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We recorded visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to checkerboard pattern-reversal stimulation in 109 normal subjects (51 males and 59 females; aged 19–84 years) in order to study the aging effect on the multiple channels of the visual system in humans. Transient VEPs to 3 check sizes (15′, 30′ and 50′) were obtained by monocular stimulation. Two test conditions were employed: (1) a high luminance (180 cd/m2) and a low luminance (11 cd/m2) both with a fixed contrast (90%), and (2) a high contrast (85%) and a low contrast (10%) both at a fixed luminance (57 cd/m2). The major features of our results included: (1) the presence of a curvilinear relationship between P100 latency and age for all conditions, while the P100 amplitude did not show any such aging effect, (2) the age-latency function was similar between the two luminance conditions, while it was different between the two contrast conditions, and (3) the differential age effect on the P100 latency caused by changes in contrast depended on the check size. These results suggest that age-related changes in the human visual system are not uniform, but rather are different in the specific functional subdivisions. It is thus hypothesized that aging may differentially influence the separate channels of the human visual system.  相似文献   

Changing the relative phase of the frequency components of a stimulus usually also produces local contrast variations. Using stimuli composed of the product of a sinusoid (carrier) and a spatial envelope, an attempt was made to distinguish between the visual system's ability to code spatial phase on the one hand and local contrast and position cues on the other. The experiments assess the ability of observers to detect which of two stimuli is farther to the left. In the main experiments a large, easily detectable, envelope shift is presented on every trial and performance is measured as a function of the size of a carrier shift in the same direction. Increasing the size of the carrier shift gradually increases the size of the phase difference between the two stimuli in a trial but simultaneously reduces the contrast change in the bars of the stimulus. If the visual system can code phase directly the ability of observers to detect a change in location should improve as the size of the carrier shift increases but if local contrast is coded performance should be poorer over a small range of carrier shifts than that obtained without a carrier shift. It is shown that a region of poorer performance is obtained and therefore it is concluded that the visual system does not code spatial phase explicitly.  相似文献   

Many organisms use warning, or aposematic, coloration to signaltheir unprofitability to potential predators. Aposematicallycolored prey are highly visually conspicuous. There is considerableempirical support that conspicuousness promotes the effectivenessof the aposematic signal. From these experiments, it is welldocumented that conspicuous, unprofitable prey are detectedsooner and aversion learned faster by the predator as comparedwith cryptic, unprofitable prey. Predators also retain memoryof the aversion longer when prey is conspicuous. The presentstudy focused on the elements of conspicuousness that conferthese benefits of aposematic coloration. Drawing on currentunderstanding of animal vision, we distinguish 2 features ofwarning coloration: high chromatic contrast and high brightness,or luminance, contrast. Previous investigations on aposematicsignal efficacy have focused mainly on the role of high chromaticcontrast between prey and background, whereas little researchhas investigated the role of high luminance contrast. Usingthe Chinese mantid as a model predator and gray-painted milkweedbugs as model prey, we found that increased prey luminance contrastincreased detection of prey, facilitated predator aversion learning,and increased predator memory retention of the aversive response.Our results suggest that the luminance contrast component ofaposematic coloration can be an effective warning signal betweenthe prey and predator. Thus, warning coloration can even evolveas an effective signal to color blind predators.  相似文献   

To examine whether perceptual grouping on the basis of orientation can be performed simultaneously with or only subsequently to grouping according to colour or luminance, we tested whether subjects are able to segregate arrays of texture elements that differ from surrounding elements by conjunctions of either (i) colour and orientation, or (ii) luminance contrast and orientation, or (iii) luminance contrast polarity and orientation. Subjects were able to use conjunctions between luminance and orientation for segregation but not conjunctions between colour or contrast polarity and orientation. Our results suggest that (i) in agreement with earlier findings, there seem to exist no specific conjunction detectors for colour and orientation or contrast polarity and orientation, and (ii) when orientation defined textures are to be distinguished by virtue of differences in luminance, colour, or contrast polarity, luminance provides a much stronger cue than colour or contrast polarity for saliency-based orientation grouping.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the fluctuation of the achromatic visual contrast sensitivity (CS) of adult males (M = 23.42 ± 2.6 years) during a daily period. Twenty-eight volunteers were divided into three groups according to circadian typology (CT): moderate morning (MM; n = 8); intermediate (I; n = 10) and moderate evening (ME; n = 10). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to evaluate sleep quality, and the Horne and Ostberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire was used to measure CT. To measure CS, we used Metropsis software version 11.0 with vertical sinusoidal grids of 0.2, 0.6, 1, 3.1, 6.1, 8.8, 13.2 and 15.6 cycles per degree of visual angle (cpd). The stimuli were presented on a cathode ray tube (CRT) color video monitor with a 19-inch flat screen, a 1024 × 786 pixel resolution, a 100 Hz refresh rate and a photopic luminance of 39.6 cd/m2. It was inferred that there is a tendency for visual contrast to vary according to daily rhythmicity and CT, mainly for the median spatial frequencies (1.0 cpd, χ2 = 9.93, p < 0.05 and 3.1 cpd, χ2 = 10.33, p < 0.05) and high spatial frequencies (13.2 cpd, χ2 = 11.54, p < 0.05) of ME participants. ME participants had minimal visual contrast sensitivity during the morning shift and a progressive increase from afternoon to night.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how landscape pattern detection changes when different spatial and temporal scales and several levels of detail of the cartography are used to describe a landscape affected by land abandonment in northern Spain. In order to integrate landscape composition and structure at different temporal and spatial scales in the same framework, a multiple correspondence factorial analysis was ran for each typology of landscape units. Annual rates of change and scale dependencies were calculated for each typology from the Euclidean distances in the factorial space. Finally, the potential assessment of habitat utilisation by species with different landscape perception and movement capacity was modelled for the range of typologies.
The amount of variance explained by the factorial analysis decreased with the complexity of the typology. Annual rates of change appeared different according to the time span and the detail of the landscape unit typology used. For all typologies, changes were faster during 1983–95, a period characterised by massive land abandonment. However, when the whole period (1956–95) was considered, annual changes were much lower, showing differences between typologies. As a general trend, the variance of the mean annual change decreased with the size of the analysis units. In response to land abandonment, different scale dependencies were found for different levels of detail of the cartography. Coarser typologies are suitable when analysing highly mobile species. However, species with small movement capacity or with a preference for homogeneous habitats perceive more detail in landscape. In this case, a detailed typology is more appropriate.  相似文献   

Human kynurenine aminotransferase I/glutamine transaminase K (hKAT-I) is an important multifunctional enzyme. This study systematically studies the substrates of hKAT-I and reassesses the effects of pH, Tris, amino acids and alpha-keto acids on the activity of the enzyme. The experiments were comprised of functional expression of the hKAT-I in an insect cell/baculovirus expression system, purification of its recombinant protein, and functional characterization of the purified enzyme. This study demonstrates that hKAT-I can catalyze kynurenine to kynurenic acid under physiological pH conditions, indicates indo-3-pyruvate and cysteine as efficient inhibitors for hKAT-I, and also provides biochemical information about the substrate specificity and cosubstrate inhibition of the enzyme. hKAT-I is inhibited by Tris under physiological pH conditions, which explains why it has been concluded that the enzyme could not efficiently catalyze kynurenine transamination. Our findings provide a biochemical basis towards understanding the overall physiological role of hKAT-I in vivo and insight into controlling the levels of endogenous kynurenic acid through modulation of the enzyme in the human brain.  相似文献   

D Regan 《Spatial Vision》1986,1(4):305-318
Some objects are perfectly camouflaged when stationary, but are clearly visible when moving; the boundaries of such an object are defined entirely by motion parallax. Little is known about the eye's ability to make spatial discriminations between motion-defined objects. In this study, subjects viewed a pseudo-random pattern of dots within which a camouflaged bar was made visible by relative motion of dots. Vernier acuity for the motion-defined bar was 27-45 sec arc for three subjects, much less than the interdot separation of 360 sec arc, much less than the 2 deg receptive field size for motion, and comparable with the foveal intercone separation of 30 sec arc. It is proposed that an opponent-orientation process and an opponent-position process can both contribute to vernier judgements for motion-defined objects. Real-world motion contrast commonly confounds the following cues for figure-ground segregation: (1) different texture velocities on either side of the figure's boundary; (2) in any given time interval, texture in figure and ground moves different distances; and (3) texture continually appears and disappears along the figure's boundary. When cues (2) and (3) were eliminated, thus ensuring figure-ground segregation was achieved entirely by motion-sensitive neural elements, vernier acuity was 44 +/- 5 sec arc compared with 36 +/- 8 sec arc for a dotted bar defined by luminance contrast. Conclusion: Vernier acuity for a dotted bar whose boundary was defined entirely by motion-sensitive neural elements was similar to vernier acuity for a dotted bar whose boundary was defined by luminance contrast.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the extent to which red-green, colour-opponent mechanisms in the human visual system play a role in the perception of drifting luminance-modulated targets. Contrast sensitivity for the directional discrimination of drifting luminance-modulated (yellow-black) test sinusoids was measured following adaptation to isoluminant red-green sinusoids drifting in either the same or opposite direction. When the test and adapt stimuli drifted in the same direction, large sensitivity losses were evident at all test temporal frequencies employed (1-16 Hz). The magnitude of the loss was independent of temporal frequency. When adapt and test stimuli drifted in opposing directions, large sensitivity losses were evident at lower temporal frequencies (1-4 Hz) and declined with increasing temporal frequency. Control studies showed that this temporal-frequency-dependent effect could not reflect the activity of achromatic units. Our results provide evidence that chromatic mechanisms contribute to the perception of luminance-modulated motion targets drifting at speeds of up to at least 32 degrees s(-1). We argue that such mechanisms most probably lie within a parvocellular-dominated cortical visual pathway, sensitive to both chromatic and luminance modulation, but only weakly selective for the direction of stimulus motion.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary cancer of the liver and occurs predominantly in patients with underlying chronic liver diseases. Over the past decade, human ornithine aminotransferase (hOAT), which is an enzyme that catalyzes the metabolic conversion of ornithine into an intermediate for proline or glutamate synthesis, has been found to be overexpressed in HCC cells. hOAT has since emerged as a promising target for novel anticancer therapies, especially for the ongoing rational design effort to discover mechanism-based inactivators (MBIs). Despite the significance of hOAT in human metabolism and its clinical potential as a drug target against HCC, there are significant knowledge deficits with regard to its catalytic mechanism and structural characteristics. Ongoing MBI design efforts require in-depth knowledge of the enzyme active site, in particular, pKa values of potential nucleophiles and residues necessary for the molecular recognition of ligands. Here, we conducted a study detailing the fundamental active-site properties of hOAT using stopped-flow spectrophotometry and X-ray crystallography. Our results quantitatively revealed the pH dependence of the multistep reaction mechanism and illuminated the roles of ornithine α-amino and δ-amino groups in substrate recognition and in facilitating catalytic turnover. These findings provided insights of the catalytic mechanism that could benefit the rational design of MBIs against hOAT. In addition, substrate recognition and turnover of several fragment-sized alternative substrates of hOATs, which could serve as structural templates for MBI design, were also elucidated.  相似文献   

M J Morgan 《Spatial Vision》1986,1(4):291-303
Thresholds were measured for the detection of spatial discontinuities (notches and bumps) along luminance boundaries. At high contrasts of the boundary, thresholds expressed in terms of the spatial notch/bump height fell well inside the hyperacuity range. Expressed as luminance increment thresholds between adjacent photoreceptors, the same thresholds were similar to those previously reported by Hartridge and by Hecht and Mintz for the detection of a single line. The ability of observers to detect differences in the height of a boundary on either side of a mean luminance gap was also investigated, and the effect of the gap was found to depend upon stimulus contrast. At high contrasts the introduction of a gap increased thresholds, but at the lowest contrasts, thresholds were unaffected by a gap. The role of different spatial frequency and orientational mechanisms in vernier acuity is discussed.  相似文献   

Grover R  Frank ME 《Chemical senses》2008,33(4):311-318
Chlorhexidine (CHX) gluconate, a bitter bis-biguanide antiseptic, reduces the intensity of the salty taste of NaCl and bitter taste of quinine in humans. This study addresses regional specificity of CHX's effects on taste. Perceptual intensity and quality were measured for separate taste bud containing oral loci innervated either by afferent fibers of cranial nerve (CN) VII or CN IX. Measurements were obtained following three 1-min oral rinses with either 1.34 mM CHX or water, the control rinse. CHX rinse reduced the intensity of NaCl more at the tongue tip and palate than at posterior oral sites. Thus, fungiform and palatal salt-taste receptors may differ from salt-taste receptors of the foliate and circumvallate taste papillae. The intensity of quinine.HCl was reduced equally by CHX at all sites tested but was frequently tasteless on the less sensitive anterior sites, suggesting quinine receptor diversity. In rodents, a portion of NaCl-taste receptors in the receptive field of CN VII is sensitive to the epithelial Na+ channel blocker amiloride and a portion is amiloride insensitive; all CN IX receptors are amiloride insensitive. The current results are the first to suggest that there may also be distinct, regionally specific populations of NaCl-taste receptors in humans.  相似文献   

T S Meese 《Spatial Vision》1999,12(3):363-394
Visual neurons in the primary visual cortex 'look' at the retinal image through a four-dimensional array of spatial receptive fields (filter-elements): two spatial dimensions and, at each spatial location, two Fourier dimensions of spatial frequency and orientation. In general, visual objects activate filter-elements along each of these dimensions, suggesting a need for some kind of linking mechanism that determines whether two or more filter-elements are responding to the same or different contours or objects. In the spatial domain, a (spatial) association field between filter-elements, arranged to form first-order curves, has been inferred as a flexible method by which different parts of extended (luminance) contours become associated (Field et al., 1993). Linking has also been explored between filters selective for different regions in Fourier space (e.g. Georgeson and Meese, 1997). Perceived structure of stationary plaids suggests that spatial filtering is adaptive: synthetic filters can be created by the linear summation of basis-filters across orientation or spatial frequency in a stimulus-dependent way. For example, a plaid with a pair of sine-wave components at +/-45 deg looks like a blurred checkerboard; a structure that can be understood if features are derived after linear summation of spatial filters at different orientations. However, the addition of an oblique third-harmonic component causes the plaid to perceptually segment into overlapping oblique contours. This result can be understood if filters are summed across spatial frequency, but, in this case, treated independently across orientation. In the present paper, the architecture of an association field is proposed to permit linking and segmentation of filter-elements across spatial frequency and orientation. Three types of link are proposed: (1) A chain of constructive links around sites of common spatial frequency but different orientation, to promote binding of filters across orientation; (2) Constructive links between sites with common orientation but different spatial frequency, to promote binding of filters across spatial frequency; (3) Long-range links between sites of common spatial frequency but different orientation, whose activation and role are determined by activity in a higher spatial frequency band. A model employing the proposed network of links is consistent with at least six previously reported effects on the perception of briefly presented stationary plaids.  相似文献   

Odermatt B  Nikolaev A  Lagnado L 《Neuron》2012,73(4):758-773
Understanding how neural circuits transmit information is technically challenging because the neural code is contained in the activity of large numbers of neurons and synapses. Here, we use genetically encoded reporters to image synaptic transmission across a population of sensory neurons-bipolar cells in the retina of live zebrafish. We demonstrate that the luminance sensitivities of these synapses varies over 10(4) with a log-normal distribution. About half the synapses made by ON and OFF cells alter their polarity of transmission as a function of luminance to generate a triphasic tuning curve with distinct maxima and minima. These nonlinear synapses signal temporal contrast with greater sensitivity than linear ones. Triphasic tuning curves increase the dynamic range over which bipolar cells signal light and improve the efficiency with which luminance information is transmitted. The most efficient synapses signaled luminance using just 1 synaptic vesicle per second per distinguishable gray level.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the visual sensitivity of the California ground squirrel (Speromphilus beecheyi) to spatial and temporal luminance patterns. Spatial contrast sensitivity functions were determined in behavioral discrimination experiments in which the stimuli were sinusoidally-modulated luminance gratings. These squirrels were found to be maximally sensitive to spatial frequencies of about 0.7 cycles/ degree (c/d), and they are unable to discriminate gratings whose frequencies exceed 4 c/d. Similar results were obtained in electrophysiological experiments when the visually evoked cortical potential (VECP) was recorded from anesthetized squirrels. A third experiment involved tests of the ability of ground squirrels to discriminate square-wave gratings of much higher luminance (340 cd/m2). The finest gratings which were discriminable at this luminance level did not exceed 3.9–4.3 c/d and, thus, we conclude that the maximal spatial resolution of the California ground squirrel is about 4 c/d (corresponding to a bar separation of 7.5). In another behavioral experiment the abilities of ground squirrels to discriminate sinusoidally flickering lights (mean luminance = 3.4 cd/m2) was measured. The results show that ground squirrels are maximally sensitive to lights flickering at a rate of about 18 Hz, and that the highest rates that are still discriminable are slightly above 60 Hz.Abbreviations c/d cycles/degree - CFF critical flicker frequency - VECP visually evoked cortical potential This research was supported by Grant EY 00105 from the National Eye Institute. We thank David Birch who participated in some preliminary behavioral experiments and Kenneth Long who provided the histological material from which measurements of receptor spacing were made.  相似文献   

This study considers the effects of sample size on estimates of three parasitological indices (prevalence, mean abundance and mean intensity) in four different host–parasite systems, each showing a different pattern of infection. Monte Carlo simulation procedures were used in order to obtain an estimation of the parasitological indices, as well as their variance and bias, based on samples of different size. Although results showed that mean values of all indices were similar irrespective of sample size, estimates of prevalence were not significantly affected by sample size whereas mean abundance and mean intensity were affected in at least one sample. Underestimation of values was more perceptible in small (<40) sample sizes. Distribution of the estimated values revealed a different arrangement according to the host–parasite system and to the parasitological parameter. Monte Carlo simulation procedures are, therefore, suggested to be included in studies concerning estimation of parasitological parameters.  相似文献   

We have studied the phospholipase A2 activity in fractionated human neutrophils, employing labeled phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine as exogenous substrates. We used these phospholipid substrates labeled in the sn-1 position and measured the resulting labeled lysophospholipid forms in order to ascertain the phospholipase A2 specificity. In postnuclear supernatants from resting and A23187-activated cells, the phospholipase A2 activity showed a similar pH dependence curve with two pH optima at 5.5 and 7.5. Extracts from activated cells showed a 3-6-fold increase in enzyme activity. The subcellular distribution of phospholipase A2 activity in resting and A23187-treated human neutrophils was investigated by fractionation of postnuclear supernatants on continuous sucrose gradients. The neutral phospholipase A2 behaved as a membrane-bound enzyme and was mainly localized in the plasma membrane, the azurophilic granule, and in an ill-defined region of the gradient between the specific granules and mitochondria. The phospholipase A2 located in this undefined region showed a higher degree of activation than that located in other subcellular particulates in A23187-treated cells. This specific activation of an intracellular phospholipase A2 activity during cell stimulation indicates that cell compartmentalization may play a role in the formation of cell-activating and/or signal-transducing agents through the generation of arachidonate metabolites. Phosphatidylinositol was a better substrate for the plasma membrane enzyme, whereas phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine behaved as better substrates for intracellular organelle phospholipase A2 activities. The phospholipase A2 with maximal activity at pH 5.5 behaved as a soluble enzyme, and was almost completely localized in the azurophilic granules. Upon cell activation this acid enzyme activity was released in a similar way to beta-glucuronidase, a marker of azurophilic granules. These results demonstrate the different molecular properties of the phospholipase A2 activity, on the basis of its cellular location.  相似文献   

D W Green  S Aykent  J K Gierse  M E Zupec 《Biochemistry》1990,29(12):3126-3133
Steady-state kinetic analysis of human renin demonstrates the histidine proximal to the substrate scissile peptide bond contributes to the unique specificity and pH dependence of this aspartyl protease. Recombinant human renal renin purified from mammalian cell culture appears to be indistinguishable from renin isolated from human kidney with respect to specific activity (1000 Goldblatt units/mg). Recombinant renin contains carbohydrate covalently attached to asparagines at positions 5 and 75 (renin numbering) and disulfide linkages at Cys-51/Cys-58, Cys-217/Cys-221, and Cys-259/Cys-296. Renin pH dependence was evaluated between pH 4.0 and 8.0 by using a synthetic substrate identical with the amino terminus of porcine angiotensinogen (Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu*Leu-Val-Tyr-Ser, where the asterisk indicates the scissile peptide bond and the proximal histidine is in italics) and an analogous tetradecapeptide where the proximal histidine was substituted with glutamine. Comparison of the pH profiles shows the catalytic efficiency (V/Km) and maximal velocity (V) of renin are greater above pH 6.5 with the substrate containing histidine proximal to the scissile peptide bond, but below pH 5.0 these parameters are greater with the glutamine substrate analogue. Solvent isotope effects show that proton transfer contributes to the rate-limiting step in catalysis with both substrates and that the proximal histidine does not serve as a base in the catalytic mechanism. Molecular modeling indicates the substrate histidine could hydrogen bond to Asp-226 of the enzyme (renin numbering), thus perturbing the ionization of the catalytic aspartyl groups (Asp-38 and Asp-226).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Propranolol, in the presence of calcium, causes marked K efflux from human red blood cells (high K, low Na). The studies reported here indicate this effect of propranolol is specific for K and does not represent a nonspecific permeability increase for intracellular cations to leave the cell. Amphotericin-treated human RBC's (high Na, low K) and dog RBC's (high Na, low K) both gain K and increase in size when incubated in a K-medium containing propranolol and calcium. No effect was noted when cat RBC's (high Na, low K) were similarly treated. Propranolol, independent of added calcium, also inhibited the normally increased Na efflux observed when dog RBC's are suspended in K-medium. These species differences in response to propranolol thus may serve as a focus for elucidating the mechanism by which this drug alters normal membrane physiology. The unique drug effect on Na permeability of canine erythrocytes also may be a useful probe for the study of dog RBC volume regulation.  相似文献   

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