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对庐江明矾石矿区选择排土场废石和冶炼废渣堆废渣中重金属(Cu、Zn、As、Cd)总量和形态分布进行探究, 并用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法评价其对环境的影响。结果表明, 冶炼废渣堆土壤中的各重金属总量均高于排土场, 并且As的含量是国家二级标准值的5.8倍; 基于总量的Hakanson潜在生态风险评价结果表明, 废石废渣重金属的潜在生态危害指数(RI)分别为1579.05和2022.25, 均属于很强生态危害程度, 另外, Cd对RI的贡献率均最大, 分别占总量的97%和84%, 其次为As。排土场和冶炼废渣堆土壤重金属的形态分布特征既有相似性又有差异性。各重金属均以残余态为主, 含量在50%以上; 废石中Cu的可交换态和碳酸盐结合态的比例占整体的11.11%, 对矿区危害性较高, 其余重金属对矿区存在低风险性危害。  相似文献   

西安城市路边土壤重金属来源与潜在风险   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Chen JH  Lu XW  Zhai M 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1810-1816
应用X-Ray荧光光谱仪对西安城市路边土壤重金属含量进行测定,运用相关分析、主成分分析和聚类分析探讨了路边土壤的重金属来源,并利用潜在生态风险指数法评价了其生态风险.结果表明:西安城市路边土壤中Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、N、iPb和Zn的平均含量均高于陕西土壤背景值.路边土壤中As、Mn和N i主要来自于自然源和交通源,Cu、Pb和Zn主要来自交通源,Co和Cr主要来源于工业源.潜在生态风险评价结果显示,西安城市路边土壤中重金属元素属于中等污染程度,具有中等潜在生态风险.  相似文献   

针对浙江省洞头列岛不同土地利用类型土壤及沉积物中的重金属含量进行调查, 选择了五种土地利用类型,农田、森林、围涂、码头、养殖。主要评估重金属的污染现状, 区域快速产业化导致的土壤及沉积物中重金属污染及生物的潜在生态风险。采用内梅罗指数法、Hakanson 潜在生态危害系数法对重金属的潜在生态风险进行评价。结果表明, 洞头列岛不同土地类型的土壤重金属含量均超过浙江省土壤背景值, 其中, Cr、Mn、Co 超标率为100%, Zn 超标率为84%。多数监测点土壤重金属含量的内梅罗综合指数处于清洁水平, 但养殖类型中的As、Co, 围涂类型中的As、Pb, 农田类型中的Pb、Cr 属于尚清洁等级, 围涂中的Co 元素属于轻度污染等级; 综合潜在生态风险指数(RI)均显著低于轻微生态危害水平, 五种土地类型土壤质量的RI 大小顺序为: 养殖>围涂>码头>森林>农田, Pb、As 是主要的重金属生态风险种类。重金属元素之间的相关性分析表明, 围涂与码头土壤中重金属元素之间的相关性明显高于其他三种类型。围涂类型土壤中As 与Co、Cu 元素呈极显著正相关, Pb 与Zn 呈极显著正相关; 码头类型中的Cu 与Co 呈极显著正相关, As、Pb 与Zn 呈极显著正相关。Cu 与As 在码头、养殖、围涂类型中的含量较高。五种土地类型中除农田和养殖用地的某些重金属来源于成土母质, 其他各重金属来源主要是人为活动影响, 如: 交通运输、城市排污、三废排放以及汽车尾气等。因此, 应该把由人类活动导致的有毒重金属的污染控制作为首要任务, 制定相应的政策和法规。  相似文献   

通过对哈尔滨市松北区农田土壤中重金属含量的分析和评价,该地区农田土壤中的铅、砷、汞、镉、铬、铜重金属元素均符合NY/T391—2000《绿色食品产地环境技术条件》中"土壤中各项污染物的含量限值"的标准,这表明该地区的土壤环境质量良好,未受到重金属元素的污染,适宜农业种植生产。  相似文献   

张芬  杨长明  潘睿捷 《生态学杂志》2013,24(9):2625-2630
在位于浙江省临安市的青山水库采集了具有代表性的8个样点的表层沉积物样品,分析比较了样品中As、Cr、Cu、Ni、Mn、Pb、Zn等7种重金属总量的差异,采用BCR连续提取法对重金属不同形态(酸提取态、可还原态、可氧化态、残渣态)进行分析.采用地积累指数法(Igeo)和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法,对青山水库不同采样点表层沉积物中重金属的污染程度和潜在毒性与生态风险进行评价.结果表明: 青山水库表层沉积物重金属污染程度存在明显的空间差异,流经城区和工业园区的青山水库支流入库河口附近的表层沉积物重金属含量明显高于其他采样点.青山水库表层沉积物7种重金属中,Mn主要以酸提取态存在;Cu和Pb主要以可还原态形式存在;As主要以残渣态形式存在.流经城区的支流入库河口附近表层沉积物还原态和酸提取态重金属比例较高,对水生生物有一定的毒性风险.8个样点的表层沉积物7种重金属中,以As污染程度最高,潜在生态风险最大,其次是Cu、Ni、Mn、Pb和Zn,均处于轻度污染状态,而Cr处于清洁水平,潜在生态风险较低.不同采样点比较发现,分别流经城区的锦溪和工业园区的横溪入库河口附近表层沉积物重金属污染程度和潜在生态风险明显高于其他采样点.  相似文献   

文章通过了解微生物修复的基本定义与特征,结合农田土壤整体重金属污染情况,有针对性地引入了微生物修复技术,并观察其修复实况,分析微生物修复农田土壤重金属污染的效果,并基于此不断调整与优化修复方案,希望最大程度地发挥微生物修复技术的作用。这对于农田土壤的可持续、高效利用具有基本的保障意义,并能为后续相关研究提供可参考数据。  相似文献   

重庆溶溪锰矿区土壤重金属污染评价及植物吸收特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
黄小娟  江长胜  郝庆菊 《生态学报》2014,34(15):4201-4211
对重庆溶溪锰矿尾渣堆积区土壤、优势植物以及周边农田土壤的重金属含量(Mn、Cd、Cu、Zn和Pb)进行测定分析,并以重庆市土壤背景值为评价标准,应用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法对土壤中重金属的潜在生态危害进行了评价。结果表明:该锰矿尾渣堆积区土壤中Mn、Cd、Cu、Zn和Pb的平均含量分别为48382.5、3.91、79.97、131.23和80.68 mg/kg,受到Mn、Cd的严重污染,Mn为强或很强生态危害,Cd为极强生态危害,而Cu、Zn、Pb为轻微生态危害,各尾矿渣堆积区的综合潜在生态危害指数(RI)均远大于720,为极强生态危害。对优势植物重金属含量的分析显示,绝大部分植物地上部Mn、Cd含量都超出正常范围的上限值,而Cu、Zn和Pb含量基本都在正常范围内;根据植物对重金属的吸收特征,将植物分为三类:将重金属主要累积于地上部分的富集型,如垂序商陆(Phytolacca americana L.)和酸模叶蓼(Polygonum lapathifolium Linn.),适用于重金属复合污染土壤的植物修复;将重金属主要累积于根部的根部囤积型,如芒(Miscanthus sinensis Anderss.)和乌蕨(Stenoloma chusanum Ching);重金属含量较低的规避型,如黄花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)、长波叶山蚂蝗(Desmodium sequax Wall.)及钻形紫苑(Aster subulatus Michx.);后两种类型的植物可种植在重金属污染严重且使用价值相对较低的矿山废弃地上,同时规避型植物对于研究植物的重金属排斥机理具有重要价值。溶溪锰矿区周边农田土壤主要受到Cd的严重污染,Cd为很强或极强生态危害。  相似文献   

基于序贯指示模拟的农田土壤重金属风险区域识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田土壤重金属的日益累积已对农作物安全、生态环境和人类健康造成严重威胁,高效、精确地识别农田土壤重金属风险区对农田的环境保护、污染预警和风险管控等有重要意义.以广州市增城区为研究对象,共采集204个农田土壤样点,测定了铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、砷(As)和汞(Hg)7种重金属含量.针对实际采样数据中存在异常值与偏态分布,以及传统克里格法存在的平滑效应等问题,将序贯指示模拟引入农田土壤重金属的风险识别中,与常用识别方法进行比较,并根据Hakanson风险指数评价进行风险区划.结果表明:(1)对比普通克里格法,在精度相似情况下,序贯指示模拟法较为精细地模拟了重金属的空间分布,平滑效应低,预测的细节表现好;对比指示克里格法,其在划分风险区域时的不确定评估中准确度较高,其误判率仅为4.9%~17.1%,表明其能更好地适用于模拟农田土壤重金属的空间分布和风险识别;(2)增城区的农田土壤重金属均未超标,但在南部的极少数区域存在潜在中等风险,主要成因是包括企业生产、人类活动和河流沉积物等.本研究以序贯指示模拟为基础,有效克服了传统克里格法存在的异常值信息丢失和平滑效应问题,结合Hakanson风险指数法,为非均匀采样的土壤重金属空间风险的识别提供一种新的尝试.  相似文献   

铜尾矿库区土壤与植物中重金属形态分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
对铜陵铜尾矿区土壤和植物中重金属形态进行了研究.结果表明,尾矿库区种植地极端贫瘠,有机质含量仅2.6~.8 g·kg-1,而土壤Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn含量皆高于对照土壤,其中Cu含量达809.30~1 39.4 mg·kg-1,Cd含量达3.2~6.3 mg·kg-1,达到对照土壤30~60倍.结缕草和三叶草体内重金属含量与土壤重金属交换态及有机结合态含量成正相关,与碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态成显著或极显著负相关,与矿物态含量相关性不显著.在两种优势植物中,Cu、Zn、Pb均以活性较低的醋酸提取态、盐酸提取态和残渣态为主;Zn在根系和茎叶中,NaCl提取态占有较大比例,而Cd均以NaCl提取态为主.  相似文献   

为给碧流河下游农田土壤的可持续利用提供参考依据, 基于实验测试数据, 采用单因子污染指数法、内梅罗综合污染指数法及潜在生态危害指数法, 对碧流河下游水貂养殖区的农田土壤重金属污染状况进行分析评价。结果表明: 碧流河下游农田土壤重金属元素Cr、Ni、Zn、Cu、As 和Pd 含量的平均值均超出辽宁省土壤背景值; 6 种重金属元素的单因子污染指数依次为Ni>Zn>Cu>Cr>As>Pd; 农田土壤重金属内梅罗综合污染指数为3.99, 农田土壤整体处于重污染水平; 6 种重金属元素的潜在生态危害指数依次为Ni>As>Cu>Pd>Zn>Cr, 潜在生态危害综合指数为49.4-196.6, 平均值为132.6, 农田土壤整体表现为轻微生态危害。农田土壤中Ni、Cr 和Cu 的累积可能主要来源于碧流河流域的工、农业排放物和水貂养殖业貂笼清除物, Pd 的累积可能主要来源于沿岸居民倾倒和焚烧的生活垃圾, 以及不合理的农业经营活动。  相似文献   

In this study, the content characteristics, comprehensive pollution assessment, and morphological distribution characteristics of heavy metals (Mn, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn, and Cu) were researched based on the processes of field investigation, sample collection, and experimental analysis. Results showed that the mean concentrations of Mn, Pb, Cr, Cu, Cd, Zn, and Ni in surface soils were 522.77, 22.56, 55.10, 25.41, 0.25, 57.02, and 48.47 mg kg?1, respectively. The surface soil from Sunan mining area was contaminated by Cu, Cd, and Ni in different degrees, and high CV values of Cd, Zn, Pb, and Ni were influenced by local human activities possibly. The evaluation results suggested that the mean Igeo values were in the sequence of Cd (0.657) > Ni (0.052) > Cu (?0.293) > Mn (?0.626) > Zn (?0.761) > Cr (?0.884) > Pb (?0.899). Besides, Cd was the most significant potential risk factor among all elements. Nevertheless, the Cd of bioavailable speciations with higher proportion had stronger migration and toxicity, and was more easier to be absorbed and enriched than other elements by some crops (e.g., vegetables, rice), and being at a relatively higher potential ecological risk in soil.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in soil can affect human health through the exposure pathways of oral ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation. In this study, to assess the health risk of heavy metals in the agricultural area of Xinglonggang, 52 soil samples were collected and tested to obtain the concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn in the soil. The enrichment factor indicated that the heavy metals of the agricultural soils were enriched, but the degree of enrichment was mild for all of the heavy metals. Coefficient analysis and principal component analysis indicated that V, Cr, Ni, and Pb were mainly from natural sources, As was from irrigation, Cu and Cd tended to be from chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and Zn was from mixed sources including irrigation, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. A human-health risk assessment indicated that the residents in the study area face high risk from carcinogens and low risk from noncarcinogens; As and Cr are the major heavy metals affecting human health. This study provides a reference and a basis for formulating effective measures to prevent and control heavy metal enrichment in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Xikuangshan is located in Lengshuijiang City, Hunan province, China. With intensive mining and metallurgical activities, large amounts of tailing containing heavy metals (in this study, the term “heavy metals” is used for both metals and metalloids) were introduced to the soils around the mine area. Those heavy metals including antimony and other heavy metals would pose huge risk to human health and ecological environment. With a view to providing information on the extent of contamination and potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the soils of this mine area, the total contents of antimony (Sb), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) in the soils were examined. The results revealed that the predominant pollutants in this area were Sb, Cd, and Zn with mean concentrations being 356.58, 9.98, and 486.42 mg kg?1, 119.66, 117.41, and 5.17 times of the corresponding background values respectively. The pollution indices (Ps) indicated that the pollution levels of all sampling zones were serious including the control zones. The ecological risk levels of all heavy metals were very high on all the sampling zones except sampling zone 7 (as considerable), and Sb, Cd, and As were regarded as making great contribution to the risk indices (RI).  相似文献   

贵州重点地区土壤和水体中汞的生态风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了贵州省土壤和地表水体中汞含量空间分布状况,分别采用地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法评价了土壤中的汞污染程度和潜在生态风险;采用单因子法表征了水体总汞污染程度,应用安全阈值法对水体活性汞和甲基汞进行生态风险评价.结果表明:贵州省汞矿区及涉汞行业毗邻区域土壤中总汞污染程度较高,涉汞区23个点位中严重污染、重污染和偏重污染水平分别占78.26%、13.04%和8.70%,且均为极度生态危害.非涉汞区除青山坡土壤中汞的生态风险极强外,其他区域土壤中汞的污染程度不高,生态风险属于可接受水平.贵州省汞开采与冶炼、铅锌冶炼、有机化工等行业已造成毗邻水体出现较严重的汞污染,且污染范围有扩大和延伸的趋势,但对水生生物有直接影响的活性汞和甲基汞的生态风险较小.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the concentrations, distribution, potential ecological risk (PER), and human health risk (Risk) of heavy metals in urban soils from a coal mining city in China. A total of 36 topsoil samples from Huainan city, Anhui, East China, were collected and analyzed for As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu. The PER was calculated to assess the pollution level. The hazard index (HI) and carcinogenic risk were used to assess the human health risk of heavy metals in the study area. The average concentration of As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu were 12.54, 0.21, 24.21, 0.19, 49.39, and 21.74 mg kg?1, respectively. The correlations between heavy metals indicated that Cu, Cr, Cd, and Pb mainly originated from automobile exhaust emissions, coal gangue, fly ash, and industrial wastewater, and that As and Hg mainly came from coal combustion exhaust. The PER index values of heavy metals decreased in the following order: Hg > Cd > As> Cu > Pb > Cr. The HI and Risk values indicated that the noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of selected metals in the urban soil were both below the threshold values.  相似文献   

Risk characterization of agricultural soils in the mining areas of Singhbhum copper belt was done by determining the total concentrations of metals using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and assessing the potential ecological and human health risks. The concentrations were above the average shale values for most of the metals. Principal component analysis showed anthropogenic contributions of Cu, Ni, Co, Mn, Pb, and Cr in the soils. Ecological risk assessment revealed that 50% of the soil samples were at moderate to very high ecological risk. Health risks for adults and children were calculated using hazard quotients (HQs), hazard index (HI), and Cancer risks for the oral, dermal, and inhalation pathways. The HQs for all the metals except As and Co were below 1, which suggested that non-carcinogenic risks due to metal exposure through soils were within the safe limit. However, considering all the metals and pathways, the HI for adults and children was 0.71 and 5.61, respectively, suggesting appreciable risk to local residents. The carcinogenic risks due to As and Cr in the soils were within the acceptable value of 1E–04. For both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks, oral ingestion appeared to be the primary pathway followed by dermal and inhalation pathways.  相似文献   

Heavy metals enrichment in groundwater poses great ecological risks to human beings. In the present research work, a total of 59 groundwater samples from 12 sampling points in Dingji coal mine, Huainan coalfield, were collected and measured for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Mn, Cr, and Fe by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The human health risk caused by heavy metals through the pathway of drinking water was evaluated and analyzed using the US Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) evaluation model. It has been found that the carcinogenic risk values were between 1.05 × 10?5 and 3.5 × 10?4, all exceeding the maximum acceptable level recommended by the USEPA, and the carcinogenic risk of Cr accounted for 99.67% of the total carcinogenic risk. The non-carcinogenic health risk values were all lower than the negligible level given by the USEPA, and the contribution of non-carcinogenic health risk was in the order of Cr > Zn > Cu / Pb >Mn > Fe > Cd > Ni. Among them, Cr had the largest contribution, accounting for 36% of the total non-carcinogenic risk value. In this study, the carcinogenic risk constituted 99.99% of the total health risk, indicating that the total health risk essentially consisted of carcinogenic risk. The research results suggest that much more attention should be paid to the health risk caused by Cr in the groundwater.  相似文献   

To investigate heavy metal accumulation in soils and evaluate health risk through maize consumption, a total of 196 soils and 55 maize samples were collected from Yushu, China, one of the most important maize production bases. The mean contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn and Pb were 0.119, 56.51, 19.21, 70.58, and 34.42 mg kg?1 for soils and were 0.014, 0.68, 1.33, 17.15 and 0.02 mg kg?1 for maize, respectively. The contents of Cr, Cu, Zn and Pb in all soil and maize samples did not exceed safety thresholds, but the percentages of Cd content above guideline values of Chinese Environmental Quality Standards for Soil and maximum permissible limits for maize were 6.6% and 1.8%, respectively. The spatial distribution and correlation analysis suggested that Cr and Cu in soil were of lithogenic origin, while Zn and Pb were associated with coal combustion exhausts and chemical fertilizer application. The main source of Cd may be phosphate fertilizer application. The average target hazard quotients were all less than 1 and the average hazard index for adults was 0.065, indicating that there was not a potential health risk through maize.  相似文献   


Eight chemical and physical characteristics and seven biological properties of the soils from five cultivated areas in the Henan Province were quantified. Concentrations of Cu, Cr, Zn and Mn were determined using the flame atomic absorption spectrometry. In addition available phosphorus, chloride, soluble salt and pH were measured. The activities of enzymes were determined by a literature method. The results showed that the concentrations of Mn, Zn and Cr had close relationships with that of available phosphorus, and their concentrations increased with the prolonged application of organic and mineral fertilisers and pesticides-fungicides. The activities of cellulase have a relationship to the concentrations of Zn and Mn at 0.95 levels respectively, Zn and Mn stimulate many enzyme activities. The relationship between protease and available phosphorus was nearly distinctive at 0.95 levels, relating with the use of nitrogen fertiliser in the farmlands. Local organic manures and urea fertilisers did not change the soil characteristics to a great extent. However, the soils showed moderate and moderate-to-strong contamination by Mn and Zn in the study areas. Wastewater and groundwater irrigation, pesticides-fungicides, and fertiliser may be responsible for the elevated concentrations of Zn and Mn in the soil samples.  相似文献   

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