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Alloreactive T cells play a key role in mediating graft-vs-host disease and allograft rejection, and recent data suggest that most T cell alloreactivity resides within the CD4 T cell subset. Particularly, T cell responses to herpesvirus can shape the alloreactive repertoire and influence transplantation outcomes. In this study, we describe six distinct EBV-specific CD4(+) T cell clones that cross-reacted with EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), dendritic cells, and endothelial cells expressing MHC class II alleles commonly found in the population. Allorecognition showed exquisite MHC specificity. These CD4(+) T cell clones efficiently killed dendritic cells or LCLs expressing the cross-reactive allogeneic MHC class II molecules, whereas they did not kill autologous LCLs. Endothelial cells expressing the proper allogeneic MHC molecules were poorly killed, but they induced high-level TNF-alpha production by the EBV-specific CD4(+) T cell clones. As already proposed, the strong alloreactivity toward LCLs suggest that these cells could be used for selective depletion of alloreactive T cells.  相似文献   

The concept of peptide‐based vaccines against cancer has made noteworthy progress. Metadherin (MTDH) overexpression and its role in the development of diverse cancers make it an attractive target for cancer immunotherapy. In the current study, six different T cell epitope prediction tools were run to identify MTDH peptides with multiple immunogenic regions. Further, molecular docking was performed to assess HLA‐peptide binding interactions. Nine and eleven peptides fragments containing multiple CD8 + and CD4 + T‐cell epitopes, ranging from 9 to 20 amino acids, respectively, were obtained using a consensus immunoinformatics approach. The three peptides that were finally identified as having overlapping CD4 + and CD8 + T‐ cell epitopes are ARLREMLSVGLGFLRTELG, FLLGYGWAAACAGAR, YIDDEWSGLNGLSSADP. These peptides were found to not only have multiple T cell epitopes but also to have binding affinity with wide HLA molecules. A molecular docking study revealed that the predicted immunogenic peptides (with single or multiple T cell epitopes) of MTDH have comparable binding energies with naturally bound peptides for both HLA classes I and II. Thus, these peptides have the potential to induce immune responses that could be considered for developing synthetic peptide vaccines against multiple cancers.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus-specific CD8+ T cell responses in H2(b) mice are characterized by reproducible hierarchies. Compensation by the D(b)PB1-F2(62) epitope is apparent following infection with a variant H3N2 virus engineered to disrupt the prominent D(b)NP(366) and D(b)PA(224) epitopes (a double knockout or DKO). Analysis with a "triple" knockout (TKO) virus, which also compromises D(b)PB1-F2(62), did not reveal further compensation to the known residual, minor, and predicted epitopes. However, infection with this deletion mutant apparently switched protective immunity to an alternative Ab-mediated pathway. As expected, TKO virus clearance was significantly delayed in Ab-deficient MHC class II(-/-) and Ig(-/-) mice, which were much more susceptible following primary, intranasal infection with the TKO, but not DKO, virus. CD8+ T cell compensation was detected in DKO, but not TKO, infection of Ig-deficient mice, suggestive of cooperation among CD8+ T cell responses. However, after priming with a TKO H1N1 mutant, MHC II(-/-) mice survived secondary intranasal exposure to the comparable H3N2 TKO virus. Such prime/challenge experiments with the DKO and TKO viruses allowed the emergence of two previously unknown epitopes. The contrast between the absence of compensatory effect following primary exposure and the substantial clonal expansion after secondary challenge suggests that the key factor limiting the visibility of these "hidden" epitopes may be very low naive T cell precursor frequencies. Overall, these findings suggest that vaccine approaches using virus vectors to deliver an Ag may be optimized by disrupting key peptides in the normal CD8+ T cell response associated with common HLA types.  相似文献   

The association between the host immune environment and the size of the HIV reservoir during effective antiretroviral therapy is not clear. Progress has also been limited by the lack of a well-accepted assay for quantifying HIV during therapy. We examined the association between multiple measurements of HIV and T cell activation (as defined by markers including CD38, HLA-DR, CCR5 and PD-1) in 30 antiretroviral-treated HIV-infected adults. We found a consistent association between the frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing HLA-DR and the frequency of resting CD4+ T cells containing HIV DNA. This study highlights the need to further examine this relationship and to better characterize the biology of markers commonly used in HIV studies. These results may also have implications for reactivation strategies.  相似文献   

T cell-to-T cell Ag presentation is increasingly attracting attention. In this study, we demonstrated that active CD4+ T (aT) cells with uptake of OVA-pulsed dendritic cell-derived exosome (EXO(OVA)) express exosomal peptide/MHC class I and costimulatory molecules. These EXO(OVA)-uptaken (targeted) CD4+ aT cells can stimulate CD8+ T cell proliferation and differentiation into central memory CD8+ CTLs and induce more efficient in vivo antitumor immunity and long-term CD8+ T cell memory responses than OVA-pulsed dendritic cells. They can also counteract CD4+25+ regulatory T cell-mediated suppression of in vitro CD8+ T cell proliferation and in vivo CD8+ CTL responses and antitumor immunity. We further elucidate that the EXO(OVA)-uptaken (targeted)CD4+ aT cell's stimulatory effect is mediated via its IL-2 secretion and acquired exosomal CD80 costimulation and is specifically delivered to CD8+ T cells in vivo via acquired exosomal peptide/MHC class I complexes. Therefore, EXO-targeted active CD4+ T cell vaccine may represent a novel and highly effective vaccine strategy for inducing immune responses against not only tumors, but also other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The majority of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections progress to chronicity and progressive liver damage. Alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) antiviral therapy achieves the highest rate of success when IFN-alpha is administered early during the acute phase, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We used a panel of major histocompatibility complex class I tetramers to monitor the phenotypic and functional signatures of HCV-specific T cells during acute HCV infection with different infection outcomes and during early IFN therapy. We demonstrate that spontaneous resolution correlates with the early development of polyfunctional (IFN-gamma- and IL-2-producing and CD107a(+)) virus-specific CD8(+) T cells. These polyfunctional T cells are distinguished by the expression of CD127 and Bcl-2 and represent a transitional memory T-cell subset that exhibits the phenotypic and functional signatures of both central and effector memory T cells. In contrast, HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells in acute infections evolving to chronicity expressed low levels of CD127 and Bcl-2, exhibited diminished proliferation and cytokine production, and eventually disappeared from the periphery. Early therapeutic intervention with pegylated IFN-alpha rescued polyfunctional memory T cells expressing high levels of CD127 and Bcl-2. These cells were detectable for up to 1 year following discontinuation of therapy. Our results suggest that the polyfunctionality of HCV-specific T cells can be predictive of the outcome of acute HCV infection and that early therapeutic intervention can reconstitute the pool of long-lived polyfunctional memory T cells.  相似文献   

A long-standing paradox in cellular immunology has been the conditional requirement for CD4(+) Th cells in priming of CD8(+) CTL responses. We propose a new dynamic model of CD4(+) Th cells in priming of Th-dependent CD8(+) CTL responses. We demonstrate that OT II CD4(+) T cells activated by OVA-pulsed dendritic cells (DC(OVA)) are Th1 phenotype. They acquire the immune synapse-composed MHC II/OVAII peptide complexes and costimulatory molecules (CD54 and CD80) as well as the bystander MHC class I/OVAI peptide complexes from the DC(OVA) by DC(OVA) stimulation and thus also the potential to act themselves as APCs. These CD4(+) Th-APCs stimulate naive OT I CD8(+) T cell proliferation through signal 1 (MHC I/OVAI/TCR) and signal 2 (e.g., CD54/LFA-1 and CD80/CD28) interactions and IL-2 help. In vivo, they stimulate CD8(+) T cell proliferation and differentiation into CTLs and induce effective OVA-specific antitumor immunity. Taken together, this study demonstrates that CD4(+) Th cells carrying acquired DC Ag-presenting machinery can, by themselves, efficiently stimulate CTL responses. These results have substantial implications for research in antitumor and other aspects of immunity.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T cells play a critical role in the control of HIV and the progression of infected individuals to AIDS. 2B4 (CD244) is a member of the SLAM family of receptors that regulate lymphocyte development and function. The expression of 2B4 on CD8+ T cells was shown to increase during AIDS disease progression. However, the functional role of 2B4+ CD8+ T cells against HIV infection is not known. Here, we have examined the functional role of 2B4+ CD8+ T cells during and after stimulation with HLA B14 or B27 restricted HIV epitopes. Interestingly, IFN-γ secretion and cytotoxic activity of 2B4+ CD8+ T cells stimulated with HIV peptides were significantly decreased when compared to influenza peptide stimulated 2B4+ CD8+ T cells. The expression of the signaling adaptor molecule SAP was downregulated in 2B4+ CD8+ T cells upon HIV peptide stimulation. These results suggest that 2B4+ CD8+ T cells play an inhibitory role against constrained HIV epitopes underlying the inability to control the virus during disease progression.  相似文献   

Mutations in ras proto-oncogenes are commonly found in a diversity of malignancies and may encode unique, non-self epitopes for T cell-mediated antitumor activity. In a BALB/c (H-2(d)) murine model, we have identified a single peptide sequence derived from the ras oncogenes that contained both CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cell epitopes in a nested configuration. This peptide reflected ras sequence 4-16, and contained the substitution of Gly to Val at position 12 ?i.e., 4-16(Val12)?. Mice immunized with this 13-mer peptide induced a strong antigen (Ag)-specific CD4(+) proliferative response in vitro. In contrast, mice inoculated with the wild-type ras sequence failed to generate a peptide-specific T cell response. Additionally, mice immunized with the ras 4-16(Val12) peptide concomitantly displayed an Ag-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response, as determined by lysis of syngeneic tumor target cells incubated with the nominal 9-mer nested epitope peptide ?i.e., 4-12(Val12)?, as well as lysis of tumor target cells expressing the corresponding ras codon 12 mutation. Analysis of the Valpha- and Vbeta-chains of the T cell receptor (TCR) expressed by these CTL revealed usage of the Valpha1 and Vbeta9 subunits, consistent with the TCR phenotype of anti-ras Val12 CTL lines produced by in vivo immunization with the nominal peptide epitope alone. Moreover, immunization with the nested epitope peptide, as compared to immunization with either the 9-mer CTL peptide alone or an admixture of the 9-mer CTL peptide with an overlapping 13-mer CD4(+) T cell helper peptide ?i.e., 5-17(Val12)? lacking the class I N-terminus anchor site, enhanced the production of the CD8(+) T cell response. Finally, immunization with plasmid DNA encoding the ras 4-16(Val12) sequence led to the induction of both Ag-specific proliferative and cytotoxic responses. Overall, these results suggested that a single peptide immunogen containing nested mutant ras-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell epitopes: (1) can be processed in vivo to induce both subset-specific T lymphocyte responses; and (2) leads to the generation of a quantitatively enhanced CD8(+) CTL response, likely due to the intimate coexistence of CD4(+) help, which may have implications in peptide- or DNA-based immunotherapies.  相似文献   

The Ag-specific cellular recall response to herpes virus infections is characterized by a swift recruitment of virus-specific memory T cells. Rapid activation is achieved through formation of the immunological synapse and supramolecular clustering of signal molecules at the site of contact. During the formation of the immunological synapse, epitope-loaded MHC molecules are transferred via trogocytosis from APCs to T cells, enabling the latter to function as Ag-presenting T cells (T-APCs). The contribution of viral epitope expressing T-APCs in the regulation of the herpes virus-specific CD8+ T cell memory response remains unclear. Comparison of CD4+ T-APCs with professional APCs such as Ag-presenting CD40L-activated B cells (CD40B-APCs) demonstrated reduced levels of costimulatory ligands. Despite the observed differences, CD4+ T-APCs are as potent as CD40B-APCs in stimulating herpes virus-specific CD8+ T cells resulting in a greater than 35-fold expansion of CD8+ T cells specific for dominant and subdominant viral epitopes. Virus-specific CD8+ T cells generated by CD4+ T-APCs or CD40B-APCs showed both comparable effector function such as specific lysis of targets and cytokine production and also did not differ in their phenotype after expansion. These results indicate that viral epitope presentation by Ag-specific CD4+ T cells may contribute to the rapid recruitment of virus-specific memory CD8+ T cells during a viral recall response.  相似文献   

HIV DNA vaccines are potent inducers of cell-mediated immune (CMI) response in mice but elicit poor HIV-specific IFN-gamma-producing T cells in monkeys and humans. In this study, we performed kinetic analyses on splenocytes of BALB/c mice that were immunized by a single injection with a unique DNA vaccine. Using IFN-gamma-ELISPOT and multiparametric FACS analysis, we characterized the induced CMI response. We found that the response was detectable for at least 63 wk. ELISPOT detection of IFN-gamma-producing T cells showed a profile with two waves separated by a long period of minimal response. Multiparametric FACS analysis showed two populations of CD3(+)CD8(+) T cells that were specific for all HIV Ags. These cells had similar robust proliferation abilities and contained granzyme B. However, only a few produced IFN-gamma. Both IFN-gamma-producing and non-IFN-gamma-producing HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells were detected in the early stage (week (W)1 and W2 postimmunization (PI)), in the prolonged intermediate period of minimal response (W4-W26 PI), and in the final late phase of increased response (W30-W63 PI). Our longitudinal characterization showed that both subsets of cells underwent expansion, contraction, and memory generation/maintenance phases throughout the lifespan of the animal. Altogether, these findings bring insight to the heterogeneity of the immune T cell response induced by a single immunization with this DNA and strengthen the concept that used of the IFN-gamma-ELISPOT assay alone may be insufficient to detect critical T cell responses to candidate HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

Cellular immune responses play an important role in the control of HIV replication. Although clear evidence exists on its influence during acute HIV infection, its role during the chronic phase of the disease remains controversial. This review describes the cellular immune responses elicited against HIV mediated by CD8(+) T lymphocytes, and the mechanisms by which these cells are inefficient to completely control HIV replication and halt disease progression. The role of escape mutations as one of the most relevant mechanisms HIV has developed to evade host cellular immune responses is highlighted.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that CD4(+) T cells are required to optimally expand viral-specific memory CD8(+) CTL responses using a human dendritic cell-T cell-based coculture system. OX40 (CD134), a 50-kDa transmembrane protein of the TNFR family, is expressed primarily on activated CD4(+) T cells. In murine models, the OX40/OX40L pathway has been shown to play a critical costimulatory role in dendritic cell/T cell interactions that may be important in promoting long-lived CD4(+) T cells, which subsequently can help CD8(+) T cell responses. The current study examined whether OX40 ligation on ex vivo CD4(+) T cells can enhance their ability to "help" virus-specific CTL responses in HIV-1-infected and -uninfected individuals. OX40 ligation of CD4(+) T cells by human OX40L-IgG1 enhanced the ex vivo expansion of HIV-1-specific and EBV-specific CTL from HIV-1-infected and -uninfected individuals, respectively. The mechanism whereby OX40 ligation enhanced help of CTL was independent of the induction of cytokines such as IL-2 or any inhibitory effect on CD4(+) T regulatory cells, but was associated with a direct effect on proliferation of CD4(+) T cells. Thus, OX40 ligation on CD4(+) T cells represents a potentially novel immunotherapeutic strategy that should be investigated to treat and prevent persistent virus infections, such as HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin alpha-deficient (LTalpha-/-) mice, which lack lymph nodes and possess a disorganized spleen, develop dysfunctional CD8+ T cells upon HSV infection and readily succumb to herpes encephalitis. Such mice do develop apparently normal peptide-specific CD8+ T cell responses, as measured by MHC class I tetramer staining, but the majority of cells fail to become cytotoxic or express peptide-induced IFN-gamma production. In the present study, we demonstrate that functional defects of CD8+ T cells in LTalpha-/- mice can be largely rectified by the administration of plasmid DNA encoding CCR7 ligands before HSV infection. Treated mutant mice developed increased peptide-specific cytotoxic responses, enhanced numbers of CD8+ T cells capable of producing IFN-gamma, as well as improved resistance to HSV challenge. The corrective effect of chemokine treatment appeared to result from improved dendritic cell-mediated Ag presentation. Thus, a major consequence of the treatment was an increase in splenic dendritic cell number in CCR7 ligand-treated LTalpha-/- mice with such splenocyte populations showing improved APC activity in vitro. Our results document that functional defects of CD8+ T cells can be corrected, and indicate the value of plasmid vector encoding appropriate chemokines to achieve such immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that CD4(+) T cell help is required for the generation of memory CD8(+) T cells that can proliferate and differentiate into effector cells on Ag restimulation. The importance of help for primary CD8(+) T cell responses remains controversial. It has been suggested that help is not required for the initial proliferation and differentiation of CD8(+) T cells in vivo and that classical models of helper-dependent responses describe impaired secondary responses to Ag in vitro. We have measured primary CD8(+) T cell responses to peptide-pulsed dendritic cells in mice by cytokine ELISPOT and tetramer staining. No responses were detected in the absence of help, either when normal dendritic cells were injected into MHC II-deficient mice or when MHC II-deficient dendritic cells were injected into normal mice. Thus, the primary in vivo CD8(+) T cell response depends absolutely on help from CD4(+) T cells in our experimental system.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential for an allogeneic-based vaccine against HIV infection in women who were allo-immunized with their partners' mononuclear leucocytes to prevent spontaneous recurrent abortion. Within 1 month of allo-immunization, there was significant upregulation in the concentrations of CD8 cell-derived suppressor factor activity, RANTES, and macrophage inflammatory proteins 1alpha and 1beta. Allo-immunization also downregulated the proportion of cells with CCR5 and CXCR4 receptors. We also found a dose-dependent decrease in HIV infectivity of CD4+ cells in vitro after allo-immunization with both primary and T-cell line adapted HIV-1. This study provides a rational basis for an alternative or complementary strategy of allo-immunization against HIV infection.  相似文献   

Recent studies have defined vaccinia virus (VACV)-specific CD8(+) T cell epitopes in mice and humans. However, little is known about the epitope specificities of CD4(+) T cell responses. In this study, we identified 14 I-A(b)-restricted VACV-specific CD4(+) T cell epitopes by screening a large set of 2146 different 15-mer peptides in C57BL/6 mice. These epitopes account for approximately 20% of the total anti-VACV CD4(+) T cell response and are derived from 13 different viral proteins. Surprisingly, none of the CD4(+) T cell epitopes identified was derived from VACV virulence factors. Although early Ags were recognized, late Ags predominated as CD4(+) T cell targets. These results are in contrast to what was previously found in CD8(+) T cells responses, where early Ags, including virulence factors, were prominently recognized. Taken together, these results highlight fundamental differences in immunodominance of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses to a complex pathogen.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes of the CD8+ class are critical in delivering cytotoxic function and in controlling viral and intracellular infections. These cells are "helped" by T lymphocytes of the CD4+ class, which facilitate their activation, clonal expansion, full differentiation and the persistence of memory. In this study we investigated the impact of CD4+ T cells on the location of CD8+ T cells, using antibody-mediated CD4+ T cell depletion and imaging the antigen-driven redistribution of bioluminescent CD8+ T cells in living mice. We documented that CD4+ T cells influence the biodistribution of CD8+ T cells, favoring their localization to abdominal lymph nodes. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that this was associated with an increase in the expression of specific integrins. The presence of CD4+ T cells at the time of initial CD8+ T cell activation also influences their biodistribution in the memory phase. Based on these results, we propose the model that one of the functions of CD4+ T cell "help" is to program the homing potential of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

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