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锌的生物学功能   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
人体所必需的微量元素锌,是生物体内约160多种酶的辅基,与生物的生长发育、各种抗性及免疫都有重要关系。本文综述了微量元素锌在生物体内对生物膜的稳定性和抗氧化作用、基因表达调控、细胞免疫、细胞凋亡及其对生物的毒性等生理生化功能。  相似文献   

锌的生物学功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人体所必需的微量元素锌,是生物体内约160多种酶的辅基,与生物的生长发育、各种抗性及免疫都有重要关系。本文综述了微量元素锌在生物体内对生物膜的稳定性和抗氧化作用、基因表达调控、细胞免疫、细胞凋亡及其对生物的毒性等生理生化功能。  相似文献   

间套作体系作物-土壤铁和锌营养研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
间套作能够提高对土地、光、水和养分等资源的利用,对增加农田生物多样性、发展可持续生态农业具有重要的理论和实践意义.间套作有助于改善土壤中微量元素铁和锌的活化、吸收和植株体内微量元素营养状况,实现微量元素的生物强化.本文综述了禾本科/双子叶植物间套作(主要以玉米/花生间作为例)对双子叶植物铁和锌营养的改善效应,从种间根际分子和生理过程、根系形态、分布及根际微生物变化方面详细阐述了可能的机理,同时综述了铁和锌在间套作植株体内累积、转运和分配方面的研究进展,对影响间套作体系铁和锌营养的可能因素进行了简单分析.从土壤养分活化吸收、植株体内养分累积分配和栽培管理措施及环境因子等方面指出目前研究中存在的问题,提出以后应加强间套作体系铁和锌营养田间试验、定量化、动态性和系统化方面的研究.  相似文献   

锌是所有生物体必需的微量元素之一, 是多种蛋白的辅酶并参与催化生物体内的一些重要生化反应。生物体为了维持细胞内适当的锌浓度以保证其正常功能而进化出了复杂的锌转运及调控系统。本文主要论述酵母和植物中的锌转运系统及其调控, 以及锌吸收的分子标记和QTL位点分析。  相似文献   

酵母和植物的锌转运系统及其调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王祥  李鹏  印莉萍 《植物学通报》2007,24(6):799-806
锌是所有生物体必需的微量元素之一,是多种蛋白的辅酶并参与催化生物体内的一些重要生化反应。生物体为了维持细胞内适当的锌浓度以保证其正常功能而进化出了复杂的锌转运及调控系统。本文主要论述酵母和植物中的锌转运系统及其调控,以及锌吸收的分子标记和QTL位点分析。  相似文献   

锌的分子遗传学功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锌的分子遗传学功能王英杰(杭州大学生物科学与技术系杭州310012)董萍(浙江省化工研究院杭州310023)锌是生物体必需的一种微量元素,它以二价阳离子形式(Zn’“)广泛地参与生物体内各种代谢活动和生理过程。自从80年代中期“锌指”结构发现以来,Z...  相似文献   

微量元系,顾名思义,就是存在于地表岩石圈、水圈、大气圈和生物圈中含量甚少的元素.它们在岩石、海水、大气或生物体内的含量一般不超过1‰.当然,这也不是绝对的,如铁、硅,在岩石圈中厲宏量元素,而在人体中却是微量元素.微量元素除了少数非金属外,大部分是金属,所以有时又统称为微量金属元素.为人体生命活动必不可少的微量元素称为人体必需微量元素仅占人体重量的0.01%,包括铁、锌、铜、锰、铬、钼、钴、硒、镍、钒、锡、氟、碘、锶,共14种.据现有资料来看,有人认为硼和硅也是必需微量元  相似文献   

锌,人们对它是十分熟悉的。在日常生活中人们经常使用和接触它。然而,锌与生物体本身也具有十分密切的关系,它是生物体维持正常机能所必需的元素之一。虽然它在生物体内的含量是那么少,通常只占ppm级(百万分之一),但是它在生物体内的功能是不能为其它元素所取代。正因为如此,锌在生物圈中占有重要的地位。我们在研究生物圈中的生物物质、生物环境、生物起源时,锌是不可缺少的一个对象。随着现代科学的发展,人们对锌的  相似文献   

铁、铜、锌、锰等金属离子是各类生物体生存和增殖所必需的微量元素,可影响生物体内蛋白酶活性、免疫反应、生理过程和抗感染机制。细菌感染过程中,宿主可通过限制或提高体内环境中金属离子的浓度来抑制细菌增殖,与此同时,细菌进化出各种转运系统以适应宿主体内金属离子水平的变化。由于不同细菌的金属离子外排系统在结构和生化特性上存在变异,它们呈现出独特的金属离子外排模式。本文根据现有文献报道及本团队研究结果,对铁、铜、锌和锰离子的细菌外排系统进行讨论和总结,旨在综述目前对细菌金属离子稳态调控机制研究进展的认识,为深入理解细菌金属稳态调控相关机制提供参考。  相似文献   

与植物镉吸收转运相关的主要基因家族   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
镉(cadmium)是一种对植物毒性极强的非必需微量元素,影响植物生长发育,甚至死亡,并可在植物体内积累而威胁食物链顶端生物的生命健康。目前已发现有多类基因家族的成员参与了植物中镉的吸收转运过程,包括P型ATP酶、ABC、MATE、NRAMP、CE、CAX、ZIP、OPT等。这些基因家族主要是在吸收转运铁、锌、镁等植物必需微量元素的同时,也具有吸收转运镉等有毒重金属的功能。  相似文献   

蚯蚓生活于病原菌丛生的环境中,却极少患病,这与蚯蚓自身独特的抗菌与免疫系统相关.本文从蚯蚓的防御屏障、细胞免疫和体液免疫3个方面对蚯蚓的抗菌免疫系统进行了综述.其中,蚯蚓的防御屏障主要包括体壁、体表粘液和消化道;细胞免疫主要包括吞噬作用和包囊作用;体液免疫则是以非特异性免疫为主.蚯蚓体液中具有抗菌作用的物质主要包括凝集素、抗菌蛋白、抗原结合蛋白以及溶菌酶等.  相似文献   

Although post-translational modifications of protein antigens may be important componenets of some B cell epitopes, the determinants of T cell immunity are generally nonmodified peptides. Here we show that methylation of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) by the bacterium is essential for effective T cell immunity to this antigen in infected healthy humans and in mice. Methylated HBHA provides high levels of protection against M. tuberculosis challenge in mice, whereas nonmethylated HBHA does not. Protective immunity induced by methylated HBHA is comparable to that afforded by vaccination with bacille Calmette et Guérin, the only available anti-tuberculosis vaccine. Thus, post-translational modifications of proteins may be crucial for their ability to induce protective T cell-mediated immunity against infectious diseases such as tuberculosis.  相似文献   

硒是人体必需的微量元素之一,具有抗肿瘤、防衰老、防辐射和增强机体免疫力等多种功能。近年来,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,各种各样的富硒产品及富硒保健品走进了我们的生活,硒的形态测定越来越受到人们广泛的关注。本文对目前主要检测硒形态的两种方法—原子荧光法(AFS)和电感耦合等离子质体谱法(ICP-MS)在食品、水果蔬菜、富硒保健品、生物样品等方面的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Intracellular innate resistance to bacterial pathogens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammalian innate immunity stimulates antigen-specific immune responses and acts to control infection prior to the onset of adaptive immunity. Some bacterial pathogens replicate within the host cell and are therefore sheltered from some protective aspects of innate immunity such as complement. Here we focus on mechanisms of innate intracellular resistance encountered by bacterial pathogens and how some bacteria can evade destruction by the innate immune system. Major strategies of intracellular antibacterial defence include pathogen compartmentalization and iron limitation. Compartmentalization of pathogens within the host endocytic pathway is critical for generating high local concentrations of antimicrobial molecules, such as reactive oxygen species, and regulating concentrations of divalent cations that are essential for microbial growth. Cytosolic sensing, autophagy, sequestration of essential nutrients and membrane attack by antimicrobial peptides are also discussed.  相似文献   

Btk is a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase, which is mainly involved in B cell receptor signalling. Gene targeting experiments revealed that Btk is important for B cell development and function. However, Btk is not only expressed in B cells, but also in most other haematopoietic lineages except for T cells and plasma cells. Recently we found that Btk is involved in Toll-like receptor signalling. Toll-like receptors play an important role in innate immunity. They are highly expressed on mast cells, macrophages and dendritic cells, which are essential for the recognition and consequently for the elimination of microbial pathogens. Therefore Btk might play an important role for the function of immunocompetent cells of innate as well as adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which CD8+ T cells mediate immunity against bacterial pathogens remain largely unknown. Perforin-dependent cytolysis plays a role, but is not required for CD8+ T cell-mediated immunity against Listeria monocytogenes. TNF is essential for CD8+ T cell immunity to L. monocytogenes, but the cellular source of TNF is undefined. TNF-deficient and TNF/perforin double-deficient mice were used to generate CD8+ T cells specific for an L. monocytogenes-derived Ag. Wild-type and TNF-deficient CD8+ T cells mediated antilisterial immunity in wild-type but not TNF-deficient host mice, revealing that CD8+ T cell-derived TNF is not required for CD8+ T cell-mediated antilisterial immunity, but demonstrating a role for TNF derived from other cell types. TNF/perforin double-deficient CD8+ T cells mediated antilisterial immunity in the liver, but not in the spleen, of wild-type recipient mice, suggesting that perforin-independent immunity in the spleen requires CD8+ T cell-derived TNF.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that multivesicular bodies (MVBs)/endosomes-mediated vesicular trafficking may play key roles in plant immunity and cell death. However, the molecular regulation is poorly understood in rice. Here we report the identification and characterization of a MVBs-localized AAA ATPase LRD6-6 in rice. Disruption of LRD6-6 leads to enhanced immunity and cell death in rice. The ATPase activity and homo-dimerization of LRD6-6 is essential for its regulation on plant immunity and cell death. An ATPase inactive mutation (LRD6-6E315Q) leads to dominant-negative inhibition in plants. The LRD6-6 protein co-localizes with the MVBs marker protein RabF1/ARA6 and interacts with ESCRT-III components OsSNF7 and OsVPS2. Further analysis reveals that LRD6-6 is required for MVBs-mediated vesicular trafficking and inhibits the biosynthesis of antimicrobial compounds. Collectively, our study shows that the AAA ATPase LRD6-6 inhibits plant immunity and cell death most likely through modulating MVBs-mediated vesicular trafficking in rice.  相似文献   

Despite the crucial role of innate immunity in preventing or controlling pathogen-induced damage in most, if not all, cell types, very little is known about the activity of this essential defense system in central nervous system neurons, especially in humans. In this report we use both an established neuronal cell line model and an embryonic stem cell-based system to examine human neuronal innate immunity and responses to neurotropic alphavirus infection in cultured cells. We demonstrate that neuronal differentiation is associated with increased expression of crucial type I interferon signaling pathway components, including interferon regulatory factor-9 and an interferon receptor heterodimer subunit, which results in enhanced interferon stimulation and subsequent heightened antiviral activity and cytoprotective responses against neurotropic alphaviruses such as western equine encephalitis virus. These results identify important differentiation-dependent changes in innate immune system function that control cell-autonomous neuronal responses. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the utility of human embryonic stem cell-derived cultures as a platform to study the interactions between innate immunity, virus infection, and pathogenesis in central nervous system neurons.  相似文献   

Vitamin A, as an essential micronutrient, is involved in higher animals in embryonic development and postnatal growth, reproduction and maintenance of normal skin, immunity and vision. Recently, studies in vivo and in cell lines have shown that vitamin A and its active metabolite, retinoic acid, regulate the expression of fatty acid desaturases including stearoyl-CoA desaturase and delta-5 desaturase. Whereas the former desaturase catalyzes the formation of monounsaturated from saturated fatty acids, the latter enzyme is involved in the desaturation pathway of dietary essential fatty acids for production of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The reaction products of these desaturases serve as critical regulators in a wide range of physiological processes which include fetal growth and development, reproduction, cell differentiation, immune and inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

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