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In the last decade, a number of cryptic species have been discovered in lichenized fungi, especially in species with a cosmopolitan or disjunctive distribution. Parmelia saxatilis is one of the most common and widely distributed species. Recent molecular studies have detected two species, P. ernstiae and P. serrana, within P. saxatilis s. lat., suggesting the existence of considerable genetic diversity that may not yet be expressed at the phenotypic level. Due to the complexity in the P. saxatilis s. lat. group, we used this as a model to study the species boundary and identify cryptic lineages. We used Phylogenetic (Bayes, ML and MP) and genetic distance approaches to analyze ITS and β-tubulin sequences. Our results confirm the existence of another cryptic lineage within P. saxatilis s. lat. This lineage is described herein as a new species, P. mayi. It forms an independent, strongly supported, monophyletic lineage, distantly related to the morphologically similar species P. ernstiae, P. saxatilis and P. serrana. Morphologically, it is indistinguishable from P. saxatilis but the new species is separated by molecular, bioclimatic, biogeographic and chemical characters. At present, P. mayi appears to have a restricted distribution in the northern Appalachian mountain territories of North America. It is found in climatic conditions ranging from hemiboreal and orotemperate to cryorotemperate ultrahyperhumid bioclimates.  相似文献   

Pothos vietnamensis V. D. Nguyen & P. C. Boyce is described and illustrated from northern Vietnam as a new species of the Pothos supergroup, and it is compared with the two most similar species: P. kerrii and P. pilulifer to which P. vietnamensis is comparable by having a very small fertile portion (< 5 mm diameter) on the spadix. Ecology, habitat, population size and conservation status are also discussed.  相似文献   

Pandanus palakkadensis, a new species from the Palakkad, Kerala state, India is described and illustrated. The new species can be easily distinguished from the other members of the genus it most closely resembles, P. canaranus Warb. and P. furcatus Roxb. in having a drupe with flat pileus, endocarp broadly truncate, concave on either side with distinctly elevated shoulders, a sharp, obliquely pointed stigma and cylindrical fruit. This distinctive species is endemic to the region of collection and is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) based on the IUCN Red List criteria.  相似文献   

Ulleung Island is a biodiversity hot spot harboring approximately 700 species of vascular plants with high number of endemic taxa. Physocarpus insularis, one of the 41 endemic species, has an extremely restricted distribution range on the very small, geologically young oceanic island. Phylogenetic relationship of P. insularis, however, remained highly controversial whether it is conspecific with Spiraea chamaedryfolia or a distinct species in Physocarpus, making it difficult to establish necessary conservation programs. We examined comparative morphology of Physocarpus and Spiraea and reconstructed the phylogeny of the rbcL, matK, ndhF, and trnL-trnF regions from the exemplars of Rosaceae. The results strongly supported the placement of P. insularis within Spiraea. Further phylogenetic analyses of tribe Spiraeeae based on the trnL-trnF and internal transcribed spacer data showed that P. insularis is closely related to S. chamaedryfolia. Morphological analysis revealed that P. insularis differs from S. chamaedryfolia by having larger leaf blades that are subcordate or truncate at base. Results of this study suggest that P. insularis should be recognized as a distinct taxon in Spiraea and that conservation efforts on Ulleung Island should focus on protecting its natural environment to conserve evolutionary patterns and processes in addition to specific conservation programs for species in peril.  相似文献   

The type of Paralychnophora bicolor was found to represent another species recently described as P. santosii. The misapplication of the name P. bicolor is reviewed. Also, a new species is here proposed, P. glaziouana, for plants previously identified as P. bicolor, since the only available name, P. schwackei, is an illegitimate combination. A key to Paralychnophora is given.  相似文献   

The Phellinus igniarius group comprises several closely related wood-decaying basidiomycetes with poroid hymenophores that are sometimes difficult to identify on a morphological basis. The delimitation of pileate species belonging to the group was the subject of ITS (internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA) and tefa (translation elongation factor 1 alpha) DNA sequence analyses applied to specimens from central and northern Europe. The results confirmed the distinctiveness of P. alni, P. igniarius, P. lundellii, P. nigricans, P. populicola, P. tremulae, and P. tuberculosus in Europe. The specimens of the previously distinguished species P. cinereus were found to be identical with either P. nigricans or P. alni. Thus, Phellinus cinereus does not follow the species criteria of phylogenetic species recognition. In addition, a recently described species, P. neolundellii, was grouped within the P. alni clade. The ITS and tefa analyses produced a different topology for P. populicola and P. igniarius. P. alni had the largest spectrum of hosts, including woody plants from nine families, and records on Aesculus hippocastanum and Ulmus glabra are reported for the first time. P. igniarius s.s. has been collected not only on Salix spp. as expected but also, though rarely, on Populus nigra, and it has been observed once on Malus domestica. The host specificity of the remaining species resembles previous data. An additional analysis of basidiospore dimensions did not reveal any differences between P. alni and P. igniarius, but both are distinguishable from those of P. nigricans.  相似文献   

A new red-flowered species of Passiflora, P. cristalina Vanderpl. & Zappi, is described from the tropical rainforest of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The species is illustrated and its affinities with related species are discussed, and a key to the species of supersect. Distephana to which it belongs is provided.  相似文献   

The pollen of six taxa of the genus Rubus endemic to Poland (R. capitulatus, R. chaerophylloides, R. ostroviensis, R. posnaniensis, R. seebergensis and R. spribillei)was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. The study objective was to extend the knowledge of the species pollen morphology and to investigate whether pollen morphology may help to taxonomically distinguish a very rare bramble species. Study material was derived from six natural localities where the species occur in the Wielkopolska region (Poland). Ten quantitative pollen grain features were analysed as well as the following qualitative ones: outline, shape, type of bridge and exine sculpture. Only mature, correctly formed pollen grains (30 per specimen) were measured and 180 pollen grains were examined in total. It was found that R. capitulatus and R. seebergensis had the highest mean values of P, E and Le features. In addition, pollen grains of R. capitulatus were most flattened (mean P/E ratio equals 1.14), while those of R. seebergensis were most elongated (mean P/E ratio equals 1.27). R. spribillei was the only species with striae of similar width as muri, whereas striae in the remaining species were wider. R. chaerophylloides and R. posnaniensis were characterised by specific, similar exine sculpture. Nevertheless, it should be stated that differences between pollen features of the species studied are so small and the variability of these features are so large that it is difficult to clearly identify the species studied. Therefore, pollen grain morphology can serve only as an auxiliary feature for the determination of these species.  相似文献   

The effects of low medium pH (4.50, 5.00 and 5.75) on in vitro growth and on several biochemical parameters (lipid peroxidation, proline and carbohydrate content, antioxidant enzymes activities and total soluble protein) of Plantago almogravensis and P. algarbiensis micropropagated shoots were investigated. Overall, it was observed that medium pH did not affect in vitro proliferation and rooting. Interestingly, cultures of both species modify the initial pH value to the same final value. Results have shown that the lowest pH tested induced an increase in the level of lipid peroxidation in roots of both species and in shoots of P. algarbiensis, indicating plasma membrane damage. An accumulation of carbohydrates was observed in roots of P. almogravensis cultured in pH 4.50 and 5.00. It was observed a slight response of the enzymatic system to medium pH, particularly in P. almogravensis. Based on the results obtained we can conclude that Plantago species are apt to grow in vitro in medium with pH values much lower than the usually used in tissue culture, which is in agreement with the fact that both species colonize acid soils.  相似文献   

Three species of rust fungi (Uredinales), Puccinia perforans, P. fuegiana (= Uromyces skottsbergii), and Aecidium callixenis have been described on members of Luzuriaga (Luzuriagaceae). Puccinia luzuriagae-polyphyllae is added as a new species on Luzuriaga polyphylla from Chile. The rust had been confused hitherto with P. perforans occurring on L. radicans. Both species differ from P. fuegiana on L. marginata by the absence of a uredinial state and several telial characters. The investigated collections of Puccinia species on Luzuriaga indicate that each is restricted to a single host species. A determination key is presented.  相似文献   

The sexual reproductive process in Pinus lambertiana has not been completely described, and previous attempts to generate hybrids with Pinus monticola and other North American pines have not been successful. The nature of incompatibility barriers between P. lambertiana and P. monticola is unknown. This needs to be understood if strategies are to be developed to overcome the said barriers. In this paper, development on interspecific crosses is compared with that on intraspecific crosses on the same parent trees. Pollen grains of both species germinated on the nucellus of both species within a week after pollination. Seed cone receptivity in P. lambertiana came approximately 2 weeks after receptivity in P. monticola, and this delay was perpetuated throughout ovule development in the first year of the reproductive process. Development of the second-year seed cones proceeded more gradually in P. lambertiana. However, seed cones reached maturity only for P. monticola x P. lambertiana. In both crosses, the barriers to hybridization occurred during the second year of the reproductive process. With the P. lambertiana as the seed parent, it was manifested through the failure of the megaspores at the free-nuclear stage to resume development. When P. monticola was used as the seed parent, the male and female gametes failed to fuse. Our results clearly show that the barriers to hybridization in these species occur before or at fertilization. However, the exact mechanisms behind these are still unknown. Based on the results of this study, we present several strategies to bypass the developmental barriers and possibly produce hybrid progenies.  相似文献   

In order to understand better non-target effect and potential uses, the host specificity of two parasitoid species (Anagyrus sp. nov. nr. sinope Noyes & Menezes and Leptomastix dactylopii Howard) (both Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) for six mealybug species [Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell), Phenacoccus madeirensis Green, Phenacoccus solani Ferris, Planococcus citri (Risso),Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni-Tozzetti) and Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret)] (all Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) was studied through behavioral observations and laboratory rearing. The selected mealybug species represent major subfamilies and tribes of Pseudococcidae. Except for F. virgata, all mealybug species induced examinations by Anagyrus sp. nov. nr. sinope and L. dactylopii. Anagyrus sp. nov. nr. sinope was specific to P. madeirensis, which was the only mealybug species selected for oviposition and suitable for complete development of the parasitoid. No encapsulation of Anagyrus sp. nov. nr. sinope in P. madeirensis was observed. Leptomastix dactylopii accepted multiple species for oviposition, with the ranking of species preference as P. citri > P. viburni > P. longispinus > P. solani > P. madeirensis. Only P. citri, P. longispinus and P. viburni supported the development of L. dactylopii. Parasitoids developing in P. longispinus and P. viburni suffered from high encapsulation rates, while no encapsulation was observed when developing in P. citri. The results of this study suggest that Anagyrus sp. nov. nr. sinope is highly host specific. Leptomastix dactylopii, on the other hand, has a wider host range. The use of Anagyrus sp. nov. nr. sinope in a mealybug biological control program is limited to P. madeirensis and L. dactylopii to P. citri. The results presented in this study also lead us to question the accuracy of the reported host range of L. dactylopii, which include all six mealybug species tested.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Poromitra belonging to the P. megalops group are considered on a large collection material. These species are characterized by small sizes (up to 6 cm), oblong body, elongated caudal peduncle, large eyes, four scales on the cheek, bony crests of the anterior margin of the praeoperculum located at a right angle towards each other, and other features. Until recently it was considered that P. megalops (Lütken) has a circumtropical range. This study demonstrated that P. megalops occurs only in the Atlantic Ocean. In the Indian Ocean and the central part of the Pacific Ocean, P. macrophthalma (Gilchrist) dwells. A new species P. jucunda Kotlyar sp. nova is described from the eastern and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. A key to 22 known species of the genus Poromitra is provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Gill monogeneans from the brownspotted grouper Epinephelus chlorostigma (Val.) collected in deep water off the coral barrier reef of New Caledonia, South Pacific, comprise seven species. These include the ancyrocephalid Haliotrema sp., the capsalid Allobenedenia cf. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1968, and five diplectanids, namely Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli (Yamaguti, 1938), reported in a previous paper, P. cyanopodus Sigura & Justine, 2008 and P. podocyanus Sigura & Justine, 2008, two species originally described from E. cyanopodus Richardson, P. stigmosus n. sp., P. exoticoides n. sp. and Diplectanum femineum n. sp. P. stigmosus is characterised by a sclerotised vagina with a straight primary canal, large ovoid primary chamber and spherical secondary chamber. P. exoticoides is a highly aberrant species, with a thick-walled male quadriloculate organ and a discoid sclerotised vagina with an exceptional structure. Interestingly, P. exoticoides resembles P. exoticus Sigura & Justine, 2008, a species from E. cyanopodus, and P. stigmosus resembles P. cyanopodus and P. podocyanus, also both from E. cyanopodus, suggesting close relationships between the diplectanid faunae of these two fish species. D. femineum belongs to a group of diplectanids, provisionally classified as ‘Diplectanum’ Diesing, 1858, which all share a small funnel-shaped male copulatory organ. In contrast to other members of this group which have no sclerotised vagina, D. femineum has a sclerotised vagina with the same organisation as those of species of Pseudorhabdosynochus Yamaguti, 1958. This suggests that the species of ‘Diplectanum’ from groupers are closer to Pseudorhabdosynochus than suggested by the structure of the male organs.  相似文献   

The effects of experimental warming on the growth and physiology of grass Elymus nutans and forb Potentilla anserina were studied by using open-top chambers (OTCs) in an alpine meadow of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The warming treatment increased mean air and soil surface temperatures by 1.53°C and 0.50°C, respectively, but it reduced soil relative water content in the surface layer. Experimental warming enhanced the growth and gas exchange of E. nutans, while it reduced those of P. anserina. Experimental warming resulted in an increased efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) in E. nutans, while decreasing it in P. anserina; significantly stimulated non-photochemical quenching, antioxidative enzymes and non-enzymes in both species; and significantly reduced malondialdehyde content in E. nutans, while promoting it in P. anserina. The results of this study indicated that the two species showed different growth responses to experimental warming and their different physiological performances further indicated that experimental warming alleviated the negative effect of low temperature on the growth and development of E. nutans, but limited the competitive ability of P. anserina in the study region.  相似文献   

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