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In this report, particular attention is paid to the inclusion bodies found in the apical cytoplasm of the pigment epithelial cell. These bodies are of variable size and form. The smallest (0.4 µ diameter) consist of a granular matrix enclosed by a single membrane, and are similar to the lysosomes of hepatic cells. Larger inclusion bodies contain areas of lamellated material in addition to granular matrix. The largest particles seen (2 µ diameter) are almost entirely lamellar. These different forms seem closely related, for it is possible to find all transitional stages between the smallest and largest particles. The relationship between the lamellar inclusion bodies and the rod outer segments is discussed.  相似文献   

Sections of mouse gall bladder epithelium fixed by perfusion with buffered osmium tetroxide have been studied in the electron microscope as an example of simple columnar epithelium. The free surface presents many microvilli, each presenting a dense tip, the capitulum, and displaying a radiating corona of delicate filaments, the antennulae microvillares. Very small pit-like depressions, representing caveolae intracellulares, are encountered along the cell membrane of the microvilli. The free cell surface between microvilli shows larger cave-like depressions, likewise representing caveolae intracellulares, containing a dense material. The lateral cell borders are extensively folded into pleats, which do not interdigitate extensively with corresponding folds of the adjacent cell membrane. The terminal bars are shown to consist of thickened densities of the cell membrane itself in the region of insertion of the lateral cell wall with the free cell surface. This thickening is associated with an accumulation of dense cytoplasmic material in the immediate vicinity. The terminal bar is thus largely a cytoplasmic and cell membrane structure, rather than being primarily intercellular in nature. The basal cell membrane is relatively straight except for a conical eminence near the center of the cell, projecting slightly into the underlying tunica propria. The basal cell membrane itself is overlain by a delicate limiting membrane, which does not follow the lateral contours of the cell. Unmyelinated intercellular nerve terminals with synaptic vesicles have been encountered between the lateral walls of epithelial cells. A division of the gall bladder epithelial cell into five zones according to Ferner has been found to be convenient for this study. The following cytoplasmic components have been noted, and their distribution and appearance described: dense absorption granules, mitochondria, Golgi or agranular membranes, endoplasmic reticulum or ergastoplasm, ring figures, and irregular dense bodies, perhaps lipoid in nature. The nucleus of these cells is also described.  相似文献   

The development of the mid-body has been studied in mitotic erythroblasts of the rat bone marrow by means of thin sections examined with the electron microscope. A differentiated region on the continuous spindle fibers, consisting of a localized increase in density, is observed at the equatorial plane. The mid-body seems to develop by the aggregation of such denser lengths of spindle fiber. Its appearance precedes that of the cleavage furrow. A plate-like arrangement of fibrillary material lies transversely across the telophase intercellular bridge. Later, this material becomes amorphous and assumes the form of a dense ring closely applied to a ridge in the plasma membrane encircling the middle of the bridge. Although the mid-body forms in association with the spindle fibers, it is a structurally distinct part, and the changes which it undergoes are not shared by the rest of the bundle of continuous fibers.  相似文献   

The fine structure of von Ebner's gland was studied in untreated rats and rats stimulated to secrete by fasting-refeeding or injection of pilocarpine. Cytological features were similar to those reported for pancreas and parotid gland. Abundant granular endoplasmic reticulum filled the basal portion of the cell, a well-developed Golgi complex was located in the vicinity of the nucleus, and the apical portion of the cell was filled with dense secretory granules. Dense heterogeneous bodies resembling lysosomes were closely associated with the Golgi complex. Coated vesicles were seen in the Golgi region and also in continuity with the cell membrane. Granule discharge occurred by fusion of the granule membrane with the cell membrane at the secretory surface. Successive fusion of adjacent granules to the previously fused granule formed a connected string of granules in the apical cytoplasm. Myoepithelial cells were present within the basement membrane, and nerve processes were seen adjacent to acinar and myoepithelial cells. Duct cells resembled the intercalated duct cells of the major salivary glands.  相似文献   

Nerve cell bodies in the spiral and vestibular ganglia of the adult rat are surrounded by thin (about ten lamellae) myelin sheaths which differ in several respects from typical axonal myelin. In some instances lamellae surrounding perikarya appear as typical major dense lines, and in others as thin Schwann cell sheets in which cytoplasm persists. Discontinuities and irregularities appear in the structure of perikaryal myelin. Lamellae may terminate anywhere within the sheaths; they may bifurcate; they may reverse their direction; or they may merge with each other. The number of lamellae varies from one part of a sheath to another. In addition, the myelin of a single perikaryal sheath may receive contributions from more than one Schwann cell, which overlap and interleave with each other. The ganglion cells are of two types: those which are densely packed with the usual cytoplasmic organelles but have few neurofilaments (granular neurons), and those which exhibit large areas containing few organelles but have a high concentration of neurofilaments (filamented neurons). The latter cell type is ensheathed by myelin which is generally more compact that that surrounding the former. The formation and the physiologic significance of perikaryal myelin are discussed.  相似文献   

The ciliated ependyma of the rat brain consists of a sheet of epithelial cells, the luminal surface of which is reflected over ciliary shafts and numerous evaginations of irregular dimensions. The relatively straight lateral portions of the plasmalemma of contiguous cells are fused at discrete sites to form five-layered junctions or zonulae occludentes which obliterate the intercellular space. These fusions occur usually at some distance below the free surface either independently or in continuity with a second intercellular junction, the zonula adhaerens. The luminal junction is usually formed by a zonula adhaerens or, occasionally, by a zonula occludens. The finely granular and filamentous cytoplasm contains supranuclear dense bodies, some of which are probably lysosomes and dense whorls of perinuclear filaments which send fascicles toward the lateral plasmalemma. The apical regions of the cytoplasm contain the basal body complexes of neighboring cilia. These complexes include a striated basal foot and short, non-striated rootlets emanating from the wall of each basal body. The rootlets end in a zone of granules about the proximal region of the basal body, adjacent to which may lie a striated mass of variable shape. All components of the basal body complex of adjacent cilia are independent of each other.  相似文献   

The fine structure of rat thymic lymphocytes from early prophase to late telophase of mitosis is described, using material fixed at pH 7.3 either in 1 per cent OsO4 or in glutaraldehyde followed by 2 per cent OsO4. The structure of the centriolar complex of interphase thymocytes is analyzed and compared with that of centrioles during division. The appearance of daughter centrioles is the earliest clearly recognizable sign of prophase. Daughter centrioles probably retain a secondary relation to the primary centriole, while the latter appears to be related, both genetically and spatially, to the spindle apparatus. The nuclear envelope persists in recognizable form to help reconstitute the envelopes of the daughter nuclei. Ribosome bodies (dense aggregates of ribosomes) accumulate, beginning at late prophase, and are retained by the daughter cells. Cytokinesis proceeds by formation of a ribosome-free plate at the equator with a central plate of vesicles which may coalesce to form the new plasma membrane of the daughter cells. Stages in the formation of the midbody are illustrated.  相似文献   

The appearance of osteoblasts after fixation with OsO4 is described in this paper. They have the basic structures found in other types of cells. The most striking feature is the array of rough-surfaced membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum; this feature is in keeping with the osteoblast's function of producing collagen as the bone grows. The sacs formed by these membranes probably represent the protein-containing granules described by other workers using the light microscope. They contain fine fibrillary material, and similar fibrils are to be found free in the cytoplasm. These fibrils could be tropocollagen units, although fibrils recognizable as collagen by their structure are found only outside the cell. The arrangement of the cell organelles does not seem to be related to the formation of collagen, but correlation of the fine structures of the cells with the histochemical and cytochemical findings in these cells reported by other workers leaves no doubt that they are directly concerned in the production of the organic matrix. It has not been possible to show that osteoblasts influence the passage of calcium or phosphate ions from the blood to the bone matrix.  相似文献   

The ovaries of 10- to 13-week-old rats were exteriorized and irradiated with sterilizing doses of X-rays. Following treatment, the animals entered a phase of constant vaginal cornification. Animals were killed 8 to 12 wk after the onset of this phase, and their ovaries were prepared for electron microscopy. Tissue was fixed in glutaraldehyde, postfixed in osmium tetroxide (Millonig's, phosphate-buffered), and embedded in Epon. Lutein cells from these ovaries were compared with those from sham-irradiated controls. The cytoplasm of lutein cells from experimental animals was characterized by an increase in the amount of agranular endoplasmic reticulum and by an increase in the number of mitochondria. These mitochondria are more variable in external form and often possess increased numbers of villiform cristae. Other features noted were a decrease in the amount of cytoplasmic lipid granules and an increase in cell size and surface irregularity. The significance of the morphological findings is discussed in relation to ovarian hormone production in animals sterilized by X-irradiation.  相似文献   

Rat dermal fibroblasts were grown as monolayers, and changes in the fine structure of the cells that occurred during 12 hr incubation in a medium containing protein and excess of retinol (vitamin A alcohol) were studied by electron microscopy. There is little change during the first 6 hr, although some of the nuclei have highly convoluted membranes. During the subsequent 3 hr, there is some disorganization of the mitochondrial cristae; the cisternae of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum diminish in number; and the amount of smooth membranous material and free ribosomes increases. There is a rapid decline in the respiratory activity of the cells after 6 hr exposure to the vitamin. It is concluded that the primary action of excess of retinol is to cause alterations in the membranes of the cells and that these alterations affect the functions of the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The continuous feeding of the carcinogenic aminoazo dye DAB to rats produces hyperbasophilic foci in the preneoplastic livers. After injections of thymidine-3H into the rats, such foci were isolated from the livers and studied by radioautography with the phase-contrast and electron microscopes. In these foci, the only cells found to be proliferating, as determined by the uptake of thymidine-3H into their nuclei, were a poorly differentiated type; well differentiated hepatocytes in the same regions were not labeled with the isotope. The labeled cells had an irregular cell outline and a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio; the cytoplasm had almost completely lost the specialized elements characteristic of hepatocytes; the irregular nuclei with prominent nucleoli, the altered mitochondria, and the increased free ribosomes noted in these cells are features which are characteristic of neoplastic cells induced by DAB. Thus, it seems likely that the hyperbasophilic foci represent the sites of extensive dedifferentiation of hepatocytes followed by rapid cellular proliferation, leading to neoplastic growth.  相似文献   

THE FINE STRUCTURE OF NEURONS   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. Thin sections of representative neurons from intramural, sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia, medulla oblongata, and cerebellar cortex were studied with the aid of the electron microscope. 2. The Nissl substance of these neurons consists of masses of endoplasmic reticulum showing various degrees of orientation; upon and between the cisternae, tubules, and vesicles of the reticulum lie clusters of punctate granules, 10 to 30 mµ in diameter. 3. A second system of membranes can be distinguished from the endoplasmic reticulum of the Nissl bodies by shallower and more tightly packed cisternae and by absence of granules. Intermediate forms between the two membranous systems have been found. 4. The cytoplasm between Nissl bodies contains numerous mitochondria, rounded lipid inclusions, and fine filaments.  相似文献   

THE FINE STRUCTURE OF THE PURKINJE CELL   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper describes the fine structure of the Purkinje cell of the rat cerebellum after fixation by perfusion with 1 per cent buffered osmium tetroxide. Structures described include a large Golgi apparatus, abundant Nissl substance, mitochondria, multivesicular bodies, osmiophilic granules, axodendritic and axosomatic synapses, the nucleus, the nucleolus, and the nucleolar body. A new and possibly unique relationship between mitochondria and subsurface cisterns is described. Possible functional correlations are discussed.  相似文献   

THE FINE STRUCTURE OF GREEN BACTERIA   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
The fine structure of several strains of green bacteria belonging to the genus Chlorobium has been studied in thin sections with the electron microscope. In addition to having general cytological features typical of Gram-negative bacteria, the cells of these organisms always contain membranous mesosomal elements, connected with the cytoplasmic membrane, and an elaborate system of isolated cortical vesicles, some 300 to 400 A wide and 1000 to 1500 A long. The latter structures, chlorobium vesicles, have been isolated in a partly purified state by differential centrifugation of cell-free extracts. They are associated with a centrifugal fraction that has a very high specific chlorophyll content. In all probability, therefore, the chlorobium vesicles are the site of the photosynthetic apparatus of green bacteria.  相似文献   

THE FINE STRUCTURE OF ELASTIC FIBERS   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
The fine structure of developing elastic fibers in bovine ligamentum nuchae and rat flexor digital tendon was examined. Elastic fibers were found to contain two distinct morphologic components in sections stained with uranyl acetate and lead. These components are 100 A fibrils and a central, almost amorphous nonstaining area. During development, the first identifiable elastic fibers are composed of aggregates of fine fibrils approximately 100 A in diameter. With advancing age, somewhat amorphous regions appear surrounded by these fibrils. These regions increase in prominence until in mature elastic fibers they are the predominant structure surrounded by a mantle of 100 A fibrils. Specific staining characteristics for each of the two components of the elastic fiber as well as for the collagen fibrils in these tissues can be demonstrated after staining with lead, uranyl acetate, or phosphotungstic acid. The 100 A fibrils stain with both uranyl acetate and lead, whereas the central regions of the elastic fibers stain only with phosphotungstic acid. Collagen fibrils stain with uranyl acetate or phosphotungstic acid, but not with lead. These staining reactions imply either a chemical or an organizational difference in these structures. The significance and possible nature of the two morphologic components of the elastic fiber remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Certain lamellar structures have been described from snail (Otala) and clam (Spisula) oocytes, the acinar cells of amphibian (Ambystoma) pancreas, and from rat spermatids. These structures are alike in possessing numerous rings or annuli, resembling those in the nuclear membrane. Thus the name "annulate lamellae" has been proposed for them. It is suggested that they may function in the transfer of specificities from nucleus to cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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