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The influence of prolonged nutritional deprivation on the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity and cross-sectional areas of individual fibers in the rat diaphragm and deep portion of the medial gastrocnemius (MGr) muscles was determined. Fatigue resistance of the diaphragm was measured by means of an in vitro nerve-muscle strip preparation. Fiber SDH activity and cross-sectional area were quantified by means of an image processing system. Diaphragm fatigue resistance was significantly improved in the nutritionally deprived (ND) group. In both muscles, nutritional deprivation resulted in a significant decrease in fiber cross-sectional area (both type I and II), type II fibers showing greater atrophy. The SDH activities of type I and II fibers in the diaphragm were not affected by nutritional deprivation. This contrasted with a significant decrease in the SDH activity of both type I and II fibers in the MGr of ND animals. An assessment of the interrelationships between fiber atrophy and fiber SDH activity revealed a greater effect of malnutrition on those diaphragm type II fibers that had the lowest relative SDH activities and the largest cross-sectional areas. By comparison, the effect of malnutrition on type I and II fibers in the MGr was nonselective with regard to fiber SDH activity. We conclude that the enhanced diaphragm fatigue resistance in the ND animals does not result from an increase in the oxidative capacity of muscle fibers and is best explained by the pattern of diaphragm muscle fiber atrophy.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of rat diaphragm muscle contractility and fatigue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The diaphragm is a skeletal muscle of mixed fiber type that is unique in its requirement to maintain contractile function and fatigue resistance across a wide range of temperatures to sustain alveolar ventilation under conditions of hypo- or hyperthermia. The direct effect of temperature (15-41 degrees C) on rat diaphragm isometric contractility and fatigue was determined in vitro. As temperature decreased from 37 to 15 degrees C, contraction and relaxation times increased, and there was a left shift of the diaphragm's force-frequency curve, with decreased contractility at 41 and 15 degrees C. Fatigue was induced by 10 min of stimulation with 30 trains/min of 5 Hz at a train duration of 900 ms. Compared with 37 degrees C, fatigue resistance was enhanced at 25 degrees C, but no difference in fatigue indexes was evident at extreme hypothermia (15 degrees C) or hyperthermia (41 degrees C). Only when the fatigue program was adjusted to account for hypothermia-induced increases in tension-time indexes was fatigue resistance evident at 15 degrees C. These findings indicate that despite the diaphragm's unique location as a core structure, necessitating exposure to in vivo temperatures higher than found in limb muscle, the temperature dependence of rat diaphragm muscle contractility and fatigue is similar to that reported for limb muscle of mixed fiber type.  相似文献   

The influence of nutritional deprivation on the contractile and fatigue properties of the diaphragm was studied in adult rats. Food access was restricted to one-third of normal daily intake until the body weight of nutritionally deprived (ND) animals was approximately 50% of controls (CTL). Isometric contractile properties were studied in an in vitro nerve muscle strip preparation. Both twitch (Pt) and tetanic (Po) tensions of diaphragms from the ND animals were markedly reduced compared with CTL; however, Pt/Po was higher for the ND group. The shape of the force-frequency curve (normalized to Po) was generally similar between the two groups, except at 5 and 10 pulses/s stimulation, where greater relative tensions were produced in diaphragms from the ND animals. Diaphragm fatigue was induced by repetitive stimulation at either 20 or 100 pulses/s. Endurance time (defined as the time required for tension to fall to 50% of initial) of diaphragms from ND animals was prolonged at both 20 and 100 pulses/s. Immediately after induction of fatigue, force-frequency curves for both ND and CTL diaphragms were shifted to the right. However, this rightward shift was attenuated in the ND group compared with CTL. Nutritional deprivation had no effect on the proportions of different fiber types within the diaphragm but did result in a significant decrease in the cross-sectional area of both fast-and slow-twitch fibers. This decrease in cross-sectional area was significantly greater for fast-twitch fibers. We conclude that these changes in diaphragm contractile and fatigue properties occur as a result of the influence of malnutrition on muscle fiber cross-sectional area.  相似文献   

The influence of dexamethasone on diaphragm (DIA) fatigue, oxidative capacity, and fiber cross-sectional areas (CSA) was determined in growing hamsters. One group received dexamethasone by daily subcutaneous injection for 21 days (D animals), while pair-weight (P) and free-eating controls (CTL) received saline subcutaneously. Isometric contractile properties of the DIA were determined in vitro by supramaximal direct muscle stimulation in the presence of curare. DIA fatigue resistance was determined through repetitive stimulation at 40 pulses/s for 2 min. A computer-based image-processing system was used to histochemically determine muscle fiber-type proportions, CSA, and succinate dehydrogenase activities. The medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) was used as a limb muscle control, with histochemical studies being performed on both the superficial (s) and deep/red (r) portions. Dexamethasone markedly attenuated the normal increment in body weight over the 3-wk period. DIA fatigue resistance was significantly reduced in the D compared with CTL and P animals. Dexamethasone had no effect on fiber-type proportions of the DIA or MGr (MGs contained only type II fibers). In the DIA, the CSA of type II fibers was reduced 33% in D and 18.5% in P animals compared with CTL. Although no significant atrophy was noted in the type I DIA fibers of either D or P animals, a trend toward significance was noted in D animals compared with CTL. In the MGs, the CSA of type II fibers was reduced 33% in D and 16.5% in P animals compared with CTL. Significant atrophy of type I and II fibers of the MGr was noted in D animals compared with CTL (33.8 and 35% reductions, respectively).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effect of norepinephrine on diaphragm contractility and blood flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have shown that diaphragm fatigue can be reversed by mechanical augmentation of phrenic arterial flow. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine whether it was possible to pharmacologically augment diaphragm blood flow and reverse fatigue by the administration of norepinephrine. Four groups of studies were performed, all employing our previously described in situ isometric canine diaphragm strip preparation (Supinski et al., J. Appl. Physiol. 60: 1789-1796, 1986). Group I studies examined the effects of norepinephrine on the contractility of the nonfatigued diaphragm in normotensive dogs, group II studies examined the effects of this drug on the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm in normotensive animals, and group III studies examined the effect of this drug on the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm in hypotensive animals. Group IV studies examined the effect of norepinephrine in normotensive animals in which the phrenic artery was cannulated and pump perfused at constant flow. Fatigue was induced in group II, III, and IV studies by rhythmically stimulating the diaphragm via intramuscular electrodes. Norepinephrine had no effect on the contractility of the nonfatigued diaphragm (group I). In normotensive (group II) and hypotensive animals (group III), norepinephrine elicited dramatic increases in arterial blood pressure and phrenic arterial flow and produced a significant upshift in the force-frequency curve of the fatigued diaphragm. However, when phrenic flow was held constant (group IV experiments), norepinephrine failed to augment the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm. These results indicate that 1) norepinephrine can increase phrenic blood flow and augment the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm in both normotensive and hypotensive conditions and 2) this effect of norepinephrine to partially reverse fatigue is secondary to its action to augment diaphragmatic blood flow.  相似文献   

Effect of N-acetylcysteine on diaphragm fatigue   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It has recently been postulated that diaphragm fatigue may be due, at least in part, to a form of low-grade injury to subcellular organelles. Moreover, several studies have shown that thiol-containing compounds can protect cardiac and striated skeletal muscle organelles from the deleterious effects of a number of physiological stresses. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether pretreatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a thiol-containing compound, would attenuate the rate of development of diaphragmatic fatigue. Studies were performed with the use of an in situ rabbit diaphragm strip preparation that permitted direct and continuous measurement of diaphragm tension development. Diaphragm fatigue was induced by rhythmically stimulating strips to contract at 30/min (20-Hz trains) for 20 min. The diaphragm force-frequency relationship (10-, 20-, 50-, and 100-Hz stimuli) was assessed immediately before and after fatigue trials and then again 20 min into the period of recovery. Half the animals were treated with intravenous NAC before fatigue, whereas the remaining animals were given intravenous saline. The rate of development of fatigue was markedly greater in saline-treated control than in NAC-treated animals, with reductions in tension of 55 +/- 3 and 34 +/- 3%, respectively, in these two groups of animals over 20 min (P less than 0.001). Although rhythmic stimulation resulted in a downward shift in the force-frequency relationship in both NAC- and saline-treated animals, the magnitude of this shift was substantially greater in saline-treated animals (P less than 0.001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The relationship between variations in diaphragmatic contractility and corresponding changes in total tissue levels of 45Ca and adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) was examined. The contractile performance of perfused contracting rat diaphragms was manipulated with theophylline (10(-4) M), induced fatigue, or both. The increased contractility associated with theophylline was related to significant increases in 45Ca levels without changes in cAMP levels. Fatigue-diminished contractility was associated with increases in both 45Ca and cAMP levels. The increased 45Ca and cAMP levels associated with fatigue persisted, even in the presence of theophylline. Calcium channel blockade with 10(-4) M verapamil blocked the positive inotropic influence of theophylline as well as the theophylline-associated increase in 45Ca levels. Verapamil had no effect on either the fatigue-associated decreases in contractility or the fatigue-enhanced 45Ca uptake. The results of this study strongly suggest that the enhanced contractility associated with theophylline is related to its influence on cellular calcium metabolism. The elevated level of isotopic calcium measured in fatigued muscle probably represents calcium sequestered in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, the result of cAMP-enhanced Ca-adenosine triphosphatase activity.  相似文献   

The effect of growth on the capillarity and fiber type composition of the diaphragm, soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of rats weighing between 55 and 330 g have been studied. Muscle samples obtained from the anesthetized rat were rapidly frozen and sliced transversely in a cryostat. The sections were stained histochemically by the SDH method and the myosin ATPase method after preincubation at pH 4.3 to typify fibers (FG, FOG and SO fibers). To visualize capillaries, the myosin ATPase method after preincubation at pH 4.0 was used. The percentage of FOG fibers decreased in all muscles with growth. While the FG and SO fibers increased in the diaphragm, SO fibers increased in the soleus, and FG fibers increased in the EDL. The capillary density showed a hyperbolic decrease with growth in all muscles, while the number of capillaries around each fiber increased in all muscles with growth. It is concluded that growth causes the changing properties of the motoneurons and the new capillary formation in the diaphragm muscle, as well as the soleus and EDL muscles.  相似文献   

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Homocysteine (Hcy) is a breakdown product of methionine metabolism. The risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) correlates with an increase in plasma Hcy levels....  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles cope with a large range of activities, from being able to support the body weight during long periods of upright standing to perform explosive movements in response to an unexpected threat. This requires systems for energy metabolism that can provide energy during long periods of moderately increased energy consumption as well as being able to rapidly increasing the rate of energy production more than 100-fold in response to explosive contractions. In this short review we discuss how muscles can deal with these divergent demands. We first outline the major energy metabolism pathways in skeletal muscle. Next we describe metabolic differences between different muscle fiber types. Contractile performance declines during intense activation, i.e. fatigue develops, and we discuss likely underlying mechanisms. Finally, we discuss the ability of muscle fibers to adapt to altered demands, and mechanisms behind these adaptations. The accumulated experimental evidence forces us to conclude that most aspects of energy metabolism involve multiple and overlapping signaling pathways, which indicates that the control of energy metabolism is too important to depend on one single molecule or mechanism.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that decrements in maximum power output (W(max)) of the rat diaphragm (Dia) muscle with repetitive activation are due to a disproportionate reduction in force (force fatigue) compared with a slowing of shortening velocity (velocity fatigue). Segments of midcostal Dia muscle were mounted in vitro (26 degrees C) and stimulated directly at 75 Hz in 400-ms-duration trains repeated each second (duty cycle = 0.4) for 120 s. A novel technique was used to monitor instantaneous reductions in maximum specific force (P(o)) and W(max) during fatigue. During each stimulus train, activation was isometric for the initial 360 ms during which P(o) was measured; the muscle was then allowed to shorten at a constant velocity (30% V(max)) for the final 40 ms, and W(max) was determined. Compared with initial values, after 120 s of repetitive activation, P(o) and W(max) decreased by 75 and 73%, respectively. Maximum shortening velocity was measured in two ways: by extrapolation of the force-velocity relationship (V(max)) and using the slack test [maximum unloaded shortening velocity (V(o))]. After 120 s of repetitive activation, V(max) slowed by 44%, whereas V(o) slowed by 22%. Thus the decrease in W(max) with repetitive activation was dominated by force fatigue, with velocity fatigue playing a secondary role. On the basis of a greater slowing of V(max) vs. V(o), we also conclude that force and power fatigue cannot be attributed simply to the total inactivation of the most fatigable fiber types.  相似文献   

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