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Habitats and fish populations of a subtropical mountain stream in Taiwan were surveyed before and after the hit of super-typhoon Herb in July 1996. There was a significant decrease in total pool area and an increase in total riffle area. Upper stream habitat was more susceptible to the disturbance. Relative abundance of the species was significantly correlated before and after the typhoon (rs=0.89, p<0.001). Morisita's index of similarity for the fish communities in June 1996 and October 1997 ranged between 0.82 and 1.02 for seven out of nine stations. Most common cyprinids decreased in densities after Herb, but recovered seventeen months after the typhoon. There were only minor changes in fish community fourteen months after the typhoon. Cyprinids that are smaller in size, such as Candidia barbata and Abottina brevirostris alticorpus were affected the most. Gobiid Rhinogobius nantaiensis that is well adapted to riffle habitat was unaffected throughout the surveys. The results of this study suggested that in subtropical mountain stream, severe typhoon may significantly alter the habitats, but the impact on fish populations could be relatively small due to features of these mountain species.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages along the longitudinal course of an old, disconnected and modified side arm of the Danube floodplain downstream of Vienna, Austria, as well as habitat structure, hydro‐morphological and hydro‐chemical factors, were investigated in order to analyse the key environmental determinants of the European mudminnow Umbra krameri. Generally, U. krameri was the most abundant species in the system. It occurred in disconnected ditches, ponds and pools with dense reed belts and comparatively low nutrient content, indicating its natural association with marsh habitats. At infrequently disturbed sites it was associated with a small group of stagnophilious and highly specialized species with adaptations to strong oxygen fluctuations. At frequently flooded sites, the species was absent or occurred in low abundances, indicating its adaptation to water bodies in older successional stages and its low competitive power in permanently connected floodplain habitats.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to: (1) evaluate temporal and spatial trends in water quality parameters, physical habitat metrics, and benthic community metrics in the Orestimba Creek from years 2000 to 2005, and (2) assess the relationship of benthic community condition from ten Orestimba Creek stations and both pesticide use at the farm level and physical habitat conditions. Significant year effects were reported for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. In general, most of the 17 physical habitat metrics did not show statistical variability over the 6-year period. Most of the benthic metrics were variable over the 6-year period. A total of 41 herbicides, 14 organophosphorus (OP) insecticides, and 5 pyrethroids were applied to 23 sections of land bordering the Orestimba Creek from 2000 to 2004. The OP insecticides showed the strongest relationship to benthic metrics using univariate regression models when all three classes of pesticides were compared; however, these statistical relationships had low R2 values. Stepwise regression analysis showed statistically significant relationships between most benthic metrics and habitat metrics. In general, both pesticide applications and physical habitat have a similar but modest statistical association with benthic communities. However, the relationship of both pesticide applications and physical habitat on benthic communities in the Orestimba Creek appear to be insignificant compared to the magnitude of spatiotemporal patterns reported.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize benthic communities and physical habitat in both an urban (Kirker Creek) and residential (Pleasant Grove Creek) stream in California in late spring of 2006 and 2007. Concurrent water quality evaluations, physical sediment parameters, pyrethroids, bulk metals, and SEM/AVS ratios were also measured during both years of this study. The relationship of various benthic metrics to physical habitat metrics, pyrethroids, and metals was evaluated for each stream using stepwise multiple linear regressions with both years combined for each stream, as well as both years and both streams combined, to increase the statistical power for determining significant relationships. Physical habitat was determined to be poor in each stream during both years of sampling. More than 100 benthic taxa were reported annually for both streams based on 2006 and 2007 sampling. A significant result from the stepwise regression analysis combining data for 2 years across both streams is that when habitat metrics and to a lesser degree metals are considered in the statistical models pyrethroids do not display any significant relationships to the benthic metrics. In summary, it is apparent from this analysis that the health of benthic communities in both streams is primarily affected by habitat metrics.  相似文献   

Although there have been many studies on ecological factors responsible for the organization of reef fish communities, most of the studies have focused on isolated habitats. However, findings from isolated habitats cannot necessarily be applied to fish communities in other habitats (e.g., a continuous habitat). In this study, therefore, we examined the structures of fish communities (abundance, species richness and species composition), and the dynamics of fish communities (seasonal changes in abundance, species richness and species composition) over a 2-year period in two different habitats (continuous habitat and isolated habitat) in an Okinawan coral reef. We established eight permanent quadrats (8m × 8m) on a rocky reef flat (continuous habitat) and rock reef patches surrounded by a sandy sea bottom (isolated habitat). The abundance and species richness of fishes such as pomacentrids, labrids, chaetodontids and acanthurids were greater in quadrats located in the continuous habitat, whereas those of blenniids, gobiids and mullids were greater in quadrats located in the isolated habitat. This caused marked differences between the fish community structure at the two sites. Seasonal and annual changes in fish community structure were relatively small at the continuous habitat site (>0.7 similarity based on C index) but were large at the isolated habitat site (C < 0.4), indicating that the fish community structure was relatively stable at the continuous habitat site but unstable at the isolated habitat site throughout the study period. Spatial differences between the fish community structures in the four quadrats at the continuous habitat site were small (C > 0.65 in most sites), but these differences were large at the isolated habitat site (C < 0.4). Our findings suggest that habitat structure (spatial arrangement of habitats) affects both spatial and seasonal differences in the reef fish community structure. The results also suggest that the main mechanisms underlying organization of reef fish communities in continuous and isolated habitats are different.  相似文献   

1. We examined the response of a predatory benthic fish, the longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ), to patchiness in the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates on cobbles at three hierarchical spatial scales during summer and autumn 1996, and spring 1997 in a southern Appalachian stream. 2. At the primary scale (four to five individual cobbles separated by <1 m), the intensity of foraging was not correlated with the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble, regardless of season. 3. At the secondary scale (i.e. foraging patches <5 m in diameter) we found that benthic macroinvertebrates were patchily distributed in summer, but not in autumn or spring. Concomitantly, in summer, longnose dace foraged on cobbles with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macronvertebrates than nearby, randomly selected cobbles with similar physical conditions (i.e. longnose dace tended to avoid low-prey foraging patches). In contrast, when benthic macroinvertebrates were distributed homogeneously (spring and autumn), dace did not select patches with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates than that available on randomly selected cobbles. 4. At the tertiary scale (i.e. stream reaches 11–19 m long), the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates (per cobble per reach) was patchily distributed (i.e. differed significantly among reaches) in all seasons. Among reaches with physical characteristics preferred by longnose dace, (i.e. erosional reaches dominated by cobble/boulder substratum and high current velocity), we detected a significant, positive correlation between the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble and longnose dace density in all seasons. 5. Our results demonstrated that both spatial and temporal patchiness in resource availability influenced significantly the use of both foraging patches and stream reaches by longnose dace.  相似文献   

The declining condition of river systems associated with rapid development of human societies has led to substantial declines in fish diversity. One cause of decline is the loss of in‐stream Structural Woody Habitat (SWH), an important component of stream ecosystems, particularly as fish habitat. As a result there has been an increase in the number of rehabilitation programs that introduce SWH into rivers. This paper assesses fish responses to SWH introduction in riffles and pools in the Hunter River, eastern Australia, using a Multiple‐Before‐After‐Control‐Impact (MBACI) experimental and analytical design. In the riffle experiment, species richness was comparable among all control and treatment riffles across the entire study period. However, there were significant differences in assemblage structure, fish abundance, and biomass between control and treated riffles. The introduction of SWH (bank embedded deflector jams) appeared to create additional habitat which was utilized by one native fish species (Retropinna semoni—Australian smelt) and one alien species (Gambusia holbrooki—mosquito fish). In pools there were no significant changes in fish species richness, abundance, or biomass following introduction of SWH (pool jams). These findings have important practical and cost implications in terms of the design and implementation of rehabilitation strategies using SWH to restore fish assemblages in degraded streams.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses of the diet relationships within fish assemblages resulted in the recognition of five major feeding guilds in shallow (0-9 m) rocky- and soft-bottom habitats on the Swedish west coast. The two habitats had similar guilds that could be broadly described as piscivores, decapod feeders, copepod feeders and amphipod and mollusc feeders. The last guild on the rocky bottom was more strictly one of amphipod feeders, whereas the last guild on soft bottoms consisted of infauna feeders (mainly polychaetes and bivalves). A comparison of the diet of the entire fish assemblages showed that amphipods and gastropods were more prevalent as prey taxa on rocky bottoms, whereas bivalves and teleosts were more common on soft bottoms. A large proportion (12 out of 27 species) of the fish species investigated was found in both habitats. These fish species generally seemed to rely on the same major prey groups in the two habitats, but also included prey taxa characteristic for the habitat in which they resided. Sea trout Salmo trutta , mackerel Scombrus scombrus , saithe Pollachius virens , whiting Merlangius merlangus and cod Gadus morhua were found to be the major piscivores in both the investigated habitats. Herring Clupea harengus and members of the family gobiidae were the most prevalent prey species for piscivores within the rocky- as well as the soft-bottom fish assemblage. A comparison of feeding modes suggested that the fish assemblage on rocky bottoms predominantly (60% of the food items) relied on food found in vegetation. On soft bottoms, the average distribution of food categories among fish species was 44% benthic, 35% pelagic and 21% vegetation-associated food items.  相似文献   

We investigated the behaviour and life histories of large zooplankton in the Esch-sur-Sûre reservoir (Luxembourg). We found that the decrease in size at maturity, as well as diurnal refuge in deep waters, were the adaptive responses (concurrently or alternatively) adopted by large zooplankters to cope with the increasing predation risk throughout the summer. Daphnia galeata initiated a more severe trade-off to cope with high summer predation relative to other cladoceran species. Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Daphnia cucullata seem less susceptible to fish predation as indicated by the low alteration of their size structure and their vertical distribution. The copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis took refuge in deep waters and achieved important modifications of its mature size.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that influence the distribution and abundance of predators, including sharks, is important for predicting the impacts of human changes to the environment. Such studies are particularly important in Florida Bay, USA where there are planned large-scale changes to patterns of freshwater input from the Everglades ecosystem. Studies of many marine predators suggest that links between predator and prey habitat use may vary with spatial scale, but there have been few studies of the role of prey distribution in shaping habitat use and abundance of sharks. We used longline catches of sharks and trawls for potential teleost prey to determine the influence of teleost abundance on shark abundance at the scale of regions and habitats in Florida Bay. We found that shark catch per unit effort (CPUE) was not linked to CPUE ofteleosts at the scale of sampling sites, but shark CPUE was positively correlated with the mean CPUE for teleosts within a region. Although there does not appear to be a strong match between the abundance of teleosts and sharks at small spatial scales, regional shark abundance is likely driven, at least partially, by the availability of prey. Management strategies that influence teleost abundance will have cascading effects to higher trophic levels in Florida Bay. Electronic Supplementary Material is available for this article at  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Stream reaches contain assortments of various habitat types that can be defined at different spatial scales, such as channel unit (e.g. pools, riffles) and subunit (patches within channel units). We described longitudinal (upstream–downstream) patterns of stream habitat structure by considering subunits as structural elements, and examined their effects on the abundance of masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) and rosyface dace ( Leuciscus ezoe ) in a third-order tributary of the Teshio River in northern Hokkaido, Japan.
2. Nine subunit types were determined on the basis of water depth, current velocity and substrate, using 0.5 × 0.5 m grids. Although both masu salmon and rosyface dace used pools as a major habitat, the former preferred a subunit type occurring at pool heads (PH subunit) while the latter preferred a slow-current edge type (SE-2 subunit).
3. Along the course of the stream, slow-edge subunits (SE-1, 2 and 3) increased in frequency downstream while fast-edge subunits (FE-1 and 2) decreased, suggesting a downstream development of slow-current edges. Regression analyses indicated that longitudinal variation in masu salmon abundance was explained by the area of PH, rather than pools. Masu salmon density increased with the area of PH. Rosyface dace abundance was explained by a combination of water depth and the area of SE-2, both effects being positive.
4. Longitudinal variations in the abundance of both species were related to the abundance of their preferred habitat at the subunit scale, rather than channel-unit scale. The results emphasise the importance of fine-scale patchiness when examining stream fish habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Caves are often assumed to be predator-free environments for cave fishes. This has been proposed to be a potential benefit of colonising these otherwise harsh environments. In order to test this hypothesis, the predator–prey interaction of a belostomatid (predator) and a cave fish (prey) occurring in the Cueva del Azufre (Tabasco, Mexico) was investigated with two separate experiments.
2. In one experiment, individual Belostoma were given a chance to prey on a cave fish, the cave form of the Atlantic molly ( Poecilia mexicana ), to estimate feeding rates and size-specific prey preferences of the predator. In the other experiment, population density of Belostoma was estimated using a mark–recapture analysis in one of the cave chambers.
3. Belostomatids were found to heavily prey on cave mollies and to exhibit a prey preference for large fish. The mark–recapture analysis revealed a high population density of the heteropterans in the cave.
4. The absence of predators in caves is not a general habitat feature for cave fishes. None the less predation regimes differ strikingly between epigean and hypogean habitats. The prey preference of Belostoma indicates that cave-dwelling P. mexicana experience size-specific predation pressure comparable with surface populations, which may have implications for life-history evolution in this cave fish.  相似文献   

We assessed effects of groundwater pumping to elevate lake levels on lake water chemistry and fish population metrics at seven Florida lakes. Following groundwater pumping, lake level fluctuation was reduced and lake water samples increased in mean pH, total alkalinity, total phosphorus, chloride and Secchi depth compared to historical means, indicating a close resemblance to the chemistry of aquifer water in the region. Fish community metrics from the augmented lakes were compared to 36 non-augmented lakes in Florida. The mean values for catch per unit effort, species richness and biomass of harvestable fishes, determined by electrofishing, were lower in augmented lakes compared to non-augmented lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated a high probability of a low abundance of individual species in augmented lakes compared to a majority of non-augmented lakes. The augmented lake with the lowest pumping rate exhibited less of a shift in limnological variables from historical values, and had fish population characteristics more closely resembling those of non-augmented lakes. Thus, reduced volumes of groundwater introduction could lower impacts to limnological and fish population characteristics. Augmentation allows for lakes to be utilized for recreational activities, and without augmentation some lakes in central Florida would likely go dry due to groundwater withdrawals for water supply. Therefore, allowing more natural water level fluctuations and possible reductions in total pumpage are recommended to reduce impacts to limnological and fish population characteristics, while still allowing sufficient groundwater pumping to preserve lake habitats.  相似文献   

Large woody debris (LWD) was added to eight streams in the central Appalachians of West Virginia to determine if stream habitat could be enhanced and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations increased. Brook trout populations were assessed one year prior to habitat manipulation and 3 years post-habitat manipulation. LWD was added by felling approximately 15 trees per 300 m stream reach. Four of the streams had LWD added to one 300 m reach with 300 m unmanipulated reaches upstream and downstream of the manipulated reach to observe within-stream effects of LWD additions on brook trout density. The remaining four streams had LWD added to three 300 m reaches and these streams were compared to those with only a single 300 m manipulated reach to observe the effects of the extent of habitat manipulation on brook trout density. New pools were formed by the addition of LWD, but overall pool area did not increase significantly in reaches where LWD was added. The relatively high gradient and coarse substrate of these streams may have precluded the added LWD from having a significant influence on stream channel morphology and habitat complexity. No pools were formed in the highest gradient stream, while the stream with the most pools formed had the lowest gradient. Brook trout populations fluctuated following habitat manipulations, and there was no overall effect of the LWD additions on within-stream variability in brook trout density. When there were significant differences among-streams with different extents of LWD additions, those streams receiving LWD additions over a large extent had the greatest brook trout densities. The full potential of added LWD to change stream habitat and influence on brook trout populations may take more time to develop than the 3 years post-manipulation period of this study.  相似文献   

Fishes were sampled in riffle and pool habitats at 74 upland localities in the Little River system, southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas, U.S.A. I asked how these two habitat-defined communities differed with regard to species abundance and incidence patterns, and how these differences varied along othree environmental gradients: elevation, stream gradient, and stream size. Riffle and pool communities showed distinct and significant differences when ordinated in multivariate space defined by species abundance patterns. Sites with similar pool communities did not have similar riffle communities, and riffle and pool communities responded to environmental gradients in different ways. Elevation was the best predictor of pool community structure, whereas stream size was the best predictor of riffle communities. Overall, riffle habitats had fewer species than pool habitats and formed significant subsets of pool communities at 12 of 74 sites. I predicted that at small stream localities where riffles were unstable, riffle species would form subsets of the pool species communities, and both community types should show high similarities. The presence of faunal subsets was not associated with stream size, but faunal similarities were significantly higher at small stream localities. At the species level, 14 species were significantly associated with pool habitats, while only two were associated with riffle habitats. Riffle and pool communities, although linked by a continuous habitat gradient at the local scale, responded differently to large-scale environmental gradients. Local differences between these communities were predictable based on stream size.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although numerous studies have examined habitat use by raccoons (Procyon lotor), information regarding seasonal habitat selection related to resource availability in agricultural landscapes is lacking for this species. Additionally, few studies using radiotelemetry have investigated habitat selection at multiple spatial scales or core-use areas by raccoons. We examined seasonal habitat selection of 55 (31 M, 24 F) adult raccoons at 3 hierarchical orders defined by the movement behavior of this species (second-order home range, second-order core-use area, and third-order home range) in northern Indiana, USA, from May 2003 to June 2005. Using compositional analysis, we assessed whether habitat selection differed from random and ranked habitat types in order of selection during the crop growing period (season 1) and corn maturation period (season 2), which represented substantial shifts in resource availability to raccoons. Habitat rankings differed across hierarchical orders, between seasons within hierarchical orders, and between sexes within seasons; however, seasonal and intersexual patterns of habitat selection were not consistent across hierarchical orders of spatial scale. When nonrandom utilization was detected, both sexes consistently selected forest cover over other available habitats. Seasonal differences in habitat selection were most evident at the core-area scale, where raccoon selection of agricultural lands was highest during the maturation season when corn was available as a direct food source. Habitat use did not differ from availability for either sex in either season at the third-order scale. The selection of forest cover across both seasons and all spatial orders suggested that raccoon distribution and abundance in fragmented landscapes is likely dependent on the availability and distribution of forest cover, or habitats associated with forest (i.e., water), within the landscape. The lack of consistency in habitat selection across hierarchical scales further exemplifies the need to examine multiple biological scales in habitat-selection studies.  相似文献   

中国水生态足迹广度、深度评价及空间格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙才志  张智雄 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7048-7060
运用生态足迹方法对水资源进行流量资本和存量资本区分,测算分析了中国31个省市1997—2014年的水生态足迹广度与深度。结果显示:(1)中国的水生态足迹广度受年际水资源量丰枯影响,总体呈波动趋势;各省市的水生态足迹广度存在着明显差异,南方地区水生态足迹广度普遍大于北方地区;(2)研究期内,中国的水生态足迹深度只有1998年为1,其余年份的水资源流量资本已不能满足人类生产生活的需求,需要消耗水资源存量资本;各省市之间水生态足迹深度相差较大,整体上北方高南方低,其中14个省份18年的平均水生态足迹深度为1,平均水生态足迹深度最高的地区是宁夏的308.12;(3)运用空间自相关方法对31个省市的水生态足迹广度和深度进行分析得出,中国省际水生态足迹广度与深度均存在明显的空间集聚现象。水生态足迹广度H-H集聚地区主要集中在中国南方地区,水生态足迹深度H-H集聚地区主要集中在中国北方地区。通过对全国水生态足迹广度与深度的测度分析为水生态足迹分析提供新的研究方法,同时也为区域水资源可持续利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水坝拆除引起河流连通性、水动力、河流地貌等一系列变化,直接影响了鱼类群落结构和空间分布。黑水河为金沙江左岸一级支流,其上共建四级电站,出于支流生境恢复需求,第四级水坝老木河水坝于2018年12月实行拆除。为探明低水头坝拆除对鱼类群落的影响,结合2018年6月和2019年6月黑水河下游60.4km河段10个点位的渔获物调查,对拆坝前后鱼类群落结构和生态类型变化、优势物种与单位捕捞努力量以及不同河段间的群落相似性进行了分析。结果表明,水坝拆除半年后优势物种仍以鲤科和鳅科为主,但物种数和丰度整体上增加;生态类型上以杂食、喜急流和产微粘性卵鱼为主;拆坝后鱼类群落空间分布变化明显,靠近河口的自然河段鱼类上溯洄游到原坝址的上下游,部分长江上游特有鱼类在原坝址附近发生定殖行为,且拆坝后各河段的鱼类组成结构有同质化趋势。总体上,老木河水坝的拆除对黑水河下游的鱼类群落结构和空间分布产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

Developing quantitative ecosystem–scale expectations of habitat restoration projects and examining trade‐offs associated with alternative approaches has been a challenge for restoration ecology. Many of the largest freshwater lake restoration projects have occurred in Florida to remediate degradation to vegetated littoral habitats resulting from stabilized water levels, but effects across lake food‐webs have not been assessed. We developed an ecosystem model using Ecopath with Ecosim and Ecospace for a generalized large, eutrophic Florida Lake to explore how simulated restoration activities could influence fish communities with emphasis on sport fish abundance. We modeled three habitat restoration scenarios: (1) “no control,” (2) a “10‐year control” that restored littoral habitat every 10 years, and (3) a “combined control” scenario that restored littoral habitat every 10 years with maintenance controls between 10‐year periods. Our “combined control” scenario provided the largest long‐term habitat restoration benefits for sport fish abundance and the fisheries they support. In Ecospace, we simulated a littoral habitat restoration project that reduced lake‐wide tussock coverage from 30 to 15%. Ecospace predicted positive benefits to sport fish and fisheries following the restoration simulation and highlighted the importance of habitat edge effects, spatial design of habitat restoration projects, and sampling designs for evaluating restoration projects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Quantifying the factors influencing behaviors of aquatic mammalian grazers may enhance the generic understanding of grazer ecology. We investigated diel and tidal patterns in movements of the dugong (Dugong dugon) by Global Positioning System—tracking 12 animals in 5 inshore—intertidal and 3 offshore—subtidal habitats along the coast of Queensland, Australia. We examined effects of tide height and time of day on the dugong's distance from 1) the nearest coast, 2) water >3 m deep, 3) actual water depth (bathymetry + tide ht) experienced, and 4) distribution of the directions of movements. Both tidal and diel cycles influenced dugong movement. Tracked dugongs tended to be closer to shore at high tide than at low tide and closer to shore at night than during the day. Onshore movement was more prevalent on incoming tides and in the afternoon and evening. Offshore movement was more prevalent on outgoing tides and from midnight through the morning until midday. Tidal and diel variation in water depths used by the inshore—intertidal dugongs was small, but probably underestimated, hidden by a sampling bias in the telemetry equipment. Onshore movement at high tide allowed dugongs to exploit intertidal seagrass beds. Dugongs are closer to shore in afternoons and evenings than in mornings. This behavior may be related to the avoidance of predators or watercraft. Our findings can be used to predict spatial patterns of dugongs within areas of conservation management significance and to assess, avoid, and mitigate adverse effects of anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

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