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The incubation of the E coli DNA binding protein HU with relaxed circular SV40 DNA in the presence of pure nicking-closing enzyme introduces up to 18 negative superhelical turns in the DNA molecules as measured by agarose gel electrophoresis. The maximal density of supercoiling is obtained at a HU-DNA mass ratio of 1. Reconstituted DNA-HU complexes prefixed with glutaraldehyde appear as condensed circular structures having an average of 14 "beads" per circular SV40 DNA molecule, with a "bead" diameter of 180 +/- 23 A. The circular SV40 DNA is condensed by a ratio of 2.0-2.5 relative to naked DNA. This is similar to the ratio (2.4) measured for chromatin formed by reassociation of relaxed SV40 DNA with the four core histones.  相似文献   

Induced optical activity of various aminoacridines bound to DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Blake  A R Peacocke 《Biopolymers》1967,5(9):871-875

Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC that protectsorganisms from O2?– toxicity is a family of transitionmetal-containing enzyme existing in all oxygen-consu-ming living beings [1,2]. SOD catalyzes the dismutationof the toxic superoxide anion O2?– int…  相似文献   

When a solution containing agarose and DNA at 65 °C is allowed to solidify in the well of a preformed gel, it is found that circular DNAs become “trapped” in the newly formed matrix and resist electrophoretic migration. This finding provides an independent method for the characterization of circular DNA. The trapping phenomenon is dependent on the size, conformation, and concentration of circular DNAs as well as on the concentration of agarose. It is demonstrated that this technique can be used as a sensitive assay for detecting circular DNA.  相似文献   

Circular double-stranded forms of TT virus DNA in the liver   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
TT virus (TTV) is an unenveloped, circular, and single-stranded DNA virus commonly infecting human beings worldwide. TTV DNAs in paired serum and liver tissues from three viremic individuals were separated by gel electrophoresis and characterized biophysically. TTV DNAs in sera migrated in sizes ranging from 2.0 to 2.5 kb. TTV DNAs in liver tissues, however, migrated at 2.0 to 2.5 kb as well as at 3.5 to 6.1 kb. Both faster- and slower-migrating forms of TTV DNAs in the liver were found to be circular and of the full genomic length of 3.8 kb. TTV DNAs migrating at 2.0 to 2.5 kb, from either serum or liver tissues, were sensitive to S1 nuclease but resistant to restriction endonucleases, and therefore, they were single-stranded. By contrast, TTV DNAs in liver tissues that migrated at 3.5 to 6.1 kb were resistant to S1 nuclease. They migrated at 3.7 to 4.0 kb after digestion with EcoRI, which suggests that they represent circular, double-stranded replicative intermediates of TTV. When TTV DNAs were subjected to strand-specific primer extension and then amplified by PCR with internal primers, those in serum were found to be minus-stranded DNAs while those in liver tissues were found to be a mixture of plus- and minus-stranded DNAs. These results suggest that TTV replicates in the liver via a circular double-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

A new site-directed method for introducing mutations into any region of plasmid vector close to the unique restriction site is described. It is based on the use of 5'-phosphorylated mutagenic and nonphosphorylated auxiliary oligonucleotides and a specific combination of enzymatic procedures including 'nick-translation' as a key step. The method efficiency was demonstrated by constructing the deletion-insertion mutation which creates the consensus Pribnow box in a promoter-testing plasmid. The yield of the target mutation was up to 85-95%.  相似文献   

A melting experiment was performed on the whole set of populations of the replicative form of ?X174 DNA, which can be obtained treating this DNA with rat liver nicking-closing enzyme in the presence of ethidium bromide. Gel electrophoresis performed by loading the DNA samples at neutral and alkaline pH allows separation of these populations in discrete sets of bands, which can then be compared. The outcome of the experiments indicates that in the range of electrophoretic mobilities which can be explored, no band is formed exclusively by circular complementary strands which can be separated by alkaline denaturation. These results are compared with what would be expected if double-stranded closed circular DNA had structures other than the canonical double helix. Under nonrestrictive hypotheses, the experiments reported allow one to obtain a minimum estimate of the absolute value of the linking number of a closed circular double-stranded DNA: for native ?X174 RF DNA, the linking number appears to be greater than 12 (in absolute value). Some data on the electrophoretic mobility of denatured closed circular duplexes are reported, which still wait for a physicochemical interpretation.  相似文献   

S L Tausta  L A Klobutcher 《Cell》1989,59(6):1019-1026
Following their sexual cycle, hypotrichous ciliated protozoa transform a copy of a chromosomal micronucleus into a macronucleus containing small, linear DNA molecules. A frequent event during macronuclear development is the removal of short segments of DNA (internal eliminated sequences: IESs) by a process equivalent to DNA breakage and rejoining. In this study we used a polymerase chain reaction procedure to demonstrate that free circular forms of IESs are present in cells undergoing macronuclear development. Sequencing of the junctions of the free circular IESs suggests that they share 12 nucleotides with the macronuclear DNA molecules that are generated following IES removal. The results provide evidence that IESs are removed by an active DNA breakage and rejoining process, which may involve staggered cuts in the substrate DNA.  相似文献   

Using phosphocellulose followed by single-stranded DNA-cellulose chromatography for purification of UvrC proteins from overproducing cells, we found that UvrC elutes at two peaks: 0.4 m KCl (UvrCI) and 0.6 m KCl (UvrCII). Both forms of UvrC have a major peptide band (>95%) of the same molecular weight and identical N-terminal amino acid sequences, which are consistent with the initiation codon being at the unusual GTG site. Both forms of UvrC are active in incising UV-irradiated, supercoiled phiX-174 replicative form I DNA in the presence of UvrA and UvrB proteins; however, the specific activity of UvrCII is one-fourth that of UvrCI. The molecular weight of UvrCII is four times that of UvrCI on the basis of results of size exclusion chromatography and glutaraldehyde cross-linking reactions, indicating that UvrCII is a tetramer of UvrCI. Functionally, these two forms of UvrC proteins can be distinguished under reaction conditions in which the protein/nucleotide molar ratio is >0.06 by using UV-irradiated, (32)P-labeled DNA fragments as substrates; under these conditions UvrCII is inactive in incision, but UvrCI remains active. The activity of UvrCII in incising UV-irradiated, (32)P- labeled DNA fragments can be restored by adding unirradiated competitive DNA, and the increased level of incision corresponds to a decreased level of UvrCII binding to the substrate DNA. The sites of incision at the 5' and 3' sides of a UV-induced pyrimidine dimer are the same for UvrCI and UvrCII. Nitrocellulose filter binding and gel retardation assays show that UvrCII binds to both UV-irradiated and unirradiated double-stranded DNA with the same affinity (K(a), 9 x 10(8)/m) and in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas UvrCI does not. These two forms of UvrC were also produced by the endogenous uvrC operon. We propose that UvrCII-DNA binding may interfere with Uvr(A)(2)B-DNA damage complex formation. However, because of its low copy number and low binding affinity to DNA, UvrCII may not interfere with Uvr(A)(2)B-DNA damage complex formation in vivo, but instead through double-stranded DNA binding UvrCII may become concentrated at genomic areas and therefore may facilitate nucleotide excision repair.  相似文献   

Li H  Bo H  Wang J  Shao H  Huang S 《Cytotechnology》2011,63(1):7-12
To establish a cost-effective purification process for the large-scale production of plasmid DNA for gene therapy and DNA vaccination, a single anion-exchange chromatography (AEC) step was employed to purify supercoiled plasmid DNA (sc pDNA) from other isoforms and Escherichia coli impurities present in a clarified lysate. Two different size and conformation plasmids were used as model targets, and showed similar elution behavior in this chromatographic operation, in which sc pDNA was effectively separated from open circle plasmid DNA (oc pDNA) in a salt gradient. The process delivered high-purity pDNA of homogeneity of 95 ± 1.1% and almost undetectable levels of endotoxins, genomic DNA, RNA and protein, at a yield of 65 ± 8%. Furthermore, the transfection efficiency (29 ± 0.4%) was significantly higher than that (20 ± 0.1%) of a pDNA control. The present study confirms the possibility of using a single AEC step to purify sc pDNA from other isoforms and host contaminants present in a clarified E. coli lysate.  相似文献   

Yu H  Ren J  Qu X 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(1):185-191
The major protein component of the amyloid deposition in Alzheimer's disease is a 39-43 residue peptide, amyloid beta (Abeta). Abeta is toxic to neurons, although the mechanism of neurodegeneration is uncertain. Evidence exists for non-B DNA conformation in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease brains, and Abeta was reportedly able to transform DNA conformation in vitro. In this study, we found that DNA conformation was altered in the presence of Abeta, and Abeta induced DNA condensation in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, Abeta sheets, serving as condensation nuclei, were crucial for DNA condensation, and Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) ions inhibited Abeta sheet-induced DNA condensation. Our results suggest DNA condensation as a mechanism of Abeta toxicity.  相似文献   

Infecting bacteriophage mu DNA forms a circular DNA-protein complex   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Upon superinfection of immune (lysogenic) cells with bacteriophage Mu, a form of Mu DNA accumulates that sediments about twice as fast as the linear phage DNA marker in neutral sucrose gradients. This form is also detected upon infection of sensitive cells with Mu. We have purified it and examined its physical nature. Under the electron microscope it appears circular and supertwisted. Upon treatment with Pronase, phenol or sodium dodecyl sulfate, however, it is converted to a linear Mu-length form, indicating that the circle is not covalently closed. The linear DNA still has heterogeneous host sequences at its termini. The circular DNA is resistant to the action of Escherichia coli exonuclease III and T7 exonuclease, but becomes sensitive to these nucleases after treatment with Pronase showing the presence of a protein that binds non-covalently to the ends of the DNA to circularize it as well as protect it from digestion with exonucleases. The complex is resistant to high salt (up to 6 M-NaCl) but can undergo transitions between forms that are partially open, open circular, linear and circular dimers and trimers. Examination of DNA from mature phage particles reveals that a circular DNA species is present in at least 0.1 to 1% of the population. The purified complex is extremely efficient in transfection of E. coli spheroplasts. We estimate the molecular weight of the protein in this DNA-protein complex to be approximately 64,000, and suggest that this complex might represent the integrative precursor of infecting Mu DNA.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific pausing occurs during DNA synthesis catalyzed by the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme in the presence of the T4 helix destabilizing protein (gene 32 protein). Two of the six strongest pause sites on a double-stranded bacteriophage fd DNA template are in regions where hairpin helices are predicted to form when the DNA is single stranded. However, the other pause sites are in regions that are not obviously involved in secondary structure. The positions of the DNA chain ends produced at one pause site of each type were determined to within +/- 2 nucleotides. At this resolution, a clustering of sites is observed, suggesting that the polymerase holoenzyme may become destabilized when moving along selected regions of the DNA and then pause at one or more of several closely spaced positions. The addition of the T4 gene 41 protein (a DNA helicase that forms part of the T4 primosome) to the above replication system greatly increases the rate of fork movement and eliminates detectable pausing. In contrast, the addition of the T4 dda protein (a second DNA helicase that increases the rate of fork movement to a similar extent) has no affect on replication fork pausing. This difference could either be due to specific protein-protein interactions formed between the polymerase holoenzyme and the 41 protein or to the highly processive movement of the 41 protein along the displaced DNA strand.  相似文献   

Saporin-L1 from the leaves of Saponaria officinalis belongs to a group of plant polynucleotide:adenosine glycosidases, known as ribosome-inactivating proteins due to their property of depurinating the major rRNA. Previous experiments indicated that saporin-L1 and other ribosome-inactivating proteins depurinate also DNA [Barbieri et al. (1994) Nature 372, 324; and (1996) Biochem. J. 319, 507-513]. Here we describe the effects of highly purified nuclease-free saporin-L1 on mammalian nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Saporin-L1 had less activity on mitochondrial DNA than on nuclear DNA. A low, although significant, depurination of both chromatin and whole nuclei was observed. Mitochondrial nucleic acids are heavily depurinated in intact mitochondria, although the contribute of mtDNA to the deadenylation events is not known. The kinetic constants for several substrates were determined.  相似文献   

The activity of eukaryotic DNA methyltransferase diminishes with time when the enzyme is incubated with high concentrations (200–300 μg/ml) of unmethylated double-stranded Micrococcus luteus DNA. Under similar conditions, single-stranded DNA induces only a limited decrease of enzyme activity. The inactivation process is apparently due to a slowly progressive interaction of the enzyme with double-stranded DNA that is independent of the presence of S-adenosyl-l-methionine. The inhibited enzyme cannot be reactivated either by high salt dissociation of the DNA-enzyme complex or by extensive digestion of the DNA. Among synthetic polydeoxyribonucleotides both poly(dG-dC) · poly(dG-dC) and poly(dA-dT) · poly(dA-dT), but not poly(dI-dC) · poly(dI-dC), cause inactivation of DNA methyltransferase. This inactivation process may be of interest in regulating the ‘de novo’ activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The activity of eukaryotic DNA methyltransferase diminishes with time when the enzyme is incubated with high concentrations (200-300 micrograms/ml) of unmethylated double-stranded Micrococcus luteus DNA. Under similar conditions, single-stranded DNA induces only a limited decrease of enzyme activity. The inactivation process is apparently due to a slowly progressive interaction of the enzyme with double-stranded DNA that is independent of the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine. The inhibited enzyme cannot be reactivated either by high salt dissociation of the DNA-enzyme complex or by extensive digestion of the DNA. Among synthetic polydeoxyribonucleotides both poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) and poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT), but not poly(dI-dC).poly(dI-dC), cause inactivation of DNA methyltransferase. This inactivation process may be of interest in regulating the 'de novo' activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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