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Isolated bundle-sheath (BS) strands from leaves of mature maize plants show enhanced rates of CO2 fixation in the presence of reduced intermediates of the photosynthetic cycle (R5P, DHAP, FruDP.) 3PGA is the major labelled product of 14CO2 fixation whatever the substrate added. CO2 fixation is much lower with PGA than with reduced intermediates, suggesting a limited capacity of the cells to regenerate RuDP (the CO2-acceptor) from PGA. These two experimental facts, which are characteristic features of bundle-sheath photosynthesis for maize (a species with agranal bundle-sheath chloroplasts) indicate that phaotosystem II activity is a limiting factor for the evolution of the bundle-sheath photosynthetic process. Nevertheless, a reducing capacity arises as proved by sensitivity of CO2 fixation to DCMU, particularly when PGA is added to the bundle-sheath. PGA synthesis occurs, in the presence of non-limiting amounts of CO2, according to the equation: RuDP + CO2→ 2 PGA; the oxygen effect on 14CO2 fixation, at lower CO2 concentration, is interpreted as a dilution effect of the internal pool of 14CO2 by unlabelled CO2 generated by photorespiration.  相似文献   

Abstract Associations between photosynthetic responses to CO2 at rate-saturating light and photosynthetic enzyme activities were compared for leaves of maize grown under constant air temperatures of 19, 25 and 31°C. Key photosynthetic enzymes analysed were ribulose bisphosphatc (RuBP) carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, NADP-malic enzyme and pyruvate, Pi dikinasc. Rates of CO2-saturated photosynthesis were similar in leaves developed at 19°C and 25°C but were decreased significantly by growth at 31°C. In contrast, carboxylation efficiency differed significantly between all three temperature regimes. Carboxylation efficiency was greatest in leaves developed at 19°C and decreased with increasing temperature during growth. The changes of carboxylation efficiency were highly correlated with changes in the activity of pyruvate, Pi dikinase (r= 0.95), but not with other photosynthetic enzyme activities. The activities of these latter enzymes, including that of RuBP carboxylase, were relatively insensitive to temperature during growth. The sensitivity of quantum yield to O2 concentration was lower in leaves grown at 19°C than in leaves grown at 31°C. These observations support the novel hypothesis that variation in the capacity for CO2 delivery to the bundle sheath by the C4 cycle, relative to the capacity for net assimilation by the C2 cycle, can be a principal determinant of C4 photosynthetic responses to CO2.  相似文献   

Sensing of atmospheric CO2 by plants   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3  
Abstract. Despite recent interest in the effects of high CO2 on plant growth and physiology, very little is known about the mechanisms by which plants sense changes in the concentration of this gas. Because atmospheric CO2 concentration is relatively constant and because the conductance of the cuticle to CO2 is low, sensory mechanisms are likely to exist only for intercellular CO2 concentration. Therefore, responses of plants to changes in atmospheric CO2 will depend on the effect of these changes on intercellular CO2 concentration. Although a variety of plant responses to atmospheric CO2 concentration have been reported, most of these can be attributed to the effects of intercellular CO2 on photosynthesis or stomatal conductance. Short-term and long-term effects of CO2 on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance are discussed as sensory mechanisms for responses of plants to atmospheric CO2. Available data suggest that plants do not fully realize the potential increases in productivity associated with increased atmospheric CO2. This may be because of genetic and environmental limitations to productivity or because plant responses to CO2 have evolved to cope with variations in intercellular CO2 caused by factors other than changes in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Uptake of CO2 by aquatic vegetation   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5  
Abstract Photosynthesis by aquatic plants based on the supply of CO2 from air-equilibrated solutions may be limited by the low diffusion coefficient of CO2 in water. For plants in which the transport of CO2 from the bulk medium is by diffusion, and the initial carboxylation uses RUBISCO, CO2 supply can be increased by growth in habitats with fast water flow over the surface (reducing unstirred layer thickness), or with heterotrophically-augmented CO2 levels, including the direct use of sediment CO2. Many aquatic plants using RUBISCO as their initial carboxylase counter the limitations on CO2 supply via the operation of biophysical CO2 concentrating mechanisms which are based on active transport of HCO?3, CO2 or H+ at the plasmalemma, and use bulk-phase HCO?3 or CO2 as the C source. A final group of aquatic plants use biochemical CO2 concentrating mechanisms based on auxiliary carboxylation by PEPc: C4-like and Crassulacean Acid Metabolism–like processes are involved. These various mechanisms for increasing CO2 supply to RUBISCO also help to offset the low specific reaction rate of aquatic plant RUBISCOs at low [CO2] and low [CO2]: [CO2]. In addition to overcoming restrictions on CO2 supply, the various methods of increasing inorganic C availability may also be important in alleviating shortages of nitrogen or photons.  相似文献   

Abstract The experimental determination of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH values is discussed. Despite variation in these values evidence indicates that intracellular pH values are normally regulated within narrow limits. The regulatory mechanisms proposed involve the metabolic consumption of OH& and the active efflux of H +. The evidence for intracellular pH modification in response to CO2 hydration and the production of HCO?3 and H+ is examined. Theoretical calculations and experimental data indicate that CO2 concentrations as high as 5% will lower intracellular pH. Conversely, variation in CO2 levels around atmospheric concentrations is unlikely to perturb intracellular pH. High CO2 levels are found in bulky tissues, and flooded root systems. Evidence is presented that the slow diffusion of dissolved CO2 compared to gaseous CO2 results in its accumulation. It is proposed that the accumulation of respiratory CO2 may reduce intracellular pH values when plant tissues, cells or protoplasts are maintained in a liquid culture medium. Finally, the possible role of dark CO2 fixation and organic acid synthesis in the regulation of intracellular pH is examined.  相似文献   

Measurements of CO2 and O2 gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence were used to test the hypothesis that elevated atmospheric CO2 inhibits nitrate (NO3) photo‐assimilation in the C4 plant, maize (Zea mays L.). The assimilatory quotient (AQ), the ratio of net CO2 assimilation to net O2 evolution, decreases as NO3 photo‐assimilation increases so that the difference in AQ between the ammonium‐ and nitrate‐fed plants (ΔAQ) provided an in planta estimate of NO3 photo‐assimilation. In fully expanded maize leaves, NO3 photo‐assimilation was detectable only under high light and was not affected by CO2 treatments. Furthermore, CO2 assimilation and O2 evolution were higher under NO3 than ammonia (NH4+) regardless of CO2 levels. In conclusion, NO3 photo‐assimilation in maize primarily occurred at high light when reducing equivalents were presumably not limiting. Nitrate photo‐assimilation enhanced C4 photosynthesis, and in contrast to C3 plants, elevated CO2 did not inhibit foliar NO3 photo‐assimilation.  相似文献   

N2 fixation by Acacia species increases under elevated atmospheric CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study the effect of elevated CO2 on growth and nitrogen fixation of seven Australian Acacia species was investigated. Two species from semi‐arid environments in central Australia (Acacia aneura and A. tetragonophylla) and five species from temperate south‐eastern Australia (Acacia irrorata, A. mearnsii, A. dealbata, A. implexa and A. melanoxylon) were grown for up to 148 d in controlled greenhouse conditions at either ambient (350 µmol mol?1) or elevated (700 µmol mol?1) CO2 concentrations. After establishment of nodules, the plants were completely dependent on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Six out of seven species had greater relative growth rates and lower whole plant nitrogen concentrations under elevated versus normal CO2. Enhanced growth resulted in an increase in the amount of nitrogen fixed symbiotically for five of the species. In general, this was the consequence of lower whole‐plant nitrogen concentrations, which equate to a larger plant and greater nodule mass for a given amount of nitrogen. Since the average amount of nitrogen fixed per unit nodule mass was unaltered by atmospheric CO2, more nitrogen could be fixed for a given amount of plant nitrogen. For three of the species, elevated CO2 increased the rate of nitrogen fixation per unit nodule mass and time, but this was completely offset by a reduction in nodule mass per unit plant mass.  相似文献   

CO2 and H2O vapor exchange were measured by enclosing citrus (Citrus sinensis cv. Sour Orange) leaves in a temperature controlled transparent leaf chamber. Introduction of dry air into the closed circuit gas flow caused cyclic oscillation in CO2 and H2O vapor exchange. It is suggested that oscillation in the CO2 exchange at the CO2 compensation concentration is due to oscillation in non-stomatal resistance to CO2. Three types of oscillation were observed: 3–6 min (peak to peak) in young leaves, 30 min in mature leaves, and 160 min in old leaves.  相似文献   

Antimycin A, which stimulates the Co2 fixation activity of isolated intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea L) chloroplasts, was shown to stimulate also the oxygen evolution in the presence of oxaloacetate, as do the uncouplers. Some uncoupers (tetramethlethylenediamine, Nh4CL) were shown to stimulate the CO2 fixation activity, and to decrease the intrachloroplastic ATP levels, like antimycin A. The intrachloroplastic NADPH levels were not affected by the inhibitors studied.  相似文献   

Maize plants (Zea mays L. hybrid INRA 508) were placed under controlled conditions of light and CO2 partial pressure. The K+, Cl? and P contents were then determined by X-ray microanalysis in the bulbous end of guard cells and in the center of subsidiary cells. The results were interpreted in connection with the stomatal conductance at the time of sampling. In normal air, the K+ and Cl? contents in guard cells only rose from a light threshold of about 300 μmol m?2 s?1 at which stomata were already largely open. At 600 μmol m?2 s?1, the K+ and Cl? levels in guard cells attained values that were 3- and 8-fold greater, respectively, than the values observed in darkness. The K+ and Cl? contents in the subsidiary cells remained quite constant irrespective of the light conditions. CO2-free air in darkness induced a significant K+ influx towards guard and subsidiary cells. Under light and in CO2-free air, the K+ and Cl? contents dramatically increased in the guard cells, but slightly decreased in the subsidiary cells. Thus, when subjected to strong light in CO2-free air, the K+ and Cl? contents in the subsidiary cells were approximately equal to those measured in normal air conditions. In the guard cells, stomatal opening was associated with a marked shift of the Cl?/K+ ratio – from 0.3 for closed stomata to ca 1 for fully open stomata. This could imply a slow change in the nature of the principal counterion accompanying K+ during stomatal opening. The content of P in guard cells appeared, in contrast to that of K+ and Cl?, to be practically independent of stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

The respiratory source of CO2   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Abstract Approximately half of the carbon plants fix in photosynthesis is lost in dark respiration. The major pathways for dark respiration and their control are briefly discussed in the context of a growing plant. It is suggested that whole-plant respiration may be largely ADP-limited and that fine control of the respiratory network serves to select the respiratory substrate and to partition carbon between the numerous possible fates within the network. The striking stoichiometry between whole-plant growth and respiration is reviewed, and the relationships between substrate-limited growth and ADP-limited respiration are discussed.  相似文献   

CO2 fluxes of cryptogamic crusts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

1.  Applying Keeling plot techniques to derive δ13C of respiratory input in a closed non-equilibrated chamber can lead to large errors because steady-state diffusion rules are violated in a non-steady-state environment. To avoid these errors, respiratory δ13C can be derived using equilibrated closed chambers.
2.  We introduce a new method to obtain stem respired CO2δ13C (δst - r) with closed equilibrated stem chambers (E-SC). We present a theoretical model describing the equilibration process, test the model against field data and find excellent agreement. The method is further tested by comparing it with closed non-equilibrated stem chambers (NE-SC); we found no difference between these methods.
3.  Our theoretical model to describe CO2 diffusion from the respiratory pool into the chamber and the equation to derive the δ13C of the efflux are general. They could be applied to other ecosystem components (e.g. soils).
4.  Our method is easy to implement, cost effective, minimizes sources of error and allows for rigorous leak detection. One major limitation is its inability to detect rapid change; the equilibration process requires 15 ± 2 h. A second limitation is that it cannot be used for species that produce abundant pitch at sites of stem wounding (e.g. Pseudotsuga menziesii ).
5.  Investigating δ13C of CO2 respired by different ecosystem components is necessary to interpret δ13C of ecosystem respiration. This parameter has major implications with respect to global carbon cycle science.  相似文献   

Soil acidification is a very important process in the functioning of earth's ecosystems. A major source of soil acidity is CO2, derived from the respiration of plant roots and microbes, which forms carbonic acid in soil waters. Because elevated atmospheric CO2 often stimulates respiration of soil biota in experiments that test ecosystem effects of elevated atmospheric CO2, we hypothesize that rising atmospheric CO2 (which has increased from ~200 ppm since the interglacial and may exceed 550 ppm by the end of the 21st century) is significantly increasing acid inputs to soils. Here, using column‐leaching experiments with contrasting soils, we demonstrate that soil CO2 is a much more potent agent of soil acidification than is generally appreciated, capable of displacing almost all exchangeable base cations in soils, and even elevating Al(III) concentrations in H2CO3‐acidified soil waters. The potent soil acidifying potential of soil H2CO3 is attributed to the low pKa,1 of molecular H2CO3 (3.76 at 25°C), which contrasts greatly with that of (a convention that combines CO2 (aq) and molecular H2CO3, the pKa,1 of which is 6.36 at 25°C). This distinction is significant for soil systems because of soil's greatly elevated CO2, their variety of sinks for H+, and the wide range of contact times between soil solids, water, and gas. Modelling suggests that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 may increase acid inputs from carbonic acid leaching by up to 50%. Combined with the results of CO2 studies in whole ecosystems, this implies that increases in atmospheric CO2 since the interglacial have gradually acidified soils, especially poorly buffered soils, throughout the world.  相似文献   

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