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Most current microarray oligonucleotide probe design strategies are based on probe design factors (PDFs), which include probe hybridization free energy (PHFE), probe minimum folding energy (PMFE), dimer score, hairpin score, homology score and complexity score. The impact of these PDFs on probe performance was evaluated using four sets of microarray comparative genome hybridization (aCGH) data, which included two array manufacturing methods and the genomes of two species. Since most of the hybridizing DNA is equimolar in CGH data, such data are ideal for testing the general hybridization properties of almost all candidate oligonucleotides. In all our data sets, PDFs related to probe secondary structure (PMFE, hairpin score and dimer score) are the most significant factors linearly correlated with probe hybridization intensities. PHFE, homology and complexity score are correlating significantly with probe specificities, but in a non-linear fashion. We developed a new PDF, pseudo probe binding energy (PPBE), by iteratively fitting dinucleotide positional weights and dinucleotide stacking energies until the average residue sum of squares for the model was minimized. PPBE showed a better correlation with probe sensitivity and a better specificity than all other PDFs, although training data are required to construct a PPBE model prior to designing new oligonucleotide probes. The physical properties that are measured by PPBE are as yet unknown but include a platform-dependent component. A practical way to use these PDFs for probe design is to set cutoff thresholds to filter out bad quality probes. Programs and correlation parameters from this study are freely available to facilitate the design of DNA microarray oligonucleotide probes.  相似文献   

DNA chips have proven to be effective tools in detecting gene expression levels. Compared with DNA chips using complementary DNA as probes, oligonucleotide microarrays using oligonucleotides as probes have attracted great attention because of their well known advantages. The design of gene-specific probes for each target is essential to the development of oligonucleotide microarrays. We have previously reported the development of a probe design software termed Mprobe 1.0. Here, we present a new version of this software, termed Mprobe 2.0. Several new features are included in Mprobe 2.0. Firstly, a paradox-based sequence database management system has been developed and integrated into the software, which consequently allows interoperability with sequences in GenBank, EMBL, and FASTA formats. Secondly, in contrast to setting a fixed threshold for the secondary structure of probes in Mprobe 1.0 and other related software, Mprobe 2.0 employs a different method. After parameters such as GC type, probe melting temperature and GC contents have been evaluated, candidate probes are sorted by the free energy from high to low value, followed by specificity analysis. Thirdly, Mprobe 2.0 provides users with substantial parameter options in the visual mode. Mprobe 2.0 possesses an easier interface for users to manage sequences annotated in different formats and design the optimal probes for oligonucleotide microarrays and other applications. AVAILABILITY: The program is free for non-commercial users and can be downloaded from the web page http://www.biosun.org.cn/mprobe/ CONTACT: Wuju Li (wujuli@yahoo.com or liwj@nic.bmi.ac.cn).  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest and efforts devoted to developing biosensor technologies for identifying pathogens, particularly in the biothreat area. In this study, a universal set of short 12- and 13-mer oligonucleotide probes was derived independently of a priori genomic sequence information and used to generate unique species-dependent genomic hybridization signatures. The probe set sequences were algorithmically generated to be maximally distant in sequence space and not dependent on the sequence of any particular genome. The probe set is universally applicable because it is unbiased and independent of hybridization predictions based upon simplified assumptions regarding probe-target duplex formation from linear sequence analysis. Tests were conducted on microarrays containing 14,283 unique probes synthesized using an in situ light-directed synthesis methodology. The genomic DNA hybridization intensity patterns reproducibly differentiated various organisms (Bacillus subtilis, Yersinia pestis, Streptococcus pneumonia, Bacillus anthracis, and Homo sapiens), including the correct identification of a blinded "unknown" sample. Applications of this method include not only pathological and forensic genome identification in medicine and basic science, but also potentially a novel method for the discovery of unknown targets and associations inherent in dynamic nucleic acid populations such as represented by differential gene expression.  相似文献   

Quantitative data analysis is an important element in several applications of DNA microarray, including mRNA expression profiling and estimation of infectious doses for pathogens. Here, we introduce an artificial standard probe strategy for quantitative pathogen detection using an oligonucleotide chip as a model system. The standard capture probe sequence was artificially designed to prevent non-specific hybridization with bacterial targets. Based on the fluorescence intensities of artificial standard spots, the raw fluorescence intensity data for specific spots could be corrected to generate linear correlations with target concentrations. Therefore, our novel artificial standard probe may be effectively applied for the correction of chip-to-chip variations and quantitative data analysis of a one-color labeled DNA microarray system.  相似文献   

A computer bank of 16 S rRNA bacterial sequences was searched to determine a consensus sequence expected to hybridize with DNA from a wide variety of bacteria. An oligonucleotide probe, named a panprobe, containing this sequence was used to assay the degree of lysis of bacterial colonies on filter paper heated in a microwave oven and subsequently treated with NaOH. As determined by colony hybridization with the panprobe, lysis was achieved for 51 of 59 different species of bacteria tested. DNA, isolated from the eight bacteria not detected by colony hybridization, did hybridize with the panprobe in slot blot hybridizations.  相似文献   

A popular commercially available oligonucleotide microarray technology employs sets of 25 base pair oligonucleotide probes for measurement of gene expression levels. A mathematical algorithm is required to compute an estimate of gene expression from the multiple probes. Previously proposed methods for summarizing gene expression data have either been substantially ad hoc or have relied on model assumptions that may be easily violated. Here we present a new algorithm for calculating gene expression from probe sets. Our approach is functionally related to leave-one-out cross-validation, a non-parametric statistical technique that is often applied in limited data situations. We illustrate this approach using data from our study seeking a molecular fingerprint of STAT3 regulated genes for early detection of human cancer.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure has been developed for the isolation and verification of cDNA clones isolated from a cDNA library based on lambda vectors. Using information of the partial amino acid sequence of a protein, synthetic mixed-base oligonucleotides are first employed as a screening probe using the plaque hybridization procedure. The cDNA inserts of the clones obtained are then directly amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers flanking the cloning site of the vector. Besides being used for cloning into a plasmid vector, the amplified DNA's are also subjected to nucleotide sequence analysis using the same mixed-base oligonucleotides as sequencing primers. This approach allows sequencing through the region of the known amino acid sequence for direct verification of the authenticity of the clones obtained. This procedure has successfully been used for cloning and partial characterization of the gene coding for a platelet aggregation inhibitor.  相似文献   

细小病毒B19 Oligo探针设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用BLAST软件对细小病毒B19的序列进行序列比对,获得特异序列;利用生物学软件Oligo6.40设计特异性高、Tm值接近、长度均一的Oligo探针。结果获得了13条70bp的Oligo探针,用于芯片打印及细小病毒B19的检测。表明利用BLAST系统和生物学软件Oligo6.40设计细小病毒B19诊断芯片的探针是一种简便而有效的方法。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important regulatory roles in animals and plants by targeting mRNAs for cleavage or translational repression. They have diverse expression patterns and might regulate various developmental and physiological processes. Profiling miRNA expression is very helpful for studying biological functions of miRNAs. We report a novel miRNA profiling microarray, in which miRNAs were directly labeled at the 3′ terminus with biotin and hybridized with complementary oligo-DNA probes immobilized on glass slides, and subsequently detected by measuring fluorescence of quantum dots labeled with streptavidin bound to miRNAs through streptavidin–biotin interaction. The detection limit of this microarray for miRNA was ~0.4 fmol, and the detection dynamic range spanned about 2 orders of magnitude. We made a model microarray to profile 11 miRNAs from leaf and root of rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) seedlings. The analysis results of the miRNAs had a good reproducibility and were consistent with the northern blot result. To avoid using high-cost detection equipment, colorimetric detection, a method based on nanogold probe coupled with silver enhancement, was also successfully introduced into miRNA profiling microarray detection.  相似文献   

A microarray consisting of oligonucleotide probes targeting variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene was designed and tested for the investigation of microbial communities in compost. Probes were designed for microorganisms that have been previously reported in the composting process and for plant, animal and human pathogens. The oligonucleotide probes were between 17 and 25 bp in length and included mostly species-specific sequences. Validation of probe specificity and optimization of hybridization conditions were conducted using fluorescently labeled 16S rRNA gene PCR products of pure culture strains. A labeling method employing a Cy3 or Cy5-labeled forward primer together with a phosphate-conjugated reverse primer for the production of single stranded DNA after a digestion step was optimised and used to label target DNA. A combination of two different DNA extraction methods using both physical and chemical lysis was found to give the best DNA yields. Increased hybridization signal intensities were obtained for probes modified with a 12 mer T-spacer. The microarray was found to have a detection limit of 10(3) cells, although in compost spiking experiments, the detection limit was reduced to 10(5) cells. The application of the microarray to compost samples indicated the presence of Streptococcus, Acinetobacter lwoffii, and Clostridium tetani in various compost samples. The presence of A. lwoffii in those compost samples was confirmed by PCR using primers specific for the organism. The aim of this study was to develop a molecular tool that would allow screening for the presence or absence of different microorganisms within compost samples.  相似文献   

Food-borne pathogens are a major health problem. The large and diverse number of microbial pathogens and their virulence factors has fueled interest in technologies capable of detecting multiple pathogens and multiple virulence factors simultaneously. Some of these pathogens and their toxins have potential use as bioweapons. DNA microarray technology allows the simultaneous analysis of thousands of sequences of DNA in a relatively short time, making it appropriate for biodefense and for public health uses. This paper describes methods for using DNA microarrays to detect and analyze microbial pathogens. The FDA-1 microarray was developed for the simultaneous detection of several food-borne pathogens and their virulence factors including Listeria spp., Campylobacter spp., Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin genes and Clostridium perfringens toxin genes. Three elements were incorporated to increase confidence in the microarray detection system: redundancy of genes, redundancy of oligonucleotide probes (oligoprobes) for a specific gene, and quality control oligoprobes to monitor array spotting and target DNA hybridization. These elements enhance the reliability of detection and reduce the chance of erroneous results due to the genetic variability of microbes or technical problems with the microarray. The results presented demonstrate the potential of oligonucleotide microarrays for detection of environmental and biodefense relevant microbial pathogens.  相似文献   

Transformation and normalization of oligonucleotide microarray data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Most methods of analyzing microarray data or doing power calculations have an underlying assumption of constant variance across all levels of gene expression. The most common transformation, the logarithm, results in data that have constant variance at high levels but not at low levels. Rocke and Durbin showed that data from spotted arrays fit a two-component model and Durbin, Hardin, Hawkins, and Rocke, Huber et al. and Munson provided a transformation that stabilizes the variance as well as symmetrizes and normalizes the error structure. We wish to evaluate the applicability of this transformation to the error structure of GeneChip microarrays. RESULTS: We demonstrate in an example study a simple way to use the two-component model of Rocke and Durbin and the data transformation of Durbin, Hardin, Hawkins and Rocke, Huber et al. and Munson on Affymetrix GeneChip data. In addition we provide a method for normalization of Affymetrix GeneChips simultaneous with the determination of the transformation, producing a data set without chip or slide effects but with constant variance and with symmetric errors. This transformation/normalization process can be thought of as a machine calibration in that it requires a few biologically constant replicates of one sample to determine the constant needed to specify the transformation and normalize. It is hypothesized that this constant needs to be found only once for a given technology in a lab, perhaps with periodic updates. It does not require extensive replication in each study. Furthermore, the variance of the transformed pilot data can be used to do power calculations using standard power analysis programs. AVAILABILITY: SPLUS code for the transformation/normalization for four replicates is available from the first author upon request. A program written in C is available from the last author.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics of Dehalococcoides strains and an enrichment were performed using a microarray targeting genes from all available sequenced genomes of the Dehalococcoides genus. The microarray was designed with 4305 probe sets to target 98.6% of the open-reading frames from strains 195, CBDB1, BAV1 and VS. The microarrays were validated and applied to query the genomes of two recently isolated Dehalococcoides strains, ANAS1 and ANAS2, and their enrichment source (ANAS) to understand the genome–physiology relationships. Strains ANAS1 and ANAS2 can both couple the reduction of trichloroethene, cis-dichloroethene (DCE) and 1,1-DCE, but not tetrachloroethene and trans-DCE with growth, whereas only strain ANAS2 couples vinyl chloride reduction to growth. Comparative genomic analysis showed that the genomes of both strains are similar to each other and to strain 195, except for genes that are within the previously defined integrated elements or high-plasticity regions. Combined results of the two isolates closely matched the results obtained using genomic DNA of the ANAS enrichment. The genome similarities, together with the distinct chlorinated ethene usage of strains ANAS1, ANAS2 and 195 demonstrate that closely phylogenetically related strains can be physiologically different. This incongruence between physiology and core genome phylogeny seems to be related to the presence of distinct reductive dehalogenase-encoding genes with assigned chlorinated ethene functions (pceA, tceA in strain 195; tceA in strain ANAS1; vcrA in strain ANAS2). Overall, the microarrays are a valuable high-throughput tool for comparative genomics of unsequenced Dehalococcoides-containing samples to provide insights into their gene content and dechlorination functions.  相似文献   

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