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Objective: Grb2-associated binder 2 (Gab2), a member of the family of Gab scaffolding adaptors, transmits and amplifies the signals from receptor tyrosine kinases. A recent study demonstrated that Gab2 was over-expressed in breast cancers and metastatic melanomas, and Gab2 was an oncogenic protein. However, the roles of Gab2 in lung cancers are largely unknown.Method: In this study, to investigate whether Gab2 expression could be a characteristic of lung cancers, we analyzed the expression of Gab2 in 88 lung frozen tissue samples and 122 paraffin-embedded tissue specimens, using quantitative real-time-PCR, immunohistochemistry and western blot.Results: We found that the positive expression rate of Gab2 in the tumor tissues, as detected by immunohistochemistry, 62.5% in squamous cell cancers, 51.35% in adenocarcinomas, and 75% in other types of lung cancers, was significantly higher than that (12%) in normal lung tissues. The mRNA expression detected by quantitative real-time-PCR and protein expression detected by western blotting in different groups were consistent with the immunohistochemical results.Conclusion: Our data indicate that Gab2 is over-expressed in malignant lung tissues compared with that in normal lung tissues, and suggest that Gab2 expression may play a role in lung cancer development.  相似文献   

Grb2-associated binder 1 (GAB1) is a scaffold protein involved in numerous interactions that propagate signaling by growth factor and cytokine receptors. Here we explore in silico and validate in vivo the role of GAB1 in the control of mitogenic (Ras/MAPK) and survival (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt) signaling stimulated by epidermal growth factor (EGF). We built a comprehensive mechanistic model that allows for reliable predictions of temporal patterns of cellular responses to EGF under diverse perturbations, including different EGF doses, GAB1 suppression, expression of mutant proteins, and pharmacological inhibitors. We show that the temporal dynamics of GAB1 tyrosine phosphorylation is significantly controlled by positive GAB1-PI3K feedback and negative MAPK-GAB1 feedback. Our experimental and computational results demonstrate that the essential function of GAB1 is to enhance PI3K/Akt activation and extend the duration of Ras/MAPK signaling. By amplifying positive interactions between survival and mitogenic pathways, GAB1 plays the critical role in cell proliferation and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Grb2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) is known to play an important role in hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signaling, which rapidly becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated upon HGF stimulation. In this study, we found that the tyrosine phosphorylation of Gab1 in the cells derived from Src/Yes/Fyn null mouse embryos was approximately 40% lower than that in their wild type counterparts upon HGF stimulation. Increased expression of wild-type Src enhanced HGF-induced phosphorylation of Gab1, and, in contrast, expression of the Src kinase-deficient mutant or treatment of the specific Src inhibitor PP1 suppressed it. Expression of a constitutively active Src mutant (Y527F) or oncogenic v-Src led to a prominent increase in Gab1 phosphorylation independent of HGF stimulation. Moreover, Src interacted with Gab1 via both its Src homology 2 and 3 domains and was capable of phosphorylating purified Gab1 in vitro. Finally, the increased phosphorylation of Gab1 by Src selectively potentiated HGF-induced activation of ERK and AKT. Taken together, our results establish a new role for Src in HGF-induced Gab1 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

B-cell fate during maturation and the germinal center reaction is regulated through the strength and the duration of the B-cell receptor signal. Signaling pathways discriminating between apoptosis and survival in B cells are keys in understanding adaptive immunity. Gab2 is a member of the Gab/Dos adaptor protein family. It has been shown in several model systems that Gab/Dos family members may regulate both the anti-apoptotic PI3-K/Akt and the mitogenic Ras/MAPK pathways, still their role in B-cells have not been investigated in detail. Here we studied the role of Gab2 in B-cell receptor mediated signaling. We have shown that BCR crosslinking induces the marked phosphorylation of Gab2 through both Lyn and Syk kinases. Subsequently Gab2 recruits p85 regulatory subunit of PI3-K, and SHP-2. Our results revealed that Ig-alpha/Ig-beta, signal transducing unit of the B-cell receptor, may function as scaffold recruiting Gab2 to the signalosome. Overexpression of Gab2 in A20 cells demonstrated that Gab2 is a regulator of the PI3-K/Akt but not that of the Ras/MAPK pathway in B cells. Accordingly to the elevated Akt phosphorylation, overexpression of wild-type Gab2 in A20 cells suppressed Fas-mediated apoptosis, and enhanced BCR-mediated rescue from Fas-induced cell death. Although PH-domain has only a stabilizing effect on membrane recruitment of Gab2, it is indispensable in mediating its anti-apoptotic effect.  相似文献   

The immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) of human type IIb Fcgamma receptor (FcgammaRIIb) is phosphorylated on its tyrosine upon co-clustering with the B cell receptor (BCR). The phosphorylated ITIM (p-ITIM) binds to the SH2 domains of polyphosphoinositol 5-phosphatase (SHIP) and the tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-2. We investigated the involvement of the molecular complex composed of the phosphorylated SHIP and FcgammaRIIb in the activation of SHP-2. As a model compound, we synthesized a bisphosphopeptide, combining the sequences of p-ITIM and the N-terminal tyrosine phosphorylated motif of SHIP with a flexible spacer. This compound bound to the recombinant SH2 domains of SHP-2 with high affinity and activated the phosphatase in an in vitro assay. These data suggest that the phosphorylated FcgammaRII-SHIP complexes formed in the intact cells may also activate SHP-2. Grb2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) is a multisite docking protein, which becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to various types of signaling, including BCR. In turn it binds to the SH2 domains of SHP-2, SHIP and the p85 subunit of phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PtdIns3-K) and may regulate their activity. Gab1 is a potential substrate of SHP-2, thus its binding to FcgammaRIIb may modify the Gab1-bound signaling complex. We show here that Gab1 is part of the multiprotein complex assembled by FcgammaRIIb upon its co-clustering with BCR. Gab1 may recruit SH2 domain-containing molecules to the phosphorylated FcgammaRIIb. SHP-2, activated upon the binding to FcgammaRIIb-SHIP complex, partially dephosphorylates Gab1, resulting in the release of PtdIns3-K and ultimately in the inhibition of downstream activation pathways in BCR/FcgammaRIIb co-aggregated cells.  相似文献   

Grb2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) is a member of the Gab/daughter of sevenless family of adapter molecules involved in the signal transduction pathways of a variety of growth factors, cytokines, and Ag receptors. To know the role for Gab1 in hematopoiesis and immune responses in vivo, we analyzed radiation chimeras reconstituted with fetal liver (FL) cells of Gab1(-/-) mice, because Gab1(-/-) mice are lethal to embryos. Transfer of Gab1(-/-) FL cells of 14.5 days post-coitum rescued lethally irradiated mice, indicating that Gab1 is not essential for hematopoiesis. Although mature T and B cell subsets developed normally in the peripheral lymphoid organs, reduction of pre-B cells and increase of myeloid cells in the Gab1(-/-) FL chimeras suggested the regulatory roles for Gab1 in hematopoiesis. The chimera showed augmented IgM and IgG1 production to thymus-independent (TI)-2 Ag, although they showed normal responses for thymus-dependent and TI-1 Ags, indicating its negative role specific to TI-2 response. Gab1(-/-) splenic B cells stimulated with anti-delta-dextran plus IL-4 plus IL-5 showed augmented IgM and IgG1 production in vitro that was corrected by the retrovirus-mediated transfection of the wild-type Gab1 gene, clearly demonstrating the cell-autonomous, negative role of Gab1. Furthermore, we showed that the negative role of Gab1 required its Src homology 2-containing tyrosine phosphatase-2 binding sites. Cell fractionation analysis revealed that nonfollicular B cells were responsible for the augmented Ab production in vitro. Consistent with these results, the Gab1 gene was expressed in marginal zone B cells but not follicular B cells. These results indicated that Gab1 is a unique negative regulator specific for TI-2 responses.  相似文献   

Microglia are the resident phagocytes of the brain that are responsible for the clearance of injured neurons, an essential step in subsequent tissue regeneration. How death signals are controlled both in space and time to attract these cells toward the site of injury is a topic of great interest. To this aim, we have used the optically transparent zebrafish larval brain and identified rapidly propagating Ca2+ waves that determine the range of microglial responses to neuronal cell death. We show that while Ca2+-mediated microglial responses require ATP, the spreading of intercellular Ca2+ waves is ATP independent. Finally, we identify glutamate as a potent inducer of Ca2+-transmitted microglial attraction. Thus, this real-time analysis reveals the existence of a mechanism controlling microglial targeted migration to neuronal injuries that is initiated by glutamate and proceeds across the brain in the form of a Ca2+ wave.  相似文献   

IL-2 stimulation of T lymphocytes induces the tyrosine phosphorylation and adaptor function of the insulin receptor substrate/Grb2-associated binder (Gab) family member, Gab2. In addition, Gab2 undergoes a marked decrease in its mobility in SDS-PAGE, characteristic of migration shifts induced by serine/threonine phosphorylations in many proteins. This migration shift was strongly diminished by treating cells with the MEK inhibitor U0126, indicating a possible role for ERK in Gab2 phosphorylation. Indeed, ERK phosphorylated Gab2 on a consensus phosphorylation site at serine 623, a residue located between tyrosine 614 and tyrosine 643 that are responsible for Gab2/Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase (SHP)-2 interaction. We report that pretreatment of Kit 225 cells with U0126 increased Gab2/SHP-2 association and tyrosine phosphorylation of SHP-2 in response to IL-2, suggesting that ERK phosphorylation of serine 623 regulates the interaction between Gab2 and SHP-2, and consequently the activity of SHP-2. This hypothesis was confirmed by biochemical analysis of cells expressing Gab2 WT, Gab2 serine 623A or Gab2 tyrosine 614F, a mutant that cannot interact with SHP-2 in response to IL-2. Activation of the ERK pathway was indeed blocked by Gab2 tyrosine 614F and slightly increased by Gab2 serine 623A. In contrast, STAT5 activation was strongly enhanced by Gab2 tyrosine 614F, slightly reduced by Gab2 WT and strongly inhibited by Gab2 serine 623A. Analysis of the rate of proliferation of cells expressing these mutants of Gab2 demonstrated that tyrosine 614F mutation enhanced proliferation whereas serine 623A diminished it. These results demonstrate that ERK-mediated phosphorylation of Gab2 serine 623 is involved in fine tuning the proliferative response of T lymphocytes to IL-2.  相似文献   

In previous work we showed that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), not the mitogen-activated protein kinase, pathway is necessary and sufficient to account for insulin- and epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced DNA synthesis in rat hepatocytes. Here, using a dominant-negative p85, we confirmed the key role of EGF-induced PI3-kinase activation and sought to identify the mechanism by which this is effected. Our results show that EGF activates PI3-kinase with a time course similar to that of the association of p85 with three principal phosphotyrosine proteins (i. e. PY180, PY105, and PY52). We demonstrated that each formed a distinct p85-associated complex. PY180 and PY52 each constituted about 10% of EGF-activated PI3-kinase, whereas PY105 was responsible for 80%. PY105 associated with Grb2 and SHP-2, and although it behaved like Gab1, none of the latter was detected in rat liver. We therefore cloned a cDNA from rat liver, which was found to be 95% homologous to the mouse Grb2-associated binder 2 (Gab2) cDNA sequence. Using a specific Gab2 antibody, we demonstrated its expression in and association with p85, SHP-2, and Grb2 upon EGF treatment of rat hepatocytes. Gab2 accounted for most if not all of the PY105 species, since immunoprecipitation of Gab2 with specific antibodies demonstrated parallel immunodepletion of Gab2 and PY105 from the residual supernatants. We also found that the PI3-kinase activity associated with Gab2 was totally abolished by dominant negative p85. Thus, Gab2 appears to be the principal EGF-induced PY protein recruiting and activating PI3-kinase and mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Tpl2/Cot is a serine/threonine kinase that plays a key physiological role in the regulation of immune responses to pro-inflammatory stimuli, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). TNF-alpha stimulates the JNK, ERK, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases and the NF-kappaB pathway by recruiting RIP1 and TRAF2 to the TNF receptor 1. Here we showed that Tpl2 activation by TNF-alpha signals depends on the integrity of the Tpl2-interacting proteins RIP1 and TRAF2, which are required for the engagement of the ERK mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. However, neither RIP1 nor TRAF2 overexpression was sufficient to activate Tpl2 and ERK. We also showed that Tpl2 activation by TNF-alpha depends on a tyrosine kinase activity that is detected in TNF-alpha-stimulated cells. Based on both genetic and biochemical evidence, we concluded that in a variety of cell types, Syk is the tyrosine kinase that plays an important role in the activation of Tpl2 upstream of ERK. These data therefore dissect the TNF receptor 1 proximal events that regulate Tpl2 and ERK and highlight a role for RIP1, TRAF2, and Syk in this pathway.  相似文献   

Activation of the c-Met receptor tyrosine kinase through its ligand, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), promotes mitogenic, motogenic, and morphogenic cellular responses. Aberrant HGF/c-Met signaling has been strongly implicated in tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Both HGF and its receptor c-Met have been shown to be overexpressed in human synovial sarcoma, which often metastasizes to the lung; however, little is known about HGF-mediated biological effects in this sarcoma. Here, we provide evidence that Crk adaptor protein is required for the sustained phosphorylation of c-Met-docking protein Grb2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) in response to HGF, leading to the enhanced cell motility of human synovial sarcoma cell lines SYO-1, HS-SY-II, and Fuji. HGF stimulation induced the sustained phosphorylation on Y307 of Gab1 where Crk was recruited. Crk knockdown by RNA interference disturbed this HGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Gab1. By mutational analysis, we identified that Src homology 2 domain of Crk is indispensable for the induction of the phosphorylation on multiple Tyr-X-X-Pro motifs containing Y307 in Gab1. HGF remarkably stimulated cell motility and scattering of synovial sarcoma cell lines, consistent with the prominent activation of Rac1, extreme filopodia formation, and membrane ruffling. Importantly, the elimination of Crk in these cells induced the disorganization of actin cytoskeleton and complete abolishment of HGF-mediated Rac1 activation and cell motility. Time-lapse microscopic analysis revealed the significant attenuation in scattering of Crk knockdown cells following HGF treatment. Furthermore, the depletion of Crk remarkably inhibited the tumor formation and its invasive growth in vivo. These results suggest that the sustained phosphorylation of Gab1 through Crk in response to HGF contributes to the prominent activation of Rac1 leading to enhanced cell motility, scattering, and cell invasion, which may support the crucial role of Crk in the aggressiveness of human synovial sarcoma.  相似文献   

The class Ia phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase consisting of p110 catalytic and p85 regulatory subunits is activated by Tyr kinase-linked membrane receptors such as FcgammaRII through the association of p85 with the phosphorylated receptors or adaptors. The heterodimeric PI 3-kinase is also activated by G protein-coupled chemotactic fMLP receptors, and activation of the lipid kinase plays an important role in various immune responses, including superoxide formation in neutrophils. Although fMLP-induced superoxide formation is markedly enhanced in FcgammaRII-primed neutrophils, the molecular mechanisms remain poorly characterized. In this study, we identified two Tyr-phosphorylated proteins, c-Cbl (Casitas B-lineage lymphoma) and Grb2-associated binder 2 (Gab2), as PI 3-kinase adaptors that are Tyr phosphorylated upon the stimulation of FcgammaRII in differentiated neutrophil-like THP-1 cells. Interestingly, Gab2 was, but c-Cbl was not, further Ser/Thr phosphorylated by fMLP. Thus, the adaptor Gab2 appeared to be dually phosphorylated at the Ser/Thr and Tyr residues through the two different types of membrane receptors. The Ser/Thr phosphorylation of Gab2 required the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, and fMLP receptor stimulation indeed activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase in the cells. Enhanced superoxide formation in response to Fcgamma and fMLP was markedly attenuated when the Gab2 Ser/Thr phosphorylation was inhibited. These results show the importance of the dual phosphorylation of PI 3-kinase adaptor Gab2 for the enhanced superoxide formation in neutrophil-type cells.  相似文献   

Innate immune signaling by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) involves receptor phosphorylation, which helps to shape and drive key inflammatory outputs, yet our understanding of the kinases and mechanisms that mediate TLR phosphorylation is incomplete. Spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase, which is known to relay adaptive and innate immune signaling, including from TLRs. However, TLRs do not contain the conserved dual immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs that typically recruit Syk to many other receptors. One possibility is that the Syk-TLR association is indirect, relying on an intermediary scaffolding protein. We previously identified a role for the palmitoylated transmembrane adapter protein SCIMP in scaffolding the Src tyrosine kinase Lyn, for TLR phosphorylation, but the role of SCIMP in mediating the interaction between Syk and TLRs has not yet been investigated. Here, we show that SCIMP recruits Syk in response to lipopolysaccharide-mediated TLR4 activation. We also show that Syk contributes to the phosphorylation of SCIMP and TLR4 to enhance their binding. Further evidence pinpoints two specific phosphorylation sites in SCIMP critical for its interaction with Syk-SH2 domains in the absence of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs. Finally, using inhibitors and primary macrophages from SCIMP-/- mice, we confirm a functional role for SCIMP-mediated Syk interaction in modulating TLR4 phosphorylation, signaling, and cytokine outputs. In conclusion, we identify SCIMP as a novel, immune-specific Syk scaffold, which can contribute to inflammation through selective TLR-driven inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Little is known about extensive nervous system growth after axons reach their targets. Indeed, postnatal animals continue to grow, suggesting that axons are stretched to accommodate the expanding body. We have previously shown that axons can sustain stretch-growth rates reaching 1 cm/day; however, it remained unknown whether the ability to transmit active signals was maintained. Here, stretch-growth did not alter sodium channel activation, inactivation, and recovery or potassium channel activation. In addition, neurons generated normal action potentials that propagated across stretch-grown axons. Surprisingly, Na and K channel density increased due to stretch-growth, which may represent a natural response to preserve the fidelity of neuronal signaling.  相似文献   

A variety of intracellular signaling pathways are linked to cell surface receptor signaling through their recruitment by Src homology 2 (SH2)/SH3-containing adapter molecules. p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) is an effector of Rac/Cdc42 GTPases that has been implicated in the regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics, proliferation, and cell survival signaling. In this study, we describe the specific interaction of PAK1 with the Grb2 adapter protein both in vitro and in vivo. We identify the site of this interaction as the second proline-rich SH3 binding domain of PAK1. Stimulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in HaCaT cells enhances the level of EGFR-associated PAK1 and Grb2, although the PAK1-Grb2 association is itself independent of this stimulation. A cell-permeant TAT-tagged peptide encompassing the second proline-rich SH3 binding domain of PAK1 simultaneously blocked Grb2 and activated EGFR association with PAK1, in vitro and in vivo, indicating that Grb2 mediates the interaction of PAK1 with the activated EGFR. Blockade of this interaction decreased the epidermal growth factor-induced extension of membrane lamellae. Thus Grb2 may serve as an important mechanism for linking downstream PAK signaling to various upstream pathways.  相似文献   

The adapter molecule Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kDa (SLP-76) is essential for FcepsilonRI-mediated signaling, degranulation and IL-6 production in mast cells. To test the structural requirements of SLP-76 in mast cell signaling and function, we have studied the functional responses of murine bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs) expressing mutant forms of SLP-76. We found that the N-terminal tyrosines as well as the central proline-rich region of SLP-76 are required for participation of SLP-76 in FcepsilonRI-mediated signaling and function. The C-terminal SH2 domain of SLP-76 also contributes to optimal function of SLP-76 in mast cells. Another adapter molecule, adhesion- and degranulation-promoting adapter protein (ADAP), is known to bind the SH2 domain of SLP-76, and cell line studies have implicated ADAP in mast cell adhesion and FcepsilonRI-induced degranulation. Surprisingly, we found that mast cells lacking ADAP expression demonstrate no defects in FcepsilonRI-induced adhesion, granule release, or IL-6 production, and that ADAP-deficient mice produce a normal passive systemic anaphylactic response. Thus, failure to bind ADAP does not underlie the functional defects exhibited by SLP-76 SH2 domain mutant-expressing mast cells.  相似文献   

Platelet adhesion to fibrinogen through integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) triggers actin rearrangements and cell spreading. Mice deficient in the SLP-76 adapter molecule bleed excessively, and their platelets spread poorly on fibrinogen. Here we used human platelets and a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell expression system to better define the role of SLP-76 in alpha(IIb)beta(3) signaling. CHO cell adhesion to fibrinogen required alpha(IIb)beta(3) and stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of SLP-76. SLP-76 phosphorylation required coexpression of Syk tyrosine kinase and stimulated association of SLP-76 with the adapter, Nck, and with the Rac exchange factor, Vav1. SLP-76 expression increased lamellipodia formation induced by Syk and Vav1 in adherent CHO cells (p < 0.001). Although lamellipodia formation requires Rac, SLP-76 functioned downstream of Rac by potentiating adhesion-dependent activation of PAK kinase (p < 0.001), a Rac effector that associates with Nck. In platelets, adhesion to fibrinogen stimulated the association of SLP-76 with the SLAP-130 adapter and with VASP, a SLAP-130 binding partner implicated in actin reorganization. Furthermore, SLAP-130 colocalized with VASP at the periphery of spread platelets. Thus, SLP-76 functions to relay signals from alpha(IIb)beta(3) to effectors of cytoskeletal reorganization. Therefore, deficient recruitment of specific adapters and effectors to sites of adhesion may explain the integrin phenotype of SLP-76(-/-) platelets.  相似文献   

Grb2-associated binder-1 (Gab1) is a multisite docking protein containing a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, multiple potential tyrosine phosphorylation sites, and several proline-rich sequences. Gab1 becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated in cells stimulated with growth factors, cytokines, and ligands for G protein-coupled receptors. A major Gab1-binding protein detected in cells treated with extracellular stimuli is the tyrosine phosphatase, SHP2. Although the role of SHP2-Gab1 interaction in cell signaling has not yet been characterized, SHP2 is known to mediate mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation induced by the epidermal growth factor (EGF). However, the mechanism by which the SHP2 phosphatase exerts a positive signaling role remains obscure. In this study, we prepared Gab1 mutants lacking the SHP2 binding site (Gab1Y627F), the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) binding sites (Gab1DeltaPI3K), and the PH domain (Gab1DeltaPH). Expression of Gab1Y627F blocked the extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 (ERK2) activation by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and EGF. Conversely, expression of the wild-type Gab1 in HEK293 cells augmented the LPA receptor Edg2-mediated ERK2 activation. Whereas the PH domain was required for Gab1 mediation of ERK2 activation by LPA, it was not essential for EGF-induced ERK2 activation. Expression of Gab1DeltaPI3K had no apparent effect on ERK2 activation by LPA and EGF in the cells that we have examined. These results establish a role for Gab1 in the LPA-induced MAP kinase pathway and clearly demonstrate that Gab1-SHP2 interaction is essential for ERK2 activation by LPA and EGF. These findings also suggest that the positive role of SHP2 in the MAP kinase pathway depends on its interaction with Gab1.  相似文献   

The beta-chemokine receptor CCR5 has been shown to modulate cell migration, proliferation, and immune functions and to serve as a co-receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus. We and others have shown that CCR5 activates related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase (RAFTK)/Pyk2/CAK-beta. In this study, we further characterize the signaling molecules activated by CCR5 upon binding to its cognate ligand, macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta (MIP1beta). We observed enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of the phosphatases SHP1 and SHP2 upon MIP1beta stimulation of CCR5 L1.2 transfectants and T-cells derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Furthermore, we observed that SHP1 associated with RAFTK. However, using a dominant-negative phosphatase-binding mutant of RAFTK (RAFTK(m906)), we found that RAFTK does not mediate SHP1 or SHP2 phosphorylation. SHP1 and SHP2 also associated with the adaptor protein Grb2 and the Src-related kinase Syk. Pretreatment of CCR5 L1.2 transfectants or T-cells with the phosphatase inhibitor orthovanadate markedly abolished MIP1beta-induced chemotaxis. Syk was also activated upon MIP1beta stimulation of CCR5 L1.2 transfectants or T-cells and associated with RAFTK. Overexpression of a dominant-negative Src-binding mutant of RAFTK (RAFTK(m402)) significantly attenuated Syk activation, whereas overexpression of wild-type RAFTK enhanced Syk activity, indicating that RAFTK acts upstream of CCR5-mediated Syk activation. Taken together, these results suggest that MIP1beta stimulation mediated by CCR5 induces the formation of a signaling complex consisting of RAFTK, Syk, SHP1, and Grb2.  相似文献   

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