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黄山陈村水库河源溪流鱼类群落的食性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于2010年11月在黄山陈村水库河源溪流中所采集的鱼类标本,对其中9种优势鱼类的食性特征进行了研究。结果表明:宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)、光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus fasciatus)和麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)等9种鱼类都以有机碎屑、藻类和无脊椎动物为主要食物,属典型的杂食性或无脊椎动物食性鱼类;食物组成的相似性分析结果表明,不同物种间的食物组成差异显著但存在部分重叠(P<0.001)。不同物种间的食物多样性和食性宽度也存在显著性差异(P<0.05),其中底栖型鱼类具有相对较高的饵料来源,而鱼类的食物多样性可能与其小生境选择性有关。根据食物重叠指数,9种优势鱼类之间存在明显的食物重叠(D>0.3),尤其是宽鳍鱲、光唇鱼、麦穗鱼、高体鰟鮍(Rhodeus ocellatus)和稀有花鳅(Cobitis sinensis)间的食物重叠指数超过0.9。陈村水库河源溪流的鱼类群落所表现出的食物组成、食物多样性、食性宽度和种间食物重叠性等特征,可能与其生态系统所具有的营养外源性和物理栖息地周期动荡性等密切相关。 相似文献
秋浦河源国家湿地公园溪流鱼类群落的时空格局 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
确定溪流鱼类群落的时空格局及其形成机制是开展鱼类物种多样性保护和管理的科学基础。该文于2012年5月和10月两次对秋浦河源国家湿地公园境内的24个可涉水河段取样,共采集鱼类29种,隶属10科4目。研究了溪流鱼类群落结构及其多样性的时空格局,并解析了局域栖息地条件与支流空间位置变量对鱼类群落的影响。鱼类多样性的时空变化显著,鱼类多样性总体上为二级溪流高于一级溪流,10月份高于5月份。流量量级、底质粗糙度及异质性、水温和水深等对鱼类多样性及群落结构的空间变化影响显著。鱼类群落结构符合嵌套格局,季节动态不显著,上游鱼类群落呈现为下游群落的嵌套子集。一、二级溪流间的群落结构尽管存在部分重叠但差异显著,且这种差异主要源于稀有花鳅(Cobitis rarus)、吻虾虎鱼(Ctenogobius spp.)、宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)、尖头鱥(Phoxinus oxycephalus)、高体鰟鲏(Rhodeus ocellatus)和原缨口鳅(Vanmanenia stenosoma)等鱼类相对多度的空间变化,其中,除尖头鱥的多度在一级溪流中更高外,其他5种鱼类均在在二级溪流更高。 相似文献
溪流鱼类多样性沿着河流纵向梯度的空间分布规律已得到大量报道, 但这些研究大多聚焦基于物种组成的分类α多样性, 而有关分类β多样性和功能多样性的纵向梯度分布规律及其对人类干扰的响应研究较少。本文以青弋江上游3条人为干扰程度不同的河源溪流为研究区域, 比较研究了人为干扰对溪流鱼类功能α和β多样性及其纵向梯度分布格局的影响。结果显示, 人类干扰改变了河源溪流鱼类功能多样性的纵向梯度格局——由线性变化变为二项式分布。此外, 我们发现, 人为干扰导致土著种被本地入侵种取代, 且较强的土地利用和水污染排放可能增大环境的不连续性, 而群落周转和嵌套变化往往取决于环境的变化。尽管功能β多样性由嵌套成分主导, 但周转成分占比相对于人为干扰较小的溪流而言明显增加。人为干扰显著改变了受干扰溪流鱼类的物种组成和功能多样性, 且功能多样性的纵向梯度格局在不同的多样性指标上存在差异。本研究强调, 在评估人为干扰下多样性的变化时, 需要从多方面考虑, 包括空间尺度和多样性指标等。 相似文献
基于栖息地斑块尺度的青弋江河源溪流鱼类群落的时空格局 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
确定鱼类的栖息地利用格局是研究物种与环境关系的基础, 也是鱼类多样性保护和管理的必要前提。目前, 有关溪流鱼类群落的栖息地斑块利用格局尚存在争议。基于2012年9月至2013年8月对青弋江河源溪流的逐月调查数据, 初步研究了鱼类群落的栖息地斑块利用格局, 着重在栖息地斑块尺度上解析了鱼类群落的时空变化规律。主要研究结果显示, 深潭和急滩2类斑块间的底质、流速、水深、溶氧栖息地因子显著差异, 且深潭斑块的环境稳定性高于急滩。研究共采集鱼类15种, 其中鲤科鱼类8种, 占采集物种数50%以上。基于鱼类物种存在与否的不连续变量的分析结果显示, 鱼类物种组成的斑块间和月份间变化均不具显著性。但是, 基于鱼类物种多度的连续变量的分析结果显示, 鱼类群落结构存在有显著的斑块间变化和时间动态; 就斑块间变化而言, 原缨口鳅(Vanmanenia stenosoma)在急滩斑块中的多度更高, 而宽鳍 (Zacco platypus)、光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus fasciatus)和尖头 (Phoxinus oxycephalus)等其他关键物种则在深潭中具有更高多度。深潭斑块的鱼类物种数显著高于急滩, 但2类斑块间的个体数无显著差异。深潭斑块的鱼类物种数较稳定, 而个体数月变化显著, 可能与鱼类繁殖和群体补充以及越冬死亡等有关; 急滩鱼类物种数和个体数的月变化均显著, 除了与鱼类群体补充和越冬死亡有关以外, 还可能受越冬时栖息地斑块选择变化的影响。上述结果表明, 在栖息地斑块空间尺度上, 由于研究区域内大多数物种在栖息地斑块选择上无明显的特化性, 深潭和急滩斑块间鱼类的物种组成分布不符合前人所报道的生境-共位群格局, 但区域内常见种多度的变化可引起鱼类群落结构的斑块间差异和季节动态。
溪流大小及其空间位置对鱼类群落结构的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
江西柘林水库鱼类群落结构及功能多样性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解江西柘林水库鱼类群落结构和多样性的时空变化特征,研究鱼类物种多样性和功能多样性的关系,于2020年9月至2021年4月在该水库调查分析了鱼类物种组成、优势度及群落物种多样性和功能多样性。结果表明,共采集鱼类53种,分属于5目12科36属。其中,鲤形目(38种)种类最多,占调查物种数的71.69%,柘林水库上、中、下游库区分别采集到鱼类36、40和32种,各库区均以鲤形目鱼类为主,分别占采集物种数的72.97%、85.00%和75.00%。优势物种主要是■(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)和黄尾鲴(Xenocypris davidi),重要种主要是草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、蒙古红鲌(Erythroculter mongolicus)等。鱼类群落结构季节性差异大于空间格局差异,主要表现为秋季和冬季之间;生物多样性指数Margalef和功能丰富... 相似文献
黄河干流鱼类群落特征及其历史变化 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
为了解黄河干流鱼类群落现状及其历史变化,于2008年春季(5-6月)和秋季(9-11月)开展了黄河干流鱼类调查。共记录到鱼类54种,隶属于7目13科43属,其中该流域特有种4种。种类组成以鲤形目为主,占总数的68.5%。上游物种少,群落较为简单,中游和下游物种丰富,群落较为复杂并且较相似,种数自上游至下游逐渐增加。黄河鱼类在洄游、摄食、繁殖及栖息习性等方面呈现多样化特征。调查河段渔获物组成虽存在差异,但都以黄颡鱼属(Pelteobagrus spp.)、鲇(Silurus asotus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)以及鮈亚科等小型鱼类为主,小型化现象明显。对比历史资料分析显示,黄河鱼类物种多样性和资源量均呈明显下降趋势,特有种鱼类退化尤为显著,推测水资源过度开发、大量水工建筑、水体污染以及不合理利用等人为因素是导致变化的主要原因。 相似文献
物种的功能特征是联系群落结构和功能的关键因素,开展功能多样性研究可以更好地理解群落结构和功能的关系。为了解三峡库区鱼类群落结构和功能多样性的空间格局,作者于2019年和2020年对三峡库区库首秭归、库中云阳、库尾巴南及库首支流香溪河下游峡口、库中支流小江下游高阳、库尾支流嘉陵江下游合川等江段的鱼类进行调查,分析了鱼类群落结构和多样性,从摄食、运动和繁殖3个方面探讨了鱼类功能多样性空间格局。在三峡库区及主要支流共采集到鱼类78种,隶属于6目15科56属。各江段以广适性和静水性鱼类为主,其中库首秭归和支流香溪河下游峡口、小江下游高阳江段的短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)和贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri)等静水性鱼类相对丰度较高,库中云阳、库尾巴南和支流嘉陵江下游合川江段的蛇鮈(Saurogobio dabryi)和光泽黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus nitidus)等广适性鱼类相对丰度较高。非度量多维尺度(non-metric multidimensional scale, NMDS)和Bray-Curtis相异性指数分析表明,秭归和嘉陵江下游合川江段群... 相似文献
为了评估近20年来上海苏州河环境综合整治过程中鱼类多样性的变化状况, 本文于2019年6月(夏季)和9月(秋季)对苏州河13个断面的鱼类样本进行了采集, 对鱼类多样性和群落结构作了分析。结果显示, 2次采集共获得鱼类样本10,102号, 隶属于8目15科37属45种。夏季和秋季, 上游8个断面的鱼类均为36种, 下游5个断面则为12种和15种。从上游到下游, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)和Simpson优势度指数(C)总体呈逐渐降低的趋势。相对重要性指数(IRI)显示, 夏秋两季上游断面共同的优势种为似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni), 下游为鲫(Carassius auratus)和泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)。丰度生物量曲线表明, 全河段鱼类群落结构总体上并不稳定, 特别是夏季的下游河段。Cluster聚类和非参数多维标度排序分析可明显将鱼类群落分为上游群组(I)与下游群组(II), 似鳊、泥鳅、鲫、光泽黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus nitidus)和兴凯鱊(Acheilognathus chankaensis)等是造成群组间差异性的主要分歧种。与2001年的43种、2006年的28种相比, 本次调查的物种数出现了明显回升, 特别是下游河段。这种上游鱼类向下游迁移的趋势, 预示着下游中心城区与上游郊区河段的水质差别正在缩小, 水生态系统恢复迹象明显。本文认为, 上下游之间鱼类群落结构差异的缩小以及翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)、红鳍原鲌(Cultrichthys erythropterus)、棒花鱼(Abbottina rivularis)、子陵吻虾虎鱼(Rhinogobius giurinus)等在下游河段的出现, 可作为苏州河综合整治效果的重要生态标志。 相似文献
The spatial–temporal patterns of fish assemblages in lotic systems can provide useful information in developing effective conservation measures. This study aimed to explore the spatial and seasonal changes in fish assemblages and their association with environmental factors in mountain streams of the Ren River, southwest China. Field investigations were conducted at 18 sites during the rainy and dry seasons in 2017. A total of 1,330 individuals, belonging to three orders, eight families, 19 genera, and 21 species, were collected. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) showed that the structure of fish assemblages varied significantly at the spatial scale, but not at the seasonal scale. In low‐order sites, fish assemblages were mainly dominated by cold‐water and rheophilic species (e.g., Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, Scaphesthes macrolepis, Metahomaloptera omeiensis, and Gnathopogon herzensteini), while those in high‐order sites were predominated by warm‐water and eurytopic or stagnophilic species (e.g., Squalidus argentatus, Hemiculter leucisculus, and Zacco platypus). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the fish assemblages were structured by a combination of large‐scale landscape factors (e.g., altitude and C‐link) and small‐scale habitat features (e.g., channel width, water temperature, and depth). Among these factors, landscape had the greatest influence on fish assemblages, while local habitat variables were less important or were only significant in certain seasons. 相似文献
Michael H. Paller 《Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery (Formerly Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health)》2002,9(3):149-158
Fish assemblages were sampled by electrofishingover a two- to ten-year period in undisturbedand anthropogenically disturbed South Carolinacoastal plain streams. Jaccard similarity,Bray–Curtis similarity, and Spearman rankcorrelations among samples collected from thesame sites over time were significantly greaterat undisturbed sites than at disturbed sites,suggesting greater fish assemblage persistenceand stability at the undisturbed sites. TheIndex of Biotic Integrity (IBI) also exhibitedsignificantly less variation over time atundisturbed sites than at disturbed sites.Physical habitat structure changed more overtime at disturbed sites than at undisturbedsites, and this variability was directlyrelated to temporal variability in fishassemblage structure. Comparisons betweenmultiple and single pass electrofishing samplessuggested that only a small proportion of thetemporal variability observed at the studysites was caused by inefficient sampling.Assessment of temporal variation in fishassemblage structure can serve as an indicatorof environmental disturbance and facilitate thedistinction of substantive ecological changefrom normal background variation. 相似文献
SUMMARY 1. There is little information on the impacts of deforestation on the fish fauna in neotropical streams, and on parameters influencing species diversity and community structure of fish. We analysed these aspects in 12 stream sites in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The stream sites represented a large gradient in canopy cover and were located in an area of fragmented forest. While some streams had been deforested, they had not suffered gross degradation of the habitat.
2. The species richness of stream fish was not related to deforestation. Local fish diversity (Fisher's Alpha) was positively related to the surface area of stream pools (m2 ). Beta diversity was higher among forested than deforested sites, indicating greater heterogeneity in species composition among forested than deforested sites. The percentage of rare species was positively correlated with canopy cover.
3. Total fish density increased with deforestation, and the fish community changed from dominance by omnivorous and insectivorous Characiformes at forested sites to dominance of periphyton-feeding loricariids at deforested sites.
4. Multidimensional statistical analysis of fish community structure showed that six environmental variables (the area of stream bottom covered by leaves, relative pool area, particulate organic matter, mean depth, conductivity and suspended solids) were related to the ordination axes. The presence of leaves, which was strongly correlated to canopy cover, was the variable most closely related to fish community structure, while relative pool area was the second strongest variable. Thus, fish community structure was strongly affected by deforestation. 相似文献
2. The species richness of stream fish was not related to deforestation. Local fish diversity (Fisher's Alpha) was positively related to the surface area of stream pools (m
3. Total fish density increased with deforestation, and the fish community changed from dominance by omnivorous and insectivorous Characiformes at forested sites to dominance of periphyton-feeding loricariids at deforested sites.
4. Multidimensional statistical analysis of fish community structure showed that six environmental variables (the area of stream bottom covered by leaves, relative pool area, particulate organic matter, mean depth, conductivity and suspended solids) were related to the ordination axes. The presence of leaves, which was strongly correlated to canopy cover, was the variable most closely related to fish community structure, while relative pool area was the second strongest variable. Thus, fish community structure was strongly affected by deforestation. 相似文献
Spatial and temporal variation of fish communities in secondary channels of the San Juan River, New Mexico and Utah 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Keith B. Gido David L. Propst Manuel C. Molles Jr. 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》1997,49(4):417-434
Spatial and temporal variation of fish communities in four secondary channels of the San Juan River between Shiprock, NM and Bluff, UT were investigated from July 1993 through November 1994. Fish abundance and habitat availability data were collected to determine if physical attributes of sites influenced spatial and temporal variation in their fish communities. Stability of habitat was shown to positively influence the stability of the fish community. Analysis of variance revealed greater spatial than temporal variation in the abundance of red shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis, fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, and flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis, while speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus showed greater temporal variation. Ordination, using detrended correspondence analysis, revealed variation in fish communities by site, date, and sample year. Spatial variation was greatest during low-flow periods when the greatest differences in habitat among the four sites occurred. Spring runoff had the greatest temporal effect on the fish communities in secondary channels and appeared to reset the communities by displacing those species that were less resistant to increased current velocities. This annual event may help maintain native fish species adapted to these conditions in the San Juan River while moderating the abundance of nonnative fish species. 相似文献
F. G. Reyes-Gavilán R. Garrido A. G. Nicieza M. M. Toledo F. Braña 《Hydrobiologia》1996,321(2):155-163
Relationships between the fish community and selected habitat features were examined in a set of short temperate streams located at the northern end of the Iberian Peninsula. The fish fauna in these streams consists mostly of diadromous or estuarine species. Species richness and diversity increased with stream order, depth and width and decreased with elevation and distance from the sea. Stream order (positively) and elevation (negatively) were the two variables most highly correlated with species richness and diversity; higher order streams (order 3–4) showed greater values of species diversity than lower order ones (order 1) even when the elevation effect was removed. Addition of species in the downstream direction, but no replacement or loss was evidenced. We also compared the observed values of species diversity with those predicted from habitat features for a set of locations above unpassable dams. A great majority of the sites showed lower than predicted diversity values, which is an expected outcome for this mainly migratory fish fauna. 相似文献