma membranes and phagolysosomal membranes had a high ratio of cholesterol to phospholipid (0.93 and 1.05 mumol/mumol, respectively). Microsomes were relatively poor in cholesterol (0.39 mumol/mumol). Microsomes, plasma, and phagolysosomal membranes contained increasing amounts of spingolipids (12%, 17%, and 28%). Phagolysosomal membranes had a high percentage of phosphatidylserine but little phosphatidylcholine. Microsomes were rich in phosphatidylcholine (45%). Differences in phospholipid composition between plasma and phagolysosomal membranes are discussed in view of the phagocytic process.  相似文献   

Helices andaggregates of helices (chromatoid bodies) composed of ribosomelike particles appear in cysts and slow-growing trophozoites of Entamoeba invadens. We found that similar helix aggregates were formed abundantly in actively growing E. invadens trophozoites treated with a variety of direct or indirect inhibitors of protein synthesis. The inhibitor-induced helices appeared cytochemically and ultrastructurally identical to those seen in cysts. Numerous single helices and small arrays occurred randomly distributed throughout the trophozoite cytoplasm within 15 min after treatment with NaF, which rapidly and completely stopped all nucleic acid and protein synthesis. Cycloheximide (CH), which inhibited protein synthesis as effectively a NaF, stimulated aggregate formation more slowly, and only after a delay of 30-60 min. CH temporarily blocked NaF-stimulated aggregated formation. Aggregation was slowest with actinomycin-D, which strongly inhibited RNA synthesis but depressed protein synthesis only slowly. These results suggested that release of ribosomes from mRNA was required for aggregation. Inhibition by CH was reversible, and aggregates disappeared from CH-treated amebas shortly after they were transferred to inhibitor-free frowth medium. There was no evidence that helices assembled about a structural organizer within the cell or that the process involved metabloc activity. It was concluded that the inhibitor-induced helices were composed of mature, normally functional ribosomes and that helix formation was a spontaneous and reversible consequence of the accumulation withing the cell of free monosomes (or subunits) which were prevented from binding to mRNA.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A method for axenic mass cultivation of Entamoeba invadens is described. A known monophasic culture medium for E. histolytica was modified by mixing it with a medium for Acanthamoeba castellanii and adding ferric chloride to provide more particulate material. This results in a high number of cells per ml after a relatively short culture period.
A cell membrane fraction of such a mass culture of E. invadens can be prepared by simple disruption of the cells and by low speed centrifugation. Owing to the lack of membrane-bounded organellae in the amebic cytoplasm there are only 2 kinds of membranes to be separated: the plasmalemma and the vacuole membranes.  相似文献   

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