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The aim of this study was to localize perlecan in human fetal spine tissues. Human fetal spines (12-20 weeks; n=6) were fixed in either Histochoice or 10% neutral buffered formalin, routinely processed, paraffin-embedded, and 4-microm sagittal sections were cut and stained with toluidine blue, H&E, and von Kossa. Perlecan, types I, II, IV, and X collagen, CD-31, aggrecan core protein, and native and delta-HS 4, 5 hexuronate stub epitopes were immunolocalized. Toluidine blue staining visualized the cartilaginous vertebral body (VB) rudiments and annular lamellae encompassing the nucleus pulposus (NP). Von Kossa staining identified the VB primary center of ossification. Immunolocalization of type IV collagen, CD-31, and perlecan delineated small blood vessels in the outer annulus fibrosus (AF) and large canals deep within the VBs. Perlecan and type X collagen were also prominently expressed by the hypertrophic vertebral growth plate chondrocytes. Aggrecan was extracellularly distributed in the intervertebral disk (IVD) with intense staining in the posterior AF. Notochordal tissue stained strongly for aggrecan but negatively for perlecan and types I and II collagen. Type I collagen was prominent in the outer AF and less abundant in the NP, while type II collagen was localized throughout the IVD and VB. The immunolocalization patterns observed indicated key roles for perlecan in vasculogenic, chondrogenic, and endochondral ossification processes associated with spinal development.  相似文献   

Perlecan is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is expressed in all basement membranes (BMs), in cartilage, and several other mesenchymal tissues during development. Perlecan binds growth factors and interacts with various extracellular matrix proteins and cell adhesion molecules. Homozygous mice with a null mutation in the perlecan gene exhibit normal formation of BMs. However, BMs deteriorate in regions with increased mechanical stress such as the contracting myocardium and the expanding brain vesicles showing that perlecan is crucial for maintaining BM integrity. As a consequence, small clefts are formed in the cardiac muscle leading to blood leakage into the pericardial cavity and an arrest of heart function. The defects in the BM separating the brain from the adjacent mesenchyme caused invasion of brain tissue into the overlaying ectoderm leading to abnormal expansion of neuroepithelium, neuronal ectopias, and exencephaly. Finally, homozygotes developed a severe defect in cartilage, a tissue that lacks BMs. The chondrodysplasia is characterized by a reduction of the fibrillar collagen network, shortened collagen fibers, and elevated expression of cartilage extracellular matrix genes, suggesting that perlecan protects cartilage extracellular matrix from degradation.  相似文献   

Perlecan is a modular heparan sulphate and/or chondroitin sulphate substituted proteoglycan of basement membrane, vascular tissues and cartilage. Perlecan acts as a low affinity co-receptor for fibroblast growth factors 1, 2, 7, 9, binds connective tissue growth factor and co-ordinates chondrogenesis, endochondral ossification and vascular remodelling during skeletal development; however, relatively little is known of its distribution in these tissues during ageing and development. The aim of the present study was to immunolocalise perlecan in the articular and epiphyseal growth plate cartilages of stifle joints in 2-day to 8-year-old pedigree merino sheep. Perlecan was prominent pericellularly in the stifle joint cartilages at all age points and also present in the inter-territorial matrix of the newborn to 19-month-old cartilage specimens. Aggrecan was part pericellular, but predominantly an extracellular proteoglycan. Perlecan was a prominent component of the long bone growth plates and displayed a pericellular as well as a strong ECM distribution pattern; this may indicate a so far unrecognised role for perlecan in the mineralisation of hypertrophic cartilage. A significant age dependant decline in cell number and perlecan levels was evident in the hyaline and growth plate cartilages. The prominent pericellular distribution of perlecan observed indicates potential roles in cell-matrix communication in cartilage, consistent with growth factor signalling, cellular proliferation and tissue development.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) is an autocrine modulator of epiphyseal chondrogenesis in the fetus. The cellular availability of IGFs are influenced by the IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs). In this study, we investigated the control of expression and release of IGFBPs from isolated epiphyseal growth plate chondrocytes from the ovine fetus by hormones and growth factors implicated in the chondrogenic process. Chondrocytes were isolated from the proliferative zone of the fetal ovine proximal tibial growth plate and maintained in monolayer culture at early passage number. Culture media conditioned by chondrocytes under basal conditions released IGFBPs of 24, 34, and 29 kDa, and a less abundant species of 39-43 kDa that were identified immunologically as IGFBP-4, IGFBP-2, IGFBP-5, and IGFBP-3, respectively. Messenger RNAs encoding each species were identified by Northern blot analysis within chondrocytes, as was mRNA encoding IGFBP-6. Exposure to IGF-I or IGF-II (13 or 26 nM) caused an increase in expression and release of IGFBP-3. The release of IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 were also potentiated without changes to steady state mRNA, and for IGFBP-5 this was due in part to a release from the cell membrane in the presence of IGF-II. Insulin (16.7 or 167 nM) selectively increased mRNA and the release of IGFBP-3, while cortisol (1 or 5 microM) inhibited both mRNA and release of IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5. Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) (0.1 or 0.2 nM) increased the expression and release of IGFBP-3, and caused an increase in mRNAs encoding IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5. Neither growth hormone (GH), fibroblast growth factor-2, nor thyroxine (T(4)) had any effect on IGFBP expression or release. The results suggest that IGFBP expression and release within the developing growth plate can be modulated by IGF-II and other trophic factors, thus controlling IGF availability and action.  相似文献   

WARP is a recently described member of the von Willebrand factor A domain superfamily of extracellular matrix proteins, and is encoded by the Vwa1 gene. We have previously shown that WARP is a multimeric component of the chondrocyte pericellular matrix in articular cartilage and intervertebral disc, where it interacts with the basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan perlecan. However, the tissue-specific expression of WARP in non-cartilaginous tissues and its localization in the extracellular matrix of other perlecan-containing tissues have not been analyzed in detail. To visualize WARP-expressing cells, we generated a reporter gene knock-in mouse by targeted replacement of the Vwa1 gene with beta-galactosidase. Analysis of reporter gene expression and WARP protein localization by immunostaining demonstrates that WARP is a component of a limited number of distinct basement membranes. WARP is expressed in the vasculature of neural tissues and in basement membrane structures of the peripheral nervous system. Furthermore, WARP is also expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge of developing limb buds, and in skeletal and cardiac muscle. These findings are the first evidence for WARP expression in non-cartilaginous tissues, and the identification of WARP as a component of a limited range of specialized basement membranes provides further evidence for the heterogeneous composition of basement membranes between different tissues.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,121(5):1141-1152
The cutaneous T cell lymphomas (CTCL), typified by mycosis fungoides, and several chronic T cell mediated dermatoses are characterized by the migration of T lymphocytes into the epidermis (epidermotropism). Alternatively, other types of cutaneous inflammation (malignant cutaneous B cell lymphoma, CBCL, or lymphocytoma cutis, non-malignant T or B cell type) do not show evidence of epidermotropism. This suggests that certain T lymphocyte subpopulations are able to interact with and penetrate the epidermal basement membrane. We show here that T lymphocytes derived from patients with CTCL (HUT 78 or HUT 102 cells), adhere to the detergent-insoluble extracellular matrix prepared from cultured basal keratinocytes (HFK ECM). HUT cell adhesion to HFK ECM was inhibitable with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed to the alpha 3 (P1B5) or beta 1 (P4C10) integrin receptors, and could be up- regulated by an activating anti-beta 1 mAb (P4G11). An inhibitory mAb, P3H9-2, raised against keratinocytes identified epiligrin as the ligand for alpha 3 beta 1 positive T cells in HFK ECM. Interestingly, two lymphocyte populations could be clearly distinguished relative to expression of alpha 3 beta 1 by flow cytometry analysis. Lymphokine activated killer cells, alloreactive cytotoxic T cells and T cells derived from patients with CTCL expressed high levels of alpha 3 beta 1 (alpha 3 beta 1high). Non-adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells, acute T or B lymphocytic leukemias, or non-cutaneous T or B lymphocyte cell lines expressed low levels of alpha 3 beta 1 (alpha 3 beta 1low). Resting PBL or alpha 3 beta 1low T or B cell lines did not adhere to HFK ECM or purified epiligrin. However, adhesion to epiligrin could be up-regulated by mAbs which activate the beta 1 subunit indicating that alpha 3 beta 1 activity is a function of expression and affinity. In skin derived from patients with graft-vs.-host (GVH) disease, experimentally induced delayed hypersensitivity reactions, and CTCL, the infiltrating T cells could be stained with mAbs to alpha 3 or beta 1 and were localized in close proximity to the epiligrin-containing basement membrane. Infiltrating lymphocytes in malignant cutaneous B disease (CBCL) did not express alpha 3 beta 1 by immunohistochemical techniques and did not associate with the epidermal basement membrane. The present findings clearly define a function for alpha 3 beta 1 in T cells and strongly suggest that alpha 3 beta 1 interaction with epiligrin may be involved in the pathogenesis of cutaneous inflammation.  相似文献   

Papilins are homologous, secreted extracellular matrix proteins which share a common order of protein domains. They occur widely, from nematodes to man, and can differ in the number of repeats of a given type of domain. Within one species the number of repeats can vary by differential RNA splicing. A distinctly conserved cassette of domains at the amino-end of papilins is homologous with a cassette of protein domains at the carboxyl-end of the ADAMTS subgroup of secreted, matrix-associated metalloproteases. Papilins primarily occur in basement membranes. Papilins interact with several extracellular matrix components and ADAMTS enzymes. Papilins are essential for embryonic development of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans.  相似文献   

A disulfide cross-linked collagenous fragment (7 S) has been isolated by pepsin solubilization from several tissues rich in basement membranes including bovine lung, human placenta, and the murine EHS tumor. Examination of this material by the rotary shadowing technique indicates that these fragments are similar to but not identical with the 7S collagen described recently [Risteli, J., B?chinger, H.P., Engel, J., Furthmayr, H., & Timpl, R. (1980) Eur. J. Biochem. 108, 239-250]. The central rodlike portion of the particles was found to be similar in length; however, the peripheral four arms of 7S particles from bovine and murine sources are 10 nm longer in comparison to those from human sources. In addition, about 5-7% of all the particles contain a fifth arm. Specific antibodies to bovine 7 S cross-react with murine 7 S but only to a rather limited extent with human 7 S. These antibodies react with antigenic sites located at the ends of the peripheral arms of the fragment as visualized directly with rotary shadowing techniques. The data are consistent with a structural difference in type IV collagens from bovine, human, and mouse which leads to pepsin cleavage at different sites in a particular noncollagenous region adjacent to 7 S. However, since bovine 7S antibodies cross-react with human and murine tissues by immunofluorescence despite the lack of complete serological cross-reactivity, it is suggested that type IV collagens from all three species have some degree of homology in this region.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes of the cartilaginous growth plate are found in a spatial gradient of cellular differentiation beginning with cellular proliferation and ending with cellular hypertrophy. Although it is recognized that both proliferation and hypertrophy contribute significantly to overall bone growth, mechanisms acting on the chondrocyte to control the timing, the rate, and the extent of hypertrophy are poorly understood. Similarly, mechanisms acting on the terminal chondrocyte to cause its death at the chondro-osseous junction have not been investigated. In this study we examine the condensation of terminal hypertrophic chondrocytes in proximal and distal radial growth plates of Yucatan swine at 4 weeks of age. The animals were raised in a controlled environment where activity and feeding patterns were synchronized to a given time in the light/dark cycle. We analyzed cellular condensation both as a function of circadian rhythms in a 24-hr time period, and as a function of overall rate of growth. The data suggest that the magnitude of circadian influences on long bone growth is significantly damped at the level of the hypertrophic chondrocyte compared to that seen by previous investigators studying circadian influences on chondrocytic proliferation. Secondly, the condensation of hypertrophic chondrocytes at the chondro-osseous junction varies inversely with rate of growth in length of the bone. At any time period, a higher percentage of terminal chondrocytes in the condensed form was found in the slower-growing of the two growth plates. We relate these findings to current hypotheses concerning controls of chondrocytic hypertrophy and possible controls over the timing of hypertrophic cell death.  相似文献   

WARP is a novel member of the von Willebrand factor A domain superfamily of extracellular matrix proteins that is expressed by chondrocytes. WARP is restricted to the presumptive articular cartilage zone prior to joint cavitation and to the articular cartilage and fibrocartilaginous elements in the joint, spine, and sternum during mouse embryonic development. In mature articular cartilage, WARP is highly specific for the chondrocyte pericellular microenvironment and co-localizes with perlecan, a prominent component of the chondrocyte pericellular region. WARP is present in the guanidine-soluble fraction of cartilage matrix extracts as a disulfide-bonded multimer, indicating that WARP is a strongly interacting component of the cartilage matrix. To investigate how WARP is integrated with the pericellular environment, we studied WARP binding to mouse perlecan using solid phase and surface plasmon resonance analysis. WARP interacts with domain III-2 of the perlecan core protein and the heparan sulfate chains of the perlecan domain I with K(D) values in the low nanomolar range. We conclude that WARP forms macromolecular structures that interact with perlecan to contribute to the assembly and/or maintenance of "permanent" cartilage structures during development and in mature cartilages.  相似文献   

Histone lysine methylation (HKM) is an epigenetic change that establishes cell-specific gene expression and determines cell fates. In this study, we investigated the expression patterns of histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferases (H3K9MTases) G9a (euchromatic histone lysine N-methyltransferase 2, Ehmt2), GLP (euchromatic histone lysine N-methyltransferase 1, Ehmt1), SETDB1 (SET domain, bifurcated 1), PRDM2 (PR domain containing 2), SUV39H1 (suppressor of variegation 3–9 homolog 1), and SUV39H2, as well as the distribution of 3 types of HKM at histone H3 lysine 9: mono- (H3K9me1), di- (H3K9me2), or tri-methylation (H3K9me3), during mouse growth plate development. In the forelimb cartilage primordial at embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5), none of the H3K9MTases were detected and H3K9me1, H3K9me2, and H3K9me3 were scarcely detected. At E14.5, the H3K9MTases were expressed at low levels in proliferating chondrocytes and at high levels in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes. Among the H3K9 methylations, H3K9me1 and H3K9me3 were markedly noted in these chondrocytes. At E16.5, G9, GLP, SETDB1, PRDM2, SUV39H1, and SUV39H2, as well as H3K9me1, H3K9me2, and H3K9me3, were detected in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes in the growth plate. Western blotting and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed the distributions of G9 and GLP proteins and the expression of all the H3K9MTase mRNAs in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes. These data suggest that H3K9 methyltransferases are predominantly expressed in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes, and that they could be involved in the regulation of gene expression and progression of chondrocyte differentiation by affecting the methylation state of histone H3 lysine 9 in the mouse growth plate.  相似文献   

Site-1 protease (S1P) is a proprotein convertase with essential functions in lipid homeostasis and unfolded protein response pathways. We previously studied a mouse model of cartilage-specific knock-out of S1P in chondroprogenitor cells. These mice exhibited a defective cartilage matrix devoid of type II collagen protein (Col II) and displayed chondrodysplasia with no endochondral bone formation even though the molecular program for endochondral bone development appeared intact. To gain insights into S1P function, we generated and studied a mouse model in which S1P is ablated in postnatal chondrocytes. Postnatal ablation of S1P results in chondrodysplasia. However, unlike early embryonic ablations, the growth plates of these mice exhibit a lack of Ihh, PTHrP-R, and Col10 expression indicating a loss of chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiation and thus disruption of the molecular program required for endochondral bone development. S1P ablation results in rapid growth plate disruption due to intracellular Col II entrapment concomitant with loss of chondrocyte hypertrophy suggesting that these two processes are related. Entrapment of Col II in the chondrocytes of the prospective secondary ossification center precludes its development. Trabecular bone formation is dramatically diminished in the primary spongiosa and is eventually lost. The primary growth plate is eradicated by apoptosis but is gradually replaced by a fully functional new growth plate from progenitor stem cells capable of supporting new bone growth. Our study thus demonstrates that S1P has fundamental roles in the preservation of postnatal growth plate through chondrocyte differentiation and Col II deposition and functions to couple growth plate maturation to trabecular bone development in growing mice.  相似文献   

Summary A serum-free medium for postembryonic chicken epiphyseal growth plate chondrocytes has been developed from 104 MCDB medium. To enable these fastidious cells to survive, grow, and express normal phenotype, a substantial increase over MCDB 104 in the level of many of the amino acids was required, as well as a change in the buffer system and the addition of SerXtend, a defined, serum-free product containing various growth factors, including fibroblast growth factor. Also required was the provision of cell attachment factors, either by coating culture surfaces with type II collagen, or better, by allowing the freshly released cells to recover for several hours in a medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum before plating. Ths new serum-free medium, which we call USC-HC1, supports growth and replication, the retention of normal polygonal morphology, the expression of significant levels of cellular alkaline phosphatase activity, the production of sulfated proteoglycans, type II collagen, and the formation of alkaline phosphatase-rich matrix vesicles by the chondrocytes. The major advantage of USC-HC1, however, is that it will provide for the first time an opportunity to examine the effects of various defined growth and hormonal factors on the phenotypic expression and differentiation of growth plate chondrocytes, in the absence of the variable (stimulatory and inhibitory) factors present in fetal bovine serum. This work was supported by grant AM18983 from the National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to immunolocalize perlecan in human fetal, postnatal, and mature hyaline cartilages and to determine information on the structure and function of chondrocyte perlecan. Perlecan is a prominent component of human fetal (12-14 week) finger, toe, knee, and elbow cartilages; it was localized diffusely in the interterritorial extracellular matrix, densely in the pericellular matrix around chondrocytes, and to small blood vessels in the joint capsules and perichondrium. Aggrecan had a more intense distribution in the marginal regions of the joint rudiments and in para-articular structures. Perlecan also had a strong pericellular localization pattern in postnatal (2-7 month) and mature (55-64 year) femoral cartilages, whereas aggrecan had a prominent extracellular matrix distribution in these tissues. Western blotting identified multiple perlecan core protein species in extracts of the postnatal and mature cartilages, some of which were substituted with heparan sulfate and/or chondroitin sulfate and some were devoid of glycosaminoglycan substitution. Some perlecan core proteins were smaller than intact perlecan, suggesting that proteolytic processing or alternative splicing had occurred. Surface plasmon resonance and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation experiments demonstrated that chondrocyte perlecan bound fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-1 and -9 less efficiently than endothelial cell perlecan. The latter perlecan supported the proliferation of Baf-32 cells transfected with FGFR3c equally well with FGF-1 and -9, whereas chondrocyte perlecan only supported Baf-32 cell proliferation with FGF-9. The function of perlecan therefore may not be universal but may vary with its cellular origin and presumably its structure.  相似文献   

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